< Jeremiah 5:5 >

I will go to the great men and will speak to them, for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God.” But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
Do të shkoj, pra, te të mëdhenjtë dhe do t’u flas atyre, sepse ata e njohin rrugën e Zotit, ligjin e Perëndisë së tyre”. Por edhe ata bashkë kanë shkallmuar zgjedhën dhe i kanë këputur verigat.
أَنْطَلِقُ إِلَى ٱلْعُظَمَاءِ وَأُكَلِّمُهُمْ لِأَنَّهُمْ عَرَفُوا طَرِيقَ ٱلرَّبِّ، قَضَاءَ إِلَهِهِمْ. أَمَّا هُمْ فَقَدْ كَسَرُوا ٱلنِّيرَ جَمِيعًا وَقَطَعُوا ٱلرُّبُطَ.
فَلأَقْصِدَنَّ الْعُظَمَاءَ وَأُكَلِّمْهُمْ لأَنَّهُمْ يَعْرِفُونَ طَرِيقَ الرَّبِّ وَقَضَاءَ إِلَهِهِمْ». فَإِذَا هَؤُلاءِ جَمِيعاً قَدْ حَطَّمُوا النِّيرَ وَقَطَعُوا الرُّبُطَ.
মই ডাঙৰীয়াসকলৰ ওচৰলৈ গৈ তেওঁলোকৰ আগত কথা কম; কিয়নো তেওঁলোকে ক’লে, যিহোৱাৰ পথ আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ ঈশ্বৰৰ শাসন জানে, কিন্তু তেওঁলোকে এক মত হৈ যুৱলি ভাঙিলে আৰু যোঁত-জৰী চিঙি পেলালে।
Qoy mən böyüklərin yanına gedib Onlarla danışım, Çünki Rəbbin yolunu, Özlərinin Allahının hökmlərini bilirlər». Ancaq onlar da boyunduruğu sındırıb İpləri qopardılar.
Amaiba: le, na da ouligisu hou gagui dunu ilima asili, ilima sia: mu. Na da agoane dawa: , ‘Ilia da Gode Ea hanai dawa: mu. Ilia hamoma: ne, Hina Gode Ea sia: i liligi ilia da dawa: mu.’ Be ilia huluane da Hina Gode Ea ouligisu hou amo higale yolesi dagoi. Ilia da Ea sia: nabimu higasa.
আমি মহান লোকদের কাছে যাব এবং তাদের কাছে ঈশ্বরের বার্তা ঘোষণা করব, তারা অন্তত সদাপ্রভুর পথ ও তাদের ঈশ্বরের নিয়ম জানে।” কিন্তু তারা সবাই একসঙ্গে তাদের জোয়াল ভেঙে ফেলেছে এবং তাদের সাথে ঈশ্বরের বাঁধন ছিঁড়ে ফেলেছে।
তাই আমি নেতাদের কাছে যাব ও তাদের সঙ্গে কথা বলব; তারা নিশ্চয়ই সদাপ্রভুর পথ ও তাদের ঈশ্বরের চাহিদাগুলি জানে।” কিন্তু তারাও একযোগে জোয়াল ভেঙে ফেলেছে এবং তাদের বাঁধন ছিঁড়ে ফেলেছে।
Ще се обърна към големците Та ще говоря с тях; Защото те знаят пътя Господен, Закона на своя Бог, Но и те всички са строшили хомота, Разкъсали връзките.
Moadto ako sa mahinungdanon nga mga tawo ug ipahayag ang mga mensahe sa Dios ngadto kanila, aron nga masayod sila sa mga paagi ni Yahweh, ang mga kasugoan sa ilang Dios.” Apan gibali nilang tanan ang ilang yugo; ug gibugto nila ang mga kadena nga naghiusa kanila ngadto sa Dios.
Ako moadto sa mga dagkung tawo, ug mosulti kanila; kay sila nanghibalo sa dalan ni Jehova, ug sa justicia sa ilang Dios. Apan kini sila nanag-usa sa pagbunggo sa yugo ug sa paglugtas sa mga gapus.
Tsono ndidzapita kwa atsogoleri ndi kukayankhula nawo; ndithu iwo amadziwa njira ya Yehova, amadziwa zomwe Mulungu wawo amafuna.” Koma ayi, iwonso anathyola goli la Yehova ndipo anadula msinga zawo.
To pongah zaehoikungnawk khaeah ka caeh moe, lok ka thuih pae han; nihcae loe Angraeng ih loklam hoi angmacae Sithaw lokcaekhaih to panoek o; toe nihcae mah hnam to khaeh o moe, qui doeh taprawt o pat.
Tanglue rhoek te kamah ham ka caeh thil vetih amih te ka voek ni. Amih loh BOEIPA kah khosing neh a Pathen kah laitloeknah te a ming uh ta. Tedae amih loh hnamkun te rhenten a bawt uh tih kuelrhui khaw a dul uh.
Tanglue rhoek te kamah ham ka caeh thil vetih amih te ka voek ni. Amih loh BOEIPA kah khosing neh a Pathen kah laitloeknah te a ming uh ta. Tedae amih loh hnamkun te rhenten a bawt uh tih kuelrhui khaw a dul uh.
Hijeh chun, keima lamkai vaihomte kom’a gachengting, gaseipeh tange. Ajeh chu amaho beh chun Pakai lampi leh Pathen danthu ho henauvinte,’’ kati. Ahivangin, alamkaiteu jong abep ahiuvin, Pathen namkol aheh bongun chuleh akigahnau khao jong abotten un ahiuve.
Tami kalentoenaw koe ka cei vaiteh, ahnimouh koe lawk ka dei han. bangkongtetpawiteh, ahnimouh ni, BAWIPA e lam hoi amamae Cathut lawkcengnae han a panue awh, telah ka ti. Hateiteh, hetnaw ni, lungthin suetalah kahnam hah a khoe awh teh, kateknae rui a rathap awh.
我要去见尊大的人,对他们说话, 因为他们晓得耶和华的作为 和他们 神的法则。 哪知,这些人齐心将轭折断, 挣开绳索。
我要去見尊大的人,對他們說話, 因為他們曉得耶和華的作為 和他們上帝的法則。 哪知,這些人齊心將軛折斷, 掙開繩索。
我要去問有權勢的人,與他們談論,因為他們知道火道路和他們天主的法律。」哎! 連他們也都折斷了軛,掙斷了繩索。
Poći ću, dakle, velikima i njima ću govoriti, jer oni poznaju put Jahvin i pravo Boga svojega.” Ali oni svi složno razbiše jaram i sve veze pokidaše.
