< Levitiko 4 >

1 Yehova anayankhula ndi Mose kuti,
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel,
2 “Awuze Aisraeli kuti, ‘Munthu akachimwa mosadziwa ndi kuchita chilichonse chimene Yehova walamula kuti asachite, azichita izi:
Whanne a soule hath do synne bi ignoraunce, and hath do ony thing of alle comaundementis `of the Lord, whiche he comaundide that tho schulen not be don; if a preest which is anoyntid,
3 “‘Ngati wansembe wodzozedwa achimwa, ndi kuchimwitsa anthu onse, iyeyu ayenera kupereka mwana wangʼombe wamphongo wopanda chilema chifukwa cha tchimo limene wachitalo. Imeneyi ndi nsembe ya Yehova yopepesera tchimo lake.
hath do synne, makynge the puple to trespasse, he schal offre for his synne a calf without wem to the Lord.
4 Wansembeyo abwere nayo ngʼombeyo pa khomo la tenti ya msonkhano pamaso pa Yehova. Asanjike dzanja lake pamutu pa ngʼombeyo ndipo ayiphe pamaso pa Yehova.
And he schal brynge it to the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng, bifor the Lord, and he schal sette hond on the heed therof, and he schal offre it to the Lord.
5 Kenaka wansembe wodzozedwa atengeko magazi a ngʼombeyo ndi kulowa nawo mu tenti ya msonkhano.
And he schal take vp of the blood `of the calf, and schal brynge it in to the tabernacle of witnessyng.
6 Iye aviyike chala chake mʼmagazi, ndipo awawaze kasanu ndi kawiri pamaso pa Yehova, patsogolo pa katani yotchinga malo wopatulika.
And whanne he hath dippid the fyngir in to the blood, he schal sprenge it seuen sithis bifor the Lord, ayens the veil of the seyntuarie.
7 Kenaka wansembe apake magaziwo pa nyanga za guwa lofukizira lubani limene lili pamaso pa Yehova mu tenti ya msonkhano. Magazi ena otsalawo awathire pa tsinde pa guwa lansembe zopsereza, limene lili pa khomo la tenti ya msonkhano.
And he schal putte of the same blood on the corners of the auter of encense moost acceptable to the Lord, which auter is in the tabernacle of witnessyng; sotheli he schal schede al the `tother blood in to the foundement of the auter of brent sacrifice in the entryng of the tabernacle.
8 Pambuyo pake achotse mafuta onse a ngʼombe yayimuna yopepesera machimoyo: mafuta okuta zamʼkati kapena mafuta onse amʼkatimo.
And he schal offre for synne the ynnere fatnesse of the calf, as well it that hilith the entrails, as alle thingis that ben with ynne,
9 Achotsenso ndi kubwera ndi impsyo zonse ziwiri pamodzi ndi mafuta onse ndiponso mafuta onse amene aphimba chiwindi ndi impsyo
twei litle reynes, and the calle, which is on tho bisidis ilion, and the fatnesse of the mawe,
10 monga momwe amachotsera mafuta a ngʼombe yoperekedwa kuti ikhale chopereka chachiyanjano. Tsono wansembe atenthe zimenezi pa guwa lansembe zopsereza.
with the litle reines, as it is offrid of the calf of the sacrifice of pesible thingis; and he schal brenne tho on the auter of brent sacrifice.
11 Koma chikopa cha ngʼombe yayimunayo ndi mnofu wake wonse, pamodzi ndi mutu ndi miyendo, zamʼkati ndi matumbo,
Sotheli he schal bere out of the castels the skyn, and alle the fleischis, with the heed, and feet, and entrails,
12 kapena kuti ngʼombe yonse yotsalayo apite nayo kunja kwa msasa ku malo woyeretsedwa, kumene amatayako phulusa ndi kuyitentha pa nkhuni, pa phulusapo.
and dung, and the `residue bodi in to a clene place, where aischis ben wont to be sched out; and he schal brenne tho on the heep of trees, whiche schulen be brent in the place of aischis sched out.
