< Matthew 27:64 >

Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
म्हणीन तिन दिनपावत कबरवर पहारा ठेवानी आज्ञा द्या, कदाचित त्याना शिष्य रातले ईसन त्याले चोरी ली जातीन अनं तो मरेल मातीन ऊठेल शे, अस लोकसले सांगतीन; शेवटली लबाडी पहिल्या पेक्षा वाईट व्हई.
Prandaj urdhëro që varri të ruhet mirë deri në ditën e tretë, se mos vijnë dishepujt e tij natën e ta vjedhin trupin dhe pastaj t’i thonë popullit: “U ringjall së vdekuri”; kështu mashtrimi i fundit do të ishte më i keq se i pari”.
Bara nani ta anit idi yenje kiseke udu liri lin tatte. Bara nono katwa me wada tuughe i belle anit au, 'Afita nanya kiseke.' Kinu kin mbe wa kata kin burne.”
فَمُرْ بِضَبْطِ ٱلْقَبْرِ إِلَى ٱلْيَوْمِ ٱلثَّالِثِ، لِئَلَّا يَأْتِيَ تَلَامِيذُهُ لَيْلًا وَيَسْرِقُوهُ، وَيَقُولُوا لِلشَّعْبِ: إِنَّهُ قَامَ مِنَ ٱلْأَمْوَاتِ، فَتَكُونَ ٱلضَّلَالَةُ ٱلْأَخِيرَةُ أَشَرَّ مِنَ ٱلْأُولَى!».
فَأَصْدِرْ أَمْراً بِحِرَاسَةِ الْقَبْرِ بِإِحْكَامٍ إِلَى الْيَوْمِ الثَّالِثِ، لِئَلّا يَأْتِيَ تَلامِيذُهُ وَيَسْرِقُوهُ، وَيَقُولُوا لِلشَّعْبِ: إِنَّهُ قَامَ مِنْ بَيْنِ الأَمْوَاتِ، فَيَكُونَ التَّضْلِيلُ الأَخِيرُ أَسْوَأَ مِنَ الأَوَّلِ».
ܦܩܘܕ ܗܟܝܠ ܡܙܕܗܪܝܢ ܒܩܒܪܐ ܥܕܡܐ ܠܬܠܬܐ ܝܘܡܝܢ ܕܠܡܐ ܢܐܬܘܢ ܬܠܡܝܕܘܗܝ ܢܓܢܒܘܢܝܗܝ ܒܠܠܝܐ ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܠܥܡܐ ܕܡܢ ܒܝܬ ܡܝܬܐ ܩܡ ܘܬܗܘܐ ܛܘܥܝܝ ܐܚܪܝܬܐ ܒܝܫܐ ܡܢ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ
Արդ, հրամայի՛ր, որ մինչեւ երեք օր գերեզմանի ապահովութեանը հոգ տարուի. գուցէ աշակերտները գիշերով գան եւ գողանան նրան ու ժողովրդին ասեն, թէ՝ մեռելներից յարութիւն առաւ. եւ վերջին մոլորութիւնը աւելի վատ լինի, քան առաջինը»:
Ուրեմն հրամայէ՛, որ գերեզմանը ապահովուի՝ մինչեւ երրորդ օրը. որպէսզի իր աշակերտները չգան գիշերուան մէջ, չգողնան զայն եւ չըսեն ժողովուրդին. “Մեռելներէն յարութիւն առաւ”, ու վերջին մոլորութիւնը աւելի գէշ ըլլայ քան առաջինը»:
এই হেতুকে, তৃতীয় দিনলৈকে তেওঁৰ মৈদাম ৰাখিবলৈ আজ্ঞা দিয়ক; কিজানি তেওঁৰ শিষ্যবোৰে আহি তেওঁৰ দেহ চুৰ কৰি নিব আৰু মানুহবোৰক ক’ব, ‘তেওঁ মৃত লোকৰ মাজৰ পৰা উঠিল’; যদি সেয়ে হয় তেনেহ’লে ই প্ৰথম ভ্ৰান্তিতকৈয়ো শেষ ভ্ৰান্তি অধিক হানিজনক হ’ব”।
Ona görə də əmr et ki, üçüncü günə qədər qəbirin təhlükəsizliyi qorunsun. Yoxsa şagirdləri gəlib Onu oğurlayar və xalqa “O, ölülər arasından dirildi” deyərlər. Axırıncı yalan birincisindən daha pis olar».
man kwenum nyori ne nyaldo a to tuweti na kume yo bbece kebo nyori nob bwanka cebo anbou kumco, laci yi nubo, in kwennm tuwe. la buoko an la kaba ko ceu bwiraka
एतरे तीन दाड़ा लग मड़ाट्‌या नी रखवाळी करवा नो हुकम आप। कदीम ईसम नी हय जाय, के तीना चेला हीने चोरी करीन लीत्‌ती रेय, अने माणहु सी केय के ईसु मरला मे गेथो पासो जीवतो हय ज्‌यो। आहयो पासलो धोको ते पेल्‌ना धोका गेथो बी जादा रद्‌दी हयहे।”
Mana eçac bada beguira dadin sepulchrea heren egunerano, haren discipuluéc gauäz ethorriric, hura ebats ezteçaten, eta populuari derroten, Resuscitatu da hiletaric: eta halaz baitate azquen errorea lehena baino gaichtoago.
Amaiba: le, di da gele gelabo noga: le ga: sili, sosodo aligisu dunuma ouligima: ne sia: ma! Ea ado ba: su dunu da Ea da: i hodo wamolale, eno dunuma, ‘E da uhini wa: legadoi,’ ilia sia: sa: besa: le, bu ogogosumusa: ogogoi baligiliwane ba: sa: besa: le, noga: le sosodo aligimu da defea.”
অতএব তিনদিন পর্যন্ত তার কবর পাহারা দিতে আদেশ করুন, না হলে তার শিষ্যেরা এসে তাকে চুরি করে নিয়ে যাবে, আর লোকদেরকে বলবে, তিনি মৃতদের মধ্য থেকে জীবিত হয়েছেন, তাহলে প্রথম ছলনার থেকে শেষ ছলনায় আরও ক্ষতি হবে।”
সেই কারণে, তিন দিন পর্যন্ত সমাধিটি পাহারা দিতে আদেশ দিন, তা না হলে, তাঁর শিষ্যেরা এসে সেই দেহ চুরি করে নিয়ে যাবে ও লোকদের বলবে যে তিনি মৃতলোক থেকে জীবিত হয়ে উঠেছেন। তাহলে শেষের এই প্রতারণা প্রথমের থেকে আরও গুরুতর হবে।”
एल्हेरेलेइ हुक्म दे ताके ट्लाई दिहाड़न तगर कब्री पुड़ पेरहो दित्तो गाए, कि एरू न भोए कि तैसेरे चेले एइतां तैसेरी लाश च़ोरन, ते लोकन सेइं ज़ोन कि तै मुड़दन मरां ज़ींतो भोरोए, ए धोखो पेइले धोखे करां भी जादे बुरो भोलो।”
हुकम दे कि तिन्ना रोजां दीकर सिपाई कबरां दी रखबाली करन, कुथी इयां ना हो कि उदे चेले आई करी उसयो कडी नी लेई जान, कने लोकां जो बोलन कि सै मरयां चे जिन्दा होई गिया है। तालू पिछला धोखा पेहले ला भी बुरा होणा है।”
Anit' ŏkhs'ĭstutsĭssĭ aken'imani nioks'kai ksĭstsiku'ĭsts, otŭs'ksĭnĭmatsax mŏkstai'sepiotosax, mŏkstai'kŏmosaĭ'ĭsax, mŏkstai'anĭstosauax matap'pix, ŭk'aipuau: ki sako'ipatsĭstutŭksĭnni aks'ĭstŭpskĭts top matom'ipatsĭstutŭksĭnni.
ସେତାର୍‌ଗିନେ ତିନିଦିନ୍ ହଃତେକ୍‌ ମଃସୁଣ୍‌ ଜାଗୁକେ ଆଦେସ୍‌ ଦେ, ନୟ୍‌ଲେକ୍‌ କେଜାଣ୍ ତାର୍‌ ଚେଲାମଃନ୍ ଆସି ତାର୍‌ ମଃଳ୍‌କେ ଚରିନଃୟ୍‌ ଲକ୍‌ମଃନ୍‌କେ କଃଉତି, ‘ସେ ଜିବନ୍ ହାୟ୍‌କଃରି ଉଟ୍‌ଲା ଆଚେ;’ ସେନ୍‌କାର୍‌ ଅୟ୍‌ଲେକ୍‌ ହଃର୍ତୁର୍‌ ମିଚ୍ ତଃୟ୍‌ହୁଣି ହଃଚାର୍‌ ମିଚ୍ ଅଃଦିକ୍‌ କଃରାବ୍‌ ଅୟ୍‌ଦ୍‌ ।”
Mansh b́ danifuwots amr úmp'de ashuwotssh ‹Hamb k'irotse tuure› boerawok'o doowman keez aawo b́ borfetso kotetwok'o azazowe, man wotob́k'azal ili b́dariytwo shintsoniyere ayide gonde b́ wotiti.»
Gourc'hemenn eta ma vo diwallet ar bez betek an trede deiz, gant aon na zeufe e ziskibien [en noz] d'e laerezh ha da lavarout d'ar bobl: Savet eo a-douez ar re varv. An tromplerezh diwezhañ-se a vefe gwashoc'h eget an hini kentañ.
Nitu kima (nno oda) yo ba ndu ba gben be'a tie vitra kieta na tie tokima na bi huwa (mrlikohma) ba ble ye y'bi-wu nda hlani ndji “A tashme” U gyru u klekle ani zan u mumla ni meme.
Заповядай, прочее, гробът да се пази здраво до третия ден, да не би учениците Му да дойдат и да Го откраднат, и кажат на народа: Възкръсна от мъртвите. Така последната измама ще бъде по-лоша от първата.
Busa pagsugo nga ang lubnganan bantayan gayod hangtod sa tulo ka adlaw. Kay kung dili ang iyang mga disipulo moadto ug kawaton siya ug moingon sa katawhan nga, 'Nabanhaw siya gikan sa mga patay.' Ug ang ulahi nga paglingla mahimong mas labaw pa kaysa nahiuna.”
Busa magsugo ka nga ang lubnganan pabantayan pag-ayo hangtud sa ikatulong adlaw, kay tingali unyag adtoon ug kawaton siya sa iyang mga tinuin-an ug unya manugilon sila sla mga taawo nga manag-ingon, `Nabanhaw siya gikan sa mga patay,' ug ang ulahing limbong molabaw pa unya hinoon kangilad kay sa nahauna."
Enao mina fanago, ya umaasegura y naftan, asta y mina tres na jaane; sa noseaja ufanmato y disipulo sija an puenge ya ujasaque; ya ujaalog ni taotao sija: Cajulo esta gui entalo manmatae: ya y uttimo na linache udangculoña qui y finenana.
Choncho lamulirani kuti manda ake atetezedwe mpaka pa tsiku lachitatu. Chifukwa tikapanda kutero, ophunzira ake angabwere kudzaba mtembo wake ndipo angawuze anthu kuti waukitsidwa kwa akufa. Ndipo chinyengo chomalizachi chidzakhala choyipa kwambiri kusiyana ndi choyamba chija.”
Axüisawe naw mthana law u lü a yawk mpyu law be u lü, ‘Jesuh thihnak üngka naw tho be ve’ ti lü, khyang he üng jah mtheh u se, ak’hnua hleihlaknak hin akmaa ka kthaka sehlen khai ni. Acunakyase, a ng’utnak mhnüp kthum mtäh vaia ngthu mkhyaha,” ami ti.
To pongah ni thumto karoek to taprong kahoihah toep o hanah lokpaek ah, to tih ai nahaeloe a hnukbang kaminawk mah aqum ah caeh o ueloe, qok to paqu o ving tih, to pacoengah kaminawk khaeah anih loe duekhaih thung hoi angthawk let boeh, tiah thui o tih: to naah hnukkhuem sakpazaehaih loe hmaloe ih pongah nung kue tih, tiah a naa o.
Te dongah hlan te a thum hnin duela tawt ham olpae mai. A hnukbang rhoek ha pawk uh tih huen uh ve. Te vaengah pilnam taengah, 'Duek lamloh thoo coeng,’ ti ve. Te dongah a hnukkhueng kah tholhhiknah tah lamhma lakah a thae la om ve,” a ti uh.
Te dongah hlan te a thum hnin duela tawt ham olpae mai. A hnukbang rhoek ha pawk uh tih huen uh ve. Te vaengah pilnam taengah, 'Duek lamloh thoo coeng,’ ti ve. Te dongah a hnukkhueng kah tholhhiknah tah lamhma lakah a thae la om ve,” a ti uh.
Cedawngawh am thum nyn dy awh phyi ce ak leek na a mi qehnaak aham awi pe lah. Cemih am awhtaw, cimthan awh a hubatkhqi law unawh a qawk ce a mim quuk coengawh, thlangkhqi venna anih taw thihnaak awhkawng tho tlaih hawh hy, tinawh kqawn kawm uh. Cawhtaw ahu nakaw thainaak awi ce ak cyk awhkawng lak awh nauh khqoet kaw,” tina uhy.
A nungzui te zan ciang hongpai in a luanghawm ngu a, thina pan thokik zo hi: ci in midang te tung ah son a hile, a nungsang thu sia a masa sang in poimaw zaw tu hi, tua ahiciang a than sia nithum dong cing tu in thupia in, ci uh hi.
