< Mudre Izreke 21 >

1 Kraljevo je srce u ruci Jahve kao voda tekućica; vodi ga kuda god hoće.
The heart of a king [is] streams of waters in the hand of YHWH, He inclines it wherever He pleases.
2 Svaki je put čovjeku pravedan u vlastitim očima, a Jahve ispituje srca.
Every way of a man [is] right in his own eyes, And YHWH is pondering hearts.
3 Da se vrši pravda i čini pravo, draže je Jahvi nego žrtva.
To do righteousness and judgment, Is chosen of YHWH rather than sacrifice.
4 Ponosite oči i oholo srce i svjetiljka opakih - to je grijeh.
Loftiness of eyes, and breadth of heart, Tillage of the wicked [is] sin.
5 Namisli marljivoga samo su na korist, a nagloga samo na siromaštvo.
The purposes of the diligent [are] only to advantage, And of every hasty one, only to want.
6 Blago stečeno jezikom lažljivim nestalna je ispraznost onih koji traže smrt.
The making of treasures by a lying tongue, [Is] a vanity driven away of those seeking death.
7 Opake će odnijeti nasilje njihovo jer ne žele činiti pravice.
The spoil of the wicked catches them, Because they have refused to do judgment.
8 Zapleten je put zločinca, a pravo je djelo čista čovjeka.
The way of a man who is vile [is] contrary, And the pure—his work [is] upright.
9 Bolje je živjeti pod rubom krova nego u zajedničkoj kući sa ženom svadljivom.
Better to sit on a corner of the roof, Than [with] a woman of contentions and a house of company.
10 Duša opakoga želi zlo: u njega nema samilosti ni za bližnjega.
The soul of the wicked has desired evil, his neighbor is not gracious in his eyes.
11 Kad se podsmjevač kazni, neiskusan postaje mudar, a mudri iz pouke crpe znanje.
When the scorner is punished, the simple becomes wise, And in giving understanding to the wise He receives knowledge.
12 Na kuću opakoga pazi Svepravedni i opake strovaljuje u nesreću.
The Righteous One is acting wisely Toward the house of the wicked, He is overthrowing the wicked for wickedness.
13 Tko zatvori uho svoje pred vikom siromaha, i sam će vikati, ali ga neće nitko uslišati.
Whoever is shutting his ear from the cry of the poor, He also cries, and is not answered.
14 Potajan dar utišava srdžbu, a poklon ispod ruke i žestoku jarost.
A gift in secret pacifies anger, And a bribe in the bosom—strong fury.
15 Sud pravičan radost je pravedniku a užas zločincima.
To do justice [is] joy to the righteous, But ruin to workers of iniquity.
16 Čovjek koji skreće s puta razbora počivat će u zboru mrtvačkom.
A man who is wandering from the way of understanding, Rests in an assembly of Rephaim.
17 Tko ljubi veselje, postaje siromah, i tko ljubi vino i mirisno ulje, ne obogati se.
Whoever [is] loving mirth [is] a poor man, Whoever is loving wine and oil makes no wealth.
18 Opak čovjek otkup je za pravednika, i bezbožnik stupa na mjesto pravednog.
The wicked [is] an atonement for the righteous, And the treacherous dealer for the upright.
19 Bolje je živjeti u pustinji nego sa ženom svadljivom i gnjevljivom.
Better to dwell in a wilderness land, Than [with] a woman of contentions and anger.
20 Krasno je blago i ulje u stanu mudroga, a bezuman ih čovjek rasipa.
A treasure to be desired, and oil, [Is] in the habitation of the wise, And a foolish man swallows it up.
21 Tko teži za pravdom i dobrohotnošću, nalazi život i čast.
Whoever is pursuing righteousness and kindness, Finds life, righteousness, and honor.
22 Mudrac nadvladava i grad pun ratnika i krši silu u koju su se uzdali.
The wise has gone up a city of the mighty, And brings down the strength of its confidence.
23 Tko čuva usta i jezik svoj, čuva sebe od nevolje.
Whoever is keeping his mouth and his tongue, Is keeping his soul from adversities.
24 Drzovitom i oholici ime je “podsmjevač”; on sve radi s prekomjernom drskošću.
Proud, haughty, scorner—his name, Who is working in the wrath of pride.
25 Lijenčinu ubija želja njegova jer mu ruke bježe od posla.
The desire of the slothful slays him, For his hands have refused to work.
26 Opak po cio dan živo želi, a pravednik daje i ne škrtari.
All the day desiring he has desired, And the righteous gives and does not withhold.
27 Mrska je žrtva opakih, osobito kad se požudno prinosi.
The sacrifice of the wicked [is] abomination, Much more when he brings it in wickedness.
28 Lažljiv svjedok propada, a čovjek koji sluša, opet će govoriti.
A false witness perishes, And an attentive man speaks forever.
29 Opaki pokazuju drsko lice, a poštenjak učvršćuje put svoj.
A wicked man has hardened by his face, And the upright—he prepares his way.
30 Nema mudrosti i nema razuma i nema savjeta protiv Jahve.
There is no wisdom, nor understanding, Nor counsel against YHWH.
31 Konj se oprema za dan boja, ali Jahve daje pobjedu.
A horse is prepared for a day of battle, And the deliverance [is] of YHWH!

< Mudre Izreke 21 >