< San Juan 7 >

1 YA despues di manmalofan estesija, si Jesus jumanao para Galilea: ya ti malago mamocat guiya Judea, sa y Judio sija maaliligao güe para umapuno.
After this, Jesus spent his time going from place to place in Galilee. He did not want to do so in Judea because the Jews were out to kill him.
2 Ya estaba jijot y guipot y Judio sija, na mafanaan gupot tabetnaculo.
But as it was almost time for the Jewish festival of the Tabernacles,
3 Y mañeluña sija pot este na rason ilegñija nu güiya: Falofan güine, ya unjanao para Judea, para y disipulumo sija locue ujalie y chechomo sija ni unfatitinas.
his brothers told him, “You ought to leave and go to Judea so your followers will be able to see what miracles you can do.
4 Sa taya ni uno, mamatitinas jafa na güinaja gui secreto, ya güiyaja mismo ualigao na umatungo gui publico. Yaguin unfatitinas este sija na güinaja, fanuejao gui tano.
No one who wants to be famous keeps what they do hidden. If you can do such miracles, then show yourself to the world!”
5 Sa mañeluña sija locue ti majonggue güe.
For even his own brothers really didn't believe in him.
6 Ayo nae si Jesus ilegña nu sija: Y tiempoco ti mafato trabia, lao y tiemponmiyo siempre esta listo.
Jesus told them, “This is not my time to go, not yet; but you can go whenever you want, for any time's the right time for you.
7 Y tano ti siña manchinatlie jamyo; lao guajo jachatlie, sa mannae yo testimonio pot güiya, na y chechoña manaelaye.
The world has no reason to hate you, but it does hate me, because I make it clear that its ways are evil.
8 Jamyo infangajulo güine na gupot; guajo ti jucajulo güine na gupot; sa y tiempoco trabia ti macumple.
You go on to the festival. I'm not going to this festival because this is not the right time for me, not yet.”
9 Ya anae munjayan jasangane estesija, sumaga trabia guiya Galilea.
After saying this he stayed behind in Galilee.
10 Lao anae y mañeluña sija mangajulo; ayo nae güiya locue cumajulo gui guipot; ti gui publico, lao calang gui secreto.
After his brothers left to go to the festival, Jesus also went, but not openly—he stayed out of sight.
11 Ayo nae y Judio sija maaliligao güe gui guipot; ya ilegñija: Manggue güe?
Now at the festival the Jewish leaders were searching for him and kept on asking, “Where is he?”
12 Ya guaja un dangculon gonggong entalo y linajyan taotao sija pot güiya; sa guaja ilegñija: Güiya mauleg na taotao; palo, ilegñija: Aje, lao jadadague y taotao sija.
Many people in the crowds were complaining about him. Some said, “He's a good man,” while others argued, “No! He deceives people.”
13 Lao ni uno umadingan gui publico pot güiya, sa manmaañao ni Judio sija.
But no one dared to speak openly about him because they were afraid of what the Jewish leaders would do to them.
14 Anae y entalo y guipot, cajulo si Jesus gui templo ya mamanagüe.
When the festival was halfway through Jesus went to the Temple and began to teach.
15 Enao muna y Judio sija manamanman ya ilegñija: Jafa muna jatungo este letra na ti umeeyag?
The Jewish leaders were very surprised, and asked, “How does this man have so much learning when he hasn't been educated?”
16 Maninepe as Jesus ilegña: Y finanagüeco, ti iyoco lao iyon ayo y tumago yo.
Jesus answered, “My teaching is not from me but from the one who sent me.
17 Yaguin guaja y mumalago fumatitinas y minalagoña, güiya utumungo y finanagüeco, cao güiya iyon Yuus, pat jusangan estesija na güinaja pot guajo namaesa.
Anyone who chooses to follow what God wants will know if my teaching comes from God or if I'm only speaking for myself.
18 Y umadingan pot güiyaja, ualiligao y minalagña namaesa; lao y umaligao y minalag iyon ayo y tumago güe, güiya magajet ya taya tinaelaye gaegue guiya güiya.
Those who speak for themselves want to glorify themselves, but someone who glorifies the one who sent him is truthful and not deceitful.
