< Marku 12 >

1 Te phoeiah amih taengah nuettahnah neh thui ham a tong tih, “Hlang pakhat loh misur a tue tih vongtung a tung, rhom a too, imsang a sak. Te phoeiah lotawn rhoek te a phaam sak tih vik yiin.
And He began to them in parables (to speak: *N(k)O*) A vineyard a man planted and he placed around [it] a fence and dug a wine vat and built a tower and rented out it to farmers and traveled abroad
2 A tue vaengah lotawn taengkah misur thaih coi ham sal pakhat te lotawn rhoek taengla a tueih.
And he sent to the farmers at the due time a servant that from the farmers he may receive from (the fruits *N(k)O*) of the vineyard.
3 Tedae anih te a tuuk uh phoeiah a boh uh tih a tlongtlai la a tueih uh.
(*k*) (But *N(k)O*) having taken him they beat [him] and they sent [him] away empty-handed.
4 Te phoeiah sal a tloe te amih taengla koep a tueih hatah anih te khaw a vuek uh tih yah a bai uh.
And again he sent to them another servant; and him and him (stoning *K*) they struck on the head and (sent *K*) (dishonored. *N(k)O*)
5 Te phoeiah a tloe te a tueih dae te khaw a ngawn uh tih a tloe rhoek muep a tueih te, a ngen a boh uh tih a ngawn uh.
And (again *k*) another He sent; and him and him they killed, also many others, (some *N(k)O*) indeed beating, (some *N(k)O*) however killing.
6 Capa thintlo pakhat a khueh pueng tih, “Ka capa te a yahnah uh ni,” a ti dongah a capa te amih taengla a hnukkhueng ah a tueih.
Yet (therefore *K*) one (did have *N(k)O*) son beloved (of him; *k*) he sent (and *k*) him last to them saying that They will have respect for the son of mine.
7 Tedae lotawn rhoek loh amamih te, “Anih tah rhopangkung ni. Halo anih he ngawn uh sih. Te daengah ni mamih kah rho la a om eh?,” a ti uh.
Those however farmers to themselves they said that This is the heir; come let us kill him, and ours will be the inheritance.
8 Anih te a tuuk uh tih a ngawn uh phoeiah misurdum lamkah loh vawl a voeih uh.
And having taken they killed him and cast forth him outside the vineyard.
9 Te koinih misurdum kungmah loh balae a saii eh? A paan vetih lotawn rhoek te a poci sak phoeiah misurdum te a tloe rhoek taengah a paek ni.
What therefore will do the master of the vineyard? he will come and he will destroy the farmers and will give the vineyard to others.
10 Cacim he na tae uh pawt nim? Im sa rhoek loh a hnawt lungto te imkil kah a lu la poeh.
Not even Scripture this have you read: [The] stone which rejected those building, this has become the chief of [the] corner;
11 Hekah he Boeipa lamkah ha thoeng tih mamih mik ah aka khuet la om?” a ti nah.
from [the] Lord was this, and it is marvelous in [the] eyes of us.’?
12 Nuettahnah a thui te amih ni tila a ming uh dongah amah tuuk ham a mae uh. Tedae hlangping te a rhih uh dongah anih te a toeng uh tih cet uh.
And they were seeking Him to lay hold of and they feared the crowd; they knew for that against them the parable He had spoken. And having left Him they went away.
13 Te phoeiah olka neh tuengkhuep ham Jesuh taengla Pharisee rhoek neh Herod hlang rhoek kah hlangvang rhoek te a tueih uh.
And they send to Him some of the Pharisees and of the Herodians that Him they may catch in discourse.
14 A pha uh vaengah Jesuh te, “Boeipa, a thuem la na om tih hlang maelhmai te na sawt pawt dongah u taengah khaw na birhih pawh. Pathen kah oltak longpuei te ni na thuituen tila ka ming uh. Te dongah Kaisar taengah mangmu paek ham a ngaih a?, a ngaih moenih a? Pae sih a? Pae boel sih a?” a ti uh.
(*k*) (And *N(k)O*) having come they say to Him; Teacher, we know that true You are and not there is care to You about no [one]; not for You look on [the] appearance of men but on the basis of [the] truth the way of God teach. Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?
15 Tedae amih kah thailatnah te a hmuh tih amih te, “Balae kai nan noemcai uh? Kai taengla denari hang khuen lamtah ka so lah eh,” a ti nah.
shall we pay or not shall we pay? And knowing of them the hypocrisy He said to them; Why Me do you test? do bring Me a denarius that I may see [it].
16 Te dongah a khuen uh hatah amih taengah, “A muei neh a ming he u kah nim he?” a ti nah vaengah, “Kaisar kah,” a ti uh.