13 “‘Ngati gulu lonse la Aisraeli lichimwa mosadziwa, nachita chomwe ndi choletsedwa ndi Yehova, ngakhale kuti gulu lonselo silikudziwa kuti lachimwa, anthuwo ndi olakwa ndithu.
That if al the cumpeny of the sones of Israel knowith not, and doith by vnkunnyng that that is ayens the comaundement of the Lord,
14 Akazindikira tchimo limene achita, gulu lonse lipereke mwana wangʼombe wamphongo kuti akhale chopereka chopepesera tchimo ndipo abwere naye pa khomo la tenti ya msonkhano.
and aftirward vndirstondith his synne, it schal offre a calf for synne, and it schal brynge the calf to the dore of the tabernacle.
15 Akuluakulu a anthuwo asanjike manja awo pa mutu pa ngʼombe pamaso pa Yehova, ndipo ayiphe pomwepo pamaso pa Yehova.
And the eldere men of the puple schulen sette hondis on the heed therof bifor the Lord; and whanne the calf is offrid in the siyt of the Lord,
16 Tsono wansembe wodzozedwa atengeko magazi a ngʼombeyo ndi kulowa nawo mu tenti ya msonkhano.
the preest which is anoyntid schal bere ynne of his blood in to the tabernacle of witnessyng;
17 Aviyike chala chake mʼmagaziwo ndi kuwawaza pamaso pa Yehova kasanu ndi kawiri patsogolo pa nsalu yotchinga.
and whanne the fyngur `is dippid, he schal sprenge seuen sithis ayens the veil.
18 Pambuyo pake iye apake magaziwo pa nyanga za guwa limene lili pamaso pa Yehova mu tenti ya msonkhano. Magazi ena otsalawo awathire pa tsinde pa guwa lansembe zopsereza limene lili pa khomo la tenti ya msonkhano.
And he schal putte of the same blood in the hornes of the auter, which is bifor the Lord in the tabernacle of witnessyng; sotheli he schal schede the `residue blood bisidis the foundement of the auter of brent sacrifice, which is in the dore of tabernacle of witnessyng.
19 Kenaka achotse mafuta onse a ngʼombeyo ndi kuwatentha pa guwa,
And he schal take al the fatnesse therof, and schal brenne it on the auter;
20 ndipo achite ndi ngʼombe yayimunayi monga anachitira ndi ngʼombe yayimuna yopepesera machimo. Potero, wansembe adzapereka nsembe yopepesera anthu, ndipo machimo awo adzakhululukidwa.
and so he schal do also of this calf, as he dide also bifor; and whanne the prest schal preye for hem, the Lord schal be merciful.
21 Kenaka atulutse ngʼombeyo kunja kwa msasa ndi kuyitentha monga anatenthera ngʼombe yoyamba ija. Imeneyi ndiyo nsembe yopepesera machimo a gulu lonse.
Forsothe he schal bere out thilke calf, and schal brenne it, as also the formere calf, for it is for the synne of the multitude.
22 “‘Ngati mtsogoleri achimwa mosadziwa nachita zimene ndi zoletsedwa ndi Yehova Mulungu wake, ndiye kuti wapalamula.
If the prince synneth, and doith bi ignoraunce o thing of many, which is forbodun in the lawe of the Lord,
23 Ndipo ngati wauzidwa za tchimo limene wachita, iye abwere ndi mbuzi yayimuna yopanda chilema kuti ikhale chopereka chake.
and aftirward vndirstondith his synne, he schal offre to the Lord a sacrifice, a `buk of geet, `that hath no wem;
24 Asanjike dzanja lake pa mutu wa mbuziyo ndi kuyiphera pamalo pamene amaphera zopereka zopsereza pamaso pa Yehova. Ichi ndi chopereka chopepesera tchimo.
and he schal sette his hond on the heed therof. And whanne he hath offrid it in the place, where brent sacrifice is wont to be slayn, bifor the Lord, for it is for synne;
25 Pambuyo pake wansembe atengeko magazi a chopereka chopepesera tchimocho ndi chala chake, ndipo awapake pa nyanga za guwa lansembe zopsereza. Athire magazi otsalawo pa tsinde la guwalo.
the preest schal dippe the fyngur in the blood of sacrifice for synne, and he schal touche the corneris of the auter of brent sacrifice, and he schal schede the `residue blood at the foundement therof.
