< أعمال 22:15 >

فَإِنَّكَ سَتَكُونُ شَاهِداً لَهُ، أَمَامَ جَمِيعِ النَّاسِ، بِمَا رَأَيْتَ وَسَمِعْتَ. ١٥ 15
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Identical in all sources
that/since, since
a Meaning of g3754G
that/since: since
Greek Conjunction
ὅτι, conjc. (prop. neut. of ὅστις). I. As conjc, introducing an objective clause, that; 1) after verbs of seeing, knowing, thinking, saying, feeling: Mat.3:9 6:32 11:25, Mrk.3:28, Luk.2:49, Jhn.2:22, Act.4:13, Rom.1:13 8:38 10:9, Php.4:15, Jas.2:24, al; elliptically, Jhn.6:46, Php.3:12, al. 2) After εἶναι (γίνεσθαι): defining a demonstr. or of person(s) pron, Jhn.3:19 16:19, Rom.9:6, 1Jn.3:16 al; with pron. interrog, Mat.8:27, Mrk.4:41, Luk.4:36, Jhn.4:22 al; id. elliptically, Luk.2:49, Act.5:4, 9, al; 3) Untranslatable, before direct discourse (ὅτι recitantis): Mat.7:23, Mrk.2:16, Luk.1:61, Jhn.1:20, Act.15:1, Heb.11:18, al. (on the pleonastic ὡς ὅτι, see: ὡς). II. As causal particle, for that, because: Mat.5:4-12, Luk.6:20, 21, J0 1:30 5:27, Act.1:5, 1Jn.4:18, Rev.3:10, al. mult; διὰ τοῦτο ὅτι, Jhn.8:47 10:17, al; answering a question (διὰ τί), Rom.9:32, al; οὐκ ὅτι. ἀλλ᾽ ὅτι, Jhn.6:26 12:6. (AS)
a Meaning of g3754G
that/since: since
Greek Conjunction
ὅτῐ, Epic dialect ὅττῐ (both in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: conjunction, to introduce an objective clause, that, after Verbs of seeing or knowing, thinking or saying; in [Refs 8th c.BC+] —Usage: I) when ὅτι introduces a statement of fact: I.a) in [Refs 8th c.BC+] always with indicative, the tense following the same rules as in English, ἤγγειλ᾽ ὅττι ῥά οἱ πόσις ἔκτοθι μίμνε πυλάων [Refs 8th c.BC+] I.b) in Attic dialect, ὅτι takes indicative after primary tenses, indicative or optative after secondary tenses, e.g. ἐνδείκνυμαι ὅτι οὐκ ἔστι σοφός [Refs 5th c.BC+] news came that Megara had (literal has) revolted, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes optative and indicative are found in the same sentence, ἔλεγον, ὅτι Κῦρος μὲν τέθνηκεν, Ἀριαῖος δὲ πεφευγὼς. εἴη [Refs 5th c.BC+]. and the accusative with infinitive are found together, [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2) when ὅτι introduces a conditional sentence, the Constr. after ὅτι is the same as in independent conditional sentences, εἴ τις ἔροιτο, καθ᾽ ὁποίους νόμους δεῖ πολιτεύεσθαι, δῆλον ὅτι ἀποκρίναισθ᾽ ἄν. it is manifest that you would answer, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) ὅτι is frequently inserted pleonastic in introducing a quotation (where we use no conjunction and put inverted commas), λόγον τόνδε ἐκφαίνει ὁ Πρωτεύς, λέγων ὅτι ἐγὼ εἰ μὴ περὶ πολλοῦ ἡγεύμην. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; καὶ ἐγὼ εἶπον, ὅ. ἡ αὐτή μοι ἀρχή ἐστι. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; even where the quotation consists of one word,[Refs] II.2) ὅ. is also used pleonastic with the infinitive and accusative [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but ὅτι has frequently been wrongly inserted by the copyists, as if εἶπεν or λέγουσιν must be followed by it, as in [Refs 5th c.BC+] III) ὅτι in Attic dialect frequently represents a whole sentence, especially in affirmative answers, οὐκοῦν. τὸ ἀδικεῖν κάκιον ἂν εἴη τοῦ ἀδικεῖσθαι. Answ. δῆλον δὴ ὅτι (i.e. ὅτι κάκιον ἂν εἴη, or ὅτι ταῦτα οὕτως ἔχει) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare οἶδ᾽ ὅτι, ἴσθ᾽ ὅτι, οἶσθ᾽ ὅτι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] adverb III.2) what we make the subject of the Verb which follows ὅτι frequently stands in the preceding clause, Αυκάονας δὲ καὶ αὐτοὶ εἴδομεν, ὅτι. καρποῦνται (for εἴδομεν, ὅτι Λυκάονες καρποῦνται) [Refs 5th c.BC+] IV) ὅτι sometimes = with regard to the fact that, ὅτι. οὔ φησι. ὄνομα εἶναι, ὑποπτεύω αὐτὸν σκώπτειν [Refs 5th c.BC+] V) οὐχ ὅ, ἀλλὰ or ἀλλὰ καὶ, οὐχ ὅ. ὁ Κρίτων ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ ἦν, ἀλλὰ οἱ φίλοι αὐτοῦ not only [Refs 1st c.AD+], but his friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+] not only the powers in Europe, but, [Refs 5th c.BC+], not followed by a second clause, means although, οὐχ ὅ. παίζει καί φησι [Refs 5th c.BC+] V.2) for ὅτι μή, see at {ὅ τι} 11. B) as a causal Particle, for that, because, generally after Verbs of feeling, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: but without such a Verb, ὃν περὶ πάσης τῖεν ὁμηλικίης, ὅτι οἱ φρεσὶν ἄρτια ᾔδη [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.b) followed by τί, ὅτι τ; why? (literal because why?) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὅτι τί δ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅτι δὴ τί μάλιστ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅτι δὴ τί γ; [Refs]; compare ὁτιή. B.2) seeing that, in giving the reason for saying what is said, γλαυκὴ δέ σε τίκτε θάλασσα. ὅτι τοι νόος ἐστὶν ἀπηνής as is proved by the fact that, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (ὅ τ᾽) probably always represents ὅτε (ὅ τε): there are no examples of ὅττ᾽: hiatus after ὅτι is permitted in Comedy texts, [Refs 5th c.BC+]
Strongs > g3754
demonstrative, that (sometimes redundant); causative, because; as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why; neuter of g3748 (ὅστις) as conjunction

you will be
Next word
to be
Verb Future Middle Deponent Indicative 2nd Singular
an ACTION that will happen - by a person being spoken or written to
Identical in all sources
to be
Greek Verb
εἰμί, with various uses and significations, like the English verb to be. I. As substantive verb. 1) Of persons and things, to be, exist: Act.17:28, Jhn.1:1, 8:58, 17:5, al; ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν (for past ptcp.), Rev.1:4, 8, 4:8, 11:17, 16:5 (see Swete, Ap., 5; M, Pr., 228); τὰ (μὴ) ὄντα, Rom.4:17, 1Co.1:28. 2) Of times, events, etc, to be, happen, take place: Mat.24:3, Mrk.14:2, 15:42, Luk.21:23, Jhn.4:6, 23, 5:10, al. 3) to be present, be in a place, have come: Mat.2:13, 15, Mrk.1:45, 5:21, 15:40, Luk.1:80, 5:29, Jhn.7:30, al; before εἰς, Mrk.2:1; before ἐκ, (ἐξ), Mat.1:20, 21:25, Mrk.11:30, Jhn.3:31, al. 4) Impers, ἔστι, ἦν, etc; (a) there is (Fr. il y a), was, etc: Mat.16:28, Luk.16:19, Jhn.3:1, 5:2, Rom.3:10, al; with dative (of the possessor; Bl, §37, 3), Mat.16:22, Luk.1:7, Jhn.18.10, Rom.9:2, al; ἔστιν ὅς, ὅστις (chiefly in pl), Mat.16:28, 19:2, Mrk.9:1, al; (b) with inf, = ἔξεστιν (which see), it is possible: Heb.9:5, 1Co.11:20, RV (but see ICC, in l.). II. As copula uniting subject and predicate. 1) Expressing simply identity or equivalence: Mat.5:13, 14:15, Luk.1:18, 19, Jhn.1:1, 4:19, Rev.3:9, al. mult. 2) Explicative, as in parable, figure, type, etc: Mat.13:19, 1Co.9:2, 10:4, 11:25, Gal.4:24, Rev.17:15, al; ταῦτ᾽ ἔστιν, Mat.27:46, Mrk.7:2, Rom.7:18 al; ὅ ἐστιν, Mrk.3:17, Col.1:24, Heb.7:2, al; akin to this is the sacramental usage: Mat.26:26-28, Mrk.14:22, 24, Luk.22:19, 1Co.11:24 (see ICC on Mk, I Co, ll. with; DB, iii, 148 f.). 3) C. genitive: qual, etc, Mrk.5:42, Luk.3:23, 1Co.14:33, Heb.12:11, al; part, 1Ti.1:20, 2Ti.1:15; poss, Mat.5:3, 10, Mrk.12:7, Luk.4:7; of service or partisanship, Rom.8:9, 1Co.1:12, 2Co.10:7, 2Ti.2:19. 4) C. dative (BL, §37, 3): Act.1:8, 9:15, Rom.4:12, 1Co.1:18, 2:14, Rev.21:7, al. 5) C. ptcp, as a periphrasis for the simple verb (Bl, §62, 1, 2; M, Pr., 225 ff.); (a) with ptcp. pf. (cl.): Mat.10:30, Luk.9:32, Jhn.3:24, Act.21:35, 1Co.15:19, al; (b) with ptcp. pr. (esp. in impf, as in Heb. and Aram; Dalman, Words, 35 f.), Mat.7:29, Mrk.1:22, Luk.4:31, 14:1, Act.1:10, al. mult, id. for imper. (M, Pr., 180f, 182f.), with ellipsis of εἰμί, Rom.12:9, 10, Heb.13:5, al; (with) with ptcp. aor. (cl), Luk.23:9. 6) Seq. εἰς (cf. Heb. הָיָה לְ), a vernac. usage (M, Pr., 71): Mat.19:5, Mrk.10:8, Heb.8:10, al. 7) C. adv: Mat.19:20, Mrk.4:26, Luk.18:11, al. 8) Ellipses; (a) of the copula (Bl, §30, 3): Mat.8:29, 24:32, Jhn.21:22, 23, Heb.6:4, al; (b) of the predicate: ἐγώ εἰμί, Mat.14:27, Mrk.6:50, al; absol. (cf. Deu.32:39; אֲנִי הוּא), Mrk.13:6, Jhn.4:26, al. (cf. ἄπ, ἔν, πάρ, συμ-πάρ, σύν-ειμι). (AS)
to be
Greek Verb
εἰμί (sum), Aeolic dialect ἔμμι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; Cretan dialect ἠμί [Refs]; 2nd pers. singular εἶ, Epic dialect and Ionic dialect εἰς [Refs 8th c.BC+], Epic dialect and Doric dialect ἐσσί [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἐστί, Doric dialect ἐντί [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. dual ἐστόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 1st pers. plural ἐσμέν, Epic dialect and Ionic dialect εἰμέν (also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], Doric dialect εἰμές [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural εἰσί (-ίν), Epic dialect and Ionic dialect ἔασι (-ιν) [Refs 8th c.BC+], Doric dialect ἐντί [Refs 5th c.BC+], Epic dialect and Lyric poetry also in middle form ἔσσο [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἔστω (ἤτω [LXX+5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural ἔστωσαν, but ἔστων [Refs 8th c.BC+], and early Attic dialect Inscrr, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]subjunctive ὦ, ᾖς, ᾖ, Epic dialect ἔω [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἔῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+], also Boeotian dialect ἔνθω [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect 3rd.pers. plural ὦντι [Refs], Boeotian dialect ἴωνθι [Refs 6th c.BC+], -η, also ἔοις, ἔοι, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural εἴοισαν Ἀρχ. Ἐφ. [Refs]; 3rd.pers. dual εἴτην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 1st pers. plural εἶμεν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 2nd pers. plural εἶτε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural εἶεν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Elean ἔα, ={εἴη}, [Refs 6th c.BC+]infinitive εἶναι, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; Epic dialect ἔμμεναι (also Aeolic dialect ἔμμεν᾽ [Refs 7th c.BC+]; Doric dialect εἶμεν Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]participle ὤν, Epic dialect ἐών, ἐοῦσα, ἐόν, [Refs 5th c.AD+]; Boeotian dialect feminine ἰῶσα [Refs], Aeolic dialect and Doric dialect feminine ἔσσα [Refs 7th c.BC+] (also Ionic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative singular εἴς in [Refs 7th c.BC+]: imperfect ἦν [Refs 8th c.BC+] (also Aeolic dialect, [Refs 7th c.BC+] (uncertain in Aeolic dialect, [Refs 7th c.BC+] is required by metre in [Refs 8th c.BC+], whence Hom.and later Ionic dialect ἔᾱ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Epic dialect 3rd.pers. singular ἦεν, always with ν in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔην as 1st pers. singular, only [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 2nd pers. singular ἦσθα, later ἦς (which is variant in [NT+5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἦν, Epic dialect ἔην, ἤην, ἦεν (see. above), Doric dialect and Aeolic dialect ἦς [Refs 7th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. dual ἤστην [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect 1st pers. plural ἦμες [Refs 1st c.AD+]; 2nd pers. plural ἦτε [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural ἦσαν, Ionic dialect and poetical ἔσαν (in [Refs 8th c.BC+], but is rather a peculiarity of syntax, see below see, but is 3rd.pers. plural in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Aeolic dialect ἔον [NT+5th c.BC+], 2nd pers. singular ἦσο [Refs], 3rd.pers. singular ἦστο [Refs], 1st pers. plural ἤμεθα [NT+3rd c.BC+]; subjunctive ὦμαι [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect and Epic dialect also ἔσκον, used by [Refs 4th c.BC+]future ἔσομαι, ἔσται, Epic dialect and Aeolic dialect also ἔσσομαι, ἔσεται, ἔσσετα; Aeolic dialect 2nd pers. singular ἔσσῃ probably in [Refs 8th c.BC+], infinitive ἐσσεῖσθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+] —All forms of the present indicative are enclitic (except 2nd pers. singular εἶ and 3rd.pers. plural ἔασι); but 3rd.pers. singular is written ἔστι when it begins a sentence or verse, or when it immediately follows οὐκ, καί, εἰ, ὡς, ἀλλά, or τοῦτ᾽, Hdn.Gr.[Refs]; later Grammars wrote ἔστι as substantive Verb, [Refs 9th c.AD+] A) as the substantive Verb, A.I) of persons, exist, οὐκ ἔσθ᾽ οὗτος ἀνήρ, οὐδ᾽ ἔσσεται [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔτ᾽ εἰσί they are still in being,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐκέτ᾽ ἐστί he is no more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐδὲ δὴν ἦν he was not long-lived, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὁ οὐκ ὤν, οἱ οὐκ ὄντες, of those who are no more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ὄντες the living, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; ὁ ὤν the [LXX+8th c.BC+]; ἐσσόμενοι posterity,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡς ἂν εἶεν ἅνθρωποι might continue in being, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of things, εἰ ἔστι ἀληθέως [ἡ τράπεζα] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of cities, ὄλωλεν, οὐδ᾽ ἔτ᾽ ἐστὶ Τροία [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δοκεῖ μοι Καρχηδόνα μὴ εἶναι censeo Carthaginem esse delendam, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; ἂν ᾖ τὸ στράτευμα be in existence, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; of money, to be in hand, τῶν ὄντων χρημάτων καὶ τῶν προσιόντων [Refs]; τὰ ὄντα property, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐσόμενον ἐκ. future revenue from, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; of place, τὴν οὖσαν ἐκκλησίαν the local church, [NT]; of time, τοῦ ὄντος μηνός in the current month, [Refs]; in office, ἱερέων τῶν ὄντων [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; αἱ οὖσαι [ἐξουσίαι] the powers that be, Ep. Rom.[Refs] A.II) of the real world, be, opposed to become, γίγνεται πάντα ἃ δή φαμεν εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὄν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; opposed to τὸ μὴ ὄν, [LXX+5th c.BC+]; τὰ ὄντα the world of things, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὄνindeclinable, τῶν ὂν εἰδῶν species of Being, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] A.II.2) of circumstances, events, etc, to happen, τά τ᾽ ἐόντα, τά τ᾽ ἐσσόμενα, πρό τ᾽ ἐόντα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τῆς προδοσίας οὔσης since treachery was there, [Refs]; ἕως ἂν ὁ πόλεμος ᾖ so long as it last, [Refs]; τί ἐστι; what is it? what's the matter? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί οὖν ἦν τοῦτ; how came it to pass? [Refs 5th c.BC+] things are as they are, i.e. are ill, [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.III) be the fact or the case, διπλασίαν ἂν τὴν δύναμιν εἰκάζεσθαι ἤ ἐστιν twice as large as it really is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτὸ ὅ ἐστι καλόν beauty in its essence, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in participle, τὸν ἐόντα λόγον λέγειν or φαίνειν the true story, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῷ ἐόντι χρήσασθαι tell the truth,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; σκῆψιν οὐκ οὖσαν, λόγον οὐκ ὄντα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῷ ὄντι in reality, in fact, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to apply a quotation to a case in point, τῷ ὄντι κλαυσίγελως real 'smiles through tears' (with allusion to [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κατὰ τὸ ἐόν according to the fact, rightly, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πᾶν τὸ ἐόν the whole truth, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) followed by the relative, οὐκ ἔστιν ὅς or ὅστις no one, οὐκ ἔσθ᾽ ὃς. ἀπαλάλκοι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐκ ἔ. ὅτῳ, ={οὐδενί}, [Refs 4th c.BC+], = Latin sunt qui, used exactly like{ἔνιοι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐστὶν ἃ χωρία, πολίσματα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; the singular Verb is used even with masculine and feminine plural, ἐστὶν οἵ, αἵ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; more frequently in oblique cases, ποταμῶν ἐστὶ ὧν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐστὶ παρ᾽ οἷς, ἐστὶν ἐν οἷς, [Refs 5th c.BC+], = Latin est ubi, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. ὅπῃ, ἔσθ᾽ ὅπου, somehow, somewhere, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in questions expecting a negative answer, ἐ. ὁπόθεν, ὅπω; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐκ ἔ. ὅπως οὐ in any case, necessarily, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. ὅτε, ἔσθ᾽ ὅτε, sometimes, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) ἦν is sometimes used with plural masculine and feminine, usually at the beginning of a sentence, there was, τῆς δ᾽ ἦν τρεῖς κεφαλαί [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἦν δ᾽ ἀμφίπλεκτοι κλίμακες [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἦν ἄρα κἀκεῖνοι ταλακάρδιοι epigram cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; before dual Nouns, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ἔστι impersonal, with infinitive, it is possible, ἔστι γὰρ ἀμφοτέροισιν ὀνείδεα μυθήσασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἴ τί πού ἐστι (i.e. πιθέσθαι)[Refs 5th c.BC+]; so in imperative, optative, and subjunctive, ἔστω ἀποφέρεσθαι τῷ βουλομένῳ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; followed by ὥστε with infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with accusative et infinitive, ἁδόντα δ᾽ εἴη με τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς ὁμιλεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes not impersonal in this sense, θάλασσα δ᾽ οὐκέτ᾽ ἦν ἰδεῖν [Refs] A.VI.b) ἔστω in argument, let it be granted, ἔστω τοῦτο ἀληθὲς εἶναι [Refs 4th c.BC+] B) most frequently, to be, the Copula connecting the predicate with the Subject, both being in the same case: hence, signify, import, τὸ γὰρ εἴρειν λέγειν ἐστίν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially in the phrase τοῦτ᾽ ἔστι, hoc est; Σκαιόλαν, ὅπερ ἐστὶ Λαϊόν [Refs 1st c.AD+] twice five are ten, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναί τις or τι, to be somebody, something, be of some consequence, see at {τι; οὐδὲν εἶναι} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) periphrastic with the Participle to represent the finite Verb: with perfect participle once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; so in Trag. and Attic dialect, ἦν τεθνηκώς, for ἐτεθνήκει, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἔσται δεδορκώς[Refs 5th c.BC+]: with aorist participle, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; so προδείσας εἰμί, οὐ σιωπήσας ἔσε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with present participle, ἦν προκείμενον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί δ᾽ ἐστί. φέρο; [Refs 5th c.BC+] — if the _Article_ is joined with the Part, the noun is made emphatic, Κᾶρές εἰσι οἱ καταδέξαντες the persons who showed her were Carians, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) εἶναι is frequently modified in sense by the addition of adverbs, or the cases of Nouns without or with Preps: C.I) εἶναι with adverbs, where the adverb often merely represents a Noun and stands as the predicate, ἅλις δέ οἱ ἦσαν ἄρουραι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀκέων, ἀκήν εἶναι, to be silent,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀσφαλέως ἡ κομιδὴ ἔσται will go on safely, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐγγύς, πόρρω εἶναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] it fared ill with them, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.II) with genitive, to express descent or extraction, πατρὸς δ᾽ εἴμ᾽ ἀγαθοῖο [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.II.b) to express the material of which a thing is made, ἡ κρηπίς ἐστι λίθων μεγάλων consists of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοιούτων ἔργων ἐστὶ ἡ τυραννίς is made up of, [Refs].ή, etc. C.II.c) to express the class to which a person or thing belongs, εἶ γὰρ τῶν φίλων you are one of them, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔστι τῶν αἰσχρῶν it is in the class of disgraceful things, i. e. it is disgraceful, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.II.d) to express that a thing belongs to another, Τροίαν Ἀχαιῶν οὖσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: hence, to be of the party of, ἦσαν. τινὲς μὲν φιλίππου, τινὲς δὲ τοῦ βελτίστου [Refs 4th c.BC+]; to be de pendent upon, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to be at the mercy of, ἔστι τοῦ λέγοντος, ἢν φόβους λέγῃ [Refs] C.II.e) to express one's duty, business, custom, nature, and the like, οὔτοι γυναικός ἐστι 'tis not a woman's part, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὸ δὲ ναυτικὸν τέχνης ἐστίν is matter of art, requires art, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.f) in LXX, to be occupied about, ἦσαν τοῦ θύειν [LXX]; ἔσεσθαι, with genitive, to be about to, ἐσόμεθα τοῦ σῶσαί σε [LXX] C.III) with the dative, ἐστί μοι I have, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.III.2) with two datives, σφίσι τε καὶ Ἀθηναίοισι εἶναι οὐδὲν πρῆγμα that they and the Athenians have nothing to do one with another, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; more shortly, σοί τε καὶ τούτοισι πρήγμασι τί ἐστ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί τῷ νόμῳ καὶ τῇ βασάν; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σο; Latin quid tecum est mihi? [NT]; also ἐμοὶ οὐδὲν πρὸς τοὺς τοιούτους (i.e. ἐστίν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔσται αὐτῳ πρὸς τὸν θεόν, in tomb inscriptions, [Refs] C.III.3) with ἄσμενος, βουλόμενος, etc, added, ἐμοὶ δέ κεν ἀσμένῳ εἴη 'twould be to my delight, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.IV) with Preps, εἶναι ἀπό τινος, ={εἶναί τινος}[Refs 5th c.BC+]; but εἶναι ἀπ᾽ οἴκου to be away from, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.2) εἶναι ἔκ τινος to be sprung from, εἴμ᾽ ἐκ Παιονίης, Μυρμιδόνων ἔξ εἰμι, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔστιν ἐξ ἀνάγκης it is of necessity, i. e. necessary, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.3) εἶναι ἐν. to be in a certain state, ἐν εὐπαθείῃσι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἀθυμία, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι ἐν ἀξιώματι to be in esteem, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ἐν τέλεϊ ἐόντες those in office, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but εἶναι ἐν τέχνῃ, ἐν φιλοσοφία to be engaged in, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.3.b) ἐν σοί ἐστι it depends on thee, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.4) εἶναι διά, much like{εἶναι ἐν}, εἶναι διὰ φόβου, ={φοβεῖσθαι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι δι᾽ ὄχλου, ={ὀχληρὸν εἶναι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι δι᾽ αἰτίας, ={αἰτιᾶσθαι}, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; Geometry texts, pass through, διὰ τᾶς ἑτέρας διαμέτρου ἐόντος τοῦ ἐπιπέδου [Refs 3rd c.BC+] C.IV.5) εἶναι ἐφ᾽ ἑαυτῆς to be by oneself, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; εἶναι ἐπὶ ὀνόματος to bear a name, [Refs]; εἶναι ἐπὶ τοῖς πράγμασιν to be engaged in, [Refs]; εἶναι ἐπί τινα to be against him, [Refs]; εἶναι ἐφ᾽ ἑξήκοντα στάδια to reach sixty stadia, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι ἐπὶ τὰς ἁφάς pass through the points of contact, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; εἶναι ἐπί τινι, see above 3 b. C.IV.6) εἶναι πρός τινος to be in one's favour, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to suit, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι πρός τινι engaged in, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρὸς τοῖς ἰδίοις mind one's own affairs, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πρὸς τὸ πονεῖν[Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.7) εἶναι παρά τινι or τινα, = παρειναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (assuming variant). C.IV.8) εἶναι ὑπό τινα or τινι to be subject to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.9) περὶ τούτων ἐστίν that is the question, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.IV.10) εἶναι ἀπό, in Geometry texts, to be constructed upon, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] D) ἐστί is very frequently omitted, mostly in the present indicative before certain predicates, as ἀνάγκη, ἄξιον, δυνατόν, εἰκός, ἕτοιμον, οἷόν τε, ῥᾴδιον, χρεών, etc, and after the neuter of Verbals in -τέος, and such forms as θαυμαστὸν ὅσον: less frequently with other persons and moods, εἰμί omitted, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐσμέν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐστέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰσί, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; subjunctive ᾖ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; optative εἴη, [Refs]; imperfect ἦν, [Refs]; future ἔσονται, [Refs 8th c.BC+] E) the Inf. frequently seems redundant, E.1) in phrases implying power or will to do a thing, ἑκὼν εἶναι (see. ἑκών) κατὰ δύναμιν εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐπ᾽ ἐκείνοις εἶναι, quantum in illis esset, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τήμερον, τὸ νῦν εἶναι, [Refs 4th c.BC+] E.2) after Verbs of naming or choosing, σοφιστὴν ὀνομάζουσι τὸν ἄνδρα εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of giving, δῶκε ξεινήϊον εἶναι [Refs 8th c.BC+] F) imperfect ἦνissts. used where other languages take the present, F.1) after ἄρα, to express a fact which is and has always been the same, δέρμα δὲ ἀνθρώπου. ἦν ἄρα σχεδὸν δερμάτων πάντων λαμπρότατον human skin then it appears is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡς ἄρ᾽ ἦσθ᾽ ἐμὸς πατὴρ ὀρθῶς[Refs 3rd c.BC+]; so also when there is reference to a past thought, τουτὶ τί ἦ; what is this? [Refs 5th c.BC+], used to express the essential nature of a thing, where τί ἦν (for ἐστί) takes the place of the dative in such phrases as τὸ ἀγαθῷ εἶναι, τὸ μεγέθει εἶναι, [Refs] G) ἐγώ εἰμι, in [LXX]
I exist (used only when emphatic); am, have been, X it is I, was; the first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb

a witness
Next word
Noun Nominative Singular Masculine
a male PERSON OR THING that is doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Male
μάρτυς (Æolic μάρτυρ), -υρος, ὁ (also ἡ), [in LXX for עֵד;] a witness: Act.10:41, 1Ti.6:12, 2Ti.2:2, Heb.12:1 (Westc, in l); in forensic sense, Mat.18:16 26:65, Mrk.14:63, Act.6:13 7:58, 2Co.13:1, 1Ti.5:19, Heb.10:28; with genitive obj, Luk.24:48, Act.1:22 2:32 3:15 5:32 10:39 26:16, 1Pe.5:1; with genitive poss, Act.1:8 13:31, Rev.11:3; with dative of person(s), Luk.11:48, Act.22:15; of Christ, Rev.1:5 3:14; of God, Rom.1:9, 2Co.1:23, Php.1:8, 1Th.2:5 2:10; of those who have witnessed for Christ by their death (in later Xn. lit, martyr: Swete, Ap, 35), Act.22:20, Rev.2:13 17:6. (AS)
Greek Noun Male
μάρτῠς, ὁ, ἡ, Cretan dialect, Epid. μαῖτυς [Refs], Cretan dialect also μαίτυρς [Refs] see ii; genitive μάρτῠρος, accusative -ῠρα [Refs 8th c.BC+], formed from μάρτυρ (which see), except accusative μάρτῠν [Refs 4th c.BC+]; dative plural μάρτῠσι (but μάρτυρσι probably in [Refs 6th c.BC+]:—witness (not in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; μάρτυρας παρέχεσθαι produce witnesses, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μάρτυρα παράγεσθαι, μάρτυρας ἐπάγεσθαι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί δεῖται μάρτυρο; [Refs] II) martyr, [NT] III) Astrology texts, in aspect, μάρτυρες ἀλλήλων [Refs 4th c.AD+]
Noun Masculine
a witness (literally (judicially) or figuratively (genitive case)); by analogy, a "martyr"; martyr, record, witness; of uncertain affinity

for Him
Next word
Personal pronoun Dative Singular Masculine
a reference to a recently mentioned male person or thing that something is done for‚ or in relation to
Identical in all sources
to him
Greek Personal Pronoun (3rd person)