Půjdu aspoň k přednějším, a mluviti budu k nim; nebo oni povědomi jsou cesty Hospodinovy, soudu Boha svého. Ale i ti spolu polámali jho, roztrhali svazky.
Půjdu aspoň k přednějším, a mluviti budu k nim; nebo oni povědomi jsou cesty Hospodinovy, soudu Boha svého. Ale i ti spolu polámali jho, roztrhali svazky.
jeg vil vende mig til de store og tale med dem, de kender da HERRENs Vej, deres Guds Ret!" Men alle havde sønderbrudt Åget, sprængt deres Bånd.
jeg vil gaa til de store og tale med dem, thi de vide Herrens Vej, deres Guds Ret; men de havde til Hobe sønderbrudt Aaget, sønderslidt Baandene.
jeg vil vende mig til de store og tale med dem, de kender da HERRENS Vej, deres Guds Ret!« Men alle havde sønderbrudt Aaget, sprængt deres Baand.
Omiyo anadhi ir jotelo kendo awuo kodgi; adiera gingʼeyo yor Jehova Nyasaye, kod dwaro mar Nyasachgi.” To gi chuny achiel gin bende negituro jok, kendo gichodo rateke.
Ik zal gaan tot de groten, en met hen spreken, want die weten den weg des HEEREN, het recht huns Gods; maar zij hadden te zamen het juk verbroken, en de banden verscheurd.
Ik zal tot de groten gaan spreken, Want zij kennen Jahweh’s weg, de dienst van hun God. Maar ze hebben allemaal samen het juk verbroken, De banden aan flarden gescheurd.
Ik zal gaan tot de groten, en met hen spreken, want die weten den weg des HEEREN, het recht huns Gods; maar zij hadden te zamen het juk verbroken, en de banden verscheurd.
I will go to the great men, and will speak to them, for they know the way of Jehovah, and the law of their God. But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men and will speak to them, for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God.” But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will get me unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they know the way of Jehovah, and the law of their God. But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the powerful and speak to them. Surely they know the way of the LORD, the justice of their God.” But they too, with one accord, had broken the yoke and torn off the chains.
I will go to the great men and have talk with them; for they have knowledge of the way of the Lord and of the behaviour desired by their God. But as for these, their one purpose is a broken yoke and burst bands.
I will go to the rich men, and will speak to them; for they have known the way of the Lord, and the judgment of God: but, behold, with one consent they have broken the yoke, they have burst the bonds.
I will go to the rich men, and will speak to them; for they have known the way of the Lord, and the judgement of God: but, behold, with one consent they have broken the yoke, they have burst the bonds.
Therefore, I will go to great men, and I will speak with them. For they have known the way of the Lord, the judgment of their God. And behold, these ones have broken the yoke all the more; they have torn apart the bonds.
I will go unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they know the way of Jehovah, the judgment of their God; but these have altogether broken the yoke, have burst the bonds.
I will go therefore to the great men, and I will speak to them: for they known the way of the Lord, the judgement of their God: and behold these have together broken the yoke more, and have burst the bonds.
Let me go to and talk to the ones in charge. They would surely know what the Lord wants, God's right way of living.” But they had all broken off the yoke as well, and ripped off the chains.
I will get me vnto the great men, and will speake vnto them: for they haue knowen the way of the Lord, and the iudgement of their God: but these haue altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bondes.
I will get me unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they know the way of the LORD, and the ordinance of their God.' But these had altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bands.
I will get me unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they have known the way of the LORD, [and] the judgment of their God: but these have altogether broken the yoke, [and] burst the bonds.
I will get me to the great men, and will speak to them; for they have known the way of the LORD, and the judgment of their God: but these have altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will get me unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they have known the way of the Lord, and the judgment of their God: but these have altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will get me unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they have known the way of YHWH, and the judgment of their Elohim: but these have altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will get me unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they have known the way of Yhwh, and the judgment of their God: but these have altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will get me unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they have known the way of the LORD, and the judgment of their God: but these have altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the rich men, and will speak to them; for they have known the way of the Lord, and the judgment of God: but, behold, with one consent they have broken the yoke, they have burst the bonds.
I had better go unto the great men, and let me speak with them; for these surely know the way of the Lord, the ordinance of their God; but these altogether have broken the yoke, burst the bands.
I go to the great, and I speak with them, For they have known the way of YHWH, The judgment of their God.” Surely they have broken the yoke together, They have drawn away the bands.
I will go to the great men, and will speak to them; for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God." But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men, and will speak to them; for they know the way of Jehovah, and the law of their God." But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men, and will speak to them; for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God." But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men, and will speak to them; for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God." But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men, and will speak to them; for they know the way of YHWH, and the law of their God." But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men, and will speak to them; for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God." But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will get me to the great ones, And I will speak to them; For they know the way of Jehovah, The law of their God. But these also have together broken the yoke; They have burst the bands.
I will get me unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they know the way of the LORD, and the judgment of their God. But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bands.
I will betake me unto the great men, and will speak, with them! For, they, know the way of Yahweh, the justice of their God! Yea but, they, with one accord have broken the yoke, torn off the bands.
I will go for myself to the great and I will speak them for they they know [the] way of Yahweh [the] ordinance of God their nevertheless they alike they had broken off a yoke they had torn off fetters.
to go: went to/for me to(wards) [the] great: large and to speak: speak [obj] them for they(masc.) to know way: conduct LORD justice God their surely they(masc.) together to break yoke to tear bond
So, I will go and talk to their leaders, because they [surely] know how God wants them to conduct their lives.” But they also have stopped obeying Yahweh [MET], and they will not allow him to lead them.
I will go to the important people and declare God's messages to them, for they at least know Yahweh's ways, the decrees of their God.” But they all broke their yoke together; they all tore apart the chains that bound them to God.
I will go to the great men, and will speak to them; for they have known the way of the LORD, [and] the judgment of their God: but these have altogether broken the yoke, [and] burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men, and will speak to them; for they have known the way of the LORD, and the judgment of their God: but these have altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men and will speak to them, for they know the way of Yahweh, and the law of their God.” But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men and will speak to them, for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God.” But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men and will speak to them, for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God.” But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men and will speak to them, for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God.” But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men and will speak to them, for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God.” But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
I will go to the great men and will speak to them, for they know the way of the LORD, and the law of their God.” But these with one accord have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.
Therfor Y schal go to the principal men, and Y schal speke to hem; for thei knewen the weie of the Lord, and the doom of her God. And lo! thei han more broke togidere the yok, and han broke boondis.