19 Ti manninae jamyo as Moises y tinago sija, ya taya uno guiya jamyo cumumple ya tinago sija? Sajafa na inprocucura para inpino yo?
Moses gave you the law, didn't he? Yet none of you keeps the law! Why are you trying to kill me?”
20 Y linajyan taotao manmanope: Anite guaja guiya jago! Jaye promucucuraja pumano jao?
“You're demon-possessed!” the crowd replied. “No one's trying to kill you!”
21 Manope si Jesus ya ilegña: Un chocho guajo fumatinas, ya todo jamyo ninafanmanman.
“I did one miracle and you're all shocked by it,” Jesus replied.
22 Pot este si Moises manninae jamyo ni y circunsision (na ti guine as Moises lao iyon y tata sija), ya asta pago gui sabado incircunsida y taotao.
“However, because Moses told you to circumcise—not that it really came from Moses, but from your forefathers before him—you perform circumcision on the Sabbath.
23 Yaguin y taotao resibe gui sabado y circunsision, para ti umapoca y tinagon Moises; manbubo jamyo nu guajo, sa junasenguefjomlo un taotao gui sabado na jaane?
If you circumcise on the Sabbath to make sure that the law of Moses isn't broken, why are you angry with me for healing someone on the Sabbath?
24 Chamiyo injisga taemanoja y liniinmiyo, lao injisga taemanoja y cabales na juisio.
Don't judge by appearances; decide what is right!”
25 Ylegñija locue palo gui taotao Jerusalem: Ti güiya este y manmaliligao para upuno.
Then some of those from Jerusalem began wondering, “Isn't this the one they're trying to kill?
26 Ya lie na umadingan jafa malagoña, ya taya sumangan jafa nu güiya. Siña na y magalaje sija jatungo magajet, na este si Cristo?
But see how openly he's speaking, and they're saying nothing to him. Do you think the authorities believe he's the Messiah?
27 Lao jita tumungo este na taotao, guine mano güe: ya anae mato si Jesucristo, taya uno tumungo taotao mano.
But that's not possible because we know where he comes from. When the Messiah comes, nobody will know where he's from.”
28 Si Jesus entonses umagang gui. templo anae mamananagüe ilegña: Jamyo intingo yo, jaye yo, yan intingo locue taotao mano yo; ya guajo mamaela ti pot guajoja: lao y tumago yo, güiya magajet, ya jamyo ti intingo güe.
While he was teaching in the Temple, Jesus called out in a loud voice, “So you think you know me and where I'm from? However, I did not come for my own sake. The one who sent me is true. You don't know him,
29 Guajo tumungo güe, sa guine güiya yo, ya güiya tumago yo!
but I know him, for I come from him, and he sent me.”
30 Japrocura sija para macone güe, lao taya uno mato canaeña guiya güiya, sa y oraña trabia ti mafato.
So they tried to arrest him, but no one laid a hand on him because his time had not yet come.
31 Ya megae gui linajyan taotao jumonggue güe, ya ilegñija: Ada yaguin si Cristo mamaela, ujafatinas mas megae na señat qui y fumatiñas este na taotao?
However, many of the crowd did put their trust in him. “When the Messiah appears, will he do more miraculous signs than this man has done?” they said.
32 Y Fariseo sija jumungog na y linajyan taotao manafaesen pot estesija, ya y manmagas mamale yan y Fariseo sija manmanago ni ofisiatñija para umacone.
When the Pharisees heard the crowd whispering this about him, they and the chief priests sent guards to arrest Jesus.
33 Enaomina si Jesus ilegña: Trabia didide na tiempo gaegue yo guiya jamyo, ya despues bae falag ayo y tumago yo.
Then Jesus told the people, “I'll be with you just a little longer, but then I'll return to the one who sent me.
34 Ynaligao yo, ya ti inseda yo; ya mano nae gaegue yo, jamyo ti siña manmamaela.
You'll search for me but you won't find me; and you can't come where I'm going.”
35 Entonses y Judio sija ilegñija entre sijaja: Para mano este, para ti siñajit tasoda güe? Mapos buente para y manmachapon sija anae mangaegue sija gui entalo y Griego sija, ya mamnanagüe ni y Griego sija?