And they brought [it]. And He says to them; Of whom [is] likeness this and the inscription? And they said to Him; Caesar’s.
17 Jesuh long khaw amih te, “Kaisar kah te Kaisar taengah, Pathen kah te Pathen taengah thuung uh,” a ti nah tih a taengah a ngaihmang uh.
(and answering *k*) (And *no*) Jesus said to them; the [things] of Caesar do give back to Caesar and the [things] of God to God. And (they were amazed *N(k)(o)*) at Him.
18 Te phoeiah Sadducee rhoek loh a taengla a paan uh. Te rhoek loh, “Thohkoepnah om mahpawh,” a ti uh.
And come Sadducees to Him who say a resurrection not being and (they were questioning *N(k)O*) Him saying;
19 Te vaengah anih te a dawt uh tih, “Saya, Moses loh kaimih ham, “Khat khat kah a manuca tah duek tih a yuu te camoe khueh kolla a caehtak atah, a manuca patoeng loh a yuu te pang saeh lamtah a manuca kah a tiingan te thoh saeh tila a daek.
Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if of anyone a brother shall die and he may leave behind a wife and not may leave (child *N(K)O*) that shall take the brother of him the wife (of him *k*) and may raise up seed for the brother of him.
20 Boeinaphung parhih om uh tih lamhma te yuu a loh dae duek tih a tiingan khueh pawh.
Seven brothers there were; and the first took a wife and dying not he left seed.
21 A pabae long khaw anih a pang dae duek tih a tiingan caehtak bal pawh. A pathum long khaw amah boeiloeih la om.
And the second took her and died (and *k*) (not *N(k)O*) (he himself *k*) (having left *N(k)O*) seed and the third likewise;
22 A parhih long khaw a tiingan khueh pawh. A hnukkhueng ah huta te khaw duek.
And (took her *k*) the seven (and *k*) not left offspring. (Last *N(k)O*) of all also the woman died.
23 Anih te parhih loh a yuu la a khueh uh dongah thohkoepnah khuiah a thoh uh vaengah amih khuiah u yuu lamlae a om eh?” a ti uh.
In the (therefore *K*) resurrection when they may rise of which of them will she be wife? For the seven had her as wife.
24 Jesuh loh amih taengah, “Cacim neh Pathen kah saithainah aka ming pawt loh n'rhaithi uh dongah moenih a he?
(and *k*) (Was saying *N(k)O*) to them Jesus (said: *k*) Surely because of this do you err not knowing the Scriptures nor [knowing] the power of God?
25 Duek lamkah a thoh uh vaengah yuloh vasak om mahpawh, rhaihlan khaw om mahpawh, vaan puencawn rhoek bangla om uh coeng.
When for out from [the] dead they may rise, neither do they marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels (*ko*) in the heavens.
26 Tedae aka duek rhoek a thoh uh te Moses cabu khuiah na tae uh pawt nim? Pathen loh tangpuem khuiah anih a voek vaengah, 'Kai tah Abraham kah Pathen, Isaak kah Pathen neh Jakob kah Pathen ni,’ a ti nah.
Concerning now the dead that they rise, surely you have read in the book of Moses on (the *N(k)O*) bush (how *N(k)O*) spoke to him God saying; I myself [am] the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob’?
27 Pathen tah aka duek rhoek kah pawt tih aka hing rhoek kah ni. Bahoeng n'rhaithi uh coeng la he,” a ti nah.
Not He is (the *k*) God of [the] dead but (God *k*) of [the] living; (you yourselves therefore *KO*) Greatly you err.
28 Te vaengah amih a oelh uh thae te cadaek pakhat loh a yaak dongah a paan. Tedae amih a voek te thuem tila a hmuh. Te dongah Jesuh te, “Olpaek boeih khuiah melae tanglue la aka om,” tila a dawt.
And having come up one of the scribes, having heard when they are reasoning together, (seeing *N(k)O*) that well He answered them he questioned Him; Which is commandment [the] first (of all *N(k)O*)
29 Jesuh loh, “Aw Israel hnatun lah, mamih kah Boeipa, Boeipa Pathen pakhat ni a om.
(now *k*) Answered Jesus (to him *ko*) The first (is *no*) (of all *K(o)*) (commandments: *K*) do listen O Israel: [The] Lord the God of us [the] Lord One is;
30 Te dongah na Boeipa Pathen te na thinko boeih, na hinglu boeih, na kopoek boeih, na thadueng boeih neh lungnah ' a ti te lamhma la om.
and you will love [the] Lord the God of you with all the heart of you and with all the soul of you and with all the mind of you and with all the strength of you.’ (this first commandment. *KO*)
31 A pabae ah na imben te namah bangla lungnah. He rhoi lakah aka tanglue olpaek a tloe om pawh,” a ti nah.
(and *ko*) [The] second (like *KO*) this: You will love the neighbour of you as yourself.’ Greater than these another commandment not there is.