I get me to the great, and I speak with them, For they have known the way of Jehovah, The judgment of their God.' Surely they together have broken the yoke, They have drawn away the bands.
mi iros al la eminentuloj, kaj mi parolos kun ili: ili ja konas la vojon de la Eternulo, la leĝojn de sia Dio; sed ankaŭ ili ĉiuj kune rompis la jugon, disŝiris la ŝnurojn.
Eya ta mayi ɖe woƒe kplɔlawo gbɔ, aƒo nu na wo; woawo ya nya Yehowa ƒe mɔ kple woƒe Mawu la ƒe didiwo godoo.” Gake woawo hã tsɔ lɔlɔ̃nu ɖeka ŋe kɔkuti la ɖa eye wotu kɔsasawo.
Minä käyn voimallisten tykö ja puhun heidän kanssansa; sillä heidän pitää tietämän Herran tien ja Jumalansa oikeuden. Mutta ne ovat kaikki ikeen särkeneet, ja katkaisseet siteen.
Niinpä menen ylhäisten luo ja puhuttelen heitä, sillä he kyllä tuntevat Herran tien, Jumalansa oikeuden. Mutta he olivat kaikki särkeneet ikeen, katkaisseet siteet.
J'irai donc vers les grands et je leur parlerai; car eux, ils savent la voie de Yahweh, La loi de leur Dieu... Mais eux aussi, ils ont tous ensemble brisé le joug, Rompu les liens!
Je vais aller vers les grands et je leur parlerai, car ils connaissent la voie de l'Éternel et la loi de leur Dieu. » Mais eux, d'un commun accord, ont brisé le joug, et rompu les liens.
Je m’en irai vers les grands, et je leur parlerai; car eux, ils connaissent la voie de l’Éternel, le jugement de leur Dieu; mais ceux-ci, tous ensemble, ont brisé le joug, rompu les liens.
Je m'en irai donc aux plus grands, et je leur parlerai; car ceux-là connaissent la voie de l'Eternel, le droit de leur Dieu; mais ceux-là mêmes ont aussi brisé le joug, [et] ont rompu les liens.
J’irai donc vers les grands, et je leur parlerai; car ils ont connu la voie du Seigneur et le jugement de leur Dieu; et voilà que de plus tous ensemble ont brisé le joug, ils ont rompu les liens.
J’irai vers les grands, et je leur parlerai; Car eux, ils connaissent la voie de l’Éternel, La loi de leur Dieu; Mais ils ont tous aussi brisé le joug, Rompu les liens.
J’irai donc vers les grands et je leur parlerai; car eux, ils savent la voie de Yahweh, La loi de leur Dieu... Mais eux aussi, ils ont tous ensemble brisé le joug, Rompu les liens!
J'irai donc vers les grands et je leur parlerai; car eux, ils connaissent la voie de l'Éternel, le droit de leur Dieu. Mais, eux aussi, ils ont brisé le joug, rompu les liens!
je veux aussi aller vers les Grands, et leur parler; car, pour eux, ils connaissent la voie de l'Éternel, la loi de leur Dieu… Mais eux tous aussi ont brisé le joug, ont rompu les liens.
J'irai donc vers les riches, et je leur parlerai; car ceux-là ont appris à connaître la voie du Seigneur et le jugement de Dieu; mais voilà qu'unanimement ils ont brisé le joug et mis en pièces les liens.
Je vais me tourner vers les grands, leur adresser la parole; car ils connaissent, eux, la voie de l’Eternel, la justice de leur Dieu!" Mais ce sont eux qui, tous ensemble, ont brisé le joug, rompu les liens.
Ich will mich an die Großen wenden und mit ihnen sprechen; die kennen doch des Herren Weg, die Satzung ihres Gottes. - Erst recht zerbrachen die das Joch und rissen Fesseln durch.
Ich will doch zu den Großen gehen und mit ihnen reden; denn sie kennen den Weg Jehovas, das Recht ihres Gottes. Doch sie haben allzumal das Joch zerbrochen, die Bande zerrissen.
Ich will doch zu den Großen gehen und mit ihnen reden; denn sie kennen den Weg Jehovas, das Recht ihres Gottes. Doch sie haben allzumal das Joch zerbrochen, die Bande zerrissen.
Ich will doch zu den Großen gehen und mit ihnen reden; denn sie kennen den Weg Jahwes, die Gerechtsame ihres Gottes! Aber gerade sie hatten allesamt das Joch zerbrochen, die Bande zerrissen.
Ich will zu den Gewaltigen gehen und mit ihnen reden, dieselbigen werden um des HERRN Weg und ihres Gottes Recht wissen; aber dieselbigen allesamt hatten das Joch zerbrochen und die Seile zerrissen.
Ich will zu den Gewaltigen gehen und mit ihnen reden; die werden um des HERRN Weg und ihres Gottes Recht wissen. Aber sie allesamt hatten das Joch zerbrochen und die Seile zerrissen.
Ich will doch einmal zu den Großen gehen und mit ihnen reden; denn die müssen doch den Weg des HERRN, das Recht ihres Gottes kennen.« Doch sie haben insgesamt das Joch zerbrochen, die Bande zerrissen!
Ich will doch zu den Großen gehen und mit ihnen reden; denn sie kennen den Weg des HERRN, das Recht ihres Gottes! Aber sie hatten allesamt das Joch zerbrochen, die Bande zerrissen.
Ich will doch zu den Großen gehen und will mit ihnen reden, denn sie kennen den Weg Jehovahs, ihres Gottes Recht. Aber sie hatten allzumal das Joch gebrochen, die Bande abgerissen.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio nĩngũthiĩ kũrĩ atongoria ngaaranĩrie nao; ti-itherũ acio nĩmoĩ njĩra ya Jehova, na makamenya ũrĩa Ngai wao endaga.” No rĩrĩ, othe marĩ hamwe, nĩmoinangĩte icooki rĩao rĩa ngingo, na magatua mĩkwa.
θέλω υπάγει προς τους μεγάλους και θέλω λαλήσει προς αυτούς· διότι αυτοί εγνώρισαν την οδόν του Κυρίου, την κρίσιν του Θεού αυτών· αλλά και ούτοι πάντες ομού συνέτριψαν τον ζυγόν, έκοψαν τους δεσμούς.
πορεύσομαι πρὸς τοὺς ἁδροὺς καὶ λαλήσω αὐτοῖς ὅτι αὐτοὶ ἐπέγνωσαν ὁδὸν κυρίου καὶ κρίσιν θεοῦ καὶ ἰδοὺ ὁμοθυμαδὸν συνέτριψαν ζυγόν διέρρηξαν δεσμούς
હું નામાંકિત વડીલો પાસે જઈને તેઓની સાથે યહોવાહ વિષે વાત કરીશ, કેમ કે તેઓ યહોવાહના માર્ગો જાણે છે, તેઓ પોતાના ઈશ્વરના નિયમો જાણે છે: પણ તે લોકોએ ઈશ્વરની ઝૂંસરી ભાંગી નાખી છે અને જોતરો તોડી નાખ્યાં છે.