Hijeh'a hi lhan chu ni thum lhinkah'a ding in mohor nam in. Hiche hin aseijuite ahung uva chule atahsa guhmangna chule mijouse koma ama athilah'a kon in athoudohtai atina diu umta ponte. Hiti chu hileh amasa suhkhel sang'a phajo hiding ahi,” ati.
Hatdawkvah a hnukkâbangnaw ni tangmin vah a ro hah a la awh teh, ahni teh duenae koehoi a thaw toe telah tami pueng koe dei awh pawiteh ahmaloe e payon e hlak a hnukkhu e payon e hoe kalen han telah ngaihrinae a tawn awh dawkvah, tangkom hah hnin thum touh thung ring hanlah kâ na poe haw atipouh awh.
Kwayele tukummenda mwasalile ŵangondo ajaule akalilindilile lilembe kwa moŵa gatatu, kuti ŵakulijiganya ŵao anakombole kuchijigala chiilu chao ni kwasalila ŵandu kuti asyuchile. Akuno kulambusya kwa mbesi kuno chikuŵe kwawamba nnope kupunda kwaandanda kula.”
ⲟⲩⲁϩⲥⲁϩⲛⲓ ⲟⲩⲛ ⳿ⲉⲧⲁϫⲣⲟ ⳿ⲙⲡⲓ⳿ⲙϩⲁⲩ ϣⲁ ⲡⲓⲙⲁϩ ⲅ̅ ⳿ⲛ⳿ⲉϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲙⲏⲡⲱⲥ ⳿ⲛⲧⲟⲩ⳿ⲓ ⳿ⲛϫⲉ ⲛⲉϥⲙⲁⲑⲏⲧⲏⲥ ⳿ⲛⲧⲟⲩⲟⲗϥ ⳿ⲛϭⲓⲟⲩ⳿ⲓ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⳿ⲛⲧⲟⲩϫⲟⲥ ⳿ⲙⲡⲓⲗⲁⲟⲥ ϫⲉ ⲁϥⲧⲱⲛϥ ⳿ⲉⲃⲟⲗϧⲉⲛ ⲛⲏⲉⲑⲙⲱⲟⲩⲧ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⳿ⲛⲧⲉ ϯϧⲁ⳿ⲉ ⳿ⲙ⳿ⲡⲗⲁⲛⲏ ⳿ⲧϩⲟ ⲛⲁⲛ ⳿ⲉϯϩⲟⲩ⳿ⲓϯ.
ⲟⲩⲉϩⲥⲁϩⲛⲉ ϭⲉ ⲉⲧⲣⲉⲛⲱⲣϫ ⲙⲡⲧⲁⲫⲟⲥ ϣⲁⲡⲙⲉϩϣⲟⲙⲛⲧ ⲛϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲙⲏⲡⲟⲧⲉ ⲛⲥⲉⲉⲓ ⲛϭⲓ ⲛⲉϥⲙⲁⲑⲏⲧⲏⲥ ⲛⲥⲉϥⲓⲧϥ ⲛϫⲓⲟⲩⲉ ⲛⲥⲉϫⲟⲟⲥ ⲙⲡⲗⲁⲟⲥ ϫⲉ ⲁϥⲧⲱⲟⲩⲛ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲛ ⲛⲉⲧⲙⲟⲟⲩⲧ ⲛⲧⲉⲑⲁⲏ ⲙⲡⲗⲁⲛⲏ ⲑⲟ ⲉⲧϣⲟⲣⲡ
ⲟⲩⲉϩⲥⲁϩⲛⲉ ϭⲉ ⲉⲧⲣⲉⲛⲱⲣϫ ⲙⲡⲧⲁⲫⲟⲥ ϣⲁⲡⲙⲉϩϣⲟⲙⲛⲧ ⲛϩⲟⲟⲩ. ⲙⲏⲡⲟⲧⲉ ⲛⲥⲉⲉⲓ ⲛϭⲓⲛⲉϥⲙⲁⲑⲏⲧⲏⲥ ⲛⲥⲉϥⲓⲧϥ ⲛϫⲓⲟⲩⲉ ⲛⲥⲉϫⲟⲟⲥ ⲙⲡⲗⲁⲟⲥ ϫⲉ ⲁϥⲧⲱⲟⲩⲛ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲛⲛⲉⲧⲙⲟⲟⲩⲧ. ⲛⲧⲉⲑⲁⲏ ⲙⲡⲗⲁⲛⲏ ⲑⲟ ⲉⲧϣⲟⲣⲡ.
Zapovjedi dakle da se grob osigura sve do trećega dana da ne bi možda došli njegovi učenici, ukrali ga pa rekli narodu: 'Uskrsnuo je od mrtvih!' I bit će posljednja prijevara gora od prve.”
Rozkažiž tedy ostříhati hrobu až do třetího dne, ať by snad učedlníci jeho, přijdouce v noci, neukradli ho, a řekli by lidu: Vstalť jest z mrtvých. I budeť poslední blud horší nežli první.
Rozkažiž tedy ostříhati hrobu až do třetího dne, ať by snad učedlníci jeho, přijdouce v noci, neukradli ho, a řekli by lidu: Vstalť jest z mrtvých. I budeť poslední blud horší nežli první.
Dej tedy aspoň tři dny hlídat hrob, nebo přijdou jeho učedníci, ukradnou ho a pak budou lidem namlouvat, že vstal z mrtvých. A to by k tomu bludu ještě chybělo!“
Befal derfor, at Graven skal sikkert bevogtes indtil den tredje Dag, for at ikke hans Disciple skulle komme og stjæle ham og sige til Folket: "Han er oprejst fra de døde; og da vil den sidste Forførelse blive værre end den første,"
Befal derfor, at Graven skal sikkert bevogtes indtil den tredje Dag, for at ikke hans Disciple skulle komme og stjæle ham og sige til Folket: Han er oprejst fra de døde; og da vil den sidste Forførelse blive værre end den første.‟
Befal derfor, at Graven skal sikkert bevogtes indtil den tredje Dag, for at ikke hans Disciple skulle komme og stjæle ham og sige til Folket: Han er oprejst fra de døde; og da vil den sidste Forførelse blive værre end den første.‟
ତେବର୍‌ ପାଇ ତିନ୍‌ ଦିନ୍‌ ଜାକ ତାକେ କବର୍‌ ଦେଲାଟାନେ ଜାଗୁଆଲ୍‌ ଦାର୍‌ବାକେ ଆଦେସ୍‌ ଦିଆସ୍‌ । ସେନ୍ତି କଲେ ତାର୍‌ ସିସ୍‌ମନ୍‌ ତାର୍‌ ଗାଗଡ୍‌ ଚରାଇନେଇ ସେ ଜିବନ୍‌ ଅଇକରି ମଲାତେଇଅନି ଉଟ୍‌ଲା ବଲି କଇନାପାରତ୍‌ ।” ସେମନର୍‌ ଏନ୍ତାରି ମିଚ୍‌ କାତା ଜାନାଇବାଟା ସବୁର୍‍ଟାନେଅନି ଅଦିକ୍‌ କେତି ଅଇସି ।
Omiyo gol chik mondo orit liel nyaka chiengʼ mar adek. Nono to jopuonjrene nyalo biro mi kwal ringre mi giwach ne ji ni osechier oa kuom joma otho. Miriambo machien-ni dibed marach moloyo mokwongo.”
Nkinkaako layilila kuti kabanda kakwe kalindwe kusikila kubuzuba bwatatu. Chimwi chindi ulabona basikwiya bakwe basika bazomubba akwambila bantu, 'Kuti wabuka kuzwa kubafu.'Alweeno lwakumamanino ngalulayinda lwakusanguna.”
Beveel dan, dat het graf verzekerd worde tot den derden dag toe, opdat Zijn discipelen misschien niet komen bij nacht, en stelen Hem, en zeggen tot het volk: Hij is opgestaan van de doden; en zo zal de laatste dwaling erger zijn, dan de eerste.
Gelast dus, het graf tot de derde dag te bewaken, opdat zijn leerlingen niet komen en Hem ontvoeren, en aan het volk gaan zeggen: Hij is opgestaan van de doden; het laatste bedrog zou nog erger zijn dan het eerste.
Beveel dan, dat het graf verzekerd worde tot den derden dag toe, opdat Zijn discipelen misschien niet komen bij nacht, en stelen Hem, en zeggen tot het volk: Hij is opgestaan van de doden; en zo zal de laatste dwaling erger zijn, dan de eerste.
Command therefore to secure the tomb until the third day, lest his disciples having come by night steal him away, and say to the people, He was raised from the dead. And the last error will be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest haply his disciples come and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: and the last error will be worse than the first.
Therefore, command that the sepulcher be made safe till the third day, lest his disciples come and steal him away, and say to the people, He has risen from the dead; and the last error will be worse than the first.
So give the order that the tomb be secured until the third day. Otherwise, His disciples may come and steal Him away and tell the people He has risen from the dead. And this last deception would be worse than the first.”
Give orders, then, that the place where his body is may be made safe till the third day, for fear that his disciples come and take him away secretly and say to the people, He has come back from the dead: and the last error will be worse than the first.
Therefore command that the tomb be secured until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, steal him away, and say to the people, ‘He has been raised from the dead.’ This last deception would be worse than the first.”
Therefore, order the sepulcher to be guarded until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples may come and steal him, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ And this last error would be worse than the first.”
Command therefore that the sepulchre be secured until the third day, lest his disciples should come and steal him away, and say to the people, He is risen from the dead; and the last error shall be worse than the first.
Command therefore the sepulchre to be guarded until the third day: lest perhaps his disciples come and steal him away, and say to the people: He is risen from the dead; and the last error shall be worse than the first.
Therefore command that the grave be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him and say to the people, ‘He was raised from the dead,’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Give orders to secure the tomb until the third day. That way his disciples can't come and steal his body and tell people that he was raised from the dead, and the deception in the end will become worse than it was at first.”
Command therefore, that the sepulchre be made sure vntill the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steale him away, and say vnto the people, He is risen from the dead: so shall the last errour be worse then the first.
Command therefore that the tomb be made safe until the third day, lest His disciples having come, may steal Him away, and say to the people, He is risen from the dead: and the last error shall be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made perfectly secure until the third day, lest his disciples coming by night, steal him, and say to the people, He is risen from the dead, so the last delusion would be worse than the first.
order therefore the sepulchre to be secured till the third day, least his disciples should come and steal Him away, and tell the people, He is risen from the dead: and so the last error will be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the sepulcher be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say to the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the tomb be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He has risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
command, then, the grave to be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples, having come by night, may steal Him away, and may say to the people, He rose from the dead, and the last deceit will be worse than the first.”
Command, therefore, that the sepulcher be guarded till the third day, lest his disciples come and steal him, and say to the people, He is raised from the dead; for this last imposture would prove worse than the first.
Now therefore give order to have the sepulcher securely guarded until the third day, for fear his disciples may come and steal him away, and then tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead’; and so the last error will be worse than the first."
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come and steal him away, and tell the people, 'He is risen from the dead;' and the last deception will be worse than the first."
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come and steal him away, and tell the people, 'He is risen from the dead;' and the last deception will be worse than the first."
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come and steal him away, and tell the people, 'He is risen from the dead;' and the last deception will be worse than the first."
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come and steal him away, and tell the people, 'He is risen from the dead;' and the last deception will be worse than the first."
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come and steal him away, and tell the people, 'He is risen from the dead;' and the last deception will be worse than the first."
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his talmidim come and steal him away, and tell the people, 'He is risen from the dead;' and the last deception will be worse than the first."
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples come and steal him away, and say to the people, He hath risen from the dead; and the last error will be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
So order the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise his disciples may come and steal him, and then say to the people “He has risen from the dead,” when the latest imposture will be worse than the first.’
So order the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise his disciples may come and steal him, and then say to the people ‘He has risen from the dead,’ when the latest imposture will be worse than the first.”
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest haply his disciples come and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: and the last error will be worse than the first.
Command, therefore, that the sepulchre be made secure until the third day, —lest once the disciples should come and steal him, and say unto the people, He hath arisen from the dead! and, the last deception, shall be, worse than the first.
do command therefore to be secured the tomb until the third day, otherwise otherwise having come the disciples of Him (night *K*) may steal away him and they may say to the people; He is risen from the dead. And will be the last deception worse than the first.
to order therefore/then to secure the/this/who grave until the/this/who third day not once/when to come/go the/this/who disciple it/s/he (night *K*) to steal it/s/he and to say the/this/who a people to arise away from the/this/who dead and to be the/this/who last/least error worse than the/this/who first
Command therefore that they watch the sepulchre till (after) the third of the days; lest his disciples come, and steal him away by night, and tell the people that from the house of the dead he has risen, and the last delusion be worse than the first.
Command, therefore to guard the sepulchre; until the third day; lest his disciples come and steal him away by night, and say to the people that he hath risen from the dead; and the last delusion be worse than the first.
So we ask you to order that the tomb be guarded {that [soldiers] guard the tomb} for three days. If you do not do that, his disciples may come and steal the body. Then they will tell people that he has risen from the dead. If they deceive [people by saying that], it will be worse than the way he deceived people before [by saying that he was the Messiah].”
So order the tomb to be made secure till the third day. Otherwise his disciples may come and steal him, and then say to the people ‘He has risen from the dead,’ when the latest imposture will be worse than the first.”
