< Job 19 >

1 Job progovori i reče:
And Job answers and says:
2 “TÓa dokle ćete mučit' dušu moju, dokle ćete me riječima satirat'?
“Until when do you afflict my soul, And bruise me with words?
3 Već deseti put pogrdiste mene i stid vas nije što me zlostavljate.
These ten times you put me to shame, you do not blush. You make yourselves strange to me—
4 Pa ako sam zastranio doista, na meni moja zabluda ostaje.
And also—truly, I have erred, My error remains with me.
5 Mislite li da ste me nadjačali i krivnju moju da ste dokazali?
If, truly, you magnify yourselves over me, And decide my reproach against me;
6 Znajte: Bog je to mene pritisnuo i svojom me je on stegnuo mrežom.
Know now, that God turned me upside down, And has set around His net against me,
7 Vičem: 'Nasilje!' - nema odgovora; vapijem - ali za me pravde nema.
Behold, I cry out—violence, and am not answered, I cry aloud, and there is no judgment.
8 Sa svih strana put mi je zagradio, sve staze moje u tminu zavio.
He hedged up my way, and I do not pass over, And He places darkness on my paths.
9 Slavu je moju sa mene skinuo, sa moje glave strgnuo je krunu.
He has stripped my honor from off me, And He turns the crown from my head.
10 Podsijeca me odasvud te nestajem; k'o drvo, nadu mi je iščupao.
He breaks me down all around, and I go, And removes my hope like a tree.
11 Raspalio se gnjev njegov na mene i svojim me drži neprijateljem.
And He kindles His anger against me, And reckons me to Him as His adversaries.
12 U bojnom redu pristižu mu čete, putove proti meni nasipaju, odasvud moj opkoljavaju šator.
His troops come in together, And they raise up their way against me, And encamp around my tent.
13 Od mene su se udaljila braća, otuđili se moji poznanici.
He has put my brothers far off from me, And my acquaintances have surely been estranged from me.
14 Nestade bližnjih mojih i znanaca, gosti doma mog zaboraviše me.
My neighbors have ceased And my familiar friends have forgotten me,
15 Sluškinjama sam svojim kao stranac, neznanac sam u njihovim očima.
Sojourners of my house and my maids, Reckon me for a stranger; I have been an alien in their eyes.
16 Slugu zovnem, a on ne odgovara i za milost ga moram zaklinjati.
I have called to my servant, And he does not answer, With my mouth I make supplication to him.
17 Mojoj je ženi dah moj omrznuo, gadim se djeci vlastite utrobe.
My spirit is strange to my wife, And my favors to the sons of my [mother’s] womb.
18 I deranima na prezir tek služim, ako se dignem, rugaju se meni.
Also sucklings have despised me, I rise, and they speak against me.
19 Pouzdanicima sam svojim mrzak, protiv mene su oni koje ljubljah.
All the men of my counsel detest me, And those I have loved, Have been turned against me.
20 Kosti mi se za kožu prilijepiše, osta mi jedva koža oko zuba.
To my skin and to my flesh My bone has cleaved, And I deliver myself with the skin of my teeth.
21 Smilujte mi se, prijatelji moji, jer Božja me je ruka udarila.
Pity me, pity me, you my friends, For the hand of God has struck against me.
22 Zašto da me k'o Bog sam progonite, zar se niste moga nasitili mesa?
Why do you pursue me as God? And are not satisfied with my flesh?
23 O, kad bi se riječi moje zapisale i kad bi se u mjed tvrdu urezale;
Who grants now, that my words may be written? Who grants that they may be inscribed in a scroll?
24 kad bi se željeznim dlijetom i olovom u spomen vječan u stijenu uklesale!
With a pen of iron and lead—They may be hewn in a rock forever.
25 Ja znadem dobro: moj Izbavitelj živi i posljednji će on nad zemljom ustati.
That—I have known my Redeemer, The Living and the Last, For He raises the dust.
26 A kad se probudim, k sebi će me dići: iz svoje ću puti tad vidjeti Boga.
And after my skin has surrounded this [body], Then from my flesh I see God—
27 Njega ja ću kao svojega gledati, i očima mojim neće biti stranac: za njime srce mi čezne u grudima.
Whom I see on my side, And my eyes have beheld, and not a stranger, My reins have been consumed in my bosom.
28 Kad kažete: 'Kako ćemo ga goniti? Koji ćemo razlog protiv njega naći?',
But you say, Why do we pursue after him? And the root of the matter has been found in me.
29 mača tad se bojte: grijehu mač je kazna. Saznat ćete tada da imade suda!”
Be afraid because of the sword, For the punishments of the sword [are] furious, That you may know that [there is] a judgment.”

< Job 19 >