Mwen pral jwenn grannèg yo, m'a pale ak yo. Sèten, yo menm yo konnen ni sa Seyè a mande yo fè, ni sa Bondye yo a vle yo fè. Men, pa gen yonn ladan yo ki rekonèt otorite Bondye ankò. Yo tout ap fè sa yo pito.
Mwen va ale kote moun pwa yo. Se ak yo ke mwen va pale, paske yo menm konnen chemen SENYÈ a, ak règleman a Bondye yo.” Men yo menm tou, ak volonte ansanm te kraze jouk la, e chire tout kòd yo.
Saboda haka zan tafi wurin shugabanni in yi musu magana; tabbatacce sun san hanyar Ubangiji, da abubuwan da Allahnsu yake bukata.” Amma da nufi guda su ma suka karye karkiyar suka tsintsinke sarƙoƙin.
E hele aku no au i na kanaka koikoi, a e olelo aku ia lakou; no ka mea, ua ike lakou i ka aoao o Iehova, i ka pono hoi o ko lakou Akua: aka, o keia poe, ua uhaki loa lakou i ka auamo, ua moku ia lakou na kaula e paa ai.
אלכה לי אל הגדלים ואדברה אותם--כי המה ידעו דרך יהוה משפט אלהיהם אך המה יחדו שברו על נתקו מוסרות
אֵֽלֲכָה־לִּ֤י אֶל־הַגְּדֹלִים֙ וַאֲדַבְּרָ֣ה אֹותָ֔ם כִּ֣י הֵ֗מָּה יָדְעוּ֙ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֔ה מִשְׁפַּ֖ט אֱלֹהֵיהֶ֑ם אַ֣ךְ הֵ֤מָּה יַחְדָּו֙ שָׁ֣בְרוּ עֹ֔ל נִתְּק֖וּ מֹוסֵרֹֽות׃
אֵֽלֲכָה־לִּ֤י אֶל־הַגְּדֹלִים֙ וַאֲדַבְּרָ֣ה אוֹתָ֔ם כִּ֣י הֵ֗מָּה יָדְעוּ֙ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֔ה מִשְׁפַּ֖ט אֱלֹהֵיהֶ֑ם אַ֣ךְ הֵ֤מָּה יַחְדָּו֙ שָׁ֣בְרוּ עֹ֔ל נִתְּק֖וּ מוֹסֵרֽוֹת׃
אֵֽלְכָה־לִּי אֶל־הַגְּדֹלִים וַאֲדַבְּרָה אוֹתָם כִּי הֵמָּה יָֽדְעוּ דֶּרֶךְ יְהֹוָה מִשְׁפַּט אֱלֹהֵיהֶם אַךְ הֵמָּה יַחְדָּו שָׁבְרוּ עֹל נִתְּקוּ מוֹסֵרֽוֹת׃
אלכה לי אל הגדלים ואדברה אותם כי המה ידעו דרך יהוה משפט אלהיהם אך המה יחדו שברו על נתקו מוסרות׃
אֵֽלֲכָה־לִּי אֶל־הַגְּדֹלִים וַאֲדַבְּרָה אוֹתָם כִּי הֵמָּה יָדְעוּ דֶּרֶךְ יְהוָה מִשְׁפַּט אֱלֹהֵיהֶם אַךְ הֵמָּה יַחְדָּו שָׁבְרוּ עֹל נִתְּקוּ מוֹסֵרֽוֹת׃
אֵֽלֲכָה־לִּ֤י אֶל־הַגְּדֹלִים֙ וַאֲדַבְּרָ֣ה אוֹתָ֔ם כִּ֣י הֵ֗מָּה יָדְעוּ֙ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֔ה מִשְׁפַּ֖ט אֱלֹהֵיהֶ֑ם אַ֣ךְ הֵ֤מָּה יַחְדָּו֙ שָׁ֣בְרוּ עֹ֔ל נִתְּק֖וּ מוֹסֵרֽוֹת׃
इसलिए मैं बड़े लोगों के पास जाकर उनको सुनाऊँगा; क्योंकि वे तो यहोवा का मार्ग और अपने परमेश्वर का नियम जानते हैं।” परन्तु उन सभी ने मिलकर जूए को तोड़ दिया है और बन्धनों को खोल डाला है।
मैं उनके अगुए से भेंट करूंगा; क्योंकि उन्हें तो याहवेह की नीतियों का बोध है, वे अपने परमेश्वर के नियम जानते हैं.” किंतु उन्होंने भी एक मत होकर जूआ उतार दिया है तथा उन्होंने बंधन तोड़ फेंके हैं.
Elmegyek azért a főemberekhez, és beszélek velök; hiszen ők ismerik az Úrnak útját, Istenöknek ítéletét! Ámde ők törték össze egyetemlegesen az igát, és tépték le a köteleket!
Hadd megyek el a nagyokhoz, hadd beszélek velük, mert ők ismerik az Örökkévaló útját, Istenük törvényét; ámde ők egyaránt eltörték a jármot, szétszakították a köteleket.
Aga m ejekwuru ndị ndu, gwa ha okwu sị, nʼezie ha maara ihe gbasara ụzọ Onyenwe anyị, marakwa iwu niile nke Chineke ha.” Ma ha onwe ha nʼotu obi agbajiela ịyagba ahụ, tijiekwa agbụ niile.
Mapanakto kadagiti mabigbigbig a tattao ket ipakaamok kadakuada dagiti mensahe ti Dios, ta uray kaskasano, ammoda ti wagas ni Yahweh, dagiti paglintegan ti Diosda. Ngem aminda, tinukkolda a sangsangkamaysa ti sangolda; pinugsatda amin dagiti kawar a nangisinggalut kadakuada iti Dios.
Baiklah aku pergi kepada para pembesar, dan berbicara dengan mereka. Pastilah mereka tahu apa yang diinginkan dan dituntut TUHAN Allah dari mereka." Tapi, mereka semua juga tidak mau diperintah oleh TUHAN; mereka tidak mau taat kepada-Nya.
Baiklah aku pergi kepada orang-orang besar, dan berbicara kepada mereka, sebab merekalah yang mengetahui jalan TUHAN, hukum Allah mereka." Tetapi merekapun semuanya telah mematahkan kuk, telah memutuskan tali-tali pengikat.
Io me ne andrò a grandi, e parlerò con loro; perciocchè essi conoscono la via del Signore, la Legge dell'Iddio loro; ma essi tutti quanti hanno spezzato il giogo, hanno rotti i legami.