Commaunde therfore that the sepulcre be made sure vntyll ye thyrd daye lest paraventure his disciples come and steale him awaye and saye vnto the people he is rysen from deeth and the laste erroure be worsse then the fyrst.
Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, otherwise his disciples may come and steal him and say to the people, 'He has risen from the dead,' and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Command therefore that the sepulcher be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say to the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error will be worse than the first.
Command therefore that the sepulchre be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say to the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
So give orders for the sepulchre to be securely guarded till the third day, for fear his disciples should come by night and steal the body, and then tell the people that he has come back to life; and so the last imposture will be more serious than the first."
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Therfor comaunde thou, that the sepulcre be kept in to the thridde dai; lest hise disciplis comen, and stelen hym, and seie to the puple, He hath rise fro deeth; and the laste errour schal be worse than the formere.
command, then, the sepulchre to be made secure till the third day, lest his disciples, having come by night, may steal him away, and may say to the people, He rose from the dead, and the last deceit shall be worse than the first.'
Ordonu do, ke oni gardu la tombon ĝis la tria tago, por ke liaj disĉiploj ne venu kaj ne forŝtelu lin kaj ne diru al la popolo: Li releviĝis el la mortintoj; kaj la lasta trompo estus pli malbona, ol la unua.
Anna korraldus valvata hauda kuni kolmanda päevani. Nii ei saa tema jüngrid tulla ja ta keha varastada ning rahvale öelda, et ta tõusis surnuist üles. Muidu oleks pettus lõpuks hullem kui alguses.“
eya ta míedi be nàɖe gbe ne woatre yɔdo la nu va se ɖe ŋkeke etɔ̃a gbe, ale be eƒe nusrɔ̃lawo mate ŋu ayi aɖafi eƒe ŋutilã kukua ahable amewo be etsi tsitre o. Nenye be nu sia va eme la, ekema nu si adzɔ fifia la, awu gbãtɔ.”
Käske siis varjeltaa hautaa kolmanteen päivään asti, ettei hänen opetuslapsensa tulisi yöllä ja varastaisi häntä, ja sanoisi kansalle: hän nousi kuolleista: ja niin jälkimäinen villitys tulee pahemmaksi kuin ensimäinen.
Käske siis tarkasti vartioida hautaa kolmanteen päivään asti, etteivät hänen opetuslapsensa tulisi ja varastaisi häntä ja sanoisi kansalle: 'Hän nousi kuolleista', ja niin viimeinen villitys olisi pahempi kuin ensimmäinen."
Beveel dan dat het graf bewaakt worde tot den derden dag toe, opdat zijn discipelen niet komen bij nacht en Hem stelen en tot het volk zeggen: Hij is verrezen van de dooden! En zoo zou het laatste bedrog erger zijn dan het eerste.
commandez donc que son sépulcre soit gardé jusqu'au troisième jour, de peur que ses disciples ne viennent dérober le corps et ne disent au peuple: Il est ressuscité des morts. Cette dernière imposture serait pire que la première. "
Ordonne donc que le tombeau soit mis en sûreté jusqu'au troisième jour, de peur que ses disciples ne viennent la nuit l'enlever et ne disent au peuple: « Il est ressuscité des morts »; et la dernière tromperie sera pire que la première. »
Ordonne donc que le sépulcre soit gardé avec soin jusqu’au troisième jour; de peur que ses disciples ne viennent et ne le dérobent, et ne disent au peuple: Il est ressuscité des morts; et ce dernier égarement sera pire que le premier.
Commande donc que le sépulcre soit gardé sûrement jusques au troisième jour; de peur que ses Disciples ne viennent de nuit, et ne le dérobent, et qu'ils ne disent au peuple: il est ressuscité des morts; car cette dernière imposture serait pire que la première.
Commandez donc que le sépulcre soit gardé jusqu’au troisième jour, de peur que ses disciples ne viennent et ne le dérobent, et ne disent au peuple: Il est ressuscité d’entre les morts; et la dernière erreur serait pire que la première.
Ordonne donc que le sépulcre soit gardé jusqu’au troisième jour, afin que ses disciples ne viennent pas dérober le corps, et dire au peuple: Il est ressuscité des morts. Cette dernière imposture serait pire que la première.
commandez donc que son sépulcre soit gardé jusqu’au troisième jour, de peur que ses disciples ne viennent dérober le corps et ne disent au peuple: Il est ressuscité des morts. Cette dernière imposture serait pire que la première. »
donne donc l'ordre qu'on s'assure du tombeau jusqu'au troisième jour, de peur que ses disciples ne viennent dérober le corps, et ne disent au peuple: «Il est ressuscité des morts; » cette dernière imposture serait pire que la première».
Commande donc que le sépulcre soit gardé sûrement jusqu'au troisième jour, de peur que ses disciples ne viennent de nuit, et n'enlèvent son corps, et qu'ils ne disent au peuple: Il est ressuscité des morts. Cette dernière imposture serait pire que la première.
Ordonne donc que le tombeau soit protégé jusques au troisième jour, de peur que les disciples ne viennent le dérober, et ne disent au peuple: Il est ressuscité des morts; et cette nouvelle imposture sera pire que la première. »
Ordonne donc que la tombe soit soigneusement surveillée jusqu'au troisième jour, de peur que ses disciples ne viennent voler le corps et ne disent ensuite au peuple: Il est ressuscité des morts. Imposture dernière qui serait pire que la première.»
Ordonne donc que le tombeau soit gardé sûrement jusqu'au troisième jour, de peur que ses disciples ne viennent l'enlever et qu'ils ne disent au peuple: Il est ressuscité des morts. Cette dernière imposture serait pire que la première.
Hessa gish iza kalizayti iza anha kaysoti ekkidi deres izi hayqoppe dendidees gidi weresonta mala hezantho galas gakanas dufoy nagistana mala azaza, akkay gikko kaseysappe guye balay adheth gidana gida.
Laß nun das Grab bis zum dritten Tag streng bewachen, damit nicht etwa seine Jünger kommen und ihn stehlen und dann zum Volk sagen: 'Er ist von den Toten auferstanden.' Dann wäre der letzte Betrug noch schlimmer als der erste."
Laß also das Grab bis auf den dritten Tag bewachen, sonst möchten seine Jünger kommen, ihn stehlen und dem Volke sagen: 'Er ist von den Toten auferstanden.' Und dieser letzte Betrug würde schlimmer sein als der erste."
So befiehl nun, daß das Grab gesichert werde bis zum dritten Tage, damit nicht etwa seine Jünger kommen, ihn stehlen und dem Volke sagen: Er ist von den Toten auferstanden; und die letzte Verführung wird ärger sein als die erste.
So befiehl nun, daß das Grab gesichert werde bis zum dritten Tage, damit nicht etwa seine Jünger kommen, ihn stehlen und dem Volke sagen: Er ist von den Toten auferstanden; und die letzte Verführung wird ärger sein als die erste.
Laß nun das Grab bis zum dritten Tage unter Sicherheit stellen, damit nicht die Jünger kommen, stehlen ihn und sagen dem Volk: er ist von den Toten auferweckt, und werde der letzte Betrug schlimmer denn der erste.
Darum befiehl, daß man das Grab verwahre bis an den dritten Tag, auf daß nicht seine Jünger kommen und stehlen ihn und sagen zum Volk: Er ist auferstanden von den Toten, und werde der letzte Betrug ärger denn der erste.
Darum befiehl, daß man das Grab verwahre bis an den dritten Tag, auf daß nicht seine Jünger kommen und stehlen ihn und sagen dem Volk: Er ist auferstanden von den Toten, und werde der letzte Betrug ärger denn der erste.
Gib also Befehl, daß das Grab bis zum dritten Tag sicher bewacht wird; sonst könnten seine Jünger kommen, könnten ihn stehlen und dann zum Volke sagen: ›Er ist von den Toten auferweckt worden‹; dann würde der letzte Betrug noch schlimmer sein als der erste.«
So befiehl nun, daß das Grab sicher bewacht werde bis zum dritten Tag, damit nicht etwa seine Jünger kommen, ihn stehlen und zum Volke sagen: Er ist von den Toten auferstanden, und der letzte Betrug ärger werde als der erste.
So befiehl denn, daß man sich der Grabstätte bis zum dritten Tag versichere, auf daß nicht Seine Jünger kommen, Ihn stehlen und dem Volke sagen: Er ist von den Toten auferweckt! und die letzte Verführung schlimmer werde als die erste.
So befiehl nun, daß das Grab verwahrt werde bis zum dritten Tage, damit nicht seine Jünger kommen, und stehlen ihn, und sagen dem Volk: Er ist auferweckt worden von den Toten; und werde der letzte Betrug ärger, denn der erste.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio ruta watho nĩguo mbĩrĩra ĩyo ĩrangĩrwo nginya mũthenya wa gatatũ. Kwaga ũguo, arutwo ake maahota gũthiĩ maiye mwĩrĩ ũcio macooke meere andũ atĩ nĩariũkĩtio kuuma kũrĩ arĩa akuũ. Maheeni macio maahota gũtuĩka mooru gũkĩra marĩa ma mbere.”
Hessa gisho, I moogettida gonggoluwa heedzu gallas gakkanaw, minthi naagana mela kiittarkki. Hessi dhayikko iya tamaareti bidi, iya ahaa kaysi dhayssidi, ‘Hayqoppe denddis’ yaagidi asaas odikko nam77antho balesoy koyroyssafe ubba haa iitana” yaagidosona.
Lani yaa po han teni ban ya ji li kakuli hali dana taa daali ke o hoadikaaba n dati cua ki su o, ki yedi bi niba ke o fii bi tinkpiba siiga. Laa boandiyuami ji baa bia ki cie li bonkpiala.
Lani yaa po ŋan cedi ban yaa guu li kakuli hali dana taa daali ke o ŋɔdikaaba n daa cua ki su 'o. ki yedi bi niba ke o fii bi tinkpiba siiga nni laa bɔndiyuami ji baa cie li bo kpiali.
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
Πρόσταξον λοιπόν να ασφαλισθή ο τάφος έως της τρίτης ημέρας, μήποτε οι μαθηταί αυτού ελθόντες διά νυκτός κλέψωσιν αυτόν και είπωσι προς τον λαόν, Ανέστη εκ των νεκρών· και θέλει είσθαι η εσχάτη πλάνη χειροτέρα της πρώτης.
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εωσ τησ τριτησ ημερασ μηποτε ελθοντεσ οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτοσ κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων τησ πρωτησ
κέλευσον οὖν ἀσφαλισθῆναι τὸν τάφον ἕως τῆς τρίτης ἡμέρας, μήποτε ἐλθόντες οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ νυκτὸς κλέψωσιν αὐτὸν καὶ εἴπωσι τῷ λαῷ, ἠγέρθη ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν· καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἐσχάτη πλάνη χείρων τῆς πρώτης.
κέλευσον οὖν ἀσφαλισθῆναι τὸν τάφον ἕως τῆς τρίτης ἡμέρας, μή ποτε ἐλθόντες οἱ μαθηταὶ κλέψωσιν αὐτὸν καὶ εἴπωσιν τῷ λαῷ Ἠγέρθη ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν, καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἐσχάτη πλάνη χείρων τῆς πρώτης.
κέλευσον οὖν ἀσφαλισθῆναι τὸν τάφον ἕως τῆς τρίτης ἡμέρας, μήποτε ἐλθόντες οἱ μαθηταὶ ⸀αὐτοῦκλέψωσιν αὐτὸν καὶ εἴπωσιν τῷ λαῷ· Ἠγέρθη ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν, καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἐσχάτη πλάνη χείρων τῆς πρώτης.
κέλευσον οὖν ἀσφαλισθῆναι τὸν τάφον ἕως τῆς τρίτης ἡμέρας, μήποτε μήποτε ἐλθόντες οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ (νυκτὸς *K*) κλέψωσιν αὐτὸν καὶ εἴπωσιν τῷ λαῷ· ἠγέρθη ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν. καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἐσχάτη πλάνη χείρων τῆς πρώτης.
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
Κέλευσον οὖν ἀσφαλισθῆναι τὸν τάφον ἕως τῆς τρίτης ἡμέρας, μήποτε ἐλθόντες οἱ μαθηταὶ κλέψωσιν αὐτὸν καὶ εἴπωσιν τῷ λαῷ, ‘Ἠγέρθη ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν’, καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἐσχάτη πλάνη χείρων τῆς πρώτης.”
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
Κέλευσον οὖν ἀσφαλισθῆναι τὸν τάφον ἕως τῆς τρίτης ἡμέρας· μήποτε ἐλθόντες οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ νυκτὸς κλέψωσιν αὐτόν, καὶ εἴπωσι τῷ λαῷ, Ἠγέρθη ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν· καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἐσχάτη πλάνη χείρων τῆς πρώτης.
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
Κέλευσον οὖν ἀσφαλισθῆναι τὸν τάφον ἕως τῆς τρίτης ἡμέρας· μήποτε ἐλθόντες οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ νυκτὸς κλέψωσιν αὐτόν, καὶ εἴπωσι τῷ λαῷ, Ἠγέρθη ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν· καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἐσχάτη πλάνη χείρων τῆς πρώτης.
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
κέλευσον οὖν ἀσφαλισθῆναι τὸν τάφον ἕως τῆς τρίτης ἡμέρας, μή ποτε ἐλθόντες οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ κλέψωσιν αὐτόν, καὶ εἴπωσιν τῷ λαῷ, Ἠγέρθη ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν· καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἐσχάτη πλάνη χείρων τῆς πρώτης.
