< Deuteronomio 23 >

1 No entrará en la congregación de Jehová el quebrado de quebradura, ni el castrado.
No man whose private parts have been wounded or cut off may come into the meeting of the Lord's people.
2 No entrará bastardo en la congregación de Jehová: ni aun en la décima generación entrará en la congregación de Jehová.
One whose father and mother are not married may not come into the meeting of the Lord's people, or any of his family to the tenth generation.
3 No entrará Ammonita ni Moabita en la congregación de Jehová: ni aun en la décima generación entrará en la congregación de Jehová para siempre,
No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their people to the tenth generation may come into the meeting of the Lord's people:
4 Por cuanto no os salieron a recibir con pan y agua al camino, cuando salisteis de Egipto, y porque alquiló contra ti a Balaam hijo de Beor de Petor de Mesopotamia de Siria, para que te maldijese.
Because they gave you no bread or water on your way, when you came out of Egypt: and they got Balaam, the son of Peor, from Pethor in Aram-naharaim to put curses on you.
5 Mas no quiso Jehová tu Dios oír a Balaam, y Jehová tu Dios te volvió la maldición en bendición, porque Jehová tu Dios te amaba.
But the Lord your God would not give ear to Balaam, but let the curse be changed into a blessing to you, because of his love for you.
6 No procurarás la paz de ellos, ni el bien de ellos en todos los días para siempre.
Do nothing for their peace or well-being for ever.
7 No abominarás al Idumeo, que tu hermano es. No abominarás al Egipcio, que extranjero fuiste en su tierra.
But have no hate for an Edomite, because he is your brother, or for an Egyptian, for you were living in his land.
8 Los hijos que nacieren de ellos, a la tercera generación entrarán en la congregación de Jehová.
Their children in the third generation may come into the meeting of the Lord's people.
9 Cuando salieres en campo contra tus enemigos, guárdate de toda cosa mala.
When you go out to war and put your tents in position, keep from every evil thing.
10 Cuando hubiere en ti alguno que no fuere limpio por accidente de noche, saldráse del campo, y no entrará en él.
If any man among you becomes unclean through anything which has taken place in the night, he is to go out from the tent-circle and keep outside it:
11 Y será que al declinar de la tarde lavarse ha con agua, y cuando fuere puesto el sol, entrará en el campo.
But when evening comes near, let him take a bath: and after sundown he may come back to the tents.
12 Y tendrás lugar fuera del real, y allí saldrás fuera.
Let there be a place outside the tent-circle to which you may go;
13 Y tendrás una estaca entre tus armas, y será, que cuando fueres fuera, cavarás con ella, y tornarás, y cubrirás tu suciedad.
And have among your arms a spade; and when you have been to that place, let that which comes from you be covered up with earth:
14 Porque Jehová tu Dios anda por medio de tu campo para librarte, y entregar tus enemigos delante de ti: por tanto será tu real santo: porque él no vea en ti cosa inmunda, y se vuelva de en pos de ti.
For the Lord your God is walking among your tents, to keep you safe and to give up into your hands those who are fighting against you; then let your tents be holy, so that he may see no unclean thing among you, and be turned away from you.
15 No entregarás el siervo a su señor, que se huyere a ti de su amo.
Do not give back to his master a servant who has gone in flight from his master and come to you:
16 More contigo, en medio de ti, en el lugar que escogiere en alguna de tus ciudades donde bien le estuviere: no le harás fuerza.
Let him go on living among you in whatever place is most pleasing to him: do not be hard on him.
17 No habrá ramera de las hijas de Israel, ni habrá sodomita de los hijos de Israel.
No daughter of Israel is to let herself be used as a loose woman for a strange god, and no son of Israel is to give himself to a man.
18 No traerás precio de ramera ni precio de perro a la casa de Jehová tu Dios por ningún voto; porque abominación es a Jehová tu Dios también lo uno como lo otro.
Do not take into the house of the Lord your God, as an offering for an oath, the price of a loose woman or the money given to one used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods: for these two things are disgusting to the Lord your God.
19 No tomarás de tu hermano logro de dinero, ni logro de comida, ni logro de cualquiera cosa de que se suele tomar.
Do not take interest from an Israelite on anything, money or food or any other goods, which you let him have:
20 Del extraño tomarás logro, mas de tu hermano no le tomarás, porque te bendiga Jehová tu Dios en toda obra de tus manos sobre la tierra a la cual entras para heredarla.
From men of other nations you may take interest, but not from an Israelite: so that the blessing of the Lord your God may be on everything to which you put your hand, in the land which you are about to take as your heritage.
21 Cuando prometieres voto a Jehová tu Dios, no tardarás de pagarlo; porque demandando lo demandará Jehová tu Dios de ti, y habrá en ti pecado:
When you take an oath to the Lord, do not be slow to give effect to it: for without doubt the Lord your God will make you responsible, and will put it to your account as sin.
22 Y cuando te detuvieres de prometer, no habrá en ti pecado:
But if you take no oath, there will be no sin.
23 Lo que tus labios pronunciaren, guardarás, y harás como prometiste a Jehová tu Dios lo que de tu voluntad hablaste por tu boca.
Whatever your lips have said, see that you do it; for you gave your word freely to the Lord your God.
24 Cuando entrares en la viña de tu prójimo, comerás uvas hasta hartar tu deseo; mas no pondrás en tu vaso.
When you go into your neighbour's vine-garden, you may take of his grapes at your pleasure, but you may not take them away in your vessel.
25 Cuando entrares en la mies de tu prójimo, cortarás espigas con tu mano, mas no alzarás hoz en la mies de tu prójimo.
When you go into your neighbour's field, you may take the heads of grain with your hand; but you may not put your blade to his grain.

< Deuteronomio 23 >