αὐτός, -ή, -ό, determinative pron., in late Gk. much more frequently than in cl. (WM, 178f; Jannaris, HGG, §1399). 1) Emphatic (so always in nom. exc. when preceded by the art, see infr, iii); (1) self (ipse), expressing opposition, distinction, exclusion, etc, αὐ. ἐκχυθήσεται, Luk.5:37; αὐ. ἐγινώσκεν, Jhn.2:25; αὐ.ὑμεῖς, Jhn.3:28; καὶ αὐ. ἐγώ, Rom.15:14; αὐ. Ἰησοῦς, Jhn.2:24; αὐ. καὶ οἱ μετ᾽ αὐτοῦ, Mrk.2:25; ὑμεῖς αὐ, Mrk.6:31; esp. (as freq in cl.) αὐ. ὁ, Mat.3:4, Mrk.6:17, Jhn.16:27, 1Th.3:11, al; in late Gk, sometimes weakened, ἐν αὐτῇ τ. ὥρᾳ, in that hour, Luk.10:21 (M, Pr., 91; MM, see word); (2) emphatic, he, she, it (M, Pr., 86; Bl, §48, 1, 2, 7), Mat.1:21, 12:50, Luk.6:35, al; pointing to some one as master (cl.), Mat.8:24, Mrk.4:38, al; αὐ, καὶ αὐ. = οὗτος, ὁ δε (BL, §48, 1), Mat.14:2, Mrk.14:15, 44, Luk.1:22, 2:28, al. 2) In oblique cases (cl.), for the simple pron. of 3rd of person(s), he, she, it, Mat.7:9, 10:12, 26:44, al; with ptcp. in genitive absol, Mat.9:18, Mrk.13:1, al. (for irreg. constructions, V. Bl, §74, 5); pleonastically after the relative (cf. Heb. אֲשֶׁר לוֹ; WM, 184ff; Bl, §50, 4; MM, see word), Mrk.7:25, Rev.3:8, 7:2, al; in constr. ad sensum, without proper subject expressly indicated, Mat.4:23, Act.8:5, 2Co.2:13, al; genitive αὐτοῦ = ἐκείνου, Rom.11:11, 1Th.2:19, Tit.3:5, Heb.2:4. 3) ὁ, ἡ, τὸ αὐ, the same: Heb.1:12, 13:8; τὸ αὐ, ποιεῖν, Mat.5:46, 47, al; φρονεῖν, Rom.12:16, 15:5, Php.2:2, al; τὰ αὐ, Act.15:27, Rom.2:1, al; κατὰ τὸ (τὰ) αὐ. (MM, see word), Act.14:1, Luk.6:23, al; ἐπὶ τὸ αὐ, together (MM, see word), Mat.22:34, Act.1:15, al; ἓν κ. τὸ αὐ, 1Co.11:5, 12:11; with dative (cl.), 1Co.11:5; with a noun, λόγος, Mrk.14:39; μέτρος, Php.1:30; πνεῦμα, 1Co.12:4. (AS)
Greek Personal Pronoun (3rd person)
αὐτός (Cretan dialect ἀϝτός [Refs] (also αὐτόν[Refs], reflexive pronoun, self:—in oblique cases used for the personal pronoun, him, her, it:—with Article, ὁ αὐτός, ἡ αὐτή, τὸ αὐτό (also ταὐτόν), etc, the very one, the same. I) self, myself, thyself, etc, accusative to the person of the Verb: frequently joined with ἐγώ, σύ, etc. (see. below 10), I.1) one's true self, the soul, not the body, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; reversely, body, not soul, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; oneself, as opposed to others who are less prominent, as king to subject, [Refs]; man to wife and children, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; warrior to horses, [Refs 8th c.BC+], or to weapons, [Refs]; shepherd to herd, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; seamen to ships, [Refs]: generally, whole to parts,[Refs 5th c.BC+]: absolutely, the Master, as in the [Refs 4th c.BC+] Latin Ipse dixit; so τίς οὗτος;— Αὐτός, i.e. Socrates, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀναβόησον Αὐτόν[Refs]the Master, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the result will show, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially αὐτὸ δείξει[Refs 5th c.BC+]; of things, the very, ὑπὸ λόφον αὐτόν, i.e. just, exactly under, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πρὸς αὐταῖς ταῖς θύραις close by the door, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτὸ τὸ δέον the very thing needed, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτὸ τὸ περίορθρον the point of dawn, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτὰ τὰ ἐναντία the very opposite, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; even, οὔ μοι μέλει ἄλγος οὔτ᾽ αὐτῆς Ἑκάβης[Refs 8th c.BC+] —In these senses αὐτός in Prose either precedes both the _Article_ and substantive, or follows both, e.g. αὐτὸς ὁ υἱός or ὁ υἱὸς αὐτός. The Article is sometimes omitted with proper names, or Nouns denoting individuals, αὐτὸς Μένων[Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2) of oneself, of one's own accord, ἀλλά τις αὐ. ἴτω[Refs 8th c.BC+]; also, in person, τῶν πραγμάτων ὑμῖν. αὐτοῖς ἀντιληπτέον[Refs 4th c.BC+] I.3) by oneself or itself, alone, αὐτός περ ἐών although alone, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αὐτὸς ἐγείναο παῖδ᾽, i.e. without a mother,[Refs 8th c.BC+]by himself, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτοὶ γάρ ἐσμεν we are by ourselves, i.e. among friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτὰ γὰρ ἔστιν ταῦτα these and no others, [Refs 5th c.BC+] himself alone, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αὐτὸς μόνος, see at {μόνος} II; αὐτὸς καθ᾽ αὑτόν, see at {ἑαυτοῦ}. I.4) in Philosophy, by or in itself, of an abstract concept or idea, δίκαιον αὐτό[Refs 5th c.BC+] is frequently in this sense, attached to Nouns of all genders, οὐκ αὐτὸ δικαιοσύνην ἐπαινοῦντες ἀλλὰ τὰς ἀπ᾽ αὐτῆς εὐδοκιμήσεις[Refs 5th c.BC+]; more fully, εἰ αὐτὸ τοῦτο πατέρα ἠρώτων, ἆρα ὁ πατήρ ἐστι πατήρ τινος, ἢ ο; [Refs]; ἀδελφός, αὐτὸ τοῦτο ὅπερ ἔστιν the ideal, abstract brother, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; less frequently agreeing with the substantive, ἵνα αὐτὴ δικαιοσύνη πρὸς ἀδικίαν αὐτὴν κριθείη[Refs 5th c.BC+]its very self, [Refs] I.5) in dative with substantive, in one, together, ἀνόρουσεν αὐτῇ σὺν φόρμιγγι he sprang up lyre in hand, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αὐτῇ σὺν πήληκι κάρη helmet and all,[Refs 8th c.BC+] men and all, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτοῖσι συμμάχοισι allies and all, [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.6) added to ordinal Numbers, e.g. πέμπτος αὐτός himself the fifth, i. e. himself with four others, [NT+5th c.BC+] I.7) frequently coupled with οὗτος, τοῦτ᾽ αὐτό ἐστι τὸ ζητηθέν[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ταῦτα ἥκω αὐτὰ ἵνα. [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.8) καὶ αὐτός himself too, [Refs 8th c.BC+] I.9) repeated in apodosi for emphasis, αὐτὸς ἐπαγγειλάμενος σώσειν. αὐτὸς ἀπώλεσεν[Refs 5th c.BC+] I.10) in connexion with the person. pronoun, ἐγὼν αὐτός[Refs 8th c.BC+]; followed by an enclitic pronoun, αὐτόν μιν[Refs 8th c.BC+] I.10.b) with person. pronoun omitted, αὐτός. ἧσθαι λιλαίομαι, for ἐγὼ αὐτός, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αὐτὸν ἐλέησον, for ἐμὲ αὐτόν,[Refs 8th c.BC+] is simply a strengthened form of ο; and so in Attic dialect, when σὲ αὐτόν, ἐμοὶ αὐτῷ, etc, are read divisim, they are emphatic, not reflexive; in this case αὐτός generally precedes the person. pronoun,[Refs 5th c.BC+] I.10.c) with the reflexive ἑαυτοῦ, αὑτοῦ, etc, to add force and definiteness, αὐτὸς καθ᾽ αὑτοῦ[Refs 4th c.BC+]; αὐτοὶ ὑφ᾽ αὑτῶν[Refs 5th c.BC+]; sometimes between the Article and reflexive pronoun, τοῖς αὐτὸς αὑτοῦ πήμασιν βαρύνεται[Refs 5th c.BC+] I.10.d) αὐτοῦ, αὐτῶν with possessive pronoun, πατρὸς κλέος ἠδ᾽ ἐμὸν αὐτοῦ[Refs 8th c.BC+]; τοῖς οἷσιν αὐτοῦ[Refs 8th c.BC+] I.10.e) αὐτὸς ἑαυτοῦ with comparative and superlative adjective, αὐτὸς ἑωυτοῦ ῥέει πολλῷ ὑποδεέστερος[Refs 5th c.BC+] I.11) αὐτός for ὁ αὐτός, the same, [Refs 8th c.BC+], and in later Prose, αὐταῖς ταῖς ἡμέραις[NT+2nd c.AD+] I.12) comparative αὐτότερος[Refs 5th c.BC+]: superlative αὐτότατος his very self, [Refs 5th c.BC+]. adverb, comparative αὐτοτέρως[Refs 2nd c.AD+] II) he, she, it, for the simple pronoun of 3 person, only in oblique cases (except in later Gk, [NT], and rarely first in a sentence, [NT+5th c.BC+]: rare in Epic dialect, [Refs 8th c.BC+], and mostly emphatic,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; so in Trag, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in Prose, to recall a Noun used earlier in the sentence, ἐγὼ μὲν οὖν βασιλέα. οὐκ οἶδα ὅ τι δεῖ αὐτὸν ὀμόσαι[Refs 5th c.BC+]; after a Relative, ὅς κε θεοῖς ἐπιπείθηται. ἔκλυον αὐτοῦ[Refs 8th c.BC+]; especially where a second Verb requires a change of case in the pronoun, οἳ ἂν ἐξελεγχθῶσι. ὡς προδότας αὐτοὺς ὄντας τιμωρηθῆναι[Refs 5th c.BC+]; later, pleonastically after a Relative, ὧν ὁ μὲν αὐτῶν[NT+5th c.BC+] III) with Article ὁ αὐτός, ἡ αὐτή, τὸ αὐτό, and Attic dialect contraction αὑτός, αὑτή, ταὐτό and ταὐτόν (as required by the metre,[Refs 5th c.BC+] plural neuter ταὐτ; Ionic dialect ὡυτός, τὠυτό:—the very one, the same, rare in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: with dative, to denote sameness or agreement, especially in Prose, τὠυτὸ ἂν ὑμῖν ἐπρήσσομεν[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ αὐτὸς τῷ λίθῳ the same as the stone, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ταὐτῷ εἶναί τινι to be in the place with, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; προσίεσθαί τινα ἐς ταὐτὸ ἑαυτῷ to have a person meet one,[Refs 5th c.BC+]face to face, [Refs 4th c.AD+] III.2) in later Greek, the said, the above-named, Ἡρώδης ὁ αὐ.[Refs 3rd c.BC+] IV) Adverbial phrases: IV.1) αὐτὸ μόνον simply, merely, [Refs 1st c.AD+] IV.2) αὐτό as adverb, ={ἄρτι}, [Refs] IV.3) αὐτὸ τοῦτο as adverb, [NT+2nd c.BC+] IV.4) with Preps, ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό added together, making a total, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; κατὰ τὸ αὐτό together, at the same time,[NT], etc; but κατ᾽ αὐτό just then, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] V) In Compos: V.1) of or by oneself, self-, as in αὐτοδίδακτος, αὐτογνώμων, αὐτόματος: and so, independently, as in αὐτοκράτωρ, αὐτόνομος. V.2) hence, as a second self, very, bodily, as with proper names, Αὐτοθαΐς. V.3) in the abstract, the ideal, see above[Refs] V.4) precisely, as in αὐτόδεκα. V.5) rarely with reflexive sense of ἀλλήλων, as in αὐτοκτονέω. V.6) in one piece with, together with, as in αὐτόκωπος, αὐτοχείλης, αὐτόπρεμνος, αὐτόρριζος. V.7) by itself: hence, only, as in αὐτόξυλος, αὐτόποκος.—For αὐτοῦ, αὐτῶς, etc, see the respective Arts.
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative g1438 (ἑαυτοῦ)) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons; her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which; from the particle (perhaps akin to the base of g109 (ἀήρ) through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)

Next word
relating it to another person or thing
Identical in all sources
Greek Preposition
πρός, prep. with genitive, dative, accusative I. I. C. genitive, of motion from a place, from the side of, hence metaphorically, in the interests of, Act.27:34 (cf. Page, in l.). II. II. C. dative, of local proximity, hard by, near, at: Mrk.5:11, Luk.19:37, Jhn.18:16 20:11, 12 Rev.1:13. III. C. accusative, of motion or direction towards a place or object, to, towards. 1) Of place, (a) after verbs of motion or of speaking and other words with the idea of direction: ἔρχομαι, ἀναβαίνω, πορεύομαι, λέγω, ἐπιστολή, etc, Mat.3:14, Mrk.6:51, Luk.11:5, Jhn.2:3, Act.9:2, al. mult; metaphorically, of mental direction, hostile or otherwise, Luk.23:12, Jhn.6:52, 2Co.7:4, Eph.6:12, Col.3:13, al; of the issue or end, Luk.14:32, Jhn.11:4, al; of purpose, Mat.26:12, Rom.3:26, 1Co.6:5, al; πρὸς τό, with inf, denoting purpose (cf. M, Pr., 218, 220; Lft, Notes, 131), Mat.5:28, Mrk.13:22, Eph.6:11, 1Th.2:9, al; (b) of close proximity, at, by, with: Mat.3:10, Mrk.11:4, Luk.4:11, Act.3:2, al; after εἶναι, Mat.13:56, Mrk.6:3, Jhn.1:1, al. 2) 2. Of time, (a) towards (Plat, Xen, LXX: Gen.8:11, al.): Luk.24:29; (b) for: πρὸς καιρόν, Luk.8:13, 1Co.7:5; πρὸς ὥραν, Jhn.5:35, al; πρὸς ὀλίγον, Jas.4:14. 3) Of relation (a) toward, with: Rom.5:1, 2Co.1:12, Col.4:5, 1Th.4:12, al; (b) with regard to: Mat.19:8, Mrk.12:12, Rom.8:31, al; (with) pertaining to, to: Mat.27:4, Jhn.21:22, Rom.15:17, Heb.2:17 5:1; (d) according to: Luk.12:47, 2Co.5:10, Gal.2:14, Eph.3:4 4:14; (e) in comparison with: Rom.8:18. IV. In composition: towards (προσέρχομαι), to (προσάγω), against (προσκόπτω), besides (προσδαπανάω). (AS)
Greek Preposition
πρός, preposition, expressing direction, A) on the side of, in the direction of, hence with genitive, dative, and accusative, from, at, to: Epic dialect also προτί and ποτί, in [Refs 8th c.BC+] usually with accusative, more rarely with dative, and each only once with genitive, [Refs 8th c.BC+]:—dialectal forms: Doric dialectποτί (which see) and ποί, but Cretan dialect πορτί [Refs], Argive προτ(ί) [Refs 7th c.BC+] πός [Refs 4th c.BC+], also sometimes in Asia Minor in compounds, see at {ποσάγω},{ποσφέρω}; Aeolic dialect πρός [Refs 7th c.BC+]; πρές [Refs 6th c.AD+]; Pamphylian περτ (ί) [Refs] (With προτί, πρός cf. Sanskrit práti 'towards, near to, against, back, etc.', Slavonic protiv[ucaron], Lett. pret 'against', Latin pretium: ποτί (which see) and πός are not cognate) [Refs 4th c.BC+] refers to that from which something comes: A.I) of Place, from, ἵκετο ἠὲ π. ἠοίων ἦ ἑσπερίων ἀνθρώπων [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.2) on the side of, towards, νήσοισι πρὸς Ἤλιδος towards Elis, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π. ἁλός, π. Θύμβρης, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; φυλακαὶ π. Αἰθιόπων, π. Ἀραβίων, π. Διβύης, on the frontier towards the Ethiopians, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+] one on the north side, the other on the south side, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π. τοῦ Τμώλου τετραμμένον τῆς πόλιος (in such phrases the accusative is more common) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀπὸ τῆσδε τῆς ὁδοῦ τὸ π. τοῦ λιμένος ἅπαν everything on the harbour-ward side of this road, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.3) before, in presence of, μάρτυροι ἔστων π. τε θεῶν μακάρων π. τε θνητῶν ἀνθρώπων [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ποίτοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος. ὑπίσχομαι probably in [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.I.3.b) in the eyes of, ἄδικον οὐδὲν οὔτε π. θεῶν οὔτε π. ἀνθρώπων [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅσιος π. θεῶν Legal cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατειπάτω. ἁγνῶς π. τοῦ θεοῦ if he wishes to be pure in the sight of the god, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ γὰρ καιρὸς π. ἀνθρώπων βραχὺ μέτρον ἔχει [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.4) in supplication or adjuration, before, and so, in the name of, σε. γουνάζομαι. π. τ᾽ ἀλόχου καὶ πατρός [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἱκετεύω, ἀντιβολῶ π. παίδων, π. γυναικῶν, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: less frequently with other words, π. τῆς ἑστίας [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes in questions, π. θεῶν, τίς οὕτως εὐήθης ἐστί; in heaven's name, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes in Trag. with the pronoun σε between preposition and case, π. νύν σε πατρὸς π. τε μητρός. ἱκνοῦμαι [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.5) of origin or descent, from, on the side of, γένος ἐξ Ἁλικαρνησσοῦ τὰ π. πατρός by the father's side, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρόγονοι ἢ π. ἀνδρῶν ἢ γυναικῶν in the male or female line, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ π. αἵματος blood-relations, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) of effects proceeding from what cause soever: A.II.1) from, at the hand of, with Verbs of having, receiving, etc, ὡς ἂν. τιμὴν καὶ κῦδος ἄρηαι π. πάντων Δαναῶν [Refs 8th c.BC+] to have been taught by, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αἴσχε᾽ ἀκούω π. Τρώων[Refs 5th c.BC+]; also λόγου οὐδενὸς γίνεσθαι π. τινῶν [Refs]; παθεῖν τι π. τινός at the hand of,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τῆς τύχης ὄλωλεν[Refs 5th c.BC+]: with an adjective or substantive, τιμήεσσα π. πόσιος [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἄρκεσις π. ἀνδρός, δόξα π. ἀνθρώπων, [Refs 5th c.BC+] adverb, οἶμαι γὰρ ἂν οὐκ ἀχαρίστως μοι ἔχειν οὔτε π. ὑμῶν οὔτε π. τῆς Ἑλλάδος I shall meet with no ingratitude at your hands, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) of things, π. τίνος ποτ᾽ αἰτίας [τέθνηκεν]; from of by what cause? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἀμπλακημάτων by or by reason of, [Refs] A.III) of dependence or close connexion: hence, A.III.1) dependent on one, under one's protection, π. Διός εἰσι ξεῖνοί τε πτωχοί τε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δικασπόλοι, οἵ τε θέμιστας π. Διὸς εἰρύαται by commission from him, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π. ἄλλης ἱστὸν ὑφαίνοις at the bidding of another, [Refs] A.III.2) on one's side, in one's favour, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) of that which is derivable from: hence, agreeable to, becoming, like, τὰ τοιαῦτα ἔργα οὐ π. τοῦ ἅπαντος ἀνδρὸς νενόμικα γίνεσθαι, ἀλλὰπ. ψυχῆς τε ἀγαθῆς καὶ ῥώμης ἀνδρηΐης [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἦ κάρτα π. γυναικὸς αἴρεσθαι κέαρ 'tis very like a woman, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. δίκης οὐδὲν τρέμων agreeably to justice, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐάν τι ἡμῖν π. λόγου ᾖ if it be at all to our purpose, [Refs 5th c.BC+]correctly, [Refs]; but π. τρόπου τι ὠνεῖσθαι buy at a reasonable price, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; π. ἀγαθοῦ, π. κακοῦ τινί ἐστι or γίγνεται, it is to one's advantage or otherwise, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; π. ἀτιμίας λαβεῖν τι to take a thing as an insult, regard it so, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; λαβεῖν τι π. ὀργῆς (variant{ὀργήν}) [Refs 1st c.AD+]; τῷ δήμῳ π. αἰσχύνης ἂν ἦν, π. ὀνείδους ἂν ἦν τῇ πόλει, [Refs 4th c.AD+] B) WITH DAT, it expresses proximity, hard by, near, at, ποτὶ γαίῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ποτὶ δρυσίν among the oaks, [Refs]; πρὸς ἄκμονι χαλκεύειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἄγκυραν ποτὶ ναΐ κρημνάντων[Refs 5th c.BC+]; θακεῖν π. ναοῖς[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς μάχην καθίστασθαι π. (variant ὑπ᾽) αὐτῇ τῇ πόλει [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ π. Αἰγίνῃ στράτευμα off Aegina, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Αίβυες οἱ π. Αἰγύπτῳ bordering on, [Refs]; τὸ π. ποσί that which is close to the feet, before one, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; θρηνεῖν ἐπῳδὰς π. πήματι over it, [Refs]; αἱ π. τῇ βάσει γωνίαι the angles at the base, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.2) before, in the presence of, π. τοῖς θεσμοθέταις, π. τῷ διαιτητῇ λέγειν, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.3) with Verbs denoting motion towards a place, upon, against, ποτὶ δὲ σκῆπτρον βάλε γαίῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; λιαζόμενον ποτὶ γαίῃ sinking on the ground, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.4) sometimes with a notion of clinging closely, προτὶ οἷ λάβε clasped to him, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π. δμῳαῖσι κλίνομαι fall into the arms of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]close to, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.II) to express close engagement, at the point of, π. αὐτῷ γ᾽ εἰμὶ τῷ δεινῷ λέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; engaged in or about, π. τῷ εἰρημένῳ λόγῳ ἦν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; διατρίβειν or σχολάζειν π. τινί, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν διάνοιαν, τὴν γνώμην ἔχειν π. τινί, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατατάξαι αὐτὸν π. γράμμασιν, i.e. give him a post as clerk, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ὁ π. τοῖς γράμμασι τεταγμένος [Refs 2nd c.BC+] B.III) to express union or addition, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+] and besides them sleep, [Refs 8th c.BC+]in addition to, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; π. ταῖς ἡμετέραις [τριήρεσι] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κυβερνήτης π. τῇ σκυτοτομίᾳ in addition to his trade of leather-cutter, [Refs 5th c.BC+] besides his youth, [Refs]; π. τούτοισι besides this, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; rarely in singular, π. τούτῳ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τοῖς ἄλλοις besides all the rest, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) WITH ACCU[Refs 5th c.BC+] C.I) of Place, towards, to, with Verbs of Motion, ἰέναι π. Ὄλυμπον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἰέναι π. δώματα, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ῥίπτασκε ποτὶ νέφεα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀπῆλθε πρὸς ἑαυτόν returned to his home, [LXX]; κληθῆναι π. τὸ δεῖπνον (rarer than ἐπὶ δεῖπνον) [Refs 1st c.AD+] C.I.2) with Verbs implying previous motion, upon, against, π. τεῖχος, π. κίονα ἐρείσας, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; χῶρον π. αὐτὸν τόνδ᾽ uncertain in [LXX+NT]; π. ὑμᾶς παραμενῶ with you, [NT]beside, [Refs] C.I.2.b) of addition, ποὶ τὰν στάλαν ποιγραψάνσθω τάδε [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἵππον προσετίθει πρὸς τοὔνομα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; προσεδαπάνησε π. τὸ μερισθὲν αὐτῷ εἰς τὸ ἔλαιον ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων over and above the sum allotted to him, [Refs]; προσετέθη π. τὸν λαὸν αὐτοῦ was gathered to his people, [LXX] C.I.3) with Verbs of seeing, looking, etc, towards, ἰδεῖν π. τινά [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὁρᾶν, ἀποβλέπειν π. τι or τινά, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; στάντε ποτὶ πνοιήν so as to face it, [Refs 8th c.BC+] against the wind, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κλαίεσκε π. οὐρανόν cried to heaven, [Refs 8th c.BC+] lie towards the West, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; so in Prose, π. ἠῶ τε καὶ ἡλίου ἀνατολάς [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἥλιον facing the sun, and so, in the sunlight, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so π. λύχνον by lamplight, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; π. φῶς in open day, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but, by torch-light, [Refs 1st c.AD+] C.I.4) in hostile sense, against, π. Τρῶας μάχεαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π. δαίμονα against his will,[Refs 5th c.BC+]: also in argument, in reply to, ταῦτα π. τὸν Πιττακὸν εἴρηται [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and so in the titles of judicial speeches, πρός τινα in reply to, less strong than κατά τινος against or in accusation, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.5) without any hostile sense, π. ἀλλήλους ἔπεα πτερόεντ᾽ ἀγόρευον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π.ξεῖνον φάσθαι ἔπος ἠδ᾽ ἐπακοῦσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; λέγειν, εἰπεῖν, φράζειν π. τινά, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὤμοσε δὲ π. ἔμ᾽ αὐτόν he swore to me, [Refs 8th c.BC+] sometimes governs the reflexive pronoun, διαλογίζεσθαι π. ὑμᾶς αὐτούς [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἀναμνήσθητε, ἐνθυμήθητε π. ὑμᾶς αὐτούς, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μινύρεσθαι, ἄδειν π. ἑαυτόν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.I.5.b) π. σφέας ἔχειν δοκέουσι, i.e. they think they are pregnant, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.I.6) of various kinds of intercourse or reciprocal action, π. Διομήδεα τεύχε᾽ ἄμειβεν changed arms with Diomedes, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; σπονδάς, συνθήκας ποιεῖσθαι π. τινά, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; διαλέγεσθαι π. τινά converse with, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; διαλογίζεσθαι π. τινά balance accounts with, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἃ ἔχει διελόμενος π. τὸν ἀδελφόν [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.6.b) in phrases of the form ἡ π. τινὰ εὔνοια (ἔχθρα, etc.), π. sometimes means towards, as ἡ π. αὑτοὺς φιλία the affection of their wives towards or for them, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; φυσικαὶ τοκέων στοργαὶ π. τέκνα ποθεινά [Refs]: but sometimes at the hands of, ἡ π. τὸ θεῖον εὐμένεια the favour of the gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; φθόνος τοῖς ζῶσι π. τὸ ἀντίπαλον jealousy is incurred by the living at the hands of their rivals, [Refs]; τὴν ἀπέχθειαν τὴν π. Θηβαίους. τῇ πόλει γενέσθαι the hostility incurred by Athens at the hands of the Thebans, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τῇ φιλίᾳ τῇ π. τὸν τετελευτηκότα the friendship with (not 'affection for') the deceased, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῷ φόβῳ τῷ π. ὑμᾶς the fear inspired by you, [Refs]; τῇ π. Ῥωμαίους εὐνοία his popularity with the Romans, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] C.I.7) of legal or other business transacted before a magistrate, witness, etc, τάδε ὁ σύλλογος ἐβουλεύσατο. π. μνήμονας [Refs 5th c.BC+] before a jury, ἔστι δὲ τούτοις μὲν π. ὑμᾶς ἁγών, ὑμῖν δὲ π. ἅπασαν τὴν πόλιν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; before a witness to whom an appeal for corroboration is made, [Refs]; φέρρεν αὐτὸν πὸ (τ) τὸν Δία in the eyes of Zeus, [Refs]; λαχεῖν πρὸς τὸν ἄρχοντα, γράφεσθαι π. τοὺς θεσμοθέτας, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; θέντων τὰ. ποτήρια. π. Πολύχαρμον having pawned the cups with P, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; also διαβάλλειν τινὰ π. τοὺς πολλούς [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II) of Time, towards or near a certain time, at or about, ποτὶ ἕσπερα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ποτ᾽ ὄρθρον (nisi to be read πότορθρον) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π.ἀῶ ἐγρέσθαι, π. ἡμέραν ἐξεγρέσθαι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. γῆρας, π. τὸ γῆρας, in old age, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. εὐάνθεμον φυάν in the bloom of life, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μέχρις ὅτου π. γυναῖκας ὦσι, i.e.of marriageable age, [Refs] for the moment, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; see below 111.5. C.III) of Relation between two objects, C.III.1) in reference to, in respect of, touching, τὰ π. τὸν πόλεμον military matters, equipments, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ π. τὸν βασιλέα our relations to the King, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὰ π. βασιλέα πράγματα the negotiations with the King, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ π. τοὺς θεούς our relations, i.e. duties, to the gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+]in respect of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἕτερος λόγος, οὐ π. ἐμέ that is another matter, and does not concern me, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῶν φορέτρων ὄντων π. ἐμέ freightage shall be my concern, i.e. borne by me, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; π. τοῦτον ἦν ἡ τῶν διαφόρων πρᾶξις [LXX]; ἐὰν. βοᾷ καὶ σχετλιάζῃ μηδὲν π. τὸ πρᾶγμα, nihil ad rem, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; οὐδὲν π. τὸν Διόνυσον Prov. cited in [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; οὐδὲν αὐτῷ π. τὴν πόλιν ἐστίν he owes no reckoning to the State, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔσται αὐτῷ π. τὸν Θεόν (i.e. ὁ λόγος) he shall have to reckon with God, [Refs]; ἔσται π. τὴν Τριάδαν [Refs]; π. πολλοὺς ἔχων ἀγωνιστάς [Refs] see at {ὅσα μῦς ἐν πίσσῃ},[NT+5th c.BC+]; [τὸ or τὰ] πρός τι, the relative term or terms, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὸ π. τι, [Refs 4th c.BC+] name for two, [Refs]; π. ἡμᾶς relatively to us, opposed to ἁπλῶς, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὀρθὸς πρός or ποτί with accusative, perpendicular to, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] C.III.2) in reference to, in consequence of, πρὸς τοῦτο τὸ κήρυγμα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τὴν φήμην in view of, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc: with neuter pronoun, π. τ; wherefore? to what end? