< Levitiko 3 >

1 “‘Ngati munthu apereka nsembe ya chiyanjano kwa Yehova, ndipo choperekacho nʼkukhala ngʼombe yayimuna kapena yayikazi, ikhale yopanda chilema.
That if his offryng is a sacrifice of pesible thingis, and he wole offre of oxun, he schal offre bifore the Lord a male, ether a female, without wem.
2 Munthuyo asanjike dzanja lake pamutu pa ngʼombeyo, ndipo ayiphere pa khomo la tenti ya msonkhano. Ndipo ansembe, ana a Aaroni, awaze magazi mbali zonse za guwalo.
And he schal sette hond on the heed of his sacrifice, that schal be offrid in the entryng of the tabernacle; and the sones of Aaron preest schulen schede the blood bi the cumpas of the auter.
3 Pa nsembe yachiyanjanopo, ayenera kupatula zamʼkati mwa nyamayo ndi mafuta onse amene amakuta zamʼkati kupereka nsembe ya chakudya kwa Yehova.
And thei schulen offre of the sacrifice of pesible thingis in to offryng to the Lord, the fatnesse that hilith the entrailis, and what euer thing of fatnesse is with ynne;
4 Apatulenso impsyo zonse ziwiri pamodzi ndi mafuta ake omwe ndiponso mafuta okuta chiwindi amene achotsedwa pamodzi ndi impsyo zija.
thei schulen offre twey kydeneris, with the fatnesse bi which the guttis clepid ylyon ben hilid, and the calle of the lyuer with the litle reynes.
5 Ndipo ana a Aaroni atenthe zimenezi pa guwa, pamwamba pa chopereka chopsereza chimene chili pa nkhuni zoyakazo. Imeneyi ndi nsembe yotentha pa moto, ya fungo lokomera Yehova.
And thei schulen brenne tho on the auter, in to brent sacrifice, whanne fier is put vndur the trees, in to offryng of swettest odour to the Lord.
6 “‘Ngati munthu apereka nsembe ya chiyanjano kwa Yehova, choperekacho chikhale nkhosa yayimuna kapena yayikazi yopanda chilema.
Sotheli if his offryng is of scheep, and a sacrifice of pesible thingis, whether he offrith a male ether a female, tho schulen be without wem.
7 Ngati apereka nsembe ya mwana wankhosa, abwere naye pamaso pa Yehova.
If he offrith a lombe bifor the Lord,
8 Asanjike dzanja lake pamutu pa nkhosayo ndipo ayiphere pa khomo la tenti ya msonkhano. Ndipo ana a Aaroni awaze magaziwo mbali zonse za guwalo.
he schal sette his hond on the heed of his sacrifice, that schal be offrid in the porche of the tabernacle of witnessyng; and the sones of Aaron schulen schede the blood therof bi `the cumpas of the auter.
9 Pa nsembe yachiyanjanopo ayenera kuchotsa ndi kubweretsa: mafuta a nkhosayo, mchira wake wonse wonona atawudulira mʼtsinde pafupi ndi fupa la msana, zamʼkati zonse ndi mafuta onse amene akuta ziwalo zamʼkatimo,
And thei schulen offre of the sacrifice of pesible thingis a sacrifice to the Lord, the innere fatnesse,
10 impsyo zonse ziwiri pamodzi ndi mafuta amene akuta impsyozo, msonga ya chiwindi imene idzachotsedwere limodzi ndi impsyozo.
and al the tail with the reynes, and the fatnesse that hilith the wombe, and alle the entrailis, and euer eithir litil reyne, with the fatnesse which is bisidis the `guttis clepid ylion, and the calle of the mawe, with the litle reynes.
11 Wansembe awotche zonsezi pa guwa. Ichi ndi chakudya chotentha pa moto choperekedwa kwa Yehova.
And the preest schal brenne tho on the auter, in to the fedyng of fier, and of the offryng to the Lord.
12 “‘Ngati munthuyo apereka mbuzi ngati nsembe, abwere nayo kwa Yehova.
If his offryng is a geet, and he offrith it to the Lord,
13 Asanjike dzanja lake pamutu pa mbuziyo ndipo ayiphere pa khomo la tenti ya msonkhano. Ndipo ana a Aaroni awaze magazi ake mbali zonse za guwa.
he schal sette his hond on the heed therof, and he schal offre it in to the entryng of the tabernacle of witnessyng; and the sones of Aaron schulen schede the blood therof bi the cumpas of the auter.
14 Tsono pa nsembe yoti iwotchedwe kukhala nsembe chakudya ya Yehova, achotse ndi kubweretsa: mafuta onse amene amaphimba zamʼkati kapena mafuta onse a mʼkatimo,
And thei schulen take therof, in to `the fedyng of the Lordis fier, the fatnesse that hilith the wombe, and that hilith alle the entrailis,
15 impsyo zonse ziwiri pamodzi ndi mafuta onse omwe akuta impsyozo ndi msonga ya chiwindi imene adzachotsera pamodzi ndi impsyo zija.
and twei litle reynes with the calle which is on tho bisidis ilion, and the fatnesse of the mawe, with the entrails that cleuen to the litle reynes.
16 Wansembe awotche zonsezi pa guwa. Ichi ndi chakudya cha Yehova, chowotcha pa moto ndiponso cha fungo lokomera Yehova. Mafuta onse ndi a Yehova.
And the preest schal brenne tho on the auter, in to the fedyng of fier, and of swettest odour; al the fatnesse schal be the Lordis,
17 “‘Limeneli likhale lamulo lamuyaya pa mibado yanu yonse kuti musadzadye mafuta kapena magazi kulikonse kumene mudzakhale.’”
by euerlastynge riyt in generaciouns, and in alle youre dwellyng placis, nether in ony maner ye schulen ete blood, nethir fatnesse.

< Levitiko 3 >