Mi rivolgerò ai grandi e parlerò loro. Certo, essi conoscono la via del Signore, il diritto del loro Dio». Ahimè, anche questi hanno rotto il giogo, hanno spezzato i legami!
io andrò dai grandi e parlerò loro, perch’essi conoscono la via dell’Eterno, la legge del loro Dio”; ma anch’essi tutti quanti hanno spezzato il giogo, hanno rotto i legami.
E'ina hu'neanki'na nagra vu'na kva vahezamine ome keaga hu'na kegahue. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamofo avu'avaene Anumzazmimofo tra kenena keza antahiza hu'naze. Hianagi ana kva vahe'mo'za zamagranena Anumzamo'ma zami'nea eri'zana e'nori'za Agri nanekea rutagre'za agorga'a omani'naze.
ನಾನು ನಾಯಕರ ಬಳಿಗೆ ಹೋಗಿ, ಅವರ ಸಂಗಡ ಮಾತನಾಡುವೆನು. ಏಕೆಂದರೆ, ಅವರು ಯೆಹೋವ ದೇವರ ಮಾರ್ಗವನ್ನೂ ತಮ್ಮ ದೇವರ ನ್ಯಾಯವಿಧಿಗಳನ್ನೂ ತಿಳಿದಿದ್ದಾರೆ,” ಆದರೆ ಇವರು ಕೂಡ ಒಮ್ಮತವಾಗಿ ನೊಗವನ್ನು ಮುರಿದು, ಬಂಧನಗಳನ್ನು ಹರಿದುಬಿಟ್ಟಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
ನಾನು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮನುಷ್ಯರ ಬಳಿಗೆ ಹೋಗಿ ಅವರ ಸಂಗಡ ಮಾತನಾಡುವೆನು; ಯೆಹೋವನ ಮಾರ್ಗವು ಮತ್ತು ಅವರ ದೇವರ ನ್ಯಾಯವಿಧಿಗಳೂ ಅವರಿಗೆ ಗೊತ್ತು” ಅಂದುಕೊಂಡೆನು. ಆದರೆ ಈ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಮನುಷ್ಯರು ಒಂದು ಮನಸ್ಸಿನಿಂದ ತಮ್ಮ ಹೆಗಲ ನೊಗವನ್ನು ಮುರಿದು, ಕಣ್ಣಿಗಳನ್ನು ಕಿತ್ತುಬಿಟ್ಟಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
내가 귀인들에게 가서 그들에게 말하리라 그들은 여호와의 길, 자기 하나님의 법을 안다 하였더니 그들도 일제히 그 멍에를 꺾고 결박을 끊은지라
내가 귀인들에게 가서 그들에게 말하리라 그들은 여호와의 길, 자기 하나님의 법을 안다 하였더니 그들도 일제히 그 멍에를 꺾고 결박을 끊은지라
Nga ac som nu yurin mwet kol Ac kaskas nu selos. Sahp elos pa etu lah mea God lalos enenu selos, Ac mea LEUM GOD El lungse elos in oru.” Tusruktu mwet kol nukewa tia lungse muta ye ku lun LEUM GOD, Ac srunga pac aksol.
کەواتە دەچمە لای گەورە پیاوان و قسەیان لەگەڵ دەکەم، بێگومان ئەوان ڕێگای یەزدان دەناسن و دەزانن خودا داوای چییان لێ دەکات.» بەڵام ئەوان پێکەوە نیریان شکاند، بەندیان پساند.
Ibo igitur ad optimates, et loquar eis: ipsi enim cognoverunt viam Domini, judicium Dei sui: et ecce magis hi simul confregerunt jugum; ruperunt vincula.
Ibo igitur ad optimates, et loquar eis: ipsi enim cognoverunt viam Domini, iudicium Dei sui. Et ecce magis hi simul confregerunt iugum, ruperunt vincula.
Ibo igitur ad optimates, et loquar eis: ipsi enim cognoverunt viam Domini, iudicium Dei sui. et ecce magis hi simul confregerunt iugum, ruperunt vincula.
Ibo igitur ad optimates, et loquar eis: ipsi enim cognoverunt viam Domini, judicium Dei sui: et ecce magis hi simul confregerunt jugum; ruperunt vincula.
ibo igitur ad optimates et loquar eis ipsi enim cognoverunt viam Domini iudicium Dei sui et ecce magis hii simul confregerunt iugum ruperunt vincula
Ibo igitur ad optimates, et loquar eis: ipsi enim cognoverunt viam Domini, iudicium Dei sui. et ecce magis hi simul confregerunt iugum, ruperunt vincula.
Es iešu pie tiem lieliem un runāšu ar tiem, jo tie zin Tā Kunga ceļu, sava Dieva tiesu. Bet tie visi kopā to jūgu salauzuši un tās saites saraustījuši.
Boye, nakokende epai ya bakambi na bango mpe nakoloba na bango, pamba te bango nde basengeli koyeba nzela ya Yawe mpe malako ya Nzambe na bango. » Kasi bango nyonso, na motema moko, babukaki ekangiseli mpe bakataki minyololo.
Kale ndigenda eri abakulembeze njogere nabo; Kubanga bamanyi ekkubo lya Mukama, amateeka ga Katonda waabwe.” Naye nabo bwe batyo baali baamenya dda ekikoligo nga baakutula ebisiba.
Handeha ho any amin’ ny lehibe aho lahy ka hiteny aminy, fa ireny dia mahalala ny lalan’ i Jehovah sy ny fitsipik’ Andriamaniny; Kanjo ireny koa aza dia samy efa nanapaka zioga sy nanito fatorana.
Homb’amo roandriañeo arè iraho, tsy mete tsy rendre’ iereo o sata’ Iehovào, o lilin’ Andrianañahare’ iareoo. F’ie songa nampipozake i jokay, nandrafarafake o talirandrañeo.
ഞാൻ മഹാന്മാരുടെ അടുക്കൽ ചെന്ന് അവരോടു സംസാരിക്കും; അവർ യഹോവയുടെ വഴിയും തങ്ങളുടെ ദൈവത്തിന്റെ ന്യായവും അറിയും” എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു; എന്നാൽ അവരും ഒന്നുപോലെ നുകം തകർത്ത് കയറു പൊട്ടിച്ചുകളഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു.
ഞാൻ മഹാന്മാരുടെ അടുക്കൽ ചെന്നു അവരോടു സംസാരിക്കും; അവർ യഹോവയുടെ വഴിയും തങ്ങളുടെ ദൈവത്തിന്റെ ന്യായവും അറിയും എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു; എന്നാൽ അവരും ഒരുപോലെ നുകം തകൎത്തു കയറു പൊട്ടിച്ചുകളഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു.
