< Danieli 1 >

1 Chaka chachitatu cha ufumu wa Yehoyakimu mfumu ya Yuda, Nebukadinezara mfumu ya ku Babuloni inabwera ndi kuzinga mzinda wa Yerusalemu ndi kuwuthira nkhondo.
In the thridde yeer of the rewme of Joachym, king of Juda, Nabugodonosor, the kyng of Babiloyne, cam to Jerusalem, and bisegide it.
2 Ndipo Ambuye anapereka Yehoyakimu mfumu ya ku Yuda mʼdzanja lake, pamodzi ndi zina mwa zida zotumikira mʼNyumba ya Mulungu. Iye anazitenga napita nazo ku nyumba ya mulungu wake ku Babuloni ndi kuziyika mʼnyumba yosungiramo chuma cha mulungu wake.
And the Lord bitook in his hond Joachym, the kyng of Juda, and he took a part of the vessels of the hous of God; and he bar out tho in to the lond of Sennaar, in to the hous of his god, and he took the vessels in to the hous of tresour of his god.
3 Tsono mfumu inalamula Asipenazi, mkulu wa nduna zake kuti abwere nawo ena mwa Aisraeli ochokera mʼbanja laufumu ndi la olemekezeka,
And the kyng seide to Asphaneth, souereyn of his onest seruauntis and chast, that he schulde brynge yn of the sones of Israel, and of the kyngis seed, and the children of tirauntis, in whiche weren no wem,
4 achinyamata wopanda chilema, okongola, aluso mu nzeru zonse, okhala ndi chidziwitso, achangu pophunzira, odziwa kutumikira mʼnyumba ya mfumu. Ndipo anati awaphunzitsenso kuwerenga chiyankhulo cha Ababuloni.
faire in schap, and lerned in al wisdom, war in kunnyng, and tauyt in chastisyng, and that myyten stonde in the paleis of the kyng, that he schulde teche hem the lettris and langage of Caldeis.
5 Ndipo mfumu imawapatsa tsiku ndi tsiku gawo la chakudya ndi vinyo wa ku nyumba yaufumu, ndi kuti awaphunzitse kwa zaka zitatu, ndipo kenaka adzayambe kutumikira mfumu.
And the king ordeynede to hem lijflode bi ech dai of hise meetis, and of the wyn wherof he drank; that thei nurschid bi thre yeer, schulden stonde aftirward bifor the siyt of the kyng.
6 Pakati pa amenewa panali ena ochokera ku Yuda: Danieli, Hananiya, Misaeli ndi Azariya.
Therfor Danyel, Ananye, Myzael, and Azarie, of the sones of Juda, weren among hem.
7 Mkulu wa nduna za mfumu anawapatsa mayina atsopano: Danieli anamutcha Belitesezara; Hananiya anamutcha Sadirake; Misaeli anamutcha Mesaki; ndi Azariya anamutcha Abedenego.
And the souereyn of onest seruauntis and chast puttide to hem names; to Danyel he puttide Balthasar; to Ananye, Sidrach; to Mysael, Misach; and to Azarie, Abdenago.
8 Koma Danieli anatsimikiza mtima kuti asadzidetse ndi chakudya ndi vinyo wa mfumu, ndipo anapempha chilolezo kwa mkulu wa nduna za mfumu kuti asadzidetse mwa njira imeneyi.
Forsothe Danyel purposide in his herte, that he schulde not be defoulid of the boord of the kyng, nether of the wyn of his drink; and he preiede the souereyn of onest seruauntis and chast, that he schulde not be defoulid.
9 Ndipo Mulungu anafewetsa mtima wa ndunayo kuti amukomere mtima ndi kumuchitira chifundo Danieli,
Forsothe God yaf grace and merci to Daniel, in the siyt of the prince of onest seruauntis and chast.