26 Wansembeyo atenthe mafuta onse pa guwapo monga amatenthera chopereka chachiyanjano. Pochita zimenezi, wansembe adzapereka nsembe yopepesera tchimo la munthuyo, ndipo adzakhululukidwa.
Sotheli the preest schal brenne the innere fatnesse aboue the auter, as it is wont to be doon in the sacrifice of pesible thingis, and the preest schal preye for hym, and for his synne, and it schal be foryouun to hym.
27 “‘Ngati munthu wamba achimwa mosadziwa nachita zimene ndi zoletsedwa ndi Yehova, ndiye kuti wapalamula.
That if a soule of the puple of the lond synneth bi ignoraunce, that he do ony thing of these that ben forbodun in the lawe of the Lord, and trespassith,
28 Ndipo ngati wauzidwa za tchimo limene wachita, abweretse mbuzi yayikazi yopanda chilema kuti ikhale chopereka chopepesera tchimo.
and knowith his synne, he schal offre a geet without wem;
29 Asanjike dzanja lake pamutu pa mbuziyo ndipo ayiphe pamalo pamene amaphera chopereka chopsereza.
and he schal sette hond on the heed of the sacrifice which is for synne, and he schal offre it in the place of brent sacrifice.
30 Ndipo wansembe atenge magazi ndi chala chake ndi kuwapaka pa nyanga za guwa lansembe zopsereza ndi kuthira magazi wotsalawo pa tsinde la guwalo.
And the preest schal take of the blood on his fyngur, and he schal touche the hornes of the auter of brent sacryfice, and he schal schede the residue at the foundement therof.
31 Kenaka iye achotse mafuta onse monga momwe anachotsera mafuta a chopereka chachiyanjano, ndipo awatenthe pa guwa kuti akhale fungo lokomera Yehova. Potero, wansembe adzapereka nsembe yopepesera tchimo la munthuyo ndipo adzakhululukidwa.
Sotheli he schal take a wei al the ynnere fatnesse, as it is wont to be don a wei of the sacrifices of pesible thingis, and he schal brenne it on the auter, in to odour of swetnesse to the Lord; and the preest schal preye for hym, and it schal be foryouun to hym.
32 “‘Ngati munthu apereka mwana wankhosa ngati chopereka chopepesera tchimo lake, abwere ndi mwana wankhosa wamkazi wopanda chilema.
Sotheli if he offrith of litle beestis a sacrifice for synne, that is,
33 Asanjike dzanja lake pa mutu wa mwana wankhosayo ndipo amuphe pamalo pamene amaphera chopereka chopsereza.
a scheep without wem, he schal putte the hond on the heed therof, and he schal offre it in the place where the beest of brent sacrifices ben wont to be slayn.
34 Kenaka wansembe atengeko ndi chala chake magazi a mwana wankhosa uja ndi kuwapaka pa nyanga za guwa lansembe zopsereza. Magazi otsalawo athire pa tsinde la guwalo.
And the preest schal take of the blood therof in his fyngur, and he schal touche the hornes of the autir of brent sacrifice, and he schal schede the residue at the foundement therof.
35 Iye achotse mafuta onse, monga amachotsera mafuta a mwana wankhosa wa chopereka chachiyanjano, ndipo wansembe awatenthe pa guwa pamodzi ndi zopereka zina zopsereza za Yehova. Potero, wansembe adzapereka nsembe yopepesera tchimo limene munthuyo anachita ndipo adzakhululukidwa.
And he schal do awey al the ynnere fatnesse as the innere fatnesse of the ram which is offrid for pesible thingis, is wont to be don a wei, and he schal brenne it on the auter of encense of the Lord; and the preest schal preye for hym, and for his synne, and it schal be foryouun to hym.

< Levitiko 4 >