< Job 4 >

1 Tad prozbori Elifaz Temanac i reče:
And Eliphaz the Temanite answers and says:
2 “Možeš li podnijeti da ti progovorim? Ali tko se može uzdržat' od riječi!
“Has one tried a word with you? You are weary! And who is able to keep in words?
3 Eto, mnoge ljude ti si poučio, okrijepio si iznemogle mišice;
Behold, you have instructed many, And feeble hands you make strong.
4 riječju svojom klonule si pridizao, ojačavao si koljena klecava.
Your words raise up the stumbling one, And you strengthen bowing knees.
5 A kad tebe stiže, klonuo si duhom, na tebe kad pade, čitav si se smeo!
But now, it comes to you, And you are weary; It strikes to you, and you are troubled.
6 Zar pobožnost tvoja nadu ti ne daje, neporočnost tvoja životu ufanje?
Is your reverence not your confidence? Your hope—the perfection of your ways?
7 TÓa sjeti se: nevin - propade li kada? Kada su zatrti bili pravednici?
Now remember, Who, being innocent, has perished? And where have the upright been cut off?
8 Iz iskustva zborim: nesrećom tko ore i nevolju sije, nju će i požeti.
As I have seen—plowers of iniquity, And sowers of misery, reap it!
9 Od daha Božjega oni pogibaju, na gnjevni mu disaj nestaju sa zemlje.
From the breath of God they perish, And from the spirit of His anger [are] consumed.
10 Rika lavlja, urlik leopardov krše se k'o zubi u lavića.
The roaring of a lion, And the voice of a fierce lion, And teeth of young lions have been broken.
11 Lav ugiba jer mu nesta plijena, rasuli se mladi lavičini.
An old lion is perishing without prey, And the whelps of the lioness separate.
12 Tajna riječ se meni objavila, šapat njen je uho moje čulo.
And a thing is secretly brought to me, And my ear receives a little of it.
13 Noću, kada snovi duh obuzmu i san dubok kad na ljude pada,
In thoughts from visions of the night, In the falling of deep sleep on men,
14 strah i trepet mene su svladali, kosti moje žestoko se stresle.
Fear has met me, and trembling, And the multitude of my bones caused to fear.
15 Dah mi neki preko lica prođe, digoše se dlake na mom tijelu.
And a spirit passes before my face, The hair of my flesh stands up;
16 Stajao je netko - lica mu ne poznah - ali likom bješe pred očima mojim. Posvuda tišina; uto začuh šapat:
It stands, and I do not discern its aspect, A likeness [is] before my eyes, Silence! And I hear a voice:
17 'Zar je smrtnik koji pred Bogom pravedan? Zar je čovjek čist pred svojim Stvoriteljem?
Is mortal man more righteous than God? Is a man cleaner than his Maker?
18 Ni slugama svojim više ne vjeruje, i anđele svoje za grijeh okrivljuje -
Behold, He puts no credence in His servants, Nor sets praise in His messengers.
19 kako ne bi onda goste stanova glinenih kojima je temelj u prahu zemaljskom. Gle, kao moljce njih sveudilj satiru:
Also—the inhabitants of houses of clay (Whose foundation [is] in the dust, They bruise them before a moth).
20 od jutra do mraka u prah pretvore, nestaju zasvagda - nitko i ne vidi.
From morning to evening are beaten down, Without any regarding, they perish forever.
21 Iščupan je kolčić njihova šatora, pogibaju skoro, mudrost ne spoznavši.'
Has their excellence not been removed with them? They die, and not in wisdom!”

< Job 4 >