The Jews said to each other, “Where could he be going that we couldn't find him? Is he planning to go to those scattered among the foreigners, and teach the foreigners?
36 Jafa na sinangan na ayo y esta masangan: Inaligao yo ya ti inseda yo, ya mano nae gaegue yo, jamyo ti siña manmamaela.
What does he mean by saying, ‘You'll search for me but you won't find me; and you can't come where I'm going’?”
37 Y uttimo na jaane, dangculo na jaanin gupot, si Jesus tumojgue, ya umagang ilegña: Yaguin y taotao guaja minajo umamaela guiya guajo, ya uguinem.
On the last and most important day of the festival, Jesus stood up and shouted out in a loud voice, “If you're thirsty, come to me and drink.
38 Ya y jumonggueyo, taegüije y sinangan y Tinigue: y sanjalomña manmimilalag y sadog janom na lalâlâ.
If you trust in me, you will have streams of life-giving water flowing out from within you, as Scripture says.”
39 Jasangan este na sinangan pot y Espiritu, ni para uresibe ayo sija y manmanjonggue guiya güiya: sa trabia taya mananae ni Espiritu Santo, sa si Jesus ti rumesibe y minalagña,
He was referring to the Spirit that those who trusted in him would later receive. The Spirit hadn't been given yet because Jesus hadn't yet been glorified.
40 Entonses palo gui linajyan taotao, manmanjungog nu este na sinangan, ilegñija: Sumenmagajet na este güiya y ayo na profeta.
When they heard these words, some of the people said, “This man is definitely the Prophet!”
41 Y palo ilegñija: Este güiya si ayo na Cristo: Y palo despues ilegñija: Jafa? guinin Galilea umamaela si Cristo?
Others said, “He is the Messiah!” Still others said, “How can the Messiah come from Galilee?
42 Ti ilelegña y Tinigue, na si Cristo mamaela gui semiyan David, yan guinin y sengsong iya Betlehem anae sumaga si David?
Doesn't Scripture say that the Messiah comes from David's lineage, and from David's home town of Bethlehem?”
43 Ya guaja inaguguat gui entalo linajyan taotao pot güiya.
So the crowd had a strong difference of opinion about him.
44 Ya guaja guiya sija y manmalago na ujacone, lao taya uno siña minajalom canaeña guiya güiya.
Some wanted to arrest him, but nobody laid a hand on him.
45 Ayonae y ofisiat sija manmalag y magas na mamale yan y Fariseo sija; ya ilegñija nu sija: Sajafa muna ti inchile güe mague?
Then the guards returned to the chief priests and the Pharisees who asked them, “Why didn't you bring him in?”
46 Y ofisiat sija manmanope: Taya na taotao umadingan taegüine.
“Nobody ever spoke like this man does,” the guards replied.
47 Entonses y Fariseo sija maninepe: Jamyo locue manabag gui chalan?
“Have you been fooled too?” the Pharisees asked them.
48 Ada guaja palo y jumonggue güe gui magalaje sija pat y Fariseo sija?
“Has a single one of the rulers or Pharisees believed in him? No!
49 Este sija na linajyan taotao ni ti jatungo y tinago sija, manmatdito.
But this crowd that knows nothing about teachings of the law—they're damned anyway!”
50 Ylegña nu sija si Nicodemo (ayo y mato gui as Jesus antes güiya uno guiya sija),
Nicodemus, who had previously gone to meet Jesus, was one of them and asked them,
51 Manjujusga un taotao y iyota na tinago, yaguin y finenana ti majungog guiya güiya ya matungo jafa y finatinasña?
“Does our law condemn a man without a hearing and without finding out what he actually did?”
52 Manmanope ya ilegñija nu güiya: Jago locue taotao Galilea? Aligao, ya unlie, cao guine Galilea taya nae cajulo profeta.
“So you're a Galilean as well, are you?” they replied. “Check the Scriptures and you'll discover that no prophet comes from Galilee!”
53 Manalo guato cada uno gui guimañija.
Then they all went home,

< San Juan 7 >