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται {VAR2: αυτου } κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
κελευσον ουν ασφαλισθηναι τον ταφον εως της τριτης ημερας μηποτε ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος κλεψωσιν αυτον και ειπωσιν τω λαω οτι ηγερθη απο των νεκρων και εσται η εσχατη πλανη χειρων της πρωτης
κέλευσον οὖν ἀσφαλισθῆναι τὸν τάφον ἕως τῆς τρίτης ἡμέρας, μήποτε ἐλθόντες οἱ μαθηταὶ κλέψωσιν αὐτὸν καὶ εἴπωσιν τῷ λαῷ· ἠγέρθη ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν, καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἐσχάτη πλάνη χείρων τῆς πρώτης.
ତେସା ଜିର୍‌ସି ଦିନା ଜାକ ଆତେନ୍‌ ରାଚ୍ୟାମ୍ବକେ ଉର୍‍ ଲେଃନ୍‍ସା ସନ୍ୟଇଂକେ ଆଦେସ୍‍ ବିଃ । ତେଲା ମେଁନେ ସିସ୍‍ଇଂ ମେଁନେ ଗାଗ୍‌ଡ଼େକେ ଡଙ୍ଗା ଡୁଙ୍ଗ୍‍ଡଚେ ମେଁ ମ୍ୱ୍ରଚେ ତଡ଼ିଆ ଲେଃକେ ଡାଗ୍‌ଚେ ବାସଙ୍ଗ୍‌ ଆୟା ଆର୍‌ଏ ଣ୍ଡୁ । ମେଁଇଙ୍ଗ୍‌ନେ ଆକେନ୍‍ ମିଚ୍ ବ୍ନାଲିର୍ ସାପାବାନ୍‍ ଜବର୍ ଦଦ୍ୟା ଡିଙ୍ଗ୍‌ଏ ।”
માટે ત્રણ દિવસ સુધી કબરની ચોકી રાખવાની આજ્ઞા કરો, રખેને તેના શિષ્યો આવીને તેને ચોરી જાય અને લોકોને કહે કે, મૂએલાંઓમાંથી તે જી ઊઠ્યો છે અને છેલ્લું કાવતરું પહેલીના કરતાં મોટું થશે.”
Bay lòd pou yo veye kavo a byen veye pandan twa jou. Konsa, disip li yo p'ap kapab vin pran kò a pou yo di pèp la apre sa msye leve soti vivan nan lanmò. Dènye kout manti sa a ta pi rèd pase premye a.
Pou sa, kòmande pou yo mete tonm nan an sekirite jiska twa jou. Otreman, disip Li yo kab vin vòlè Li e di pèp la ke Li gen tan leve nan lanmò; epi dènye desepsyon sila a ap pi mal pase premye a.”
इस करकै हुकम दे के तीसरे दिन ताहीं कब्र की रुखाळी सावधानी तै करी जावै, इसा ना हो के उसके चेल्लें आकै उसकी लाश नै चुरा ले जावै, अर माणसां तै कहण लाग्गै, ‘वो मरे होया म्ह तै जिन्दा होग्या सै।’ फेर पाच्छला धोक्खा पैहल्ड़े तै भी बड्ड़ा होगा।” (पैहला धोक्खा के वो खुद नै परमेसवर का बेट्टा बतावै सै, दुसरा यो के इब वो तीसरे दिन मरे होया मै तै जी उठ्ठुँगा)
Saboda haka, ka ba da umarni, a tsare kabarin sai rana ta uku ɗin. In ba haka ba, almajiransa za su iya zuwa su sace jikin, sa’an nan su faɗa wa mutane cewa, an tashe shi daga matattu. Ruɗin ƙarshen nan fa, sai yă fi na farkon muni.”
Saboda haka, ka bada umarni a tsare kabarin na kwana uku. In ba haka ba almajiransa zasu zo su sace shi, kuma su ce wa mutane, “Ya tashi daga mattatu.” Kuma yaudarar karshe zata fi ta farko muni.”
Nolaila, e kauoha aku oe i kiai pono ia'i ka halekupapau a hiki i ka poakolu, o hele mai ka poe haumana ana, a aihue malu ia ia, a e olelo aku i na kanaka, Ua ala mai ia mai ka make mai; a e nui loa aku ka hewa o keia hoopunipuni hope i kola mamua.
משום כך אנחנו מבקשים ממך לחתום את הקבר עד לאחר היום השלישי, כדי שתלמידיו לא יגנבו את הגופה ויפיצו את השמועה שהוא קם מן המתים. אחרת תהיה התרמית גרועה מזו הראשונה.“
לכן צוה נא ויסכר מבוא הקבר עד היום השלישי פן יבאו תלמידיו בלילה וגנבהו ואמרו אל העם הנה קם מן המתים והיתה התרמית האחרונה רעה מן הראשונה׃
अतः आज्ञा दे कि तीसरे दिन तक कब्र की रखवाली की जाए, ऐसा न हो कि उसके चेले आकर उसे चुरा ले जाएँ, और लोगों से कहने लगें, कि वह मरे हुओं में से जी उठा है: तब पिछला धोखा पहले से भी बुरा होगा।”
इसलिये तीसरे दिन तक के लिए कंदरा-क़ब्र पर कड़ी सुरक्षा की आज्ञा दे दीजिए, अन्यथा संभव है उसके शिष्य आकर शव चुरा ले जाएं और लोगों में यह प्रचार कर दें, ‘वह मरे हुओं में से जीवित हो गया है’ तब तो यह छल पहले से कहीं अधिक हानिकर सिद्ध होगा.”
Parancsold meg ezért, hogy őrizzék a sírt harmadnapig, nehogy a tanítványai odamenve éjjel, ellopják őt, és azt mondják a népnek: Feltámadott a halálból. Ez az utolsó hitetés még gonoszabb lenne az elsőnél.“
Parancsold meg azért, hogy őrizzék a sírt harmadnapig, ne hogy az ő tanítványai odamenvén éjjel, ellopják őt és azt mondják a népnek: Feltámadott a halálból; és az utolsó hitetés gonoszabb legyen az elsőnél.
Við viljum því biðja þig að setja vörð við gröfina í þrjá daga til þess að lærisveinar hans komi ekki og steli líkinu, og segi svo öllum að hann hafi lifnað við. Ef svo færi, yrðu seinni svikin verri hinum fyrri!“
Ya mere, nye iwu ka ndị agha gị na-eche ili ya nche, ruo mgbe ụbọchị atọ gasịrị. Nke a ga-egbochi ndị na-eso ụzọ ya ịga zuru ozu ya. Ka ha ghara ị sịkwa ndị mmadụ na o sitela nʼọnwụ bilie. Ọ bụrụ na ha agha ụgha dị otu a, ọ ga-ajọrọ anyị njọ mgbe ahụ karịa na mbụ.”
Ibilinmo ngarud a mabantayan a nalaing ti tanem agimgga iti maikatlo nga aldaw. Ta no saan amangan no mapan takawen isuna dagiti adalanna ket ibagadanto kadagiti tattao, 'Nagungar isuna manipud kadagiti patay.' Ket dakdakesto ti maudi a panangallilaw ngem iti immuna.”
Karena itu, suruhlah orang menjaga kuburan itu baik-baik sampai hari yang ketiga, supaya pengikut-pengikut-Nya tidak dapat mencuri mayat-Nya lalu berkata kepada orang-orang bahwa Ia sudah dibangkitkan dari kematian. Dan penipuan yang terakhir ini akan lebih buruk daripada yang pertama."
Maka berikanlah perintah agar kuburan itu dijaga sampai pada hari yang ketiga. Dengan demikian murid-murid-Nya tidak bisa datang dan mencuri tubuh-Nya, dan mengatakan kepada orang-orang bahwa Dia sudah bangkit dari antara yang mati, dan penipuan ini pada akhirnya akan menjadi lebih buruk dari awalnya.”
Karena itu perintahkanlah untuk menjaga kubur itu sampai hari yang ketiga; jikalau tidak, murid-murid-Nya mungkin datang untuk mencuri Dia, lalu mengatakan kepada rakyat: Ia telah bangkit dari antara orang mati, sehingga penyesatan yang terakhir akan lebih buruk akibatnya dari pada yang pertama."
Oleh karena itu, tolong perintahkan supaya kuburannya dijaga tentara sampai hari ketiga. Karena jangan-jangan murid-murid Yesus mencuri mayatnya pada waktu malam dan mengumumkan bahwa dia sudah bangkit dari antara orang mati. Kalau itu sampai terjadi, maka penyesatan yang timbul nanti akan lebih parah daripada penyesatan yang pertama ketika dia mengaku dirinya sebagai Kristus.”
Kululo lagilya kina ikabuli lelindwe salama mpaka uluhiku lakatatu. Kuite, eamanyisigwa akwe awezilye kezakumia nukulunga kuantu, “Wioka kupuma mwaashi. Nuudanganyifu wamwisho ukutula ubee kukela naakwanza.
Ordina adunque che il sepolcro sia sicuramente guardato, fino al terzo giorno; che talora i suoi discepoli non vengano di notte, e nol rubino, e dicano al popolo: Egli è risuscitato dai morti; onde l'ultimo inganno sia peggiore del primiero.
Ordina dunque che sia vigilato il sepolcro fino al terzo giorno, perché non vengano i suoi discepoli, lo rubino e poi dicano al popolo: E' risuscitato dai morti. Così quest'ultima impostura sarebbe peggiore della prima!».
Ordina dunque che il sepolcro sia sicuramente custodito fino al terzo giorno; che talora i suoi discepoli non vengano a rubarlo e dicano al popolo: E’ risuscitato dai morti; così l’ultimo inganno sarebbe peggiore del primo.
A nime buka aka be icau me u hana a tiye ti taru katti anu tarsa umeme w cuzi me, wa guin nanu agi a mahira a nyimo. icau ini, urangiza umaassiza udi tekki utuba.
ତିଆସନ୍‌, ୟାଗି ଡିନ୍ନା ଜାୟ୍‌ ମସାନ୍ନିନ୍‌ ସିପ୍ପାୟଞ୍ଜି ଅବ୍‌ଜଗେଆଜି, ଇଜ୍ଜାନ୍‌ଡେନ୍‌ ଆ ଞଙ୍‌ନେମରଞ୍ଜି ତିଆତେ ରାଉଲନ୍‌ ଇୟ୍‌ତାୟ୍‌ ପାଙେଜି କି, ଆନିନ୍‌ ଆରବୁମରଞ୍ଜି ଆମଙ୍‌ଲୋଙ୍‌ ସିଲଡ୍‌ ଡୋଲନ୍‌ ଗାମ୍‌ଲେ ବର୍ତଞ୍ଜି; ଏତ୍ତେଲ୍‌ଡେନ୍‌ ଆମ୍ମୁଙ୍‌ ଆ ପାତ୍ୟା ସିଲଡ୍‌ ତିକ୍କି ଆ ପାତ୍ୟା ଆରି ସଙ୍କଡ଼ାଡମ୍‌ ଡେତାୟ୍‌ ।”
Rumal ri, taqan la katzꞌapix ri uchiꞌ ri jul, tzꞌaqat na oxibꞌ qꞌij, rech man kepe ta ri utijoxelabꞌ kulkeleqꞌaj ri utyoꞌjal kꞌa te riꞌ kakibꞌij na chike ri winaq chi xa xkꞌastajik. Ri bꞌanoj tzij riꞌ sibꞌalaj nim na cho ri nabꞌe.
Ana hu'negu huzmantege'za, vu'za ana kerire tagufa knafina ome kva hiho. Ru agri'ma amage'ma nentaza disaipol vahe'mo'za e'za avufga'a musufa emeneriza, vahe'mokzimi zmasamiza Jisasi'a frinefinti otine hanaza kemo'a, kote krunage zmia agatereno, rankrunage fore hugahie.
ಯೇಸುವಿನ ಶಿಷ್ಯರು ರಾತ್ರಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಬಂದು ಆತನನ್ನು ಕದ್ದುಕೊಂಡು ಹೋಗಿ, ಯೇಸು ಸತ್ತವರೊಳಗಿಂದ ಎದ್ದಿದ್ದಾನೆ ಎಂದು ಜನರಿಗೆ ಹೇಳಿಯಾರು. ಆಗ ಮೊದಲನೆಯ ಮೋಸಕ್ಕಿಂತ ಕಡೆಯ ಮೋಸವು ಕೆಡುಕಾದೀತು. ಆದಕಾರಣ ಮೂರನೆಯ ದಿನದವರೆಗೆ ಸಮಾಧಿಯನ್ನು ಭದ್ರಪಡಿಸುವಂತೆ ಅಪ್ಪಣೆಕೊಡಬೇಕು,” ಎಂದರು.
ಆದಕಾರಣ ಮೂರನೆಯ ದಿನದ ತನಕ ಸಮಾಧಿಯನ್ನು ಭದ್ರಮಾಡಿ ಕಾಯುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಅಪ್ಪಣೆಕೊಡಬೇಕು; ಇಲ್ಲದಿದ್ದರೆ ಅವನ ಶಿಷ್ಯರು ಬಂದು ಅವನನ್ನು ಕದ್ದುಕೊಂಡು ಹೋಗಿ ಸತ್ತವನು ಬದುಕಿ ಬಂದಿದ್ದಾನೆ” ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಾರು; ಆಗ ಮೊದಲನೆಯ ವಂಚನೆಗಿಂತ ಕಡೆಯ ವಂಚನೆಯು ಕೆಡುಕಾದೀತು ಅಂದರು.
