< Nnwom 55 >

1 Wɔde ma dwomkyerɛfoɔ. Wɔde sankuo na ɛtoeɛ. Dawid “maskil” dwom. Ao Onyankopɔn, tie me mpaeɛbɔ, mmu wʼani ngu me nkotosrɛ so,
`In Ebreu thus, To victorie in orguns, the lernyng of Dauid. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, To the ouercomer in salmes of Dauid lernid. God, here thou my preier, and dispise thou not my biseching;
2 tie me na gye me so. Me dadwene ha me na ama mayɛ basaa,
yyue thou tent to me, and here thou me. I am sorewful in myn exercising; and Y am disturblid of the face of the enemye,
3 wɔ deɛ mʼatamfoɔ reka ne sɛdeɛ amumuyɛfoɔ hwɛ me haa nti; wɔde amanehunu brɛ me; na wɔde abufuo sopa me.
and of the tribulacioun of the synner. For thei bowiden wickidnessis in to me; and in ire thei weren diseseful to me.
4 Mʼakoma wɔ ahoyera mu; na owuo huboa aba me so.
Myn herte was disturblid in me; and the drede of deth felde on me.
5 Ehu ne ahopopoɔ akyekyere me. Ahodwirie abu afa me so.
Drede and trembling camen on me; and derknessis hiliden me.
6 Mekaa sɛ, “Ao, sɛ mewɔ ntaban sɛ aburuburo a, anka mɛtu akɔ ama me ho atɔ me,
And Y seide, Who schal yyue to me fetheris, as of a culuer; and Y schal fle, and schal take rest?
7 anka mɛtu akɔ akyirikyiri akɔtena ɛserɛ so;
Lo! Y yede fer awei, and fledde; and Y dwellide in wildirnesse.
8 anka mɛyɛ ntɛm akɔ mʼahintaeɛ, baabi a mframaden ne ahum mmɛn koraa.”
I abood hym, that made me saaf fro the litilnesse, `ether drede, of spirit; and fro tempest.
9 Ao Awurade, ma amumuyɛfoɔ nyɛ basaa, na ma wɔn kasa ntoto, ɛfiri sɛ mɛhunu basabasayɛ ne apereapereɛ wɔ kuropɔn no mu.
Lord, caste thou doun, departe thou the tungis of hem; for Y siy wickidnesse and ayenseiyng in the citee.
10 Awia ne anadwo wɔtetɛ nʼafasuo ho; adwemmɔne ne nsisie wɔ mu.
Bi dai and nyyt wickidnesse schal cumpasse it on the wallis therof;
11 Adesɛefoɔ dɔm reyɛ adwuma kuropɔn no mu. Ahunahuna ne nnaadaa wɔ ne mmɔntene so daa.
and trauel and vnriytfulnesse ben in the myddis therof. And vsure and gile failide not; fro the stretis therof.
12 Sɛ ɛyɛɛ ɔtamfoɔ na ɔresopa me a, anka mɛtumi agyina ano; sɛ ɛyɛɛ ɔtamfoɔ na ɔrema ne ho so atia me a, anka mɛtumi de me ho ahinta no.
For if myn enemye hadde cursid me; sotheli Y hadde suffride. And if he, that hatide me, hadde spoke greet thingis on me; in hap Y hadde hid me fro hym.
13 Nanso, ɛyɛ wo, ɔdasani te sɛ me, me yɔnko pa ne me mʼadamfo brɛboɔ,
But thou art a man of o wille; my leeder, and my knowun.
14 a kane no na me ne no wɔ ayɔnkofa a emu yɛ den ɛberɛ a yɛn nyinaa abɔ mu yuu rekɔ Onyankopɔn fie no.
Which tokist togidere swete meetis with me; we yeden with consent in the hous of God.
15 Ma owuo mmɛfa mʼatamfoɔ mpofirim; ma wɔnkɔ damena mu anikann, ɛfiri sɛ bɔne te wɔn mu. (Sheol h7585)
Deth come on hem; and go thei doun quyk in to helle. For weiwardnessis ben in the dwelling places of hem; in the myddis of hem. (Sheol h7585)
16 Nanso, mesu frɛ Onyankopɔn, na Awurade gye me nkwa.
But Y criede to thee, Lord; and the Lord sauede me.
17 Anwummerɛ, anɔpa ne awia, mede mmɔborɔnne su frɛ no, na ɔte me nne.
In the euentid and morewtid and in myddai Y schal telle, and schewe; and he schal here my vois.
18 Ɔde ne ho bɔ afɔdeɛ ma me nya me tiri didim wɔ ɔko a wɔko tiaa me no mu, mpo bebree na wɔko tia me.
He schal ayenbie my soule in pees fro hem, that neiyen to me; for among manye thei weren with me.
19 Onyankopɔn a wɔasi no ɔhene afebɔɔ no, ɔbɛte wɔn nka na waha wɔn, ɔbɛha nnipa a wɔnsesa wɔn akwan da na wɔnsuro Onyankopɔn nso.
God schal here; and he that is bifore the worldis schal make hem low. For chaungyng is not to hem, and thei dredden not God;
20 Me yɔnko to hyɛ ne nnamfonom so; na ɔbu nʼapam so.
he holdith forth his hoond in yelding. Thei defouliden his testament,
21 Ɔwɔ tɛkrɛmawoɔ, nanso ɔtan wɔ nʼakomam. Nʼano asɛm dwodwo sene ngo, nanso ɛyɛ akofena a wɔatwe.
the cheris therof weren departid fro ire; and his herte neiyede. The wordis therof weren softer than oyle; and tho ben dartis.
22 Fa wo haw to Awurade so na ɔno na ɔbɛgye wo; ɔremma ɔteneneeni nhwe ase.
Caste thi cure on the Lord, and he schal fulli nurische thee; and he schal not yyue with outen ende flotering to a iust man.
23 Nanso, wo, Ao Onyankopɔn, wobɛbrɛ amumuyɛfoɔ ase ama wɔakɔ porɔeɛ amena mu; mogyapɛfoɔ ne adaadaafoɔ renni wɔn nkwanna mu fa. Me deɛ, mede me ho to wo so.
But thou, God, schalt lede hem forth; in to the pit of deth. Menquelleris and gilours schulen not haue half her daies; but, Lord, Y schal hope in thee.

< Nnwom 55 >