< ʻEfesō 3 >

1 Pea koeʻuhi ko e meʻa ni, ko au Paula, ko e pōpula ʻa Sisu Kalaisi koeʻuhi ko kimoutolu Senitaile,
For this reason I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles--
2 (He kuo mou fanongo ki he lakanga ʻi he ʻofa ʻae ʻOtua, ʻaia kuo foaki kiate au koeʻuhi ko kimoutolu:
if, that is, you have heard of the work which God has graciously entrusted to me for your benefit,
3 Koeʻuhi naʻe fakaʻilo ʻe ia ʻi he fakahā kiate au ʻae meʻa fakalilolilo; ʻo hangē ko ia ne u tohi siʻi ki ai ʻi muʻa,
and that by a revelation the truth hitherto kept secret was made known to me as I have already briefly explained it to you.
4 ‌ʻAia, ʻoka mou ka lau, te mou ʻilo ʻeku poto ʻi he meʻa fakalilolilo ʻa Kalaisi)
By means of that explanation, as you read it, you can judge of my insight into the truth of Christ
5 ‌ʻAia naʻe ʻikai fakaʻilo ʻi he ngaahi kuonga ʻi muʻa ki he ngaahi foha ʻoe tangata, ʻo hangē ko hono fakahā eni ʻe he Laumālie ki heʻene kau ʻaposetolo māʻoniʻoni mo e kau palōfita;
which in earlier ages was not made known to the human race, as it has now been revealed to His holy Apostles and Prophets through the Spirit--
6 Koeʻuhi ke kaunga hoko ʻae kakai Senitaile, pea ʻi he sino pe taha, pea kau ʻi heʻene talaʻofa ʻia Kalaisi ʻi he ongoongolelei:
I mean the truth that the Gentiles are joint heirs with us Jews, and that they form one body with us, and have the same interest as we have in the promise which has been made good in Christ Jesus through the Good News,
7 ‌ʻAia naʻe fakanofo au ko e faifekau ʻo ia, ʻo fakatatau ki he foaki ʻofa ʻae ʻOtua, naʻe foaki kiate au ʻi he ngāue mālohi ʻo ʻene māfimafi.
in which I have been appointed to serve, in virtue of the work which God, in the exercise of His power within me, has graciously entrusted to me.
8 Ko e siʻi hifo taha pe au ʻi he kāinga māʻoniʻoni kotoa pē ʻoku siʻi, ka kuo foaki ʻae ʻofa ni kiate au, koeʻuhi ke u malangaʻaki ki he ngaahi Senitaile ʻae koloa taʻefaʻahakule ʻa Kalaisi;
To me who am less than the least of all God's people has this work been graciously entrusted--to proclaim to the Gentiles the Good News of the exhaustless wealth of Christ,
9 Pea ke fakaʻilo ki he kakai kotoa pē, ʻae feohi ʻoe meʻa fakalilolilo, ʻaia naʻe lilo ʻi he ʻOtua, ʻaia naʻa ne fakatupu ʻae meʻa kotoa pē ia Sisu Kalaisi, talu mei he kamataʻanga ʻo māmani: (aiōn g165)
and to show all men in a clear light what my stewardship is. It is the stewardship of the truth which from all the Ages lay concealed in the mind of God, the Creator of all things-- (aiōn g165)
10 Koeʻuhi ke fakahā atu eni ʻe he siasi, ʻi he ngaahi meʻa kehekehe, ʻae poto ʻoe ʻOtua ki he ngaahi pule mo e ngaahi mālohi ʻi he ngaahi potu fakalangi,
concealed in order that the Church might now be used to display to the powers and authorities in the heavenly realms the innumerable aspects of God's wisdom.
11 ‌ʻO fakatatau ki he tuʻutuʻuni ʻi muʻa ʻi muʻa, ʻaia naʻa ne tuʻutuʻuni ʻia Kalaisi Sisu ko hotau ʻEiki: (aiōn g165)
Such was the eternal purpose which He had formed in Christ Jesus our Lord, (aiōn g165)
12 ‌ʻAia ʻoku ʻapaʻapangofua ai ʻetau hū mālohi atu ʻi he tui kiate ia.
in whom we have this bold and confident access through our faith in Him.
13 Ko ia ʻoku ou holi ke ʻoua naʻa mou loto foʻi ʻi heʻeku ngaahi mamahi koeʻuhi ko kimoutolu, ʻaia ko homou fiefiaʻanga.
Therefore I entreat you not to lose heart in the midst of my sufferings on your behalf, for they bring you honour.
14 Ko e meʻa ko ia ʻoku ou peluki ai hoku tui ki he Tamai ʻa hotau ʻEiki ko Sisu Kalaisi,
For this reason, on bended knee I beseech the Father,
15 ‌ʻAia ʻoku ui mei ai ʻae fānau kotoa pē ʻi he langi mo māmani,
from whom the whole family in Heaven and on earth derives its name,
16 Koeʻuhi ke ne foaki kiate kimoutolu, ʻo fakatatau mo hono lahi ʻaupito ʻo ʻene lelei, ke fakamālohi ʻakimoutolu ʻaki ʻae mālohi ʻi hono Laumālie ʻi he tangata ʻi loto;
to grant you--in accordance with the wealth of His glorious perfections--to be strengthened by His Spirit with power penetrating to your inmost being.
17 Koeʻuhi ke nofoʻia homou loto ʻe Kalaisi ʻi he tui; kae aka ʻakimoutolu mo tuʻumaʻu ʻi he ʻofa,
I pray that Christ may make His home in your hearts through your faith; so that having your roots deep and your foundations strong, in love, you may become mighty to grasp the idea,
18 Ke mou mafai ke ʻilo fakataha mo e kāinga māʻoniʻoni kotoa pē, hono māukupu, mo hono lōloa, mo hono loloto, mo hono māʻolunga;
as it is grasped by all God's people, of the breadth and length, the height and depth--
19 Pea ke ʻilo ʻae ʻofa ʻa Kalaisi, ʻaia ʻoku lahi hake ʻi he faʻa ʻilo, pea ke fakafonu ʻakimoutolu ʻaki ʻae fonu kotoa pē ʻoe ʻOtua.
yes, to attain to a knowledge of the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, so that you may be made complete in accordance with God's own standard of completeness.
20 Pea ko eni, ke ʻiate ia ʻaia ʻoku mafai ke fai lahi hake ʻaupito ʻaupito ʻi he meʻa kotoa pē te tau kolea pe mahalo ki ai, ʻo fakatatau ki he mālohi ʻaia ʻoku ngāue ʻiate kitautolu,
Now to Him who, in exercise of His power that is at work within us, is able to do infinitely beyond all our highest prayers or thoughts--
21 Ke ʻiate ia ʻae ongoongolelei ʻi he siasi ʻia Kalaisi Sisu, ʻi he ngaahi kuonga kotoa pē, ʻo taʻengata pea taʻengata. ʻEmeni. (aiōn g165)
to Him be the glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, world without end! Amen. (aiōn g165)

< ʻEfesō 3 >