10 koma ndunayo inamuwuza Danieli kuti, “Ine ndikuchita mantha ndi mbuye wanga mfumu, amene wapereka chakudya ndi chakumwa chanu. Kodi akuoneni inu owonda kuposa anzanu a misinkhu yanu pa chifukwa chanji? Mfumu ikhoza kundidula mutu chifukwa cha iwe.”
And the prince of onest seruauntis and chast seide to Daniel, Y drede my lord the king, that ordeinede to you mete and drynk; and if he seeth youre faces lennere than othere yonge wexynge men, youre eueneeldis, ye schulen condempne myn heed to the kyng.
11 Ndipo Danieli anati kwa kapitawo amene anali mkulu wa nduna za mfumu amene anamuyika kuti ayangʼanire Danieli, Hananiya, Misaeli ndi Azariya,
And Danyel seide to Malazar, whom the prince of onest seruauntis and chast hadde ordeynede on Danyel, Ananye, Mysael, and Asarie,
12 “Chonde mutiyese ife akapolo anu pa masiku khumi: mutipatse masamba okha kuti tidye ndi madzi akumwa.
Y biseche, asaie thou vs thi seruauntis bi ten daies, and potagis be youun to vs to ete, and water to drynke; and biholde thou oure cheris,
13 Ndipo mudzafananize maonekedwe athu ndi a anyamata amene akudya chakudya cha mfumu, ndi kuti mudzachite ndi anyamata anu monga momwe mudzawaonere.”
and the cheris of children that eten the kyngis mete; and as thou seest, so do thou with thi seruauntis.
14 Choncho anawavomera ndipo anawayesa pa masiku khumi.
And whanne he herde siche a word, he asaiede hem bi ten daies.
15 Pakutha pa masiku khumi iwo anaoneka athanzi ndi odya bwino kuposa aliyense wa anyamata amene ankadya chakudya cha mfumu aja.
Forsothe after ten daies the cheris of hem apperiden betere and fattere, than alle the children that eeten the kyngis mete.
16 Choncho kapitawo anawachotsera chakudya ndi vinyo za ku nyumba yaufumu zija nawapatsa ndiwo zamasamba basi.
Certis Malazar took the metis, and the wyn of the drynk of hem, and yaf to hem potagis.
17 Kwa anyamata anayiwa Mulungu anapereka chidziwitso ndi kuzindikira bwino mitundu yonse ya zolembedwa ndi za maphunziro. Ndipo Danieli ankatanthauzira masomphenya ndi maloto a mitundu yonse.
Forsothe to these children God yaf kunnyng and lernyng in ech book, and in al wisdom; but to Daniel God yaf vndurstondyng of alle visiouns and dremys.
18 Ndipo kumapeto kwa masiku amene mfumu inayika kuti adzaonetse anyamatawa ku nyumba yake, mkulu wa nduna za mfumu uja anawapereka iwo kwa Nebukadinezara.
Therfor whanne the daies weren fillid, aftir whiche the kyng seide, that thei schulden be brouyt yn, the souereyn of onest seruauntis and chast brouyte in hem, in the siyt of Nabugodonosor.
19 Mfumu inayankhula nawo, ndipo panalibe wofanana ndi Danieli; Hananiya Misaeli ndi Azariya; Choncho analowa ndi kukhala otumikira mfumu.
And whanne the kyng hadde spoke to hem, siche weren not foundun of alle, as Daniel, Ananye, Misael, and Azarie; and thei stoden in the siyt of the king.
20 Nthawi zonse mfumu ikawafunsa zonse zofuna nzeru ndi chidziwitso, inkapeza kuti iwo anali oposa amatsenga ndi owombeza onse a mu ufumu wake wonse mopitirira muyeso.
And ech word of wisdom and of vndurstondyng, which the king axide of hem, he foond in hem ten fold ouer alle false dyuynouris and astronomyens, that weren in al his rewme.
21 Ndipo Danieli anali kumeneko mpaka chaka choyamba cha ufumu wa Koresi.
Forsothe Danyel was til to the firste yeer of king Cyrus.

< Danieli 1 >