Mbe kulwejo lagilila ati infwa ilindwe kata kukinga ku lusiku lwa kasatu. Bhindi nebyo, abheigisibhwa bhae abhatula okuja okumwibha na nibhaikana ku bhanu, 'Asulukile okusoka mu bhafuye' na okubheya kwa kubhutelo obhubha bhubhibhi okukila bhulia obho kwamba.”
Pa khinghono eikhyadatu ayinchukha ukhuhuma khuvunchukha. Pu uvudesi vwa khuvumaleilo yavwiva vuvivi ukhuluteila pavula uvutanchi.”
Henu, laghisighi kujha likaburi lilendibhwajhi salama mpaka ligono lya tatu. Vinginevyo, bhanafunzi bha muene bhibhwesya kuhida kun'heja ni kujobha kwa bhanu, 'Afufuiki kuhoma kwa bhafu.' Ni bhudanganyifu bhwa mishu bhwibetakujha bhubhibhi kuliko bhola bhwa kubhuandelu.”
그러므로 분부하여 그 무덤을 사흘까지 굳게 지키게 하소서 그의 제자들이 와서 시체를 도적질하여 가고 백성에게 말하되 그가 죽은 자 가운데서 살아났다 하면 후의 유혹이 전보다 더 될까 하나이다 하니
그러므로 분부하여 그 무덤을 사흘까지 굳게 지키게 하소서 그의 제자들이 와서 시체를 도적질하여 가고 백성에게 말하되 그가 죽은 자 가운데서 살아났다 하면 후의 유혹이 전보다 더 될까 하나이다' 하니
Ke sripa se inge, wo kom in sap in arulana taranyuk kulyuk sac nwe ke sun len se aktolu, tuh mwet tumal lutlut elos fah tia ku in som ac pisrala manol, tari elos fahk nu sin mwet uh mu akmoulyeyukyak el liki misa. Kikiap se tok inge ac koluk liki na kikiap se meet ah.”
Chingi linu u lukele ku laula kuti ikumbu lika liiswa ahulu maswe mbwita luzuba lo butatu. Ni kusabi bulyo balutwana bakwe mu beeze ba muyibe ku zwaaho cho kucho bantu, 'Cha ba buuki kubafu.' Ka kuti ku chenga kwa mamani mani mu ku zambe kwe ntanzi.”
جا فەرمان بدە هەتا ڕۆژی سێیەم گۆڕەکەی پاس بکرێت، نەوەک قوتابییەکانی بێن و بیدزن، ئەوسا بە گەل بڵێن لەنێوان مردووان هەستاوەتەوە. جا چەواشەی دوایی لەوەی یەکەم خراپتر دەبێت.»
ଏ଼ଦାଆଁତାକି ତୀନିଦିନା ପାତେକା ଏ଼ ମାଡ଼୍‌ହା ମୁହ୍‌ନି ଟା଼ୟୁତା କା଼ଚାଲି ତାକି ହୁକୁମି ହୀମୁ, ଆ଼ଆତିଁ ତାମି ସୀସୁୟାଁ ୱା଼ହାନା ମାଡ଼୍‌ହାତି ଡଂଗା ଆ଼ହାଁ ଏ଼ୱାସି ହା଼କିଟି ନିଙ୍ଗାମାନେସି ଇଞ୍ଜିଁ ଲ଼କୁଣି ୱେହ୍‌ନେରି; ଆତିହିଁ ତଲି ନା଼ଡ଼ି କିତାଣି କିହାଁ ଡା଼ୟୁତି ନା଼ଡ଼ିକିନାୟି ହା଼ରେକା ଆଗାଡ଼ା ଆ଼ନେ ।”
Jube ergo custodiri sepulchrum usque in diem tertium: ne forte veniant discipuli ejus, et furentur eum, et dicant plebi: Surrexit a mortuis: et erit novissimus error pejor priore.
Iube ergo custodiri sepulchrum usque in diem tertium: ne forte veniant discipuli eius, et furentur eum, et dicant plebi: Surrexit a mortuis: et erit novissimus error peior priore.
Iube ergo custodiri sepulchrum usque in diem tertium: ne forte veniant discipuli eius, et furentur eum, et dicant plebi: Surrexit a mortuis: et erit novissimus error peior priore.
Jube ergo custodiri sepulchrum usque in diem tertium: ne forte veniant discipuli ejus, et furentur eum, et dicant plebi: Surrexit a mortuis: et erit novissimus error pejor priore.
iube ergo custodiri sepulchrum usque in diem tertium ne forte veniant discipuli eius et furentur eum et dicant plebi surrexit a mortuis et erit novissimus error peior priore
Iube ergo custodiri sepulchrum usque in diem tertium: ne forte veniant discipuli eius, et furentur eum, et dicant plebi: Surrexit a mortuis: et erit novissimus error peior priore.
Tāpēc pavēli, ka tas kaps stipri top apsargāts līdz trešai dienai, ka Viņa mācekļi naktī nenāk un Viņu nenozog, un tiem ļaudīm nesaka: “Viņš no miroņiem ir augšāmcēlies.” Un tā pēdēja viltība būs niknāka nekā tā pirmā.”
Yango wana, pesa mitindo ete bakengela malamu kunda yango kino na mokolo ya misato. Soki te, bayekoli na ye bakoya koyiba nzoto mpo ete, na sima, baloba na bato ete asekwi kati na bakufi. Lokuta oyo ya suka ekoya kozala lisusu mabe koleka oyo ya liboso.
येकोलायी आज्ञा दे कि तीसरो दिन तक कब्र की पहरेदारी करी जाये, असो नहीं होय कि ओको चेला आय क ओख चोर क लिजाये अऊर लोगों सी कहन लग्यो, ‘ऊ मरयो हुयो म सी जीन्दो भयो हय।’ तब पिछलो धोका पहिलो सी भी बुरो होयेंन।”
Noolwekyo tukusaba olagire entaana ye ekuumibwe, okutuusa ku lunaku olwokusatu, abayigirizwa be baleme kumubbamu, ne balyoka bategeeza abantu nti azuukidde! Singa ekyo kiba bwe kityo, ekyo kye kijja okuba ekibi ennyo okusinga n’ekyasooka.”
तो आज्ञा दे कि तीन दिना तक कब्रा री रखवाल़ी ओ, एड़ा नि ओ कि तेसरे चेले आयी की तेसखे चोरी की लयी जाओ और लोका खे बोलो कि, से मरे रे बीचा ते जिऊँदा ऊईगा; तेबे पिछला तोखा, पईले ते बी बुरा ऊणा।”
Koa asaovy hambenana mafy ny fasana mandra-pahatongan’ ny andro fahatelo, fandrao avy ny mpianany ka mangalatra Azy, dia hilaza amin’ ny olona hoe: Efa natsangana tamin’ ny maty Izy; ka dia ho ratsy ny fitaka farany noho ny voalohany.
Aa le andilio te ho gariteñe pak’ami’ty andro faha telo i kiboriy, kera ho pok’eo o mpiama’eo hañaoke aze, vaho hitalily am’ondatio t’ie nivañon-ko veloñe. Ie anoe’ iereo, le ho lombolombo’ i valoha’ey ty famañahiañe fara’e.
അതുകൊണ്ട് അവന്റെ ശിഷ്യന്മാർ ചെന്ന് അവനെ മോഷ്ടിച്ചിട്ട്, അവൻ മരിച്ചവരുടെ ഇടയിൽ നിന്നു ഉയിർത്തെഴുന്നേറ്റു എന്നു ജനത്തോടു പറകയും ഒടുവിലത്തെ ചതിവ് മുമ്പിലത്തേതിലും വിഷമമായിത്തീരുകയും ചെയ്യാതിരിക്കേണ്ടതിന് മൂന്നാം നാൾവരെ കല്ലറ ഉറപ്പാക്കുവാൻ കല്പിക്ക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
അതുകൊണ്ടു അവന്റെ ശിഷ്യന്മാർ ചെന്നു അവനെ മോഷ്ടിച്ചിട്ടു, അവൻ മരിച്ചവരുടെ ഇടയിൽ നിന്നു ഉയിൎത്തെഴുന്നേറ്റു എന്നു ജനത്തോടു പറകയും ഒടുവിലത്തെ ചതിവു മുമ്പിലത്തേതിലും വിഷമമായിത്തീരുകയും ചെയ്യാതിരിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു മൂന്നാം നാൾവരെ കല്ലറ ഉറപ്പാക്കുവാൻ കല്പിക്ക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
അതുകൊണ്ടു അവന്റെ ശിഷ്യന്മാർ ചെന്നു അവനെ മോഷ്ടിച്ചിട്ടു, അവൻ മരിച്ചവരുടെ ഇടയിൽ നിന്നു ഉയിർത്തെഴുന്നേറ്റു എന്നു ജനത്തോടു പറകയും ഒടുവിലത്തെ ചതിവു മുമ്പിലത്തേതിലും വിഷമമായിത്തീരുകയും ചെയ്യാതിരിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു മൂന്നാം നാൾവരെ കല്ലറ ഉറപ്പാക്കുവാൻ കല്പിക്ക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
അതുകൊണ്ട് മൂന്നുദിവസംവരെ കല്ലറ സുരക്ഷിതമാക്കാൻ ഉത്തരവിടണം എന്നപേക്ഷിച്ചു. അല്ലാത്തപക്ഷം അയാളുടെ ശിഷ്യന്മാർ വന്ന് മൃതദേഹം മോഷ്ടിക്കുകയും അയാൾ മരിച്ചവരിൽനിന്ന് ഉയിർത്തെഴുന്നേറ്റിരിക്കുന്നു എന്ന് ജനങ്ങളോടു പറയുകയും ചെയ്യും. ഈ ഒടുവിലത്തെ വഞ്ചന ആദ്യത്തേതിനെക്കാൾ വിഷമകരമാകുകയും ചെയ്യും.”
Maram aduna numit humni sudriphaoba mongpham adu ningthina ngak-sennaba yathang pibiyu, nattrabadi mahakki tung-inbasingna laktuna mabu hukhraga, mahakpu asibasinggi maraktagi hinggatpikhre, haina misingda haiba yai. Madugi akonba minamba aduna ahanbagi minamba adudagi henna patthaba oigani.”
म्हणून तीन दिवसापर्यंत कबरेवर कडक पहारा ठेवण्याची आज्ञा करा. कारण त्याचे शिष्य येऊन त्याचे शरीर चोरुन नेण्याचा प्रयत्न करतील. मग तो मरणानंतर पुन्हा उठला असे लोकांस सांगतील. ही शेवटची फसवणूक पहिल्यापेक्षा अधिक वाईट होईल.”
ଏନା ନାଗେନ୍ତେ ତପାଗାଡ଼ାକେ ଆପିମା ଜାକେଦ୍‌ ହର ନାଗେନ୍ତେ ଆଚୁକମ୍‌, କା'ରେଦ ଇନିୟାଃ ଚେଲାକ ନିଦାରେ ହିଜୁଃଆକ ଆଡଃ ଗଏଃହଡ଼୍‌ମକେ କୁମ୍ବୁଡ଼ୁ ଇଦିକେୟାକ ଏନ୍ତେ ଇନିଃ ଗଜାକାନ୍‍କଏତେ ଜୀଉବିରିଦାକାନାଏ ମେନ୍ତେ ହଡ଼କକେ କାଜିୟାକଆକ । ନେ ଟୁଣ୍ଡୁବେଦା ପାହିଲା ବେଦାଏତେ ପୁରାଃ ଏତ୍‌କାନ୍‌ ହବାଅଆଃ ।”
Kwa nneyo nng'amulishe likabhuli libhe muulinda mpaka lyubha lya tatu, nkupinga bhaajiganywa bhakwe bhananjibhanje na kwaabhalanjilanga bhandunji kuti bhayushile. Na unami gwa kumpelo shuunyate kupunda unami gwa kundandubho gula.”
သို့​ဖြစ်​၍​သုံး​ရက်​မြောက်​သော​နေ့​အ​ထိ​သင်္ချိုင်း​ဂူ ကို​လုံ​ခြုံ​စွာ​ပိတ်​၍​စောင့်​ကြပ်​စေ​ရန်​အ​မိန့်​ပေး တော်​မူ​ပါ။ သို့​မ​ဟုတ်​ပါ​မူ​သူ​၏​တ​ပည့်​များ​သည် လာ​၍​ရုပ်​အ​လောင်း​ကို​ခိုး​ယူ​ကာ​သူ​သည်​သေ​ခြင်း မှ​ထ​မြောက်​လေ​ပြီ​ဟု​လူ​တို့​အား​ပြော​ကြ​လိမ့်​မည်။ ထို​အ​ခါ​နောက်​ဆုံး​လှည့်​စား​ချက်​သည်​ပ​ထ​မ လှည့်​စား​ချက်​ထက်​ပို​၍​ဆိုး​ပါ​လိမ့်​မည်'' ဟု လျှောက်​ထား​ကြ​၏။
ထိုကြောင့် သူ၏တပည့်တို့သည် ညအခါလာ၍ အလောင်းကိုခိုးယူပြီးလျှင်၊ သူသည် သေခြင်းမှ ထ မြောက်တော်မူပြီဟု လူအပေါင်းတို့အား ပြောဆိုကြသော်၊ ရှေ့အမှားထက် နောက်အမှားသာ၍ ကြီးမည်ဟု စိုး ရိမ်စရာ အကြောင်းရှိသည်ဖြစ်၍၊ သင်္ချိုင်းတွင်းကို သုံးရက်မြောက်အောင် လုံခြုံစွာစောင့်စိမ့်သောငှါ အမိန့် ရှိတော်မူပါဟု လျှောက်ကြလျှင်၊
ထိုကြောင့် သူ ၏တပည့် တို့သည် ညအခါလာ ၍ အလောင်း ကိုခိုးယူ ပြီးလျှင် ၊ သူသည် သေ ခြင်းမှ ထမြောက် တော်မူပြီဟု လူ အပေါင်းတို့အား ပြောဆို ကြသော်၊ ရှေ့ အမှား ထက် နောက် အမှားသာ၍ ကြီးမည်ဟု စိုးရိမ်စရာ အကြောင်းရှိ သည်ဖြစ်၍၊ သင်္ချိုင်း တွင်းကို သုံး ရက် မြောက် အောင်လုံခြုံစွာစောင့် စိမ့်သောငှာအမိန့် ရှိတော်မူပါဟု လျှောက် ကြလျှင်၊
Na reira whakahaua atu kia tiakina te tanumanga, a tae noa ki te toru o nga ra, kei haere ana akonga i te po, ka tahae i a ia, ka mea ki te iwi, Kua ara ia i te hunga mate: penei kino atu i to mua to muri he.
