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1 panta-gālātiyā-kappadakiyā-āśiyā-bithuniyādeśeṣu pravāsino ye vikīrṇalokāḥ
Peter, an apostle of Jesus (the) Messiah, to the chosen ones who are living as foreigners in the Diaspora in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,
2 piturīśvarasya pūrvvanirṇayād ātmanaḥ pāvanena yīśukhrīṣṭasyājñāgrahaṇāya śoṇitaprokṣaṇāya cābhirucitāstān prati yīśukhrīṣṭasya preritaḥ pitaraḥ patraṁ likhati| yuṣmān prati bāhulyena śāntiranugrahaśca bhūyāstāṁ|
according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, that you may obey Jesus (the) Messiah and be sprinkled with his blood: Grace to you and peace be multiplied.
3 asmākaṁ prabho ryīśukhrīṣṭasya tāta īśvaro dhanyaḥ, yataḥ sa svakīyabahukṛpāto mṛtagaṇamadhyād yīśukhrīṣṭasyotthānena jīvanapratyāśārtham arthato
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus (the) Messiah, who according to his great mercy caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus (the) Messiah from the dead,
4 'kṣayaniṣkalaṅkāmlānasampattiprāptyartham asmān puna rjanayāmāsa| sā sampattiḥ svarge 'smākaṁ kṛte sañcitā tiṣṭhati,
to an incorruptible and undefiled inheritance that does not fade away, reserved in Heaven for you,
5 yūyañceśvarasya śaktitaḥ śeṣakāle prakāśyaparitrāṇārthaṁ viśvāsena rakṣyadhve|
who by the power of God are guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
6 tasmād yūyaṁ yadyapyānandena praphullā bhavatha tathāpi sāmprataṁ prayojanahetoḥ kiyatkālaparyyantaṁ nānāvidhaparīkṣābhiḥ kliśyadhve|
Wherein you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials,
7 yato vahninā yasya parīkṣā bhavati tasmāt naśvarasuvarṇādapi bahumūlyaṁ yuṣmākaṁ viśvāsarūpaṁ yat parīkṣitaṁ svarṇaṁ tena yīśukhrīṣṭasyāgamanasamaye praśaṁsāyāḥ samādarasya gauravasya ca yogyatā prāptavyā|
that the genuineness of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes even though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor when Jesus (the) Messiah is revealed—
8 yūyaṁ taṁ khrīṣṭam adṛṣṭvāpi tasmin prīyadhve sāmprataṁ taṁ na paśyanto'pi tasmin viśvasanto 'nirvvacanīyena prabhāvayuktena cānandena praphullā bhavatha,
whom not having seen you love; in whom, though now you do not see him, yet believing, you rejoice greatly with joy inexpressible and full of glory—
9 svaviśvāsasya pariṇāmarūpam ātmanāṁ paritrāṇaṁ labhadhve ca|
receiving the result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
10 yuṣmāsu yo 'nugraho varttate tadviṣaye ya īśvarīyavākyaṁ kathitavantaste bhaviṣyadvādinastasya paritrāṇasyānveṣaṇam anusandhānañca kṛtavantaḥ|
Concerning this salvation, the prophets sought and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you,
11 viśeṣatasteṣāmantarvvāsī yaḥ khrīṣṭasyātmā khrīṣṭe varttiṣyamāṇāni duḥkhāni tadanugāmiprabhāvañca pūrvvaṁ prākāśayat tena kaḥ kīdṛśo vā samayo niradiśyataitasyānusandhānaṁ kṛtavantaḥ|
searching for who or what kind of time the Spirit of Messiah, which was in them, pointed to, when he predicted the sufferings of Messiah, and the glories that would follow them.
