< Ezekieli 10 >

1 Ine nditayangʼana ku thambo limene lili pamwamba pa mitu ya akerubi ndinangoona chinthu chooneka ngati mpando waufumu wa mwala wa safiro.
And Y siy, and lo! in the firmament that was on the heed of cherubyns, as a saphir stoon, and as the fourme of licnesse of a kyngis seete apperide theron.
2 Tsono Yehova anawuza munthu wovala chovala chabafuta uja kuti, “Pita pakati pa mikombero kunsi kwa akerubi. Udzaze manja ako ndi makala oyaka amene ali pakati pa akerubiwo ndipo uwawaze mu mzinda.” Iye anachita zimenezi ine ndikuona.
And he seide to the man that was clothid in lynnun clothis, and spak, Entre thou in the myddis of wheelis, that ben vndur cherubyns, and fille thin hond with coolis of fier, that ben bitwixe cherubyns, and schede thou out on the citee.
3 Apa akerubiwo anali atayima mbali ya kummwera kwa Nyumba ya Mulungu pamene munthuyo ankalowa. Tsono mtambo unadzaza bwalo lamʼkati.
And he entride in my siyt; forsothe cherubyns stoden at the riyt side of the hous, whanne the man entride, and a clowde fillide the ynnere halle.
4 Ndipo ulemerero wa Yehova unachoka pamwamba pa akerubi ndipo unafika ku chiwundo cha Nyumba ya Mulungu. Mtambo unadzaza Nyumba ya Mulungu, ndipo kuwala kwa ulemerero wa Yehova kunadzaza bwalolo.
And the glorie of the Lord was reisid fro aboue cherubyns to the threisfold of the hous; and the hous was fillid with a cloude, and the halle was fillid with schynyng of the glorie of the Lord.
5 Phokoso la mapiko a akerubi limamveka mpaka ku bwalo lakunja, monga momwe linamvekera liwu la Mulungu Wamphamvuzonse akamayankhula.
And the sown of wyngis of cherubyns was herd til to the outermere halle, as the vois of almyyti God spekynge.
6 Kenaka Yehova analamula munthu wovala chovala chabafuta uja kuti, “Pala moto pakati pa mikombero, pakati pa akerubi.” Munthu uja anapitadi nakayima pa mbali pa mkombero umodzi.
And whanne he hadde comaundid to the man that was clothid in lynnun clothis, and hadde seid, Take thou fier fro the myddis of the wheelis, that ben bitwixe cherubyns, he entride, and stood bisidis the wheel.
7 Ndipo mmodzi wa akerubi anatambalitsa dzanja lake mpaka pa moto umene unali pakati pawo. Iye anapalako motowo ndipo anapatsa munthu wovala chovala chabafuta uja. Tsono iye anawulandira natuluka.
And cherub stretchide forth his hond fro the myddis of cherubyns, to the fier that was bitwixe cherubyns; and took, and yaf in to the hondis of hym that was clothid in lynnun clothis; and he took, and yede out.
8 Ndiye kuti kunsi kwa mapiko akerubi kumaoneka zinthu zooneka ngati manja a munthu.
And the licnesse of the hond of a man apperide in cherubyns, vndur the wyngis of tho.
9 Ine nditayangʼanitsitsa ndinaona mikombero inayi pambali pa akerubi. Pambali pa kerubi aliyense panali mkombero umodzi; mikomberoyo inkanyezimira ngati miyala yokongola ya krizoliti.
And Y siy, and lo! foure wheelis weren bisidis cherubyns; o wheel bisidis o cherub, and another wheel bisidis another cherub; forsothe the licnesse of wheelis was as the siyt of the stoon crisolitis.
10 Maonekedwe a mikombero inayi ija anali ofanana. Mkombero uliwonse umaoneka ngati mkombero wolowana ndi unzake.
And the biholdyng of tho was o licnesse of foure, as if a wheel be in the myddis of a wheel.
11 Poyenda akerubiwo, amapita mbali iliyonse ya mbali zinayizo kumene akerubiwo amayangʼana. Mikomberoyo simatembenuka pamene akerubiwo ankayenda. Kulikonse kumene mutu walunjika nʼkumene ankapita popanda kutembenuka.