Etu karone hukum dibi, tin din tak etu kobor to bhal kori kene pehera dibole nimite, nohoile Tai laga chela khan ahikena chor kori loijabo, aru manu khan ke kobo, ‘Tai mora pora jinda hoi jaise.’ Aru poila pora bhi etiya laga kotha to bisi hoi jabo.”
Erah thoih, baat rum uh, sa jom mong adoh heh mangbeng ah naririh toom et ban karum ah, heliphante loong ih heh mang ah nak toom jen hutoon karum asuh ah, miloong asuh tek nawa ngaaksaat eta ih phoh tumbaat rum ah. Eno bah arah lithoon ih leekbaat hi ah jaakhoh ni lekbaatti nang ih ehanthoon ih thette angla.”
Ngakho yenza ukuthi ithuna lilindwe kuze kube lusuku lwesithathu. Engxenye abafundi bakhe bangeza bantshontshe isidumbu sakhe, batshele abantu ukuthi usevukile kwabafileyo. Inkohliso le ingabambi kakhulu kuleyakuqala.”
Ngakho laya ukuthi ingcwaba liqiniswe kuze kube lusuku lwesithathu; hlezi abafundi bakhe bafike ebusuku bamebe, besebesithi ebantwini: Uvukile kwabafileyo; kuthi inkohliso yokucina ibembi kuleyokuqala.
Kwa eyo ulangi panga likaburi bakalilende libesalama mpaka masoba gatatu, Yalowa wezekana, anapunzi bake baweza kun'yiba no baya kwa bandu, atiyoka boka mu kiwo! no ubocho wa mwisho walowa mbaya kuliko wa kwanza.
त्यसकारण, तेस्रो दिनसम्म त्यो चिहान सुरक्षित राख्‍नलाई हुकुम गर्नुहोस् । नत्रता त्यसका चेलाहरू आउलान् र उनलाई चोरेर लगेर मानिसहरूलाई भन्लान्, ‘उहाँ मृतकहरूबाट जीवित हुनुभएको छ ।’ अनि यो अन्तिम धोका पहिलेको भन्दा झन् नराम्रो हुनेछ ।”
Hinu lagiza valonda valindalila litinda mbaka pegimalika magono gadatu ndava vawuliwa vaki vihotola kumuyiva na kuvajovela vandu kuvya ayukili. Muni udese wa pamwishu wenuwu yati wivya uvaha neju kuliku wa kutumbula.”
Byd derfor at de vokter graven vel til den tredje dag, forat ikke hans disipler skal komme og stjele ham og så si til folket: Han er opstanden fra de døde, og den siste forførelse bli verre enn den første.
Gi derfor befaling om at graven blir bevoktet i tre dager, slik at disiplene ikke kommer og stjeler kroppen og etterpå sier til alle at han har stått opp fra de døde. For da vil vi få et enda større problem å hanskes med.”
Set no folk til å vakta vel på gravi til tridje dagen! Elles kunde læresveinarne hans koma og stela honom burt, og segja til folket: «Han hev stade upp frå dei daude, » og då vert den siste dåringi verre enn den fyrste.»
ଅତଏବ, ତୃତୀୟ ଦିବସ ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ସମାଧି ସୁରକ୍ଷିତ ହେବା ନିମନ୍ତେ ଆଜ୍ଞା କରନ୍ତୁ, ନୋହିଲେ କେଜାଣି ତାହାର ଶିଷ୍ୟମାନେ ଆସି ତାହାକୁ ଚୋରି କରି ଲୋକଙ୍କୁ କହିବେ, ସେ ମୃତମାନଙ୍କ ମଧ୍ୟରୁ ଉଠିଅଛନ୍ତି, ତାହାହେଲେ ପ୍ରଥମ ପ୍ରବଞ୍ଚନା ଅପେକ୍ଷା ଶେଷ ପ୍ରବଞ୍ଚନା ଅଧିକ ମନ୍ଦ ହେବ।
Kanaafuu akka awwaalli sun hamma guyyaa sadaffaatti eegamu ajaji. Yoo kun taʼuu baate barattoonni isaa dhaqanii reeffa isaa hatanii, ‘Inni warra duʼan keessaa kaʼeera’ jedhanii namatti odeessu. Gowwoomsaan dhumaa kun immoo isa duraa caalaa ni hammaata.”
ਇਸ ਲਈ ਹੁਕਮ ਕਰੋ ਜੋ ਤੀਜੇ ਦਿਨ ਤੱਕ ਕਬਰ ਦੀ ਰਾਖੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਏ, ਕਿਤੇ ਉਹ ਦੇ ਚੇਲੇ ਆ ਕੇ ਉਹ ਨੂੰ ਚੁਰਾ ਨਾ ਲੈ ਜਾਣ ਅਤੇ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਖਣ ਕਿ ਉਹ ਮੁਰਦਿਆਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਜੀ ਉੱਠਿਆ ਹੈ, ਸੋ ਇਹ ਗਲਤੀ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਨਾਲੋਂ ਬੁਰੀ ਹੋਵੇਗੀ।
ଲାଗିଂ ତିନି ଦିନ୍‌ ପାତେକ୍‌ ହେ ଦୁଗେର୍‌ କାଜିଂ ମାଞ୍ଜେଙ୍ଗ୍‌ ଜାଗ୍‌ୱାଡ଼ାରିଂ ବାଚିକିଜ଼ି ବଲ୍‌ ହିଆ, ଆୱିତିସ୍‌ ତା ଚେଲାର୍‌ ତା ଗାଗାଡ଼୍‌ତିଂ ଚରି କିଜ଼ି ଅଜ଼ି, ହେୱାନ୍‌ ଜିଜ଼ି ନିଙ୍ଗ୍‌ତାନ୍ନା ଇଞ୍ଜି ଇଞ୍ଜେଙ୍ଗ୍‌ ଆଡୁର୍‌ । ହେୱାର୍‌ତି ଇ ମିଚ୍‌ କାତା ଆଗେତାଂ ଆଦିକ୍‌ ସବୁତାଂ ବାନ୍ୟା ଆନାତ୍‌ ।”
پس بفرما قبر را تا سه روزنگاهبانی کنند مبادا شاگردانش در شب آمده، اورا بدزدند و به مردم گویند که از مردگان برخاسته است و گمراهی آخر، از اول بدتر شود.»
پس خواهش می‌کنیم دستور فرمایید قبر را تا سه روز زیر نظر داشته باشند، تا شاگردانش نتوانند بیایند و جسد او را بدزدند و ادعا کنند که او زنده شده است! اگر موفق به این کار شوند، وضع بدتر از اول می‌شود.»
Su gulagaliri lipumba lyakuwi waliloleri weri mpaka lishaka lya tatu, su wafundwa wakuwi hapeni wawezi kwiza kugatola mauti gakuwi na kuwagambira wantu kuwera kazyuka. Kupayira aku hakuweri kudoda kuliku kupayira kwa kwanja.”
Komui ari masani, me ren sinsila sousou o lel ran kasilu, pwe a tounpadak kan de kodo pirapela, ap indang aramas: A kotin iasadar sang ren me melar akan, pwe pakotau wet pan sued sang men mas,
Komui ari majani, me ren jinjila joujou o lel ran kajilu, pwe a tounpadak kan de kodo pirapela, ap indan aramaj: A kotin iajadar jan ren me melar akan, pwe pakotau wet pan jued jan men maj,
Rozkaż tedy obwarować grób aż do dnia trzeciego, by snać przyszedłszy uczniowie jego w nocy, nie ukradli go, i nie powiedzieli ludowi, iż powstał od umarłych; i będzie pośledni błąd gorszy niż pierwszy.
Wydaj więc rozkaz opieczętowania grobu na trzy dni, aby przypadkiem jego uczniowie nie wykradli ciała i nie rozgłaszali tłumom: „On zmartwychwstał!”. Bo to ostatnie kłamstwo byłoby gorsze od pierwszego.
Rozkaż więc zabezpieczyć grobowiec aż do trzeciego dnia, by przypadkiem jego uczniowie nie przyszli w nocy, nie wykradli go i nie powiedzieli ludowi: Powstał z martwych. I ostatni błąd będzie gorszy niż pierwszy.
Portanto, manda que o sepulcro esteja em segurança até o terceiro dia, para que não aconteça dos os discípulos virem, e o furtem, e digam ao povo que ele ressuscitou dos mortos; e [assim] o último engano será pior que o primeiro.
Manda pois que o sepulchro seja guardado com segurança até ao terceiro dia, não seja caso que os seus discipulos vão de noite, e o furtem, e digam ao povo: Resuscitou dos mortos; e assim o ultimo erro será peior do que o primeiro.
Manda pois que o sepulcro seja guardado com segurança até ao terceiro dia, não seja caso que os seus discípulos vão de noite, e o furtem, e digam ao povo: Resuscitou dos mortos; e assim o último erro será pior do que o primeiro.
Por isso pedimos que o senhor mande que o túmulo seja guardado {que [os soldados] guardem o túmulo} [por três dias]. Se o senhor não fizer isso, os seguidores dele podem roubar o corpo e dizer às pessoas que Ele ressuscitou dos mortos. Se enganarem [as pessoas dizendo isso], será pior do que Ele mesmo enganar as pessoas antes [dizendo que Ele era o Messias]”.
Dê ordem para que o túmulo seja vigiado até o terceiro dia. Assim, os seus discípulos não poderão vir, roubar o seu corpo e dizer às pessoas que ele ressuscitou dos mortos. Pois essa última mentira será ainda pior do que a primeira.”
Comanda, portanto, que o túmulo fique seguro até o terceiro dia, para que talvez seus discípulos não venham à noite e o roubem, e digam ao povo: 'Ele ressuscitou dos mortos;' e o último engano será pior do que o primeiro”.
Дэ порункэ, дар, ка мормынтул сэ фие пэзит бине пынэ а трея зи, ка ну кумва сэ винэ ученичий Луй ноаптя сэ-Й фуре трупул ши сэ спунэ нородулуй: ‘А ынвият дин морць!’ Атунч, ыншелэчуня ачаста дин урмэ ар фи май ря декыт чя динтый.”
De aceea poruncește ca mormântul să fie asigurat până a treia zi, ca nu cumva să vină discipolii lui noaptea să îl fure și să spună poporului: A înviat dintre morți; atunci rătăcirea de pe urmă va fi mai rea decât cea dintâi.
Poruncește, așadar, să se asigure mormântul până a treia zi, ca nu cumva discipolii lui să vină noaptea și să-l fure și să spună poporului: “A înviat din morți”; și ultima înșelăciune va fi mai rea decât prima”.”
Huu naa, amaꞌ tulun denu soldꞌadꞌu ra ranea malolole rates a losa nala fai ka telun. No taꞌo naa, ana mana tungga nara nda bisa ramanaꞌo rala ao sisin, fo lelekoꞌ atahori rae, Ana nasodꞌa baliꞌ ena sa. Huu mete ma ara lelekoꞌ taꞌo naa, naa deꞌulaka nara lenaꞌ feꞌesaꞌan sira leleko nara, leleꞌ ara rafadꞌe oi Eni, naa Kristus.”
итак прикажи охранять гроб до третьего дня, чтобы ученики Его, придя ночью, не украли Его и не сказали народу: воскрес из мертвых; и будет последний обман хуже первого.
Eshi lajizya aje ikaburi bhalinde sallama mpaka isiku ilyatatu. Nkasanga shisheshe abhanafunzi wakwe bhanza hweze humwibhe na wazayanje hwa wantu aje azyoshele afume mfye, na ilenkha ilyamwisho linzabhe libhibhi ashile ilyahwande.”