ഞാൻ മഹാന്മാരുടെ അടുക്കൽ ചെന്നു അവരോടു സംസാരിക്കും; അവർ യഹോവയുടെ വഴിയും തങ്ങളുടെ ദൈവത്തിന്റെ ന്യായവും അറിയും എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു; എന്നാൽ അവരും ഒരുപോലെ നുകം തകർത്തു കയറു പൊട്ടിച്ചുകളഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു.
അതുകൊണ്ട് ഞാൻ നേതാക്കന്മാരുടെ അടുക്കൽ ചെന്ന് അവരോടു സംസാരിക്കും; അവർ യഹോവയുടെ വഴിയും തങ്ങളുടെ ദൈവത്തിന്റെ പ്രമാണങ്ങളും നിശ്ചയമായും അറിയുന്നു.” എന്നാൽ അവർ എല്ലാവരും ഒരുപോലെ നുകം തകർക്കുകയും കെട്ടുകളെ പൊട്ടിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്നു.
म्हणून मी महत्वाच्या लोकांकडे जाऊन त्यांना देवाचा संराष्ट्र घोषीत करीन. कारण त्यांना कमीत कमी परमेश्वराचा आपल्या देवाचा नियम तर माहीत आहे.” पण त्यांनी तर एकमताने जू मोडले आहे आणि तो साखळदंड तोडला आहे जो त्यांना देवासोबत बांधून होता.
ငါ​သည်​တန်​ခိုး​အာ​ဏာ​ရှိ​သူ​တို့​ထံ​သွား​၍​သူ​တို့​အား​ပြော​ဆို​မည်။ သူ​တို့​သည်​အ​မှန်​ပင်​ထာ​ဝ​ရ​ဘု​ရား​၏​အ​လို​တော်​ကို​သိ​ရှိ​ကြ​ရာ​၏။ ဘု​ရား​သ​ခင်​ပြ​ဋ္ဌာန်း​တော်​မူ​သည့် စည်း​မျဉ်း​ဥ​ပ​ဒေ​သ​တော်​တို့​ကို​သိ​ရှိ​ကြ​ရာ​၏'' ဟု​တွေး​တော​မိ​၏။ သို့​ရာ​တွင်​သူ​တို့​အား​လုံး​ပင်​ထာ​ဝ​ရ​ဘု​ရား​၏​ထမ်း​ပိုး​ကို​ချိုး​လျက် နှောင်​ကြိုး​များ​ကို​လည်း​ဖြတ်​ကြ​လေ​ပြီ။
လူကြီးများထံသို့ ငါသွား၍ပြောမည်။ သူတို့သည် ထာဝရဘုရား၏ တရားတော်ကို၎င်း၊ မိမိတို့ဘုရားသခင် စီရင်တော်မူရာကို၎င်း သိကြ၏ဟုဆိုသော်လည်း၊ သူတို့ သည် ထမ်းဘိုးတော်ကိုချိုး၍၊ အနှောင်အဖွဲ့တော်တို့ကို ဖြတ်ကြပြီ။
လူကြီး များထံသို့ ငါသွား ၍ ပြော မည်။ သူ တို့သည် ထာဝရဘုရား ၏ တရား တော်ကို၎င်း၊ မိမိ တို့ဘုရား သခင်စီရင် တော်မူရာကို၎င်း သိ ကြ၏ဟုဆိုသော်လည်း ၊ သူ တို့ သည် ထမ်းဘိုး တော်ကိုချိုး ၍၊ အနှောင် အဖွဲ့တော်တို့ကို ဖြတ် ကြပြီ။
Ka haere ahau ki nga tangata rarahi, ka korero ki a ratou; e mohio ana hoki ratou ki te ara a Ihowa, ki te whakarite a to ratou Atua: heoi ko enei, kotahi tonu ratou tahi nana i wawahi te ioka, i motumotu hoki nga here.
Ngakho-ke ngizakuya kubakhokheli ngikhulume labo, ngeqiniso indlela kaThixo bayayazi, lemilayo kaNkulunkulu wabo.” Kodwa nganhliziyonye labo balephula ijogwe baqamula lezibopho.
Mina ngizakuya kwabakhulu, ngikhulume labo, ngoba bona bayayazi indlela yeNkosi, isahlulelo sikaNkulunkulu wabo; kodwa labo kanyekanye balephulile ijogwe, baqamula izibopho.
म ठुला मानिसहरूकहाँ जानेछु, र तिनीहरूलाई परमेश्‍वरको सन्देश घोषणा गर्नेछु, किनकि कमसेकम आफ्‍ना परमेश्‍वरका मार्ग, परमेश्‍वरका आज्ञाहरू तिनीहरूले त जान्दछन् ।” तर तिनीहरू सबैले आफ्‍ना जुवा सँगसँगै भाँचे । तिनीहरू सबैले आफूलाई परमेश्‍वरसित बाँध्‍ने बन्धनलाई चुँडाले ।
jeg vil nu gå til storfolk og tale med dem; for de kjenner Herrens vei, sin Guds rett. Men nettop de har alle sammen brutt åket og sprengt båndene.
No vil eg ganga til storfolket og tala med deim, for dei veit Herrens veg, sin Guds rett.» Men nettupp dei, alle saman, hev brote sund oket, slite av seg bandi.
ମୁଁ ବଡ଼ ଲୋକମାନଙ୍କ ନିକଟକୁ ଯାଇ ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ କହିବି; କାରଣ ସେମାନେ ସଦାପ୍ରଭୁଙ୍କର ପଥ ଓ ଆପଣାମାନଙ୍କ ପରମେଶ୍ୱରଙ୍କ ଶାସନ ଜାଣନ୍ତି।” ମାତ୍ର ଏମାନେ ଏକମନା ହୋଇ ଯୁଆଳି ଭାଙ୍ଗିଅଛନ୍ତି ଓ ବନ୍ଧନସବୁ ଛିଣ୍ଡାଇ ପକାଇଅଛନ୍ତି।
Kanaafuu ani hangafoota bira dhaqee isaanitti nan dubbadha; dhugumaan isaan karaa Waaqayyoo, seera Waaqa isaanis ni beeku.” Isaanis akkasuma waanjoo of irraa caccabsanii hidhaas of irraa kukkutaniiru.
