< اول تواریخ 7 >

و اما پسران يسّاکار: تولاع و فُوَه و ياشوب و شِمرُون چهار نفر بودند. ۱ 1
Issachar's four sons were Tola, Puah, Jashub, and Shimron.
و پسران تولاع: عُزِّي و رفايا و يربيئيل و يحماي و يبسام و سموئيل؛ ايشان رؤساي خاندان پدر خود تولاع و مردان قوي شجاع در انساب خود بودند، و عدد ايشان در داود بيست و دو هزار و ششصد بود. ۲ 2
The sons of Tola were Uzzi, Rephaiah, Jeriel, Jahmai, Ibsam, and Samuel. They were the heads of their fathers' houses, from the descendants of Tola and they were listed as mighty warriors among their generation. They numbered 22,600 in the days of David.
و پسر عُزّي، يزرَحيا و پسران يزرَحيا، ميکائيل و عُوبَديا و يوئيل و يشِيا که پنج نفر و جميع آنها رؤسا بودند. ۳ 3
Uzzi's son was Izrahiah. His sons were Michael, Obadiah, Joel, and Ishijah, all five of them were clan leaders.
و با ايشان بر حسب انساب ايشان و خاندان آباي ايشان، فوجهاي لشکر جنگي سي و شش هزار نفر بودند، زيرا که زنان وپسران بسيار داشتند. ۴ 4
Along with them they had thirty-six thousand troops for battle, according to the lists belonging to their ancestors' clans, for they had many wives and sons.
و برادران ايشان از جميع قبايل يسّاکار مردان قوي شجاع هشتاد و هفت هزار نفر جميعاً در نسب نامه ثبت شدند. ۵ 5
Their relatives were fighting men from all the clans of Issachar, and they numbered in all, eighty-seven thousand fighting men, as listed in their genealogy.
و پسران بنيامين: بالَع و باکَر ويدِيعَئيل، سه نفر بودند. ۶ 6
Benjamin's three sons were Bela, Beker, and Jediael.
و پسران بالَع: اَصبُون و عُزّي و عُزّيئيل و يريموت و عِيرِي، پنج نفر رؤساي خاندان آبا و مردان قوي شجاع که بيست ودو هزار و سي و چهار نفر از ايشان در نسب نامه ثبت گرديدند. ۷ 7
Bela's five sons