Masikin thân hah sûnthum sûng chu asadima ngâk rangin chong pêk roh, a ruoisingeiin an sea, an va muruka, mipui lâia, ‘Thina renga ânthoinôk zoi’ an ti thei loina rangin. Ma anghan aninônchu hi huongna nûktak hih motona nêkin siet uol nih,” an tia.
tasmAt tRtIyadinaM yAvat tat zmazAnaM rakSitumAdizatu, nocet tacchiSyA yAminyAmAgatya taM hRtvA lokAn vadiSyanti, sa zmazAnAdudatiSThat, tathA sati prathamabhrAnteH zeSIyabhrAnti rmahatI bhaviSyati|
তস্মাৎ তৃতীযদিনং যাৱৎ তৎ শ্মশানং ৰক্ষিতুমাদিশতু, নোচেৎ তচ্ছিষ্যা যামিন্যামাগত্য তং হৃৎৱা লোকান্ ৱদিষ্যন্তি, স শ্মশানাদুদতিষ্ঠৎ, তথা সতি প্ৰথমভ্ৰান্তেঃ শেষীযভ্ৰান্তি ৰ্মহতী ভৱিষ্যতি|
তস্মাৎ তৃতীযদিনং যাৱৎ তৎ শ্মশানং রক্ষিতুমাদিশতু, নোচেৎ তচ্ছিষ্যা যামিন্যামাগত্য তং হৃৎৱা লোকান্ ৱদিষ্যন্তি, স শ্মশানাদুদতিষ্ঠৎ, তথা সতি প্রথমভ্রান্তেঃ শেষীযভ্রান্তি র্মহতী ভৱিষ্যতি|
တသ္မာတ် တၖတီယဒိနံ ယာဝတ် တတ် ၑ္မၑာနံ ရက္ၐိတုမာဒိၑတု, နောစေတ် တစ္ဆိၐျာ ယာမိနျာမာဂတျ တံ ဟၖတွာ လောကာန် ဝဒိၐျန္တိ, သ ၑ္မၑာနာဒုဒတိၐ္ဌတ်, တထာ သတိ ပြထမဘြာန္တေး ၑေၐီယဘြာန္တိ ရ္မဟတီ ဘဝိၐျတိ၊
tasmAt tRtIyadinaM yAvat tat zmazAnaM rakSitumAdizatu, nOcEt tacchiSyA yAminyAmAgatya taM hRtvA lOkAn vadiSyanti, sa zmazAnAdudatiSThat, tathA sati prathamabhrAntEH zESIyabhrAnti rmahatI bhaviSyati|
तस्मात् तृतीयदिनं यावत् तत् श्मशानं रक्षितुमादिशतु, नोचेत् तच्छिष्या यामिन्यामागत्य तं हृत्वा लोकान् वदिष्यन्ति, स श्मशानादुदतिष्ठत्, तथा सति प्रथमभ्रान्तेः शेषीयभ्रान्ति र्महती भविष्यति।
તસ્માત્ તૃતીયદિનં યાવત્ તત્ શ્મશાનં રક્ષિતુમાદિશતુ, નોચેત્ તચ્છિષ્યા યામિન્યામાગત્ય તં હૃત્વા લોકાન્ વદિષ્યન્તિ, સ શ્મશાનાદુદતિષ્ઠત્, તથા સતિ પ્રથમભ્રાન્તેઃ શેષીયભ્રાન્તિ ર્મહતી ભવિષ્યતિ|
tasmāt tṛtīyadinaṁ yāvat tat śmaśānaṁ rakṣitumādiśatu, nocet tacchiṣyā yāminyāmāgatya taṁ hṛtvā lokān vadiṣyanti, sa śmaśānādudatiṣṭhat, tathā sati prathamabhrānteḥ śeṣīyabhrānti rmahatī bhaviṣyati|
tasmāt tr̥tīyadinaṁ yāvat tat śmaśānaṁ rakṣitumādiśatu, nōcēt tacchiṣyā yāminyāmāgatya taṁ hr̥tvā lōkān vadiṣyanti, sa śmaśānādudatiṣṭhat, tathā sati prathamabhrāntēḥ śēṣīyabhrānti rmahatī bhaviṣyati|
tasmAt tR^itIyadinaM yAvat tat shmashAnaM rakShitumAdishatu, nochet tachChiShyA yAminyAmAgatya taM hR^itvA lokAn vadiShyanti, sa shmashAnAdudatiShThat, tathA sati prathamabhrAnteH sheShIyabhrAnti rmahatI bhaviShyati|
ತಸ್ಮಾತ್ ತೃತೀಯದಿನಂ ಯಾವತ್ ತತ್ ಶ್ಮಶಾನಂ ರಕ್ಷಿತುಮಾದಿಶತು, ನೋಚೇತ್ ತಚ್ಛಿಷ್ಯಾ ಯಾಮಿನ್ಯಾಮಾಗತ್ಯ ತಂ ಹೃತ್ವಾ ಲೋಕಾನ್ ವದಿಷ್ಯನ್ತಿ, ಸ ಶ್ಮಶಾನಾದುದತಿಷ್ಠತ್, ತಥಾ ಸತಿ ಪ್ರಥಮಭ್ರಾನ್ತೇಃ ಶೇಷೀಯಭ್ರಾನ್ತಿ ರ್ಮಹತೀ ಭವಿಷ್ಯತಿ|
តស្មាត៑ ត្ឫតីយទិនំ យាវត៑ តត៑ ឝ្មឝានំ រក្ឞិតុមាទិឝតុ, នោចេត៑ តច្ឆិឞ្យា យាមិន្យាមាគត្យ តំ ហ្ឫត្វា លោកាន៑ វទិឞ្យន្តិ, ស ឝ្មឝានាទុទតិឞ្ឋត៑, តថា សតិ ប្រថមភ្រាន្តេះ ឝេឞីយភ្រាន្តិ រ្មហតី ភវិឞ្យតិ។
തസ്മാത് തൃതീയദിനം യാവത് തത് ശ്മശാനം രക്ഷിതുമാദിശതു, നോചേത് തച്ഛിഷ്യാ യാമിന്യാമാഗത്യ തം ഹൃത്വാ ലോകാൻ വദിഷ്യന്തി, സ ശ്മശാനാദുദതിഷ്ഠത്, തഥാ സതി പ്രഥമഭ്രാന്തേഃ ശേഷീയഭ്രാന്തി ർമഹതീ ഭവിഷ്യതി|
ତସ୍ମାତ୍ ତୃତୀଯଦିନଂ ଯାୱତ୍ ତତ୍ ଶ୍ମଶାନଂ ରକ୍ଷିତୁମାଦିଶତୁ, ନୋଚେତ୍ ତଚ୍ଛିଷ୍ୟା ଯାମିନ୍ୟାମାଗତ୍ୟ ତଂ ହୃତ୍ୱା ଲୋକାନ୍ ୱଦିଷ୍ୟନ୍ତି, ସ ଶ୍ମଶାନାଦୁଦତିଷ୍ଠତ୍, ତଥା ସତି ପ୍ରଥମଭ୍ରାନ୍ତେଃ ଶେଷୀଯଭ୍ରାନ୍ତି ର୍ମହତୀ ଭୱିଷ୍ୟତି|
ਤਸ੍ਮਾਤ੍ ਤ੍ਰੁʼਤੀਯਦਿਨੰ ਯਾਵਤ੍ ਤਤ੍ ਸ਼੍ਮਸ਼ਾਨੰ ਰਕ੍ਸ਼਼ਿਤੁਮਾਦਿਸ਼ਤੁ, ਨੋਚੇਤ੍ ਤੱਛਿਸ਼਼੍ਯਾ ਯਾਮਿਨ੍ਯਾਮਾਗਤ੍ਯ ਤੰ ਹ੍ਰੁʼਤ੍ਵਾ ਲੋਕਾਨ੍ ਵਦਿਸ਼਼੍ਯਨ੍ਤਿ, ਸ ਸ਼੍ਮਸ਼ਾਨਾਦੁਦਤਿਸ਼਼੍ਠਤ੍, ਤਥਾ ਸਤਿ ਪ੍ਰਥਮਭ੍ਰਾਨ੍ਤੇਃ ਸ਼ੇਸ਼਼ੀਯਭ੍ਰਾਨ੍ਤਿ ਰ੍ਮਹਤੀ ਭਵਿਸ਼਼੍ਯਤਿ|
තස්මාත් තෘතීයදිනං යාවත් තත් ශ්මශානං රක්‍ෂිතුමාදිශතු, නෝචේත් තච්ඡිෂ්‍යා යාමින්‍යාමාගත්‍ය තං හෘත්වා ලෝකාන් වදිෂ්‍යන්ති, ස ශ්මශානාදුදතිෂ්ඨත්, තථා සති ප්‍රථමභ්‍රාන්තේඃ ශේෂීයභ්‍රාන්ති ර්මහතී භවිෂ්‍යති|
தஸ்மாத் த்ரு’தீயதி³நம்’ யாவத் தத் ஸ்²மஸா²நம்’ ரக்ஷிதுமாதி³ஸ²து, நோசேத் தச்சி²ஷ்யா யாமிந்யாமாக³த்ய தம்’ ஹ்ரு’த்வா லோகாந் வதி³ஷ்யந்தி, ஸ ஸ்²மஸா²நாது³த³திஷ்ட²த், ததா² ஸதி ப்ரத²மப்⁴ராந்தே​: ஸே²ஷீயப்⁴ராந்தி ர்மஹதீ ப⁴விஷ்யதி|
తస్మాత్ తృతీయదినం యావత్ తత్ శ్మశానం రక్షితుమాదిశతు, నోచేత్ తచ్ఛిష్యా యామిన్యామాగత్య తం హృత్వా లోకాన్ వదిష్యన్తి, స శ్మశానాదుదతిష్ఠత్, తథా సతి ప్రథమభ్రాన్తేః శేషీయభ్రాన్తి ర్మహతీ భవిష్యతి|
ตสฺมาตฺ ตฺฤตียทินํ ยาวตฺ ตตฺ ศฺมศานํ รกฺษิตุมาทิศตุ, โนเจตฺ ตจฺฉิษฺยา ยามินฺยามาคตฺย ตํ หฺฤตฺวา โลกานฺ วทิษฺยนฺติ, ส ศฺมศานาทุทติษฺฐตฺ, ตถา สติ ปฺรถมภฺรานฺเต: เศษียภฺรานฺติ รฺมหตี ภวิษฺยติฯ
ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཏྲྀཏཱིཡདིནཾ ཡཱཝཏ྄ ཏཏ྄ ཤྨཤཱནཾ རཀྵིཏུམཱདིཤཏུ, ནོཙེཏ྄ ཏཙྪིཥྱཱ ཡཱམིནྱཱམཱགཏྱ ཏཾ ཧྲྀཏྭཱ ལོཀཱན྄ ཝདིཥྱནྟི, ས ཤྨཤཱནཱདུདཏིཥྛཏ྄, ཏཐཱ སཏི པྲཐམབྷྲཱནྟེཿ ཤེཥཱིཡབྷྲཱནྟི རྨཧཏཱི བྷཝིཥྱཏི།
تَسْماتْ ترِتِییَدِنَں یاوَتْ تَتْ شْمَشانَں رَکْشِتُمادِشَتُ، نوچیتْ تَچّھِشْیا یامِنْیاماگَتْیَ تَں ہرِتْوا لوکانْ وَدِشْیَنْتِ، سَ شْمَشانادُدَتِشْٹھَتْ، تَتھا سَتِ پْرَتھَمَبھْرانْتیح شیشِییَبھْرانْتِ رْمَہَتِی بھَوِشْیَتِ۔
tasmaat t. rtiiyadina. m yaavat tat "sma"saana. m rak. situmaadi"satu, nocet tacchi. syaa yaaminyaamaagatya ta. m h. rtvaa lokaan vadi. syanti, sa "sma"saanaadudati. s.that, tathaa sati prathamabhraante. h "se. siiyabhraanti rmahatii bhavi. syati|
Зато заповеди да се утврди гроб до трећег дана да не дођу како ученици његови ноћу и да га не украду и не кажу народу: Уста из мртвих; и биће последња превара гора од прве.
Zato zapovjedi da se utvrdi grob do treæega dana da ne doðu kako uèenici njegovi noæu i da ga ne ukradu i ne kažu narodu: usta iz mrtvijeh; i biæe pošljednja prijevara gora od prve.
Jalo re kopa taolo mo go wena go kana phuphu go fitlhelela letsatsi la boraro, go itsa barutwa ba gagwe go tla go utswa mmele wa gagwe ba tloga ba raya batho ba re! O tsogile. Fa mo go ka diragala re tlaa nna mo matshwenyegong go gaisa pele.”
Naizvozvo rairai kuti guva richengetwe kusvikira zuva retatu; zvimwe vadzidzi vake vangauya usiku vakamuba, vagoti kuvanhu: Wakamuka kuvakafa; kurasika kwekupedzisira kukazova kwakanyanya pane kwekutanga.
Saka rayirai kuti guva rake richengetedzwe kwazvo kusvika pazuva retatu. Zvimwe vadzidzi vake vangauye vakaba mutumbi wake vakaudza vanhu kuti akamutswa kubva kuvakafa. Kunyengera kwokupedzisira uku kuchaipa kukunda kwokutanga.”
повели убо утвердити гроб до третияго дне, да не како пришедше ученицы Его нощию украдут Его и рекут людем: воста от мертвых: и будет последняя лесть горша первыя.
Ukaži torej, da bo mavzolej zavarovan do tretjega dne, da ne pridejo ponoči njegovi učenci ter ga skrivaj odnesejo in rečejo ljudem: ›Obujen je od mrtvih; ‹ tako bo zadnja prevara hujša kakor prva.«
Zapovej torej, naj se grob zavaruje do tretjega dné, da ne pridejo kako učenci njegovi po noči in ga ukradejo, ter rekó ljudstvu: Vstal je od mrtvih. In zadnja sleparija bo huja od prve.