ਮੈਂ ਵੱਡਿਆਂ ਕੋਲ ਜਾਂਵਾਂਗਾ, ਮੈਂ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਬੋਲਾਂਗਾ, ਉਹ ਤਾਂ ਯਹੋਵਾਹ ਦੇ ਰਾਹ ਨੂੰ ਜਾਣਦੇ ਹਨ, ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਦੇ ਇਨਸਾਫ਼ ਨੂੰ ਵੀ। ਪਰ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੇ ਰਲ ਮਿਲ ਕੇ ਜੂਲਾ ਭੰਨ ਸੁੱਟਿਆ ਹੈ, ਅਤੇ ਬੰਧਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਤੋੜ ਛੱਡਿਆ ਹੈ।
پس نزد بزرگان می‌روم و با ایشان تکلم خواهم نمودزیرا که ایشان طریق خداوند و احکام خدای خود را می‌دانند.» لیکن ایشان متفق یوغ راشکسته و بندها را گسیخته‌اند.
بنابراین نزد رهبران ایشان رفته و با آنها وارد گفتگو خواهم شد، زیرا آنها راههای خداوند و دستورهای او را می‌دانند.» ولی دیدم که ایشان هم از پیروی خدا برگشته و علیه او سر به طغیان برداشته‌اند.
Pójdę do celniejszych, i będę mówił do nich; bo oni są powiadomi drogi Pańskiej, i sądu Boga swego; ale i ci wespół połamali jarzmo, potargali związki.
Pójdę do wielkich i będę mówił do nich, bo oni znają drogę PANA i sąd swego Boga. Lecz oni również złamali jarzmo, zerwali więzy.
Irei aos grandes, e falarei com eles; porque eles conhecem o caminho do SENHOR, o juízo de seu Deus. Porém eles também quebraram o jugo; [também] romperam as amarras.
Irei aos grandes, e fallarei com elles; porque elles sabem o caminho do Senhor, o juizo do seu Deus; porém estes juntamente quebrantaram o jugo, e romperam as ataduras.
Irei aos grandes, e falarei com eles; porque eles sabem o caminho do Senhor, o juízo do seu Deus; porém estes juntamente quebrantaram o jugo, e romperam as ataduras.
Irei aos grandes homens e falarei com eles, pois conhecem o caminho de Iavé, e a lei de seu Deus”. Mas estes com um só acordo quebraram o jugo, e romperam os laços.
Мэ вой дуче деч ла чей марь ши ле вой ворби, кэч ей куноск каля Домнулуй, Леӂя Думнезеулуй лор!” Дар тоць ау сфэрымат жугул ши ау рупт легэтуриле.
Mă voi duce la oamenii însemnați și le voi vorbi, pentru că ei au cunoscut calea DOMNULUI și judecata Dumnezeului lor; dar aceștia au rupt cu totul jugul și au rupt legăturile.
пойду я к знатным и поговорю с ними, ибо они знают путь Господень, закон Бога своего. Но и они все сокрушили ярмо, расторгли узы.
Идем к властељима, и њима ћу говорити, јер они знају пут Господњи, закон Бога свог; али и они изломише јарам, покидаше свезе.
Idem k vlastelima, i njima æu govoriti, jer oni znaju put Gospodnji, zakon Boga svojega; ali i oni izlomiše jaram, pokidaše sveze.
Naizvozvo ndichaenda kuvatungamiri ndigotaura navo; zvirokwazvo vanoziva nzira yaJehovha, zvinodiwa naMwari wavo.” Asi nomwoyo mumwe, naivowo vakanga vavhuna joko, vakadambura makashu.
Пойду ко державным и возглаголю им, тии бо познаша путь Господень и суд Бога своего. И се, единодушно сии сокрушиша иго, расторгоша узы.
Spravil se bom do velikih mož in jim govoril, kajti poznali so Gospodovo pot in sodbo svojega Boga.« Toda ti so povsem zlomili jarem in razpočili vezi.
Waxaan u tegi doonaa ragga waaweyn, oo waan la hadli doonaa, waayo, iyagu Rabbiga jidkiisa iyo qaynuunka Ilaahooda way yaqaaniin. Laakiinse kuwanu dhammaantood harqoodkii way jebiyeen, oo xadhkihiina way kala gooyeen.
Iré a los grandes, y les hablaré; porque ellos conocieron el camino del SEÑOR, el juicio de su Dios. Ciertamente ellos también quebrantaron el yugo, rompieron las coyundas.
Déjame ir a hablar con los que mandan. Ellos seguramente sabrán lo que quiere el Señor, la forma correcta de vivir de Dios”. Pero todos habían roto también el yugo, y arrancado las cadenas.
Iré a los grandes y les hablaré, porque ellos conocen el camino de Yahvé y la ley de su Dios.” Pero éstos, de común acuerdo, han roto el yugo, y han roto las ataduras.
Iré a los grandes y les hablaré, porque ellos conocen el camino de Yavé, el juicio de su ʼElohim. Pero todos ellos quebraron el yugo. Rompieron las correas.
Me iré a los grandes, y hablaré con ellos; ellos conocerán el camino de Yahvé, la ley de su Dios”. Pero también ellos todos quebraron el yugo y rompieron las coyundas.
Irme he a los grandes, y hablarles he, porque ellos conocen el camino de Jehová, el juicio de su Dios. Ciertamente ellos también quebrantaron el yugo, rompieron las coyundas.
Irme he á los grandes, y hablaréles; porque ellos conocen el camino de Jehová, el juicio de su Dios. Ciertamente ellos también quebraron el yugo, rompieron las coyundas.
Iré a los grandes hombres y hablaré con ellos; porque tienen conocimiento del camino del Señor y del comportamiento deseado por su Dios. Pero en cuanto a estos, también quebrantaron el yugo y rompieron las coyundas.
Nitaenda kwa watu wa muhimu na kutangaza ujumbe wa Mungu kwao, kwa kuwa angalau wanazijua njia za BWANA, maagizo ya Mungu wao. Lakini wote wanavunja nira yao pamoja; wote wanaivunja ile minyororo inayowafunga kwa ajili ya Mungu.
Kwa hiyo nitakwenda kwa viongozi na kuzungumza nao, hakika wao wanaijua njia ya Bwana, sheria ya Mungu wao.” Lakini kwa nia moja nao pia walikuwa wameivunja nira na kuvivunja vifungo.
Jag vill nu gå till de stora och tala med dem; de måste ju känna HERRENS väg, sin Guds rätt." Men ock dessa hade alla brutit sönder oket och slitit av banden.
Jag vill gå till de väldiga, och tala med dem; de måste ju veta af Herrans väg, och sins Guds rätt; men de samme hade alle sönderbrutit oket, och sönderslitit banden.
Jag vill nu gå till de stora och tala med dem; de måste ju känna HERRENS väg, sin Guds rätt.» Men ock dessa hade alla brutit sönder oket och slitit av banden.