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. οὐδέν for nothing, in vain, [Refs]; π. οὐδὲν ἀναγκαῖον unnecessarily, [Refs 8th c.BC+]therefore, this being so, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.III.3) in reference to or for a purpose, ἕστηκεν. μῆλα π. σφαγάς [Refs 4th c.BC+]; χρήσιμος, ἱκανὸς π. τι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ποιεῖ π. ἐπιλημπτικούς is efficacious for cases of epilepsy, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.III.3.b) with a view to or for a future time, ὅπως. γράμματα δῷ π. ἢν ἂν ἡμέραν ἑκάτεροι παραγίνωνται [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; θαυμάζεται τὰ Περικλέους ἔργα π. πολὺν χρόνον ἐν ὀλίγῳ γενόμενα [Refs 1st c.AD+] C.III.3.c) ={πρός} [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.III.4) in proportion or relation to, in comparison with, κοῖός τις δοκέοι ἀνὴρ εἶναι π. τὸν πατέρα Κῦρον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τὰς μεγίστας καὶ ἐλαχίστας ναῦς τὸ μέσον σκοπεῖν the mean between, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρὸς παρεὸν. μῆτις ἀέξεται ἀνθρώποισι in proportion to the existing (physical development), [Refs 5th c.BC+] sells twice against or relatively to silver, i.e. for twice its weight in silver, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; [ἡ μαργαρῖτις λίθος] πωλεῖται. π. χρυσίον for its weight in gold, Androsthenes cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅπως π. τὰς τιμὰς τῶν κριθῶν τὰ ἄλφιτα πωλήσουσι on the basis of the price of barley, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐξέστω αὐτοῦ ἀπογραφὴ τῆς οὐσίας π. τοῦτο τὸ ἀργύριον Ἀθηναίων τῷ βουλομένῳ property equal in value to this silver, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; τῶν ἐγγύων τῶν ἐγγυωμένων π. [αὐτὰ] τὰ κτήματα [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; θέντων τὰ ποτήρια π. χρυσοῦς ἑκατόν [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; τοὺς ἀπαγομένους εἰς φυλακὴν π. τὰ χρέα imprisoned for debt, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; τοὺς π. καταδίκας ἐκπεπτωκότας [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; ἐγδίδομεν τὸ ἔργον. π. χαλκόν [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; οἷον π. ἀργύριον τὴν δόξαν τὰς ψυχὰς ἀποδιδόμενοι [Refs 4th c.AD+]; π. ἅλας ἠγορασμένος, i.e. 'dirt cheap', [Refs 4th c.BC+] i.e. dine frugally, take pot-luck, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of measurements of time by the flow from the clepsydra, π. ἕνδεκα ἀμφορέας ἐν διαμεμετρημένῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ κρίνομαι [Refs 4th c.BC+]; π. κλεψύδραν Eub.p.182 K, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; hence later, π. ὀλίγον for a short time, ἐπανεῖναι π. ὀλίγον τὴν πολιορκίαν [Refs 1st c.AD+]; π.ὀλίγον καιρόν, χρόνον, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]Prooem; π. ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν poetical in [Refs]; π. βραχύ [Refs 4th c.AD+] (by) a little past their best, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; π.μόνην τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἡμέραν [Refs 2nd c.AD+] C.III.5) in or by reference to, according to, in view of, π. τὸ παρεὸν βουλεύεσθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοῖς π. ὑμᾶς ζῶσι those who live with your interests in view, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὸ παιδεύεσθαι π. τὰς πολιτείας suitably to them, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁρῶ. ἅπαντας π. τὴν παροῦσαν δύναμιν τῶν δικαίων ἀξιουμένους according to their power, [Refs 4th c.BC+]according to, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πὸς τὰς συνθέσις in accordance with the agreements, [Refs 4th c.AD+]; τὸν δικαστὰν ὀμνύντα κρῖναι πορτὶ τὰ μωλιόμενα having regard to the pleadings, [Refs], compare 9.30; αἱ ἀρχαὶ. πρὸς τὰ κατεσκευασμένα σύμβολα σηκώματα ποιησάμεναι after making weights and measures in accordance with, or by reference to, the established standards, [Refs]; π. τὰ στάθμια τὰ ἐν τῷ ἀργυροκοπίῳ as measured by the weights in the mint, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; [Εόλων] ἐποίησε σταθμὰ π. τὸ νόμισμα made (trade-) weights on the basis of (i.e. proportional to) the coinage, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; π. τὸ δικαιότατον in accordance with the most just principle, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] C.III.6) with the accompaniment of musical instruments, π. κάλαμον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. αὐλόν or τὸν αὐλόν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ῥυθμὸν ἐμβαίνειν to step in time, [Refs 1st c.BC+] C.III.7) πρός c.accusative frequently periphrastic for adverb, π. βίαν, = βιαίως, under compulsion, νῦν χρὴ. τινα π. βίαν πώνην [Refs 7th c.BC+]; ἥκω. π. βίαν under compulsion, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; by force, forcibly, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; οὐ π. βίαν τινός not forced by any one, [Refs] (but also, in spite of any one, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἀλκήν, π. ἀνάγκαν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἡδονὴν λέγειν, δημηγορεῖν, so as to please, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λούσασθαι τὸ σῶμα π. ἡδ. as much or little as one like s, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τὸ τερπνόν calculated to delight, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. χάριν so as to gratify, μήτε π. ἔχθραν ποιεῖσθαι λόγον μήτε π. χ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] with genitive _of things_, π. χάριν τινός for the sake of, π. χ. βορᾶς [Refs 5th c.BC+]by means of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ὀργήν with anger, angrily, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τὸ λιπαρές importunately, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. καιρόν seasonably, [Refs]; π. εὐτέλειαν cheaply, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; π. μέρος in due proportion, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τέτραπτο π. ἰθύ οἱ straight towards him, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π. ὀρθὰς (i.e. γωνίας (. τῇ AEB at right angles to, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; π. ἀχθηδόνα, π. ἀπέχθειαν, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; γυνὴ π. ἀλήθειαν οὖσα in truth a woman, a very woman, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] in the highest degree, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.III.8) of Numbers. up to, about, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] D) AB[Refs 5th c.BC+] AS adverb, besides, over and above; in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; frequently at the end of a second clause, τάδε λέγω, δράσω τε π. [Refs 5th c.BC+] E) IN COMPOSITION (joined with other words), E.I) motion towards, as προσάγω, προσέρχομαι, etc. E.II) addition, besides, as προσκτάομαι, προσδίδωμι, προστίθημι, etc. E.III) a being on, at, by, or beside: hence, a remaining beside, and metaphorically connexion and engagement with anything, as πρόσειμι, προσγίγνομαι, etc. F) REMARKS, F.1) in poetry πρός sometimes stands after its case and before an attribute, ποίμνας βουστάσεις τε π. πατρός [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἄστυ πότι (or ποτὶ) σφέτερον [Refs 8th c.BC+] F.2) in [Refs 8th c.BC+] F.3) sometimes (in violation of the rule given by [Refs 2nd c.AD+] followed by an enclitic pronoun, πρός με [Refs 5th c.BC+]
a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated); about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in); a strengthened form of g4253 (πρό)

Next word
Adjective Accusative Plural Masculine
DESCRIBING male people or things that are having something done to them
Identical in all sources
Greek Adjective
πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν, genitive, παντός, πάσης, παντός, [in LXX chiefly for כֹּל;] all, every. I. As adj, 1) with subst. anarth, all, every, of every kind: Mat.3:10 4:23, Mrk.9:49, Luk.4:37, Jhn.2:1 o, Act.27:20, Rom.7:8, Rev.18:17, al. mult; pl, all, Act.22:15, Rom.5:12, Heb.1:6, al; of the highest degree, π. ἐξουσία (προθυμία, χαρά), Mat.28:18, Act.17:11, Phi 2:29, al; also the whole (though in this sense more frequently with art.), Mat.2:3, Act.2:36, Rom.11:26. 2) C. art. (before the art, after the noun, or, denoting totality, between the art. and noun), all, whole: Mat.8:32 13:2, Mrk.5:33, Luk.1:10, Act.7:14, Rom.3:19, Gal.5:14, Eph.4:16, al; pl, Mat.2:4, Mrk.4:13, Rom.1:5, al. II. As pron, 1) masc. and fem, every one: Mrk.9:49, Luk.16:16, Heb.2:9; before rel. pron, Mat.7:24, Act.2:21, Gal.3:10, al; with ptcp. (anarth.), Mat.13:19, Luk.11:4; with ptcp. (with art.), Mat.5:22, Mrk.7:8, Luk.6:47, Jhn.3:8, Rom.1:16, al; pl, πάντες, absol, all, all men, Mat.10:22, Mrk.13:13, Luk.20:38, Jhn.1:7 3:26, 1Co.8:1, al; οἱ π. (collectively, as a definite whole), Rom.11:32, 1Co.1:17, Eph.4:13, al; π. οἱ (ὅσοι), Mat.4:24, Mrk.1:32, Luk.4:40, al. 2) Neut, (a) sing, πᾶν, everything, all: πᾶν τό, with ptcp, 1Co.10:25, 27, Eph.5:13, 1Jn.2:16 5:4 (sc. ὄν); πᾶν ὅ, Jhn.17:2, Rom.14:23; collectively, of persons (Westc, in l.), Jhn.6:37, 39; with prep, in adverbial phrases, διὰ παντός, always, Mat.18:10, al; ἐν παντί, in everything, in every way, 2Co.4:8, Phi 4:6, al; (b) pl, πάτνα, all things: absol, Jhn.1:3, 1Co.2:10, Heb.2:8, al; of certain specified things, Mrk.4:34, Luk.1:3, Rom.8:28, 1Th.5:21, al; accusative, πάντα, adverbially, wholly, in all things, in all respects, Act.20:35, 1Co.9:25, al; with art, τὰ π, all things (a totality, as distinct from anarth. πάντα, all things severally; cf. Westc, Eph., 186f.), absol: Rom.11:36, 1Co.8:6, Eph.3:9, Heb.1:3, al; relatively, Mrk.4:11, Act.17:25, Rom.8:32, al; πάντα, with ptcp, Mat.18:31, al; πάντα ταῦτα (ταῦτα π.), Mat.6:32, 33, al; πάντα, with prep, in adverbial phrases, πρὸ πάντων, above all things, Jas.5:12, 1Pe.4:8; ἐν π́, in all things, in all ways, 1Ti.3:11, 1Pe.4:11, al; κατὰ πάντα, in all respects, Act.17:22, al. 3) C. neg, πᾶς οὐ (μή) = οὐδείς, see: οὐ and μή, and cf. M, Pr., 245f. (AS)
Greek Adjective
πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν, A) Aeolic dialect παῖς, παῖσα [Refs 7th c.BC+] feminine πάνσα [Refs 8th c.BC+], Epic dialect and Delph. πάντεσσι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also Locrian dialect πάντεσιν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πάντοις [Refs 2nd c.BC+] as accusative masculine in [LXX+7th c.BC+], etc. (but in compounds sometimes long in Attic dialect, [Refs].]—Coll. pronoun, when used of a number, all; when of one only, the whole; of the several persons in a number, every. A.I) in plural, all, πάντες τε θεοὶ πᾶσαί τε θέαιναι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πάντες ὅσοι. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πάντας ᾧ ἂνπεριτυγχάνῃ, for ὅσοις ἄν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with the Article, see.below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.2) strengthened by adverbs, ἅμα πάντες all together, [Refs 8th c.BC+], but not always, see [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with a collective noun, ἅμα πᾶς ὁ δῆμος [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.3) with superlative,πάντες ἄριστοι all the noblest, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.4) consisting or composed wholly of, i.e. nothing but, only, φρουρούμενος ὑπὸ πάντων πολεμίων [Refs 5th c.BC+]; see 11.2. A.II) singular, all, the whole, πᾶς δ᾽ ἄρα χαλκῷ λάμπε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πᾶσα ὕλη all the wood, [Refs 8th c.BC+];πᾶσα ἀληθείη all the truth, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὴν φάτνην ἐοῦσαν χαλκέην πᾶσαν all of bronze, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἦν ἡ μάχη καρτερὰ καὶ ἐν χερσὶ πᾶσα, ἦν γὰρ τὸ χωρίον πρόσαντες πᾶν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πᾶν κράτος the whole power, sovereign power, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πᾶσαι δ᾽ ὠΐγνυντο πύλαι, πᾶσαι γὰρ ἐπῴχατο [πύλαι], the whole gate was open (shut), i.e. the gate was wide open, quite shut, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; see below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) as in [Refs]nought but mischief, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) every, οἱ δ᾽ ἄλκιμον ἦτορ ἔχοντες. πᾶς πέτεται [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἄκουε πᾶς, ={ἀκούετε πάντες}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with the Article, see infr. B; πᾶς τις every single one, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; πᾶς ὅστις. [Refs]; πᾶν ὅσον. [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.III.2) less frequently, any one, τὸ μὲν ἐπιτιμᾶν. φήσαιτις ἂν. παντὸς εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παντὸς ἀκούοντος. when any one hears, [NT]; ἀμήχανον δὲ παντὸς ἀνδρὸς ἐκμαθεῖν ψυχήν any man's soul, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πάντων ἀποστερεῖσθαι λυπηρόν to be deprived of anything, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B) with the Article, in the sense of all, the whole, when the substantive is to be strongly specified, πᾶς being put either before the Article or after the substantive, πᾶσαν τὴν δύναμιν all his force, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with abstract Nouns and others which require the Article, πάντα τὰ μέλλοντα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τῆς πόλεως π. all the affairs of state, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) πᾶς is put between the Article and substantive, to denote totality (V. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ πάντες ἄνθρωποι absolutely all, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so πᾶν the neuter with the Article itself becomes a substantive, τὸ πᾶν the whole, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὰ πάντα the whole, [Refs]; τοῖς πᾶσιν in all points, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ πάντες all of them, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but also, the community, opposed to οἱ ὀλίγοι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ μὲν [τάξις] πάντα ἕν, ἡ δὲ πάντα ὅλον, ἡ δὲ πάντα πᾶν all things as a unity, as a totality, as an integral sum, [Refs 5th c.AD+] C) with Numerals to mark an exact number, ἐννέα πάντες full nine, [Refs 8th c.BC+] of all kinds, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἀρχιτέκτονα. ἐδωρήσατο πᾶσι δέκα with ten presents of all kinds, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II) with the Article, in all, οἱ πάντες. εἷς καὶ ἐνενήκοντα [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) Special Usages: in dative plural masculine πᾶσι, with or in the judgement of all, [Refs 8th c.BC+] D.2) feminine plural, ἔδοξε πάσαις (i.e. ταῖς ψήφοις) carried unanimously, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] D.II) neuter plural πάντα all kinds of things, [Refs 8th c.BC+] D.II.2) πάντα γιγνόμενος becoming all things, i. e. assuming every shape, [Refs 8th c.BC+] D.II.3) πάντα εἶναί τινι to be everything to one, ἦν οἱ. τὰ πάντα ἡ Κυνώ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἦσάν οἱ πάντα —ἅπαντα codices) αἱ Συρήκουσαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἦν Ἀλέξανδρος (i.e. ὑμῖν) [Refs]; π. εἶναι ἔν τισι to be all in all among them, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D.II.4) πάντα as adverb for πάντως, in all points, entirely, wholly, π. νοήμονες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὰ πολλὰ π. almost throughout, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but τὰ π. in every way, by all means, altogether, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also ἐς τὰ π. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατὰ π. [Refs 5th c.BC+] D.III) neuter singular, τὸ πᾶν the whole (V. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἄξιοι τοῦ π. [Refs]; τὸ πᾶν as adverb, completely, altogether, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (but, for all that, nevertheless, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: with negative, at all, οὐκ ἠξίωσαν οὐδὲ προσβλέψαι τὸ πᾶν [Refs 4th c.BC+]; also πᾶν alone, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D.III.b) in Philos, τὸ πᾶν the universe, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; including τὸ κενόν (opposed to τὸ ὅλον), [Refs 4th c.BC+] name for ten, [Refs 4th c.AD+] D.III.c) τῷ παντί in every point, altogether, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D.III.d) τὸ π, ={μολυβδόχαλκος}, Ps.- [Refs 5th c.BC+] D.III.2) πᾶν anything, πᾶν μᾶλλον ἢ στρατιήν οἱ ἐδίδου [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἴη δ᾽ ἂν πᾶν anything is possible, [Refs]; πᾶν ποιῶν by any means whatever, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πᾶν ποιεῖν ὥστε. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ποιεῖν ὅπως. [Refs 5th c.BC+] D.III.3) ἐπὶ πᾶν on the whole, in general, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D.III.4) παντὸς μᾶλλον more than anything, i. e. above all, [Refs 5th c.BC+] quite so, [Refs] D.IV) with Preps, εἰς πᾶν προελήλυθε μοχθηρίας [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐς τὸ πᾶν altogether, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐν παντὶ ἀθυμίας εἶναι to be in utter despair, [Refs 5th c.BC+], to be in great danger or fear, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν παντὶ εἶναι μή. to be in great fear lest, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπὶ πᾶσιν in all things, καιρὸς δ᾽ ἐπὶ π. ἄριστος [Refs 8th c.BC+]; but also, finally, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; περὶ παντὸς ποιεῖσθαι esteem above all,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρὸ παντὸς εὔχεσθαι wish above all, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; διὰ παντός (i.e. χρόνου) for ever, continually, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also, altogether, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ κατὰ πάντων λόγος the common formula, [Refs]; ἡ κ. π. τελετή [Refs]; μέχρι παντός for ever, [Refs 4th c.BC+] D.V) διὰ πασῶν (i.e. χορδῶν), see at {διαπασῶν}. D.VI) οὐ πᾶς not any, i.e. none, [LXX+NT]; ἄνευ πάσης ταραχῆς without any disturbance, [Refs 1st c.BC+]
all, any, every, the whole; all (manner of, means), alway(-s), any (one), X daily, + ever, every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly, whatsoever, whole, whosoever; including all the forms of declension; apparently a primary word

Next word
a human
Noun Accusative Plural Masculine
male PEOPLE OR THINGS that are having something done to them
Identical in all sources
a human
Greek Noun Male
ἄνθρωπος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for אִישׁ,אָדָם, also for אֱנוֹשׁ, etc;] man: 1) generically, a human being, male or female (Lat. homo): Jhn.16:21; with art, Mat.4:4 12:35, Mrk.2:27, Jhn.2:25, Rom.7:1, al; disting. from God, Mat.19:6, Jhn.10:33, Col.3:23, al; from animals, etc, Mat.4:19, Luk.5:10, Rev.9:4, al; implying human frailty and imperfection, 1Co.3:4; σοφία ἀνθρώπων, 1Co.2:5; ἀνθρώπων ἐπιθυμίαι, 1Pe.4:2; κατὰ ἄνθρωπον περιπατεῖν, 1Co.3:3; κατὰ ἄ. λέγειν (λαλεῖν), Rom.3:5, 1Co.9:8; κατὰ ἄ- λέγειν, Gal.3:15 (cf. 1Co.15:32, Gal.1:11); by meton, of man's nature or condition, ὁ ἔσω (ἔξω) ἄ, Rom.7:22, Eph.3:16, 2Co.4:16 (cf. 1Pe.3:4); ὁ παλαιὸς, καινὸς, νέος ἄ, Rom.6:6, Eph.2:15 4:22, 24 Col.3:9, 10; joined with another subst, ἄ. ἔμπορος, a merchant, Mat.13:45 (WH, txt. om. ἄ.); οἰκοδεσπότης, Mat.13:52; βασιλεύς, 18:23; φάγος, 11:19; with name of nation, Κυρηναῖος, Mat.27:32; Ἰουδαῖος, Act.21:39; Ῥωμαῖος, Act.16:37; pl. οἱ ἄ, men, people: Mat.5:13, 16 Mrk.8:24, Jhn.4:28; οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων, Mrk.11:2, 1Ti.6:16. 2) Indef, ἄ. = τις, some one, a man: Mat.17:14, Mrk.12:1, al; τις ἄ, Mat.18:12, Jhn.5:5, al; indef. one (Fr. on), Rom.3:28, Gal.2:16, al; opposite to women, servants, etc, Mat.10:36 19:10, Jhn.7:22, 23. 3) Definitely, with art, of some particular person; Mat.12:13, Mrk.3:5, al; οὗτος ὁ ἄ, Luk.14:30; ὁ ἄ οὗτος, ἐκεῖνος, Mrk.14:71, Mat.12:45; ὁ ἄ. τ. ἀνομίας, 2Th.2:3; ἄ τ. θεοῦ (of Heb. אִישׁ אֱלֹהִים), 1Ti.6:11, 2Ti.3:17, 2Pe.1:21; ὁ υἰὸς τοῦ ἀ, see: υἱός. SYN.: ἀνήρ, which see (and cf. MM, VGT, 44; Cremer, 103, 635). (AS)
a human
Greek Noun Male
ἄνθρωπος, ἡ, Attic dialect crasis ἅνθρωπος, Ionic dialect ὥνθρωπος, for ὁ ἄνθρ:— man, both as a generic term and of individuals, [Refs 8th c.BC+], opposed to gods, ἀθανάτων τε θεῶν χαμαὶ ἐρχομένων τ᾽ ἀνθρώπων[Refs 8th c.BC+]; πρὸς ἠοίων ἢ ἑσπερίων ἀνθρώπων the men of the east or of the west, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; even of the dead in the Isles of the Blest,[Refs 5th c.BC+] 2) [Refs 5th c.BC+] uses it both with and without the Article to denote man generically, ὁ ἄ. θείας μετέσχε μοίρας[Refs]; ὁ ἄ. the ideal man, humanity, ἀπώλεσας τὸν ἄ, οὐκ ἐπλήρωσας τὴν ἐπαγγελίαν[Refs 2nd c.AD+] 3) in plural, mankind, ἀνθρώπων. ἀνδρῶν ἠδὲ γυναικῶν[Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐξἀνθρώπων γίγνεσθαι depart this life, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] 3.b) joined with a superlative to increase its force, δεινότατον τῶν ἐν ἀνθρώποις ἁπάντων[Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ἄριστος ἐν ἀνθρώποις ὄρτυξ the best quail in the world, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently without a preposition, μάλιστα, ἥκιστα ἀνθρώπων, most or least of all, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἄριστά γ᾽ ἀ, ὀρθότατα ἀ, [Refs] 3.c) τὰ ἐξ ἀνθρώπων πράγματα 'all the trouble in the world',[Refs 5th c.BC+] 4) joined with another substantive, like{ἀνήρ}, ἄ. ὁδίτης [Refs 8th c.BC+]; with names of nations, πόλις Μερόπων ἀνθρώπων[Refs]; in Attic dialect frequently in a contemptuous sense, ἄ. ὑπογραμματεύς, ἄ. γόης, ἄ. συκοφάντης, [NT+5th c.BC+] 5) ἅνθρωπος or ὁ ἄνθρωπος alone, the man, the fellow, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; with a sense of pity, [Refs 4th c.BC+] 6) in the vocative frequently in a contemptuous sense, as when addressed to slaves, etc, ἄνθρωπε or ὤνθρωπε sirrah! you sir! [Refs 5th c.BC+]; simply, brother, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] 7) slave, ἂν ἄ. ᾖ[Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ἄ. τῆς ἁμαρτίας or ἀνομίας[NT]; but τιθέναι τινὰ ἐν ἀνθρώποις make a man of, of a freed slave, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] 8) ἄ. ἄ. any one, Hebraism in [LXX]; ἄ. like [Refs 1st c.BC+] man 'one', [NT] 9) in Medicine texts, name of a plaster, ἡ διὰ σάνδυκος ἄ. καλουμένη[Refs 6th c.AD+] II) as feminine, woman, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; contemptuously, of female slaves, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; with a sense of pity, [Refs 4th c.BC+] —Prop. opposed to θηρίον, compare ἀνή; but opposed to γυνή, [LXX+4th c.BC+]
Noun Masculine
from g3700 (ὀπτάνομαι)); man-faced, i.e. a human being; certain, man; from g435 (ἀνήρ) and (the countenance

of what
ὅς, ἥ
Next word
Relative pronoun Genitive Plural Neuter
a REFERENCE BACK to neuter people or things that something belongs to
Identical in all sources
hos, hē
Greek Relative Pronoun
ὅς, ἥ, ὅ, the postpositive article (ἄρθρον ὑποτακτικόν). I. As demonstr. pron. = οὗτος, ὅδε, this, that, also for αὐτός, chiefly in nom: ὅς δέ, but he (cf. ἦ δὲ ὅς, frequently in Plat.), Mrk.15:23, Jhn.5:11; ὃς μὲν. ὃς δέ, the one. the other, Mat.21:35, 22:5, 25:15, Luk.23:33, Act.27:14, Rom.14:5, 1Co.11:21, 2Co.2:18, Ju 22; neut, ὃ μὲν. ὃ δέ, the one. the other, some. some, Mat.13:8, 23, Rom.9:21; ὃς (ὃ) μὲν. (ἄλλος (ἄλλο)). ἕτερος, Mrk.4:4, Luk.8:5, 1Co.12:8-10; οὓς μέν, absol, 1Co.12:28; ὃς μὲν. ὁ δέ, Rom.14:2. II. As relat. pron, who, which, what, that; 1) agreeing in gender with its antecedent, but differently governed as to case: Mat.2:9, Luk.9:9, Act.20:18, Rom.2:29, al. mult. 2) In variation from the common construction; (a) in gender, agreeing with a noun in apposition to the antecedent: Mrk.15:16, Gal.3:16, Eph.6:17, al; constr. ad sensum: Jhn.6:9, Col.2:19, 1Ti.3:16, Rev.13:14, al; (b) in number, constr. ad sensum: Act.15:36, 2Pe.3:1; (with) in case, by attraction to the case of the antecedent (Bl, §50, 2): Jhn.4:18, Act.3:21, Rom.15:18, 1Co.6:19, Eph.1:8, al. 3) The neut. ὅ with nouns of other gender and with phrases, which thing, which term: Mrk.3:17 12:42, Jhn.1:39, Col.3:14, al; with a sentence, Act.2:32, Gal.2:10, 1Jn.2:8, al. 4) With ellipse of a demonstrative (οὗτος or ἐκεῖνος), before or after: before, Mat.20:23, Luk.7:43, Rom.10:14, al; after, Mat.10:38, Mrk.9:40, Jhn.19:22, Rom.2:1 al. 5) Expressing purpose, end or cause: Mat.11:10 (who = that he may), Mrk.1:2, Heb.12:6 al. 6) C. prep, as periphrasis for conjc: ἀνθ᾽ ὧν (= ἀντὶ τούτων ὧν), because, Luk.1:20, al; wherefore, Luk.12:3; ἐξ οὗ, since, for that, Rom.5:12; ἀφ᾽ οὗ, since (temporal), Luk.13:25; ἐξ οὗ, whence, Php.3:20; etc. 7) With particles: ὃς ἄν (ἐάν), see: ἄν, ἐάν; ὃς καί, Mrk.3:19, Jhn.21:20, Rom.5:2, al; ὃς καὶ αὐτός, Mat.27:57. 8) Gen, οὗ, absol, as adv. (see: οὗ). (AS)
hos, hē
Greek Relative Pronoun
ὅς, ἥ, ὅ, genitive οὗ, ἧς, οὗ, etc; dative plural οἷς, αἷς, οἷς, etc: Epic dialect forms, genitive ὅου (probably replacing Οο) in the phrases ὅου κλέος οὔ ποτ᾽ ὀλεῖται [Refs 8th c.BC+]; feminine ἕης [Refs 8th c.BC+]; elsewhere only ἧς [Refs]; dative plural οἷς, οἷσι, ᾗς, ᾗσι (never αἷς or αἷσι in [Refs 8th c.BC+] — _pronoun_ used, A ) as demonstrative by the side of οὗτος, ὅδε, and the Article ὁ, ἡ, τό: in post-Homeric Gr. this use survived only in a few special phrases. B ) as a Relat. by the side of the Article ὅ, ἥ, τό (see. ὁ, ἡ, τό, c):—this demonstrative and Relat. pronoun must not be confounded with the Possess. ὅς, ἥ, ὅν. (With Gr. Relat. ὅς, ἥ, ὅ cf. Sanskrit Relat. yas, yā, yad, Lithuanian jis, ji (he, she), Oslav. i, ja, je (he, she, it).) A) DEMONSTR. PRON, ={οὗτος},{ὅδε}, this, that; also, he, she, it: A.I) Homeric usage: this form only occurs in the nominative masculine and neuter ὅς, ὅ, and perhaps nominative feminine ἥ and nominative plural οἵ, the other cases being supplied by ὁ, ἡ, τό (ὅ, ἡ, τό); most codices have ἥ in [Refs 8th c.BC+] before it, μηδ᾽ ὅν τινα γαστέρι μήτηρ κοῦρον ἐόντα φέροι, μηδ᾽ ὃς φύγοι [Refs 8th c.BC+]participle, εἰς ἕτερον γάρ τίς τε ἰδών, ὃς σπεύδει (for ὅστις ἂν ἴδῃ, ὃς σπεύδει) [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.II) in later Gr. this usage remained in a few forms: A.II.1) at the beginning of a clause, καὶ ὅς and he, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; καὶ ἥ and she, καὶ οἵ and they, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) ὃς καὶ ὅς such and such a person, [Refs 5th c.BC+] —here also the _Article_ supplied the oblative cases. A.II.3) ἦ δ᾽ ὅς, ἦ δ᾽ ἥ, said he, said she, see at {ἠμί}. A.II.4) in oppositions, where it sometimes answers to the Article, Λέριοι κακοί· οὐχ ὁ μέν, ὃς δ᾽ οὔ. [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ὃ μὲν, ὃ δὲ, ὃ δὲ. (neuter) [NT+4th c.BC+]: so in Doric dialect dative feminine as adverb, ᾇ μὲν, ᾇ δὲ. [Refs 4th c.BC+]: very frequently in late Prose, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: also answering to other Prons, ἑτέρων, ὧν δὲ. [Refs 4th c.BC+] B) RELAT. PRON, who, which.—By the side of the simple Relat, ὅς, ἥ, ὅ (in [Refs 8th c.BC+] A0) USAGE of the Relat. pronoun (the following remarks apply to ὅς γε, ὅσπερ, ὅστε, ὅστις, as well as to ὅς, and to ὁ, ἡ, τό as relative): A0.I) in respect of CONCOR[Refs 4th c.BC+] —Prop. it agrees in gender and number with the Noun or _pronoun_ in the antecedent clause.—But this rule admits of many exceptions: A0.I.1) the Relat. mayagree with the gender implied, not expressed, in the antecedent, φίλον θάλος, ὃν τέκον αὐτή [Refs 8th c.BC+]: so after collective Nouns, the Relat. is frequently put in plural in the gender implied in the Noun, λαόν, οὕς. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; στρατιάν. τοιαύτην, οἵ τινες, τὸ ναυτικόν, οἵ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially after the names of countries or cities, Τηλέπυλον Λαιστρυγονίην ἀφίκανεν, οἳ. (i. e. to Telepylos of the Laestrygonians, who. ) [Refs 8th c.BC+] adjective, Θηβαίας ἐπισκοποῦντ᾽ ἀγυιάς, τάν. the streets of Thebes, which, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὺς Ἡρακλείους παῖδας, ὃς. the children of Heracles, who, [Refs 5th c.BC+]of me whom, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἥμισύν ἐστ᾽ ἀτελὴς τοῦ χρόνου· εἶθ᾽ ἧς πᾶσι μέτεστι, where ἧς agrees with ἀτελείας implied in ἀτελής, [Refs 4th c.BC+] A0.I.2) when the antec. Noun in singular implies a class, the Relat. is sometimes in plural, ἦ μάλα τις θεὸς ἔνδον, οἳ. ἔχουσιν (for τις θεῶν, οἵ.) in some places, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὗ μέν, οὗ δέ. in some places, in others, [Refs 4th c.BC+] in what part of the earth, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A0.I.2) in pregnant phrases, μικρὸν προϊόντες,οὗ ἡ μάχη ἐγένετο (for ἐκεῖσε οὗ) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀπιὼν ἐκ τῆς πόλεως, οὗ κατέφυγε (for οἷ κατέφυγε καὶ οὗ ἦν) [NT+5th c.BC+]: but in early writers this is falsa lectio, as in [Refs 4th c.BC+] A0.II) dative feminine ᾗ, Doric dialect ᾇ, of Place, where, or Manner, as, see at {ᾗ}. A0.III) old locative οἷ, as adverb, see at {οἷ}. A0.III.2) old ablative ὧ, in Doric dialect (compare ϝοίκω), τηνῶθε καθεῖλον, ὧ (whence) μ᾽ ἐκέλευ καθελεῖν τυ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A0.IV) accusative singular neuter ὅ, very frequently ={ὅτι}, that, how that, λεύσσετε γὰρ τό γε πάντες ὅ μοι γέρας ἔρχεται ἄλλῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; and so also, because, ταρβήσας ὅ οἱ ἄγχι πάγη βέλος [Refs] A0.IV.2) in Attic dialect ὅ, for which reason, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A0.IV.3) whereas, [NT+5th c.BC+] A0.V) ἀφ᾽ οὗπερ from the time that, [Refs 4th c.BC+] A0.VI) ἐφ᾽ ᾧ, see at {ἐπί} [Refs 5th c.BC+]
