< Luka 4 >

1 Yesu, akiwa amejaa Roho Mtakatifu, akarudi kutoka Yordani. Akaongozwa na Roho Mtakatifu hadi nyikani,
Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led about by the Spirit in the Desert for forty days,
2 mahali ambako kwa siku arobaini alikuwa akijaribiwa na ibilisi. Kwa siku zote hizo hakula chochote, hivyo baada ya muda huo akaona njaa.
tempted all the while by the Devil. During those days He ate nothing, and at the close of them He suffered from hunger.
3 Ibilisi akamwambia, “Ikiwa wewe ni Mwana wa Mungu, amuru jiwe hili liwe mkate.”
Then the Devil said to Him, "If you are God's Son, tell this stone to become bread."
4 Yesu akajibu akamwambia, “Imeandikwa: ‘Mtu haishi kwa mkate tu.’”
"It is written," replied Jesus, "'It is not on bread alone that a man shall live.'"
5 Ibilisi akampeleka hadi juu ya mlima mrefu akamwonyesha milki zote za dunia kwa mara moja.
The Devil next led Him up and caused Him to see at a glance all the kingdoms of the world.
6 Akamwambia, “Nitakupa mamlaka juu ya milki hizi na fahari zake zote, kwa maana zimekabidhiwa mkononi mwangu nami ninaweza kumpa yeyote ninayetaka.
And the Devil said to Him, "To you will I give all this authority and this splendour; for it has been handed over to me, and on whomsoever I will I bestow it.
7 Hivyo ikiwa utanisujudia na kuniabudu, vyote vitakuwa vyako.”
If therefore you do homage to me, it shall all be yours.'
8 Yesu akamjibu, “Imeandikwa: ‘Mwabudu Bwana Mungu wako na umtumikie yeye peke yake.’”
Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'To the Lord thy God thou shalt do homage, and to Him alone shalt thou render worship.'"
9 Kisha ibilisi akampeleka mpaka Yerusalemu, akamweka juu ya mnara mrefu wa Hekalu, akamwambia, “Kama wewe ndiwe Mwana wa Mungu, jitupe chini kutoka hapa,
Then he brought Him to Jerusalem and caused Him to stand on the roof of the Temple, and said to Him, "If you are God's Son, throw yourself down from here; for it is written,
10 kwa maana imeandikwa: “‘Atakuagizia malaika zake ili wakulinde;
'He will give orders to His angels concerning thee, to guard thee safely;'
11 nao watakuchukua mikononi mwao, usije ukajikwaa mguu wako katika jiwe.’”
and 'On their hands they shall bear thee up, Lest at any moment thou shouldst strike thy foot against a stone.'"
12 Yesu akamjibu, “Imesemwa, ‘Usimjaribu Bwana Mungu wako.’”
The reply of Jesus was, "It is said, 'Thou shalt not put the Lord they God to the proof.'"
13 Ibilisi alipomaliza kila jaribu, akamwacha Yesu mpaka wakati mwingine ufaao.
So the Devil, having fully tried every kind of temptation on Him, left Him for a time.
14 Kisha Yesu akarudi mpaka Galilaya, akiwa amejaa nguvu za Roho Mtakatifu, nazo habari zake zikaenea katika sehemu zote za nchi za kandokando.
Then Jesus returned in the Spirit's power to Galilee; and His fame spread through all the adjacent districts.
15 Akaanza kufundisha kwenye masinagogi yao, na kila mmoja akamsifu.
And He proceeded to teach in their synagogues, winning praise from all.
16 Yesu akaenda Nazareti, alipolelewa, na siku ya Sabato alikwenda katika sinagogi kama ilivyokuwa desturi yake. Akasimama ili asome,
He came to Nazareth also, where He had been brought up; and, as was His custom, He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read.
17 naye akapewa kitabu cha nabii Isaya, akakifungua na kukuta mahali palipoandikwa:
And there was handed to Him the book of the Prophet Isaiah, and, opening the book, He found the place where it was written,
18 “Roho wa Bwana yu juu yangu, kwa sababu amenitia mafuta kuwahubiria maskini habari njema. Amenituma kuwatangazia wafungwa kufunguliwa kwao, na vipofu kupata kuona tena, kuwaweka huru wanaoonewa,
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the poor; He has sent me to announce release to the prisoners of war and recovery of sight to the blind: to send away free those whom tyranny has crushed,
19 na kutangaza mwaka wa Bwana uliokubalika.”
to proclaim the year of acceptance with the Lord."
20 Kisha akakifunga kitabu, akamrudishia mtumishi na akaketi. Watu wote waliokuwamo katika sinagogi wakamkazia macho.
And rolling up the book, He returned it to the attendant, and sat down--to speak. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him.
21 Ndipo akaanza kwa kuwaambia, “Leo Andiko hili limetimia mkiwa mnasikia.”
Then He proceeded to say to them, "To-day is this Scripture fulfilled in your hearing."
22 Wote waliokuwako wakamsifu na kuyastaajabia maneno yake yaliyojaa neema, wakaulizana, “Je, huyu si mwana wa Yosefu?”
And they all spoke well of Him, wondering at the sweet words of kindness which fell from His lips, while they asked one another, "Is not this Joseph's son?"
23 Yesu akawaambia, “Bila shaka mtatumia mithali hii: ‘Tabibu, jiponye mwenyewe! Mambo yale tuliyosikia kwamba uliyafanya huko Kapernaumu, yafanye na hapa kwenye mji wako.’”
"Doubtless," said He, "you will quote to me the proverb, 'Physician, cure yourself: all that we hear that you have done at Capernaum, do here also in your native place.'"