Ako'y paroroon sa mga dakilang tao, at magsasalita sa kanila; sapagka't kanilang nalalaman ang daan ng Panginoon, at ang kahatulan ng kanilang Dios. Nguni't ang mga ito ay nagkaiisang magalis ng pamatok, at lumagot ng mga panali.
Pupuntahan ko ang mga mahahalagang tao at ihahayag sa kanila ang mga mensahe ng Diyos, dahil kahit papaano ay alam nila ang mga pamamaraan ni Yahweh, ang mga atas ng kanilang Diyos. Ngunit sama-sama nilang sinira ang kanilang mga pamatok, sinira nila ang mga tanikalang nag-uugnay sa kanila sa Diyos.
நான் பெரியோர்களிடத்தில் போய், அவர்களுடன் பேசுவேன்; அவர்கள் யெகோவாவுடைய வழியையும், தங்கள் தேவனுடைய நியாயத்தையும் அறிவார்கள் என்று சொன்னேன்; அவர்களோ ஏகமாக நுகத்தடியை முறித்து, கட்டுகளை அறுத்துப்போட்டார்கள்.
ஆகவே நான் தலைவர்களிடம்போய் அவர்களோடு பேசுவேன்; நிச்சயமாக அவர்கள் யெகோவாவின் வழியையும், தங்கள் இறைவனின் நியமங்களையும் அறிந்திருப்பார்கள் என நினைத்தேன். ஆனால் அவர்களுங்கூட ஒருமனதாய் நுகத்தை முறித்து, கட்டுகளை அறுத்துப் போட்டார்கள்.
కాబట్టి నేను ప్రముఖుల దగ్గరికి వెళ్ళి వారితో మాట్లాడతాను. వారికి యెహోవా మార్గాలు, తమ దేవుని న్యాయవిధులు తెలిసి ఉంటాయి గదా.” అయితే వారందరూ కాడిని విరిచేవారే, దేవునితో అంటుకట్టిన కట్లను తెంపుకొన్న వారే.
Te u ʻalu ki he kau tangata poto, pea te u lea kiate kinautolu; he kuo nau ʻilo ʻae hala ʻo Sihova, pea mo e fakamaau ʻa honau ʻOtua;” ka ko kinautolu ni kuo nau maumauʻi ʻaupito ʻae haʻamonga, pea motuhi ʻae ngaahi haʻi.
Büyüklere gidip onlarla konuşayım. RAB'bin yolunu, Tanrıları'nın buyruklarını bilirler kuşkusuz.” Gelgelelim onlar da boyunduruğu kırmış, Bağları koparmıştı.
Enti mɛkɔ ntuanofo no nkyɛn akɔkasa akyerɛ wɔn; ampa ara wonim Awurade akwan nea wɔn Onyankopɔn hwehwɛ.” Nanso wɔn nso de adwene koro abubu konnua no atetew nkyehama no mu.
Enti mɛkɔ ntuanofoɔ no nkyɛn akɔkasa akyerɛ wɔn; ampa ara wɔnim Awurade akwan deɛ wɔn Onyankopɔn hwehwɛ.” Nanso wɔn nso de adwene korɔ abubu kɔnnua no atete nkyehoma no mu.
Піду́ но собі до вельмо́жних і з ними помо́влю, — бо знають доро́гу Господню вони, право Бога свого, — та й вони усі ра́зом зламали ярмо́, а шле́ї пірва́ли!
मैं बुज़ुर्गों के पास जाऊँगा, और उनसे कलाम करूँगा; क्यूँकि वह ख़ुदावन्द की राह और अपने ख़ुदा के हुक्मों को जानते हैं।” लेकिन इन्होंने जूआ बिल्कुल तोड़ डाला, और बन्धनों के टुकड़े कर डाले।
ــ «مەن مۆتىۋەرلەرنىڭ يېنىغا بېرىپ ئۇلارغا سۆزلەيمەن؛ چۈنكى ئۇلار پەرۋەردىگارنىڭ يولىنى، خۇداسىنىڭ ھۆكۈم-كۆرسەتمىلىرىنى بىلىدۇ». بىراق ئۇلارمۇ بويۇنتۇرۇقنى ئۈزۈل-كېسىل بۇزۇپ، رىشتىلىرىنى ئۈزۈپ تاشلىغان.
— «Мән мөтивәрләрниң йениға берип уларға сөзләймән; чүнки улар Пәрвәрдигарниң йолини, Худасиниң һөкүм-көрсәтмилирини билиду». Бирақ уларму боюнтуруқни үзүл-кесил бузуп, риштилирини үзүп ташлиған.
— «Men mötiwerlerning yénigha bérip ulargha sözleymen; chünki ular Perwerdigarning yolini, Xudasining höküm-körsetmilirini bilidu». Biraq ularmu boyunturuqni üzül-késil buzup, rishtilirini üzüp tashlighan.
— «Mǝn mɵtiwǝrlǝrning yeniƣa berip ularƣa sɵzlǝymǝn; qünki ular Pǝrwǝrdigarning yolini, Hudasining ⱨɵküm-kɵrsǝtmilirini bilidu». Biraⱪ ularmu boyunturuⱪni üzül-kesil buzup, rixtilirini üzüp taxliƣan.
Tôi sẽ đến cùng những người sang trọng mà nói với họ, vì họ biết rõ đường lối của Đức Giê-hô-va, sự công bình của Đức Chúa Trời mình... Song, những người nầy hợp ý cùng nhau mà bẻ ách dứt dây!
Tôi sẽ đến cùng những người sang trọng mà nói với họ, vì họ biết rõ đường lối của Ðức Giê-hô-va, sự công bình của Ðức Chúa Trời mình... Song, những người nầy hợp ý cùng nhau mà bỏ ách dứt dây!
Vậy tôi sẽ đến và nói với các lãnh đạo của họ. Chắc hẳn họ biết rõ đường lối Chúa Hằng Hữu và thông thạo luật pháp của Đức Chúa Trời.” Tuy nhiên, các lãnh đạo này cũng vậy, toa rập nhau mà bẻ cong ách của Đức Chúa Trời và bứt đứt xiềng xích của Ngài.
Nítorí náà, èmi yóò tọ àwọn adarí lọ, n ó sì bá wọn sọ̀rọ̀; ó dájú wí pé wọ́n mọ ọ̀nà Olúwa àti ohun tí Ọlọ́run wọn ń fẹ́.” Ṣùgbọ́n pẹ̀lú ìfìmọ̀ṣọ̀kan, wọ́n ti ba àjàgà jẹ́, wọ́n sì ti já ìdè.
Verse Count = 212

< Jeremiah 5:5 >