32 Te dongah cadaek loh Jesuh te, “Thuem, saya, pakhat bueng om tih amah phoeiah a tloe om pawh tila oltak te na thui coeng.
And said to Him the scribe; Right, Teacher, according to truth You have spoken that One He is (God *K*) and not there is another besides Him.
33 Pathen te thinko boeih neh, yakmingnah boeih neh, thadueng boeih neh, lungnah tih imben te amah bangla lungnah ham te hmaihlutnah neh hmueih boeih lakah olpuei la om,” a ti nah.
and to love Him with all the heart and with all the understanding (and from all soul *KO*) and with all the strength and to love the neighbour as oneself (more excessive *N(K)O*) is than all the burnt offerings and (*k*) sacrifices.
34 Anih loh cat a doo te Jesuh loh a hmuh vaengah anih te, “Pathen kah ram lamloh lakhla la na om ngawn pawh,” a ti nah. Te phoeiah tah Jesuh te dawt ham ngaingaih uh voel pawh.
And Jesus having seen him that wisely he answered He said to him; Not far are you from the kingdom of God. And no [one] no longer no longer was daring Him to question.
35 Jesuh loh bawkim ah a thuituen tih a doo vaengah, “Cadaek rhoek loh metlam, 'Khrih tah David capa ni,’ tila a thui?
And answering Jesus was saying teaching in the temple; How say the scribes that the Christ [the] son of David is?
36 David amah loh Mueihla Cim rhangneh, 'Boeipa loh ka Boeipa te 'Na rhal rhoek te na kho hmuiah ka khueh hlan atah kai kah bantang ah ngol dae ' a ti nah,’ a ti.
Himself (for *ko*) David said by the Spirit Holy: (Said *NK(o)*) (the *ko*) Lord to the Lord of me; (do sit *NK(o)*) at [the] right hand of Me until when I may place of the enemies of You (under *N(k)O*) of the feet of You.’
37 Anih te David amah long pataeng Boeipa la a khue atah metlamlae a capa la a om eh?,” a ti nah. Te vaengah hlangping te yet loh liplip a hnatun.
Himself (therefore *K*) David names Him Lord, then how of him is He son? And the great crowd was listening to Him gladly.
38 Te phoeiah amah kah thuituennah khuiah, “Hnikul neh pongpa tih hnoyoih hmuen ah toidalnah ham,
And (to them *k*) in the teaching of Him He was saying; do beware of the scribes who are desiring in robes to walk about and greetings in the marketplaces
39 tunim ah ngolhmuen then neh buhkung ah hmuensang aka ngaih cadaek rhoek te dawn uh.
and first seats in the synagogues and first places at the feasts,
40 Te rhoek loh nuhmai rhoek kah im a yoop uh tih mueituengnah ham khing thangthuiuh. Amih tah laitloeknah a yook uh khungdaeng bitni,” a ti nah.
those devouring the houses of the widows and as a pretext at great length praying, These will receive more excessive judgment.
41 Te phoeiah tangkabu hmaiah ngol tih hlangping loh tangkabu khuiah rhohum a sang vaengah a kumngai kuirhang rhoek loh muep a sang uh te a hmuh.
And having sat down (Jesus *k*) (opposite *NK(o)*) the treasury He was watching how the crowd cast money into the treasury. and many rich were casting [in] much;
42 Te vaengah nuhmai khodeng pakhat ha pawk tih mucih panit a sang. Te tah pekhat lo ni.
And having come one widow poor she cast [in] lepta two which is a kodrantes.
43 Te dongah a hnukbang rhoek te a khue tih, “Nangmih taengah rhep ka thui, tangkabu khuila aka sang rhoek boeih lakah hekah nuhmai khodaeng loh a sang ngai.
And having called to [Him] the disciples of Him (He says *N(k)O*) to them; Amen I say to you that widow this poor more than all (has cast [in] *N(k)O*) of those (casting *N(k)O*) into the treasury;
44 Hlang boeih loh amamih taengkah a coih te a sang uh dae anih tah a vawtthoek khui lamkah a khuehtawn boeih a khosaknah boeih te bitbit a sang coeng,” a ti nah.
All for out of that which is abounding to them cast [in], she however out of the poverty of her all as much as she had cast [in], all the livelihood of her.

< Marku 12 >