the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that; one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc; probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article g3588 (ὁ))

you have seen
Strongs extended:
Next word
to see
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Singular
an ACTION that has happened - by a person being spoken or written to
Identical in all sources
to see, see
a Meaning of g1492H
to see: see
Greek Verb
ὁράω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for ראה, also for חזה, etc;] in "durative" sense (hence aor. act, εἶδον, pass, ὤφθην, fut, ὄψομαι, from different roots; see M, Pr., 110f.), to see (in colloq. even the present is rare, its place being generally taken by θεωρέω, see BL, §24). 1) Of bodily vision, to see, perceive, behold: absol, Mrk.6:38, al; ἔρχου καὶ ἴδε, Jhn.1:46, al; before ὅτι, Mrk.2:16, al; with accusative, Mat.2:2, Mrk.1:10 16:7, Gal.1:19, al; θεόν, Jhn.1:18, 1Jn.4:20, al. 2) to see with the mind, perceive, discern: absol, Rom.15:21; with accusative of thing(s), Mat.9:2 27:54, Act.8:23, Col.2:18, al. 3) to see, take heed, beware: ὅρα μή, with aor. subjc, Mat.8:4 18:10, Mrk.1:44, 1Th.5:15; id, sc. μὴ ποήσῃς, Rev.19:10 22:9 (Bl, §81, 1); before imperat. Mat.9:30 16:6, Mrk.8:15 4) to experience: τ. θάνατον, Luk.2:26, Heb.11:5; ζωήν, Jhn.3:36; τ. διαφθοράν, Act.2:27. 5) to visit: with accusative of person(s), Luk.8:20, Jhn.12:21, Rom.1:11, al; with accusative loc, Act.19:21. 6) to see to, care for: Mat.27:4, Act.18:15 (cf. ἀφ, καθ, προ, συν-οράω). SYN.: see: βλέπω. (AS)
a Meaning of g1492H
to see: see
Greek Verb
ὁράω, contraction ὁρῶ even in [Refs 8th c.BC+], Epic dialect ὁρόω [Refs], etc; Aeolic dialect ὄρημι (which see); Ionic dialect ὁρέω [Refs 5th c.BC+], 2nd pers. singular ὁρῇς [Refs 3rd c.BC+], 3rd.pers. singular ὁρῇ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; infinitive ὁρῆν [Refs 5th c.BC+] (but 2nd pers. singular ὁρᾷς [Refs 7th c.BC+], 3rd.pers. singular ὁρᾷ [Refs 7th c.BC+]; 1st pers. plural ὁρῶμεν [Refs]; 3rd.pers. plural ὁρῶσι (ἐπ-) [Refs]infinitive ὁρᾶν[Refs] (except when found in Doric dialect, as [Refs 4th c.BC+]; imperfect 3rd.pers. singular ἑώρη [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ionic dialect 3rd.pers. singular ὥρα [Refs 5th c.BC+],2nd pers. plural ὡρᾶτε [Refs] 3rd.pers. plural ὥρων [Refs]; Epic dialect 3rd.pers. singular ὅρα [Refs 8th c.BC+]perfect ἑόρᾱκα, a form required by the metre in many passages, as [Refs 5th c.BC+]; whence ἑόρακα, -άκη ought always to be restored in early Attic dialect writers, though ἑώρακα was used in later Gr, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] (ἑώρακε[ν] is probably in [Refs 4th c.BC+]imperfect probably comes from ἠ- ϝορ- (with a long form of the augment, compare ἠειδ- (ᾐδ-) in imperfect of οἶδα, while ἑορ- in the perfect comes from ϝε-ϝορ, see below: Ionic dialect perfect ὁρώρηκα [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; Doric dialect perfect participle ὡρακυῖα [Refs 4th c.BC+]; 1st pers. singular ὥρακα[Refs]: an aorist 1 ἐσορήσαις only falsa lectio in [Refs 5th c.AD+] —middle ὁράομαι, contraction ὁρῶμαι even in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Epic dialect 2nd pers. singular ὅρηαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]imperfect ἑωρώμην, also ὡρώμην (προ-) [NT], Epic dialect 3rd.pers. singular ὁρᾶτο [Refs 8th c.BC+]:—passive, perfect ἑώραμαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]aorist ἑωράθην only in late Prose, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; infinitive ὁρᾱθῆναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]: future ὁραθήσομαι [Refs 2nd c.AD+] adjective ὁρᾱτός, ὁρᾱτέον[Refs 8th c.BC+] 2nd pers. plural optative ὁρόῳτε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; besides these forms from ὁρα- (ὁρη-) we have II) from root ὀπ- (see. ὄψ) the only future in use, ὄψομαι, always in active sense, [Refs 8th c.BC+], and Attic dialect, Epic dialect 2nd pers. singular ὄψεαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]aorist 1 ἐπ-όψατο in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; subjunctive ὄψησθε [NT]: perfect ὄπωπα [Refs 8th c.BC+], never in Attic dialect Prose: pluperfect 3rd.pers. singular ὀπώπει [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὀπώπεσαν [Refs] —passive, aorist 1 ὤφθην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; optative (Ionic dialect) ὀφθείησαν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; participle ὀφθείς, infinitive ὀφθῆναι, [Refs]: future ὀφθήσομαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]: perfect ὦμμαι [Refs 4th c.BC+]; compare ὀπτέον. III) from ϝιδ- are formed aorist active εἶδον, infinitive ἰδεῖν: aorist middle εἰδόμην, infinitive ἰδέσθαι: perfect with present sense οἶδα I know, infinitive εἰδέναι: verb. adjective ἰστέος (for these tenses, see at {Εἴδω}). (ὁρ- probably from ϝορ, as indicated by the imperfect and perfect forms; compare βῶροι (i.e. ϝῶροι), Engl. (a)ware.) A0) Senses: A0.I) absolutely, see, look, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἴς τι or εἴς τινα to or at a thing or person, [Refs 8th c.BC+]:—middle, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; but ἔς τινα ὁρᾶν to be of so-and-so's party, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; εἰς τὴν Ἀττάλου καθαίρεσιν εἶδεν aimed at, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὁρόων ἐπ᾽ ἀπείρονα πόντον looking over the sea, [Refs]; ὁρᾶν πρός τι look towards, ἀκρωτήριον τὸ πρὸς Μέγαρα ὁρῶν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρὸς πλοῦν ὁρᾷ looks to sail (i.e. is ready), [Refs 5th c.BC+] A0.I.2) have sight, opposed to μὴ ὁρᾶν, to be blind, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅσ᾽ ἂν λέγωμεν, πάνθ᾽ ὁρῶντα λέξομεν [though I am blind,] my words shall have eyes, i.e. shall be to the purpose, [Refs]; ἐν σκότῳ. οὓς μὲν οὐκ ἔδει ὀψοίαθ᾽, i.e. should be blind, [Refs]; ἀμβλύτερον ὁ, opposed to ὀξύτερον βλέπειν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπὶ σμικρὸν ὁ. to be short-sighted, [Refs] A0.I.3) see to, look to, i.e. take or give heed, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὁ. εἰς γλῶσσαν. ἀνδρός look to, pay heed to, [Refs 6th c.BC+]: frequently in imperative, like{βλέπε}, followed by a dependent clause, ὅρα ὅπως. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅρα εἰ. see whether, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅρα τί ποιεῖς[Refs 4th c.BC+] A0.I.4) ὁρᾷ; ὁρᾶτ; see'st thou? d'ye see? parenthetically, especially in explanations, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also ὁρᾷ; at the beginning of a sentence, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀλλ᾽—ὁρᾷ; but, do you see, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐχ ὁρᾷ; ironically, [Refs 4th c.BC+] A0.I.5) with accusative cognate, like{βλέπω} 11, look so and so, δεινὸν ὁρῶν ὄσσοισι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also ἡδέως ὁρᾶν look pleasant, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A0.II) transitive, see an object, behold, perceive, observe, with accusative, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+]perfect ὄπωπα exclusively in this sense, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὀφθαλμοῖσιν or ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖσιν ὁρᾶν to see with or before the eyes, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αἰεὶ τέρμ᾽ ὁρόων always keeping it in sight, keeping his eye on it, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὁ. τινά look to (for aid), [Refs 4th c.BC+] A0.II.b) ζώει καὶ ὁρᾷ φάος ἠελίοιο, poetry for ζῆν, like{βλέπειν}, [Refs 8th c.BC+]:— in middle, φέγγος ὁρᾶσθαι [Refs]; so ὁρᾶν alone, τὰ γὰρ φθιτῶν τοῖς ὁρῶσι κόσμος [Refs] A0.II.c) followed by a clause, οὐχ ὁράᾳς οἷος; [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὁρᾷς ἡμᾶς, ὅσοι ἐσμέ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐχ ὁρᾷς ὅτι ἥμαρτε; [Refs 4th c.BC+] A0.II.d) with participle, καπνὸν. ὁρῶμεν ἀπὸ χθονὸς ἀΐσσοντα we see it rising, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὁρῶν ἐμαυτὸν ὧδε προυσελούμενον seeing myself thus insulted, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁρῶ σε κρύπτοντα. see you hiding, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so ὁρῶ μ᾽ ἔργον ἐξειργασμένην I see that I have done, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; rarely in reference to the subject, ὁρῶ μὲν ἐξαμαρτάνων (= ὅτι ἐξαμαρτάνω) [Refs 5th c.BC+]:—so in middle, ἄνδρα διωκόμενον. ὁρῶμαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also with infinitive, ἑώρων οὐκέτι οἷόν τε εἶναι. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A0.II.e) rarely with genitive, οὐδεὶς Σωκράτους οὐδὲν ἀσεβὲς. οὔτε πράττοντος εἶδεν οὔτε λέγοντος ἤκουσεν (where the Constr. is suggested by the use of ἤκουσεν) [Refs 5th c.BC+] A0.II.2) see to, ἴδε πῶμα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; look out for, provide, τινί τι [LXX+5th c.BC+] A0.II.3) the infinitive is used after an adjective, δεινὸς ἰδεῖν [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐχθίστου. ὁρᾶν most hateful to behold, [Refs 5th c.BC+]:—middle or passive, αἰσχρὸς ὁρᾶσθαι [Refs]: with an adverb, μὴ διχορρόπως ἰδεῖν [Refs 4th c.BC+]: with a substantive, ἄνδρα τευχηστὴν ἰδεῖν [Refs]: with a Verb, πρέπουσι. ἰδεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A0.II.4) middle is used by Poets like active, [Refs 8th c.BC+]middle occurs only in compounds, as προ-ορῶμαι: for the imperative ἰδοῦ, ἰδού, see at {ἰδοῦ}. A0.II.4.b) no passive is used by [Refs 8th c.BC+]; in Attic dialect the passive has the sense to be seen, [Refs 4th c.BC+]participle, ὤφθημεν ὄντες ἄθλιοι was seen in my wretchedness, [Refs 5th c.BC+]he will prove to be, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ὁρώμενα all that is seen, things visible, like{τὰ ὁρατά}, [Refs] A0.III) metaphorically, of mental sight, discern, perceive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so blind Oedipus says, φωνῇ γὰρ ὁρῶ, τὸ φατιζόμενον I see by sound, as the saying is, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] A0.IV) absolutely, see visions, ὁ ἀληθινῶς ὁρῶν [LXX]:—passive, appear in a vision, ὤφθη ἄγγελος πρὸς τὴν γυναῖκα[LXX] A0.V) interview, ἐμνήσθης μοι ἰδεῖν τὸν κεραμέα περὶ τῶν κεραμίων you told me to see the potter about the jars, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]
Strongs > g3708
by extension, to attend to; by Hebraism, to experience; passively, to appear; behold, perceive, see, take heed; properly, to stare at (compare g3700 (ὀπτάνομαι)), i.e. (by implication) to discern clearly (physically or mentally)

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Identical in all sources
Greek Conjunction
καί, conj., and I. Copulative. 1) Connecting single words; (a) in general: Mat.2:18, 16:1, Mrk.2:15, Luk.8:15, Heb.1:1, al. mult; repeated before each of the terms in a series, Mat.23:23, Luk.14:21, Rom.7:12, 9:4, al. (b) connecting numerals (WM, §37, 4): Jhn.2:20, Act.13:20; (with) joining terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole: Mat.8:33, 26:59, Mrk.16:17, Act.5:29, al. 2) Connecting clauses and sentences: Mat.3:12, Act.5:21, al. mult; esp. (a) where, after the simplicity of the popular language, sentences are paratactically joined (WM, §60, 3; M, Pr., 12; Deiss, LAE, 128ff.): Mat.1:21, 7:25, Mrk.9:5, Jhn.10:3, al; (b) joining affirmative to negative sentences: Luk.3:14, Jhn.4:11, IIIJhn.10; (with) consecutive, and so: Mat.5:1, 23:32, Heb.3:19, al; after imperatives, Mat.4:19, Luk.7:7, al; (d) = καίτοι, and yet: Mat.3:14, 6:26, Mrk.12:12, Luk.18:7 (Field, Notes, 72), 1Co.5:2, al; (e) beginning an apodosis (= Heb. וְ; so sometimes δέ in cl.), then: Luk.2:21, 7:12, Act.1:10; beginning a question (WM, §53, 3a): Mrk.10:26, Luk.10:29, Jhn.9:36. 3) Epexegetic, and, and indeed, namely (WM, §53, 3c): Luk.3:18, Jhn.1:16, Act.23:6, Rom.1:5, 1Co.3:5, al. 4) In transition: Mat.4:23, Mrk.5:1, 21, Jhn.1:19, al; so, Hebraistically, καὶ ἐγένετο (וַי:הִי; also ἐγένετο δέ), Mrk.1:9 (cf. Luk.5:1; V. Burton, §§357-60; M, Pr., 14, 16). 5) καὶ. καί, both. and (for τε. καί, see: τε); (a) connecting single words: Mat.10:28, Mrk.4:41, Rom.11:33, al; (b) clauses and sentences: Mrk.9:13, Jhn.7:28, 1Co.1:22, al. II. Adjunctive, also, even, still: Mat.5:39, 40; Mrk.2:28, al. mult; esp. with pron, adv, etc, Mat.20:4, Jhn.7:47, al; ὡς κ, Act.11:17; καθὼς κ, Rom.15:7; οὑτω κ, Rom.6:11; διὸ κ, Luk.1:35; ὁ κ. (Deiss, BS, 313ff.), Act.13:9; pleonastically, μετὰ κ. (Bl, §77, 7; Deiss, BS, 265f,), Php.4:3; τί κ, 1 Co 15:29; ἀλλὰ κ, Luk.14:22, Jhn.5:18, al; καίγε (M, Pr., 230; Burton, §437), Act.17:27; καίπερ, Heb.5:8; κ. ἐάν, see: ἐάν. ἐάν, contr. fr. εἰ ἄν, conditional particle, representing something as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not so definitely expected as in the case of εἰ with ind. (Bl, §65, 4; cf. Jhn.13:17, 1Co.7:36), if haply, if; 1) with subjc. (cl.); (a) pres: Mat.6:22, Luk.10:6, Jhn.7:17, Rom.2:25, 26 al; { (b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.): Mat.4:9 16:26 (cf. ptcp. in Luk.9:25; M, Pr., 230), Mrk.3:24, Luk.14:34, Jhn.5:43, Rom.7:2, al; = cl. εἰ, with opt, Jhn.9:22 11:57, Act.9:2; as Heb. אִם = ὅταν, Jhn.12:32 14:3, I Jhn.2:28 3:2, Heb.3:7 " (LXX). 2) C. indic, (as in late writers, fr. Arist. on; see WH, App., 171; VD, MGr. 2, App., §77; Deiss, BS, 201f, LAE, 155, 254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl, §65, 4); (a) fut: Mat.18:19 T, Luk.19:40, Act.7:7; (b) pres: 1Th.3:8 (see Milligan, in l.). 3) With other particles: ἐ. καί (Bl, §65, 6), Gal.6:1; ἐ. μή (M, Pr., 185, 187; Bl, l.with), with subjc. pres, Mat.10:13, 1Co.8:8, Jas.2:17, 1Jn.3:21; aor, Mat.6:15, Mrk.3:27, Jhn.3:3, Rom.10:15, Gal.1:8 2:16 (see Lft, Ellic, in ll.); ἐ. τε. ἐ. τε, [in LXX for אִם. אִם, Est.19:13, al,] Rom.14:8. 4) = cl. ἄν (which see) after relat. pronouns and adverbs (Tdf, Pr., 96; WH, App., 173; M, Pr., 42f; Bl, §26, 4; Mayser, 152f; Deiss, BS, 202ff.): ὃς ἐ, Mat.5:19, Mrk.6:22, 23 Luk.17:32, 1Co.6:18, al; ὅπου ἐ, Mat.8:19; ὁσάκις ἐ, Rev.11:6; οὗ ἐ, 1Co.16:6; καθὸ ἐ, 2Co.8:12; ὅστις ἐ, Gal.5:10. (AS)
