< Psaltaren 147 >

1 Lofver Herran; ty att lofva vår Gud är en kostelig ting; det lofvet är ljufligit och dägeligit.
Praise Yahweh! It is good to sing to praise our God. It is a delightful thing to do and the right thing to do.
2 Herren bygger Jerusalem, och sammanhemtar de fördrefna i Israel.
[Jerusalem was destroyed, but] Yahweh is [enabling us to] build Jerusalem again. He is bringing back the people who were taken [to Babylonia].
3 Han helar dem som ett förkrossadt hjerta hafva, och förbinder deras sveda.
He enables those who were very discouraged to be encouraged again; [it is as though] they have wounds and he bandages them.
4 Han räknar stjernorna, och nämner dem alla vid namn.
He has determined how many stars there will be, and he gives names to all of them.
5 Vår Herre är stor, och stor är hans magt; och det är obegripeligit, huru han regerar.
Yahweh is great and very powerful, and no one can measure how much he understands.
6 Herren upprättar de elända, och slår de ogudaktiga till jordena.
Yahweh lifts up those who have been oppressed, and he throws the wicked down to the ground.
7 Sjunger till skiftes Herranom med tacksägelse, och lofver vår Gud med harpo;
Thank Yahweh while you are singing to him to praise him; on the harps, play music to our God.
8 Den himmelen med skyar betäcker, och gifver regn på jordena; den gräs på bergen växa låter;
He covers the sky with clouds, [and then] he sends rain to the earth and causes grass to grow on the hills.
9 Den boskapenom sitt foder gifver; dem unga korpomen, som ropa till honom.
He gives to animals the food that they [need], and gives food to young crows/birds when they cry out [because they are hungry].
10 Han hafver inga lust till hästars starkhet; icke heller behag till någors mans ben.
He is not pleased with strong horses or with men who can run [MTY] fast.
11 Herren hafver behag till dem som frukta honom; dem som uppå hans godhet hoppas.
Instead, what pleases him are those who revere him, those who confidently expect him to continue to faithfully love them.
12 Prisa, Jerusalem, Herran; lofva, Zion, din Gud.
[You people of] [APO] Jerusalem, praise Yahweh! Praise your God!
13 Ty han gör bommarna fasta för dina portar, och välsignar din barn i dig.
He [guards your city] by keeping its gates strong. He blesses the people who live there.
14 Han skaffar dinom gränsom frid, och mättar dig med bästa hvete.
He protects the borders [of your country, so that enemies from other countries cannot attack you]. He gives you plenty of very good wheat/grain to eat.
15 Han sänder sitt tal uppå jordena; hans ord löper snarliga.
He commands what he wants to be done on the earth, and his words quickly come to the place to which he sends them.
16 Han gifver snö såsom ull; han strör rimfrost såsom asko.
He sends snow which [covers the ground] like a white wool blanket [SIM], and he scatters frost [on the ground] like [wind scatters] ashes [SIM].
17 Han kastar sitt hagel såsom betar. Ho kan blifva för hans frost?
He sends hail down like (pebbles/tiny stones); [when that happens], (it is very difficult to endure because the air becomes very cold./who can endure because the air becomes very cold?) [RHQ]
18 Han säger, så försmälter det; han låter sitt väder blåsa, så töar det upp.
[But] he commands the wind to blow, and it blows. [Then the hail] melts and [the water] flows [into the streams].
19 Han kungör Jacob sitt ord, Israel sina seder och rätter.
He sent his message to [the descendants of] Jacob; [he tells to his] Israeli people the laws and regulations that he had decreed.
20 Så gör han ingom Hedningom; ej heller låter dem veta sina rätter. Halleluja.
He has not done that for any other nation; the other nations do not know his laws. Praise Yahweh!

< Psaltaren 147 >