12 tatastai rviṣayaiste yanna svān kintvasmān upakurvvantyetat teṣāṁ nikaṭe prākāśyata| yāṁśca tān viṣayān divyadūtā apyavanataśiraso nirīkṣitum abhilaṣanti te viṣayāḥ sāmprataṁ svargāt preṣitasya pavitrasyātmanaḥ sahāyyād yuṣmatsamīpe susaṁvādapracārayitṛbhiḥ prākāśyanta|
To them it was revealed, that not to themselves, but to you, they ministered these things, which now have been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent out from heaven; which things angels desire to look into.
13 ataeva yūyaṁ manaḥkaṭibandhanaṁ kṛtvā prabuddhāḥ santo yīśukhrīṣṭasya prakāśasamaye yuṣmāsu varttiṣyamānasyānugrahasya sampūrṇāṁ pratyāśāṁ kuruta|
Therefore, prepare your minds for action, be sober and set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus (the) Messiah is revealed.
14 aparaṁ pūrvvīyājñānatāvasthāyāḥ kutsitābhilāṣāṇāṁ yogyam ācāraṁ na kurvvanto yuṣmadāhvānakārī yathā pavitro 'sti
As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires as in your ignorance,
15 yūyamapyājñāgrāhisantānā iva sarvvasmin ācāre tādṛk pavitrā bhavata|
but just as he who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all of your behavior;
16 yato likhitam āste, yūyaṁ pavitrāstiṣṭhata yasmādahaṁ pavitraḥ|
because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy."
17 aparañca yo vināpakṣapātam ekaikamānuṣasya karmmānusārād vicāraṁ karoti sa yadi yuṣmābhistāta ākhyāyate tarhi svapravāsasya kālo yuṣmābhi rbhītyā yāpyatāṁ|
If you call on him as Father, who without respect of persons judges according to each man's work, pass the time of your living as foreigners here in reverent fear:
18 yūyaṁ nirarthakāt paitṛkācārāt kṣayaṇīyai rūpyasuvarṇādibhi rmuktiṁ na prāpya
knowing that you were redeemed, not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, from the useless way of life handed down from your fathers,
19 niṣkalaṅkanirmmalameṣaśāvakasyeva khrīṣṭasya bahumūlyena rudhireṇa muktiṁ prāptavanta iti jānītha|
but with precious blood, as of an unblemished and spotless lamb, namely Messiah.
20 sa jagato bhittimūlasthāpanāt pūrvvaṁ niyuktaḥ kintu caramadineṣu yuṣmadarthaṁ prakāśito 'bhavat|
He was chosen in advance before the foundation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake,
21 yatastenaiva mṛtagaṇāt tasyotthāpayitari tasmai gauravadātari ceśvare viśvasitha tasmād īśvare yuṣmākaṁ viśvāsaḥ pratyāśā cāste|
who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead, and gave him glory; so that your faith and hope might be in God.
22 yūyam ātmanā satyamatasyājñāgrahaṇadvārā niṣkapaṭāya bhrātṛpremne pāvitamanaso bhūtvā nirmmalāntaḥkaraṇaiḥ parasparaṁ gāḍhaṁ prema kuruta|
Seeing you have purified your souls in your obedience to the truth in sincere brotherly affection, love one another from a pure heart fervently:
23 yasmād yūyaṁ kṣayaṇīyavīryyāt nahi kintvakṣayaṇīyavīryyād īśvarasya jīvanadāyakena nityasthāyinā vākyena punarjanma gṛhītavantaḥ| (aiōn g165)
having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the living and abiding word of God. (aiōn g165)
24 sarvvaprāṇī tṛṇaistulyastattejastṛṇapuṣpavat| tṛṇāni pariśuṣyati puṣpāṇi nipatanti ca|
For, "All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower in the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls;
25 kintu vākyaṁ pareśasyānantakālaṁ vitiṣṭhate| tadeva ca vākyaṁ susaṁvādena yuṣmākam antike prakāśitaṁ| (aiōn g165)
but the word of the Lord endures forever." This is the word preached as gospel to you. (aiōn g165)

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