Neco, kamubambilani bamalonda benga bapembelele pamanda kwa masuba atatu, kutineti kabatesa bamwibe beshikwiya bakendi, ne kutatika kwambila bantu, eti lapundushiwa kubafu. Pakwinga kubepa uku ngakukonempa kupita kubepa kusa kwakutanguna.”
Haddaba amar in xabaashii aad loo dhawro ilaa maalinta saddexaad inaan xertiisu iman oo xadin oo aanay dadka ku odhan, Kuwii dhintay wuu ka soo sara kacay, oo aanay khiyaanada dambe ka sii xumaan tii hore.
Manda, pues, que se asegure el sepulcro hasta el día tercero; para que no vengan sus discípulos de noche, y lo hurten, y digan al pueblo: Resucitó de los muertos. Y será el postrer error peor que el primero.
Da la orden para vigilar la tumba hasta el tercer día. Así sus discípulos no pueden llegar y robar el cuerpo y decir al pueblo que él se levantó de entre los muertos, y que la decepción al final llegue a ser peor que lo que era al principio”.
Manda, pues, que se asegure el sepulcro hasta el tercer día, no sea que vengan sus discípulos de noche y lo roben, y digan al pueblo: ‘Ha resucitado de entre los muertos’; y el último engaño será peor que el primero.”
Manda, pues, asegurar el sepulcro hasta el tercer día, no sea que vengan los discípulos, lo hurten y digan al pueblo que resucitó de entre los muertos. Entonces será el último engaño peor que el primero.
Manda, pues, que el sepulcro sea guardado hasta el tercer día, no sea que sus discípulos vengan a robarlo y digan al pueblo: “Ha resucitado de entre los muertos”, y la última impostura sea peor que la primera”.
Manda, pues, asegurar el sepulcro hasta el día tercero; porque no vengan sus discípulos de noche, y le hurten, y digan al pueblo: Resucitó de los muertos; y será el postrer error peor que el primero.
Manda, pues, que se asegure el sepulcro hasta el día tercero; porque no vengan sus discípulos de noche, y le hurten, y digan al pueblo: Resucitó de los muertos. Y será el postrer error peor que el primero.
Manda, pues, que se asegure el sepulcro hasta el dia tercero; porque no vengan sus discípulos de noche, y le hurten, y digan al pueblo: Resucitó de los muertos. Y será el postrer error peor que el primero.
Ordena, pues, que el lugar donde está su cuerpo sea vigilado hasta el tercer día, por temor a que sus discípulos vengan y se lo lleven en secreto y le digan a la gente: “Él ha vuelto de entre los muertos; el error será peor que el primero.
Kwahiyo, agiza kwamba kaburi lilindwe salama mpaka siku ya tatu. Vinginevyo, wanafunzi wake wanaweza kuja kumwiba na kusema kwa watu, 'Amefufuka kutoka wafu.' Na udanganyifu wa mwisho utakuwa mbaya kuliko ule wa kwanza.”
Kwa hiyo amuru kaburi lilindwe mpaka siku ya tatu ili wanafunzi wake wasije wakamwiba na kuwaambia watu kwamba amefufuka. Uongo huu wa mwisho utakuwa mbaya kuliko ule wa awali.”
Kwa hiyo uamuru kaburi lilindwe kwa uthabiti mpaka baada ya siku tatu. La sivyo, wanafunzi wake wanaweza kuja kuuiba mwili wake na kuwaambia watu kwamba amefufuliwa kutoka kwa wafu. Udanganyifu huu wa mwisho utakuwa mbaya kuliko ule wa kwanza.”
Bjud fördenskull att man skyddar graven intill tredje dagen, så att hans lärjungar icke komma och stjäla bort honom, och sedan säga till folket att han har uppstått från de döda. Då bliver den sista villan värre än den första."
Bjud fördenskull, att man förvarar grafvena, intill tredje dagen, att hans Lärjungar icke komma, och stjäla honom bort, och säga folkena: Han är uppstånden ifrån de döda; och blifver så den sista villan värre än den första.
Bjud fördenskull att man skyddar graven intill tredje dagen, så att hans lärjungar icke komma och stjäla bort honom, och sedan säga till folket att han har uppstått från de döda. Då bliver den sista villan värre än den första.»
Ipagutos mo nga na ingatan ang libingan hanggang sa ikatlong araw, baka sakaling magsiparoon ang kaniyang mga alagad at siya'y nakawin, at sabihin sa bayan, Siya'y nagbangon sa gitna ng mga patay: at lalong sasama ang huling kamalian.
Kaya iutos mo na ang libingan ay mabantayang mabuti hanggang sa ikatlong araw. Kung hindi maaring pumunta ang kaniyang mga alagad at nakawin siya at sasabihin sa mga tao, 'Nabuhay siya mula sa mga patay.' At ang huling panlilinlang ay malala pa sa nauna.”
Vbvrikunamv, no ninyigv nyibung nga alu loom nvnv tolo lobv sipai vdwa mingvrila dakria motoka, ogulvgavbolo ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwv aala nw gv svma nga chola madubv, okv vbvrikunamv nyi vdwa nw sinam lokv turpv kunv vla mima dubv. So gv ataranyabv mvvnam angv si mvvcho kunam vdwa kaiyabv alvmanv gubv riyi nvpvla.”
ஆகவே, அவனுடைய சீடர்கள் இரவிலே வந்து, அவனைத் தந்திரமாகக் கொண்டுபோய், மரித்தோரிலிருந்து உயிரோடு எழுந்தானென்று மக்களுக்குச் சொல்லாதபடிக்கும், முந்தின வஞ்சனையைவிட பிந்தின வஞ்சனை கொடிதாகாதபடிக்கும், நீர் மூன்று நாட்கள்வரை கல்லறையைப் பாதுகாக்கும்படி கட்டளையிடவேண்டும் என்றார்கள்.
ஆகவே அந்தக் கல்லறை மூன்றாம் நாள்வரைக்கும் பத்திரமாய் பாதுகாக்கப்படும்படி உத்தரவு கொடுக்கவேண்டும். இல்லையெனில் அவனது சீடர்கள் ஒருவேளை வந்து அந்த உடலைத் திருடிச் சென்றுவிட்டு, இறந்தோரில் இருந்து உயிரோடு எழுந்துவிட்டான் என்று மக்களுக்குச் சொல்லுவார்கள். அப்படி நடந்தால் முந்தின ஏமாற்று வேலையைவிட பிந்தினது மோசமானதாயிருக்கும்” என்றார்கள்.
కాబట్టి మూడవ రోజు వరకూ సమాధిని భద్రం చేయమని ఆజ్ఞాపించండి. ఒకవేళ అతని శిష్యులు అతణ్ణి ఎత్తుకుపోయి ‘ఆయన మృతుల్లో నుండి సజీవంగా లేచాడు’ అని ప్రజల్లో ప్రచారం చేస్తారేమో. అదే జరిగితే మొదటి వంచన కంటే చివరి వంచన మరింత చెడ్డదౌతుంది” అన్నారు.
Ko ia ke ke fekau ke leʻohi maʻu ʻae fonualoto, ʻo hoko ki hono ʻaho tolu, telia naʻa haʻu ʻene kau ākonga ʻi he pō, ʻo kaihaʻasi ia, pea nau tala ki he kakai, ‘Kuo toetuʻu ia mei he mate: pea ʻe kovi lahi ai ʻae kākā ki mui ni ʻi he ʻuluaki.’
Mançil-allab əmr hee'e xhebıd'esde yiğılqamee nyuq'vneqa ılyaakecen. Deşxhee telebabı abı Mana qöqü milletık'le «Mana hapt'ıynbışde yı'q'neençe üç'ür qıxhava» eyhes. Man qiyğiyn hor, ts'ettiynçile pisın ixhes.
Onun için buyruk ver de üçüncü güne dek mezarı güvenlik altına alsınlar. Yoksa öğrencileri gelir, cesedini çalar ve halka, ‘Ölümden dirildi’ derler. Son aldatmaca ilkinden beter olur.”
Eyi nti ma yɛn kwan na yɛnkɔwɛn da no ano nkosi nnansa, sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a nʼasuafo no ntwa wɔn ho nkowia amu no mmɔ no dawuru se wasɔre afi awufo mu. Na sɛ ɛkɔba saa de a anka akyiri no nnaadaa bɛsen kan de no.”
Yei enti, ma yɛn ɛkwan na yɛnkɔtare ɔboda no ano nkɔsi nnansa, sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, nʼasuafoɔ no ntwa wɔn ho nkɔwia amu no mmɔ no dawuro sɛ wasɔre afiri awufoɔ mu. Na sɛ ɛkɔba saa deɛ a, anka akyire no nnaadaa bɛsene kane deɛ no.”
Тож накажи стерегти гробницю до третього дня. Щоб Його учні, прийшовши, не вкрали Його й не сказали народові, що Він воскрес із мертвих. І останній обман буде гірший від першого.
Звели ж гріб стерегти аж до третього дня, щоб учні Його не прийшли, та й не вкрали Його, і не сказали наро́дові: Він із мертвих воскрес! І буде остання обмана гірша за першу“.
Звели ж оце стерегти гроба до третього дня, щоб прийшовши ученики Його в ночі, не вкрали Його, й не сказали народові: Устав із мертвих; і буде остання омана гірша первої.
पस हुक्म दे कि तीसरे दिन तक क़ब्र की निगहबानी की जाए, कहीं ऐसा न हो कि उसके शागिर्द आकर उसे चुरा ले जाएँ, और लोगों से कह दें, वो मुर्दों में से जी उठा, और ये पिछला धोखा पहले से भी बुरा हो।”
شۇنىڭ ئۈچۈن، قەبرى ئۈچىنچى كۈنىگىچە مەھكەم قوغدىلىشى ئۈچۈن ئەمر بەرگەيسىز. ئۇنداق قىلىنمىسا، مۇخلىسلىرى كېلىپ جەسەتنى ئوغرىلاپ كېتىپ، ئاندىن خەلققە: «ئۇ ئۆلۈمدىن تىرىلدى» دېيىشى مۇمكىن. بۇنداق ئالدامچىلىق ئالدىنقىسىدىنمۇ بەتتەر بولىدۇ، ــ دېيىشتى.
Шуниң үчүн, қәбир үчинчи күнигичә мәһкәм қоғдилиши үчүн әмир бәргәйсиз. Ундақ қилинмиса, мухлислири келип җәсәтни оғрилап кетип, андин хәлиққә: «У өлүмдин тирилди» дейиши мүмкин. Бундақ алдамчилиқ алдинқисидинму бәттәр болиду, — дейишти.
Shuning üchün, qebri üchinchi künigiche mehkem qoghdilishi üchün emr bergeysiz. Undaq qilinmisa, muxlisliri kélip jesetni oghrilap kétip, andin xelqqe: «U ölümdin tirildi» déyishi mumkin. Bundaq aldamchiliq aldinqisidinmu better bolidu, — déyishti.
Xuning üqün, ⱪǝbri üqinqi künigiqǝ mǝⱨkǝm ⱪoƣdilixi üqün ǝmr bǝrgǝysiz. Undaⱪ ⱪilinmisa, muhlisliri kelip jǝsǝtni oƣrilap ketip, andin hǝlⱪⱪǝ: «U ɵlümdin tirildi» deyixi mumkin. Bundaⱪ aldamqiliⱪ aldinⱪisidinmu bǝttǝr bolidu, — deyixti.
Vậy, xin hãy cắt người canh mả cẩn thận cho đến ngày thứ ba, kẻo môn đồ nó đến lấy trộm xác đi, rồi nói với chúng rằng: Ngài đã từ kẻ chết sống lại. Sự gian dối sau đó sẽ tệ hơn sự gian dối trước.
Vậy, xin hãy cắt người canh mả cẩn thận cho đến ngày thứ ba, kẻo môn đồ nó đến lấy trộm xác đi, rồi nói với chúng rằng: Ngài đã từ kẻ chết sống lại. Sự gian dối sau đó sẽ tệ hơn sự gian dối trước.
Để đề phòng mưu gian, xin tổng trấn ra lệnh canh gác mộ nó thật nghiêm ngặt suốt ba ngày, như thế môn đệ nó không thể đánh cắp xác nó rồi phao tin rằng nó sống lại! Nếu mưu gian ấy được thành, việc dối gạt này sẽ tai hại hơn lần trước.”
Lino, tusuuma avavuule avasikali vaako valolelelaghe imbiipa kuhanga ikighono ikya vutatu, tungaleke kuvomba ulu, avavulanisivua vaake ndepoonu viluta kuhiija um'bili ghwake neke vavasyange avaanhu kuuti asyukile. Nave luvembeke uluo, uvudesi uvuo vuuva vuviivi kukila uvwa kwanda.
Diawu bulutidi mboti wuvana minsua basunga dibumbi nate bilumbu bitatu bivioka muingi minlonguki miandi mibika kuenda yibi nitu andi bila nganu miela kamba batu ti wufulukidi mu bafua. Buna luvunu beni luela viatuka tezo ayi viokila lolo lutheti mu mbimbi.
Nítorí náà, pàṣẹ kí a ti ibojì rẹ̀ gbọningbọnin títí ọjọ́ kẹta, kí àwọn ọmọ-ẹ̀yìn rẹ̀ má ṣe wá jí gbé lọ, wọn a sì bẹ̀rẹ̀ sí í sọ fún gbogbo ènìyàn pé, ‘Òun ti jíǹde,’ bí èyí bá ní láti ṣẹlẹ̀, yóò burú fún wa púpọ̀ ju ti àkọ́kọ́ lọ.”
Verse Count = 347

< Matthew 27:64 >