And whanne tho yeden, tho yeden in to foure partis; tho turneden not ayen goynge, but to the place to which that that was the firste wheel bowide to go, also othere suyden, and turneden not ayen.
12 Matupi awo onse, misana yawo, manja awo ndi mapiko awo zinali ndi maso okhaokha, monganso mʼmene inalili mikombero yawo inayi ija.
And al the bodi of tho wheelis, and the neckis, and hondis, and wyngis of the beestis, and the cerclis, weren ful of iyen, in the cumpas of foure wheelis.
13 Ine ndinamva mikombero ikutchedwa kuti, “mikombero yakamvuluvulu.”
And he clepide tho wheelis volible, ether able to go al aboute, in myn heryng.
14 Kerubi aliyense anali ndi nkhope zinayi. Nkhope yoyamba inali ya Kerubi, nkhope yachiwiri inali ya munthu, nkhope yachitatu inali ya mkango ndipo nkhope yachinayi inali ya chiwombankhanga.
Forsothe o beeste hadde foure faces; o face was the face of cherub, and the secounde face the face of a man, and in the thridde was the face of a lioun, and in the fourthe was the face of an egle;
15 Tsono akerubi aja anawuluka. Izi zinali zamoyo zija zimene ndinaziona ku mtsinje wa Kebara.
and the cherubyns weren reisid. Thilke is the beeste, which Y hadde seyn bisidis the flood Chobar.
16 Pamene akerubi ankayenda, nayonso mikombero ya mʼmbali mwawo inkayenda. Akerubiwo ankati akatambasula mapiko awo kuti auluke mikombero sinkachoka mʼmbali mwawo.
And whanne cherubyns yeden, also the wheelis bisidis tho yeden to gidere; whanne cherubyns reisiden her wyngis, that tho schulden be enhaunsid fro the erthe, the wheelis abididen not stille, but also tho weren bisidis cherubyns.
17 Akerubiwo ankati akayima, mikombero inkayimanso. Ngati akerubiwo auluka, mikomberoyo inkapita nawo chifukwa mzimu wa zamoyozo ndiwo unkayendetsa mikomberoyo.
The wheelis stooden with tho cherubyns stondynge, and weren reisid with the cherubyns reisid; for the spirit of lijf was in tho wheelis.
18 Pamenepo ulemerero wa Yehova unachoka pa chiwundo cha Nyumba ya Mulungu ndi kukakhala pamwamba pa akerubi.
And the glorie of the Lord yede out fro the threisfold of the temple, and stood on the cherubyns.
19 Ine ndikuona akerubi, anatambasula mapiko awo ndi kuwuluka. Pamene ankapita, mikombero inapita nawo pamodzi. Akerubi anakayima pa khomo la chipata cha kummawa cha Nyumba ya Yehova. Tsono ulemerero wowala wa Mulungu wa Israeli unali pamwamba pawo.
And cherubyns reisiden her wyngis, and weren enhaunsid fro the erthe bifore me; and whanne tho yeden out, also the wheelis sueden; and it stood in the entryng of the eest yate of the hous of the Lord, and the glorie of God of Israel was on tho.
20 Izi ndizo zamoyo ndinaziona pansi pa Mulungu wa Israeli ku mtsinje wa Kebara, ndipo ndinazindikira kuti anali akerubi.
Thilke is the beeste, which Y siy vndur God of Israel, bisidis the flood Chobar. And Y vndurstood that foure cherubyns weren;
21 Kerubi aliyense anali ndi nkhope zinayi ndi mapiko anayi, ndipo kunsi kwa mapiko awo kunali chinthu chimene chimaoneka ngati manja a munthu.
foure faces weren to oon, and foure wyngys weren to oon; and the licnesse of the hond of a man was vndur the wyngis of tho.
22 Nkhope zawo zinali zofanana ndi zomwe ndinaziona ku mtsinje wa Kebara. Kerubi aliyense amayenda molunjika.
And the licnesse of the cheris of tho weren thilke cheeris whiche Y hadde seyn bisidis the flood Chobar; and the biholdyng of tho, and the fersnesse of ech, was to entre bifor his face.

< Ezekieli 10 >