< Nnwom 54 >

1 Wɔde ma dwomkyerɛfoɔ. Wɔbɔ no sankuo so. Dawid “maskil” dwom. Ɔtoo no ɛberɛ a Sififoɔ kɔka kyerɛɛ Saulo sɛ, “Dawid abɛhinta wɔ yɛn mu.” Ao Onyankopɔn, gye me wɔ wo din mu; fa wo tumi di mʼasɛm ma me.
To victorie in orguns, ether in salmes, the lernyng of Dauid, `whanne Zyfeys camen, and seiden to Saul, Whethir Dauid is not hid at vs? God, in thi name make thou me saaf; and in thi vertu deme thou me.
2 Ao Onyankopɔn, tie me mpaeɛbɔ; tie mʼanom nsɛm.
God, here thou my preier; with eeris perseyue thou the wordis of my mouth.
3 Ahɔhoɔ reto ahyɛ me so. Atirimuɔdenfoɔ repɛ me akum me; nnipa a wɔmmfa Onyankopɔn nyɛ hwee.
For aliens han rise ayens me, and stronge men souyten my lijf; and thei settiden not God bifor her siyt.
4 Ampa ara, Onyankopɔn ne me ɔboafoɔ; Awurade ne me hwɛfoɔ.
For, lo! God helpith me; and the Lord is vptaker of my soule.
5 Ma mmusuo nkyim mmra wɔn a wɔdi me ho nsekuro so; wo nokorɛdie mu, sɛe wɔn.
Turne thou awei yuelis to myn enemyes; and leese thou hem in thi treuthe.
6 Mɛfiri me pɛ mu abɔ afɔdeɛ ama wo; Ao Awurade, mɛyi wo din ayɛ, ɛfiri sɛ ɛyɛ.
Wilfuli Y schal make sacrifice to thee; and, Lord, Y schal knouleche to thi name, for it is good.
7 Woagye me afiri me haw nyinaa mu, na mʼani ahunu nkonimdie wɔ mʼatamfoɔ so.
For thou delyueridist me fro al tribulacioun; and myn iye dispiside on myn enemyes.

< Nnwom 54 >