Greek Conjunction
καί, conjunction, copulative, joining words and sentences, A) and; also adverb, even, also, just, frequently expressing emphatic assertion or assent, corresponding as positive to the negative οὐ (μή) or οὐδέ (μηδέ). copulative, and, A.I) joining words or sentences to those preceding, ἦ, καὶ κυανέῃσιν ἐπ᾽ ὀφρύσινεῦσε Κρονίων [Refs 8th c.BC+]: repeated with two or more Nouns, αἱ δὲ ἔλαφοι κ. δορκάδες κ. οἱ ἄγριοι οἶες κ. οἱ ὄνοι οἱ ἄγριοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; joining only the last pair, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ὄχλος πλείων κ. πλείων ἐπέρρει more and more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to add epithets after πολύς, πολλὰ κ. ἐσθλά [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.2) to addalimiting or defining expression, πρὸς μακρὸν ὄρος κ. Κύνθιον ὄχθον to the mountain and specially to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (sometimes in reverse order, πρὸς δῶμα Διὸς κ. μακρὸν Ὄλυμπον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; to add by way of climax, θεῶν. κ. Ποσειδῶνος all the gods, and above all. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently ἄλλοι τε καί, ἄλλως τε καί, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs]; ὀλίγου τινὸς ἄξια κ. οὐδενός little or nothing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ταῦτα and this too. , γελᾶν ἀναπείθειν, κ. ταῦθ᾽ οὕτω πολέμιον ὄντα τῷ γέλωτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) at the beginning of a sentence, A.II.1) in appeals or requests, καί μοι δὸς τὴν Χεῖρα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καί μοι λέγε, καί μοι ἀπόκριναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in Oratt, καί μοι λέγε. τὸ ψήφισμα, καί μοι ἀνάγνωθι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) in questions, to introduce an objection or express surprise, κ. τίς τόδ᾽ ἐξίκοιτ᾽ ἂν ἀγγέλων τάχο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. πῶς; pray how? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. δὴ τί; but then what? [Refs]; κ. ποῖον; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς εἶδε πώποτε βοῦς κριβανίτα; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κἄπειτ᾽ ἔκανε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς πώποτε Χαριζόμενος ἑτέρῳ τοῦτο εἰργάσατ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) ={καίτοι}, and yet, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) at the beginning of a speech, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) after words implying sameness or like ness, as, γνώμῃσι ἐχρέωντο ὁμοίῃσι κ. σύ they had the same opinion as you, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἴσον or ἴσα κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἴσῳ (i.e. ἐστὶ) κ. εἰ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) after words implying comparison or opposition, αἱ δαπάναι οὐχ ὁμοίως κ. πρίν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) to express simultaneity, ἦν ἦμαρ δεύτερον, κἀγὼ κατηγόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρέρχονταί τε μέσαι νύκτες κ. ψύχεται [τὸ ὕδωρ] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [οἱ Λακεδαιμόνιοι] οὐκ ἔφθασαν τὴν ἀρχὴν κατασχόντες κ. Θηβαίοις εὐθὺς ἐπεβούλευσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) joining an affirmative clause with a negative, ἀλλ᾽ ὥς τι δράσων εἷρπε κοὐ θανούμενος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) καί, καί. correlative, not only, but also. , κ. ἀεὶ κ. νῦν, κ. τότε κ. νῦν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) by anacoluthon, ὣς φαμένη κ. κερδοσύνῃ ἡγήσατ᾽ Ἀθήνη, for ὣς ἔφη κ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔρχεται δὲ αὐτή τε. κ. τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα, for κ. ὁ υἱός, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) even, also, just, B.1) τάχα κεν κ. ἀναίτιον αἰτιόῳτο even the innocent, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δόμεναι κ. μεῖζον ἄεθλον an even greater prize, [Refs]full five,[Refs 5th c.BC+] two or three, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) also, κ. ἐγώ I also, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. αὐτοί they also, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀγίας καὶ Σωκράτης κ. τούτω ἀπεθανέτην likewise died, [Refs]; in adding surnames, etc, Ὦχος ὁ κ. Δαρειαῖος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative ὁ κ. first in [Refs 1st c.BC+], frequently later, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; Ἰούδας ὁ κ. Μακκαβαῖος [NT+8th c.BC+]; εἴπερ τι κ. ἄλλο, ὥς τις κ. ἄλλος, [Refs 5th c.BC+], not only, but also. , see at {μόνος}; οὐδὲν μᾶλλον. ἢ οὐ καὶ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2.b) frequently used both in the antecedent and relative clause, where we put also in the antecedent only, εἰ μὲν κ. σὺ εἶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὧνπερ κ. ἐγώ [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.3) frequently in apodosi, after temporal Conjs, ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δή ῥα, κ. τότε δή. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also after εἰ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: as a Hebraism, κ. ἐγένετο. κ. [LXX+NT] B.4) with Advs, to give emphasis, κ. κάρτα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. λίην full surely, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. πάλαι, κ. πάνυ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μάλα, κ. σφόδρα, in answers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.5) with words expressing a minimum, even so much as, were it but, just, ἱέμενος κ. καπνὸν ἀποθρῴσκοντα νοῆσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷς ἡδὺ κ. λέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τίς δὲ κ. προσβλέψετα; who will so much as look at you? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) just, τοῦτ᾽ αὐτὸ κ. νοσοῦμεν 'tis just that that ails me, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently with a relative, τὸ κ. κλαίουσα τέτηκα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; and how long ago was the city sacked? [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ποῦ καί σφε θάπτε; where is he burying her? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) even, just, implying assent, ἔπειτά με κ. λίποι αἰών thereafter let life e'en leave me, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.8) κ. εἰ even if, of a whole condition represented as an extreme case, opposed to εἰ κ. although, notwithstanding that, of a condition represented as immaterial even if fulfilled,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰ κ. ἠπιστάμην if I had been able, [Refs 5th c.BC+] each exert their force separtely, as εἴ περ ἀδειής τ᾽ ἐστί, καὶ εἰ. and if. [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.9) before a Participle, to represent either καὶ εἰ, or εἰ καί, although, albeit, Ἕκτορα κ. μεμαῶτα μάχης σχήσεσθαι ὀΐω, for ἢν κ. μεμάῃ, how much soever he rage, although he rage, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C) Position: καί and, is by Poets sometimes put after another word, ἔγνωκα, τοῖσδε κοὐδὲν ἀντειπεῖν ἔχω, for καὶ τοῖσδε οὐδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.2) καί also, sometimes goes between a preposition and its case, ἐν κ. θαλάσσᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.3) very seldom at the end of a verse, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) crasis: with ᾰ, as κἄν, κἀγαθοί, etc; with ε, as κἀγώ, κἄπειτα, etc, Doric dialect κἠγώ, κἤπειτα, etc; with η, as Χἠ, Χἠμέρη, Χἠμεῖς, etc; with ῐ in Χἰκετεύετε, Χἰλαρ; with ο, as Χὠ, Χὤστις, etc; with υ in Χὐμεῖς, Χὐποχείριον, etc; with ω in the pronoun ᾧ, Χ; with αι, as κᾀσχρῶ; with αυ, as καὐτό; with ει, as κεἰ, κεἰς (but also κἀς), κᾆτ; with εὐ, as κεὐγένεια, κεὐσταλή; with οι in Χοἰ (Χᾠ [Refs]; with ου in Χοὖτος, κοὐ, κοὐδέ, and the like.
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words; and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet; apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force

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to hear
Verb Aorist Active Indicative 2nd Singular
an ACTION that happened - by a person being spoken or written to
Identical in all sources
to hear
Greek Verb
ἀκούω, [in LXX chiefly for שׁמע] to hear, listen, attend, perceive by hearing, comprehend by hearing. 1) Intrans: Mrk.4:3 7:37, Jas.2:5, Rev.2:7, al; τ. ὠσίν, Mat.13:15 (LXX); with cogn. dative, ακοῇ ἀ. (see: ἀκοή), Mat.13:14, Act.28:26 " (LXX); ὁ ἔχων ὦτα (οὖς) ἀκούειν, ἀκουσάτω, Mat.11:15, Mrk.4:23, Rev.2:7, al. 2) Trans, prop. with accusative of thing(s), of thing heard, genitive of person(s), from whom heard (LS, see word): Act.1:4; with accusative of thing(s), Mat.12:19, Jhn.3:8 (Abbott, JG, 76), Act.22:9, al; with dupl. accusative, Jhn.12:18, 1Co.11:18; with genitive of thing(s), Jhn.7:40 (Abbott, JV, 116); τ. φωνῆς (cf. Heb. שָׁמַע בְּקוֹל, Exo.18:19), Jhn.5:25, 28 Act.9:7 (on the distinction bet. this and ἀ. φωνήν, ib. 4, see M, Pr., 66; Field, Notes, 117; Abbott, Essays, 93f.); of God answering prayer, Jhn.9:31, 1Jn.5:14, 15; with accusative of thing(s), before παρά, Jhn.8:26, 40 Act.10:22, 2Ti.2:2; id. before ἀπό, 1Jn.1:5; with genitive pars. before ptcp, Mrk.14:58, Luk.18:36, al. (On NT usage generally, see Bl, §36, 5; Cremer, 82.) (AS)
to hear
Greek Verb
ἀκούω: Epic dialect imperfect ᾰκουον[Refs 8th c.BC+]future ἀκούσομαι (active ἀκούσω first in [NT+4th c.BC+]aorist ἤκουσα, Epic dialect ᾰκουσα[Refs 8th c.BC+]perfect ἀκήκοα, Laconian dialect ἄκουκα[Refs 1st c.AD+]; ἤκουκα is a late form, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; later Ionic dialect ἀκήκουκα[Refs 3rd c.BC+]: pluperfect ἀκηκόειν[Refs 5th c.BC+]; old Attic dialect ἠκηκόη[Refs 5th c.BC+] —rare in middle, present (see. below [Refs]: Epic dialect imperfect ἀκούετο[Refs 8th c.BC+]: aorist ἠκουσάμην[Refs 2nd c.BC+]:—passive, future ἀκουσθήσομαι[Refs 5th c.BC+]: aorist ἠκούσθην[Refs 5th c.BC+]: perfect ἤκουσμαι[Refs 1st c.BC+]; ἀκήκουσμαι is uncertain in [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: pluperfect ἤκουστο[Refs 4th c.BC+], (παρ-) [Refs 1st c.AD+]:—hear, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: properly with accusative of thing heard, genitive of person from whom it is heard, ταῦτα Καλυψοῦς ἤκουσα[Refs 8th c.BC+]; or the accusative of things, ἄκουε τοῦ θανόντος[Refs]:—also with genitive _of things_, φθογγῆς, κτύπου, hear it, [Refs 8th c.BC+] in middle, ἀκούετο λαὸς ἀϋτῆς[Refs 8th c.BC+] b) with genitive objecti, hear of, hear tell of, ἀ. πατρός[Refs 8th c.BC+]participle, τεθνηῶτος (i.e. πατρός) ἀκούσῃς[Refs]; but εἰ. πατρὸς νόστον ἀ.[Refs 8th c.BC+] c) in Prose the person from whom thing is heard frequently takes preposition, ἀ. τι ἀπό, ἐκ, παρά, πρός τινος, first in [Refs 8th c.BC+] d) less frequently with double genitive person et of things, hear of a thing from a person, as [Refs 8th c.BC+] e) with participle or infinitive added, as εἰ πτώσσοντας ὑφ᾽ Ἕκτορι πάντας ἀκούσαι should he hear that all are now crouching under Hector, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀ. αὐτὸν ὄλβιον εἶναι to hear [generally] that he is happy, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸν Δαίδαλον οὐκ ἀκήκοας, ὁτι; [Refs 5th c.BC+] f) with genitive et participle, to express what one actually hears from a person, ταῦτ᾽. ἤκουον σαφῶς Ὀδυσσέως λέγοντος[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀ. τινὸς λέγοντος, διαλεγομένου, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: rarely with accusative et participle, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 2) know by hearsay, ἔξοιδ᾽ ἀκούων[Refs 5th c.BC+]: present is used like a perfect, νῆσός τις Συρίη κικλήσκεται, εἴ που ἀκούεις[Refs 8th c.BC+]; in Prose, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 3) absolutely, hearken, give ear, especially in proclamations, ἀκούετε λεῴ oyez! oyez! Susar.[Refs 5th c.BC+] 4) οἱ ἀκούοντες readers of a book, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] II) listen to, give ear to, with genitive, [Refs 8th c.BC+]participle after dative, ὅττι οἱ ὦκ᾽ ἤκουσε. θεὸς εὐξαμένοιο[Refs] II.2) obey, βασιλῆος, θεοῦ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —middle, Λεωφίλου δ᾽ ἀκούεται [πάντα] [Refs 7th c.BC+] II.3) hear and understand, κλύοντες οὐκ ἤκουον[Refs 5th c.BC+] II.4) to be a pupil of, with genitive, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] III) after [Refs 8th c.BC+]passive to λέγειν, hear oneself called, be called, like Latin audire, εἴπερ ὄρθ᾽ ἀκούεις, Ζεῦ[Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently with εὖ and κακῶς, κακῶς ἀ. ὑπό τινος to be ill spoken of by one; πρός τινος[Refs 5th c.BC+].; περί τινος for a thing, [Refs].; ἄμεινον, ἄριστα ἀ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] III.2) with nominative of subject, ἀκούειν κακός, καλός, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; later in passive in this sense, [Refs 4th c.AD+] III.3) with infinitive, ἤκουον εἶναι πρῶτοι were said to be first, [Refs 5th c.BC+] III.4) with accusative of things, ἀ. κακά have evil spoken of one, [Refs 5th c.BC+] III.5) οὕτως ἀ. hear it so said, i. e. at first hearing, ὡς οὕτω γ᾽ ἀκοῦσαι[Refs 5th c.BC+] IV) understand, take in a certain sense, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τι ἐπί τινος [Refs 5th c.BC+] V) Astrology texts, aspect mutually, of signs equidistant from an equinoctial sign, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; also, ={ὑπακούειν} (which see), [Refs]
to hear (in various senses); give (in the) audience (of), come (to the ears), (shall) hear(-er, -ken), be noised, be reported, understand; a primary verb

< أعمال 22:15 >