24 Yesu akasema, “Amin, nawaambia, hakuna nabii anayekubalika katika mji wake mwenyewe.
"I tell you in solemn truth," He added, "that no Prophet is welcomed among his own people.
25 Lakini ukweli ni kwamba palikuwa na wajane wengi katika Israeli wakati wa Eliya, mbingu zilipofungwa kwa miaka mitatu na miezi sita pakawa na njaa kuu katika nchi nzima.
But I tell you in truth that there was many a widow in Israel in the time of Elijah, when there was no rain for three years and six months and there came a severe famine over all the land;
26 Hata hivyo Eliya hakutumwa hata kwa mmoja wao, bali kwa mjane mmoja wa Sarepta katika nchi ya Sidoni.
and yet to not one of them was Elijah sent: he was only sent to a widow at Zarephath in the Sidonian country.
27 Pia palikuwa na wengi wenye ukoma katika Israeli katika siku za nabii Elisha, lakini hakuna hata mmoja wao aliyetakaswa, isipokuwa Naamani mtu wa Shamu.”
And there was also many a leper in Israel in the time of the Prophet Elisha, and yet not one of them was cleansed, but Naaman the Syrian was."
28 Watu wote katika sinagogi waliposikia maneno haya, wakakasirika sana.
Then all in the synagogue, while listening to these words, were filled with fury.
29 Wakasimama, wakamtoa nje ya mji, wakamchukua hadi kwenye kilele cha mlima mahali ambapo mji huo ulikuwa umejengwa, ili wamtupe chini kutoka kwenye mteremko mkali.
They rose, hurried Him outside the town, and brought Him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, to throw Him down the cliff;
30 Lakini yeye akapita papo hapo katikati ya huo umati wa watu akaenda zake.
but He passed through the midst of them and went His way.
31 Kisha Yesu akashuka kwenda Kapernaumu, mji wa Galilaya, na katika siku ya Sabato akawa anafundisha.
So He came down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, where He frequently taught the people on the Sabbath days.
32 Wakashangazwa sana na mafundisho yake, maana maneno yake yalikuwa na mamlaka.
And they were greatly impressed by His teaching, because He spoke with the language of authority.
33 Ndani ya sinagogi palikuwa na mtu aliyekuwa amepagawa na pepo mchafu. Naye akapiga kelele kwa nguvu akisema,
But in the synagogue there was a man possessed by the spirit of a foul demon. In a loud voice he cried out,
34 “Tuache! Tuna nini nawe, Yesu wa Nazareti? Je, umekuja kutuangamiza? Ninakujua wewe ni nani. Wewe ndiwe Aliye Mtakatifu wa Mungu!”
"Ha! Jesus the Nazarene, what have you to do with us? I know who you are--God's Holy One!"
35 Basi Yesu akamkemea yule pepo mchafu, akisema, “Nyamaza kimya! Nawe umtoke!” Yule pepo mchafu akamwangusha yule mtu chini mbele yao wote, akatoka pasipo kumdhuru.
But Jesus rebuked the demon. "Silence!" He exclaimed; "come out of him." Upon this, the demon hurled the man into the midst of them, and came out of him without doing him any harm.
36 Watu wote wakashangaa, wakaambiana, “Mafundisho haya ni ya namna gani? Anawaamuru pepo wachafu kwa mamlaka na nguvu, nao wanatoka!”
All were astonished and awe-struck; and they asked one another, "What sort of language is this? For with authority and real power He gives orders to the foul spirits and they come out."
37 Habari zake zikaanza kuenea kila mahali katika sehemu ile.
And the talk about Him spread into every part of the neighbouring country.
38 Yesu akatoka katika sinagogi, akaenda nyumbani kwa Simoni. Basi huko alimkuta mama mkwe wa Simoni akiwa ameshikwa na homa kali, nao wakamwomba Yesu amsaidie.
Now when He rose and left the synagogue He went to Simon's house. Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from an acute attack of fever; and they consulted Him about her.
39 Hivyo Yesu akamwinamia na kukemea ile homa, nayo ikamwacha. Akaamka saa ile ile, naye akaanza kuwahudumia.
Then standing over her He rebuked the fever, and it left her; and she at once rose and waited on them.
40 Jua lilipokuwa linatua, watu wakamletea Yesu watu wote waliokuwa na maradhi mbalimbali, naye akaweka mikono yake juu ya kila mgonjwa, naye akawaponya.
At sunset all who had friends suffering from any illness brought them to Him, and He laid His hands on them all, one by one, and cured them.
41 Pepo wachafu pia wakawatoka watu wengi, nao walipokuwa wakitoka wakapiga kelele, wakisema: “Wewe ni Mwana wa Mungu!” Lakini Yesu akawakemea na kuwazuia wasiseme, kwa maana walimjua kuwa yeye ndiye Kristo.
Demons also came out of many, loudly calling out, "You are the Son of God." But He rebuked them and forbad them to speak, because they knew Him to be the Christ.
42 Kesho yake, kulipopambazuka, Yesu alikwenda mahali pa faragha. Watu wengi wakawa wanamtafuta kila mahali, nao walipomwona wakajaribu kumzuia asiondoke.
Next morning, at daybreak, He left the town and went away to a solitary place; but the people flocked out to find Him, and, coming to the place where He was, they endeavoured to detain Him that He might not leave them.
43 Lakini yeye akawaambia, “Imenipasa kuhubiri habari njema za Ufalme wa Mungu katika miji mingine pia, kwa maana kwa kusudi hili nilitumwa.”
But He said to them, "I have to tell the Good News of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, because for this purpose I was sent."
44 Naye aliendelea kuhubiri katika masinagogi ya Uyahudi.
And for some time He preached in the synagogues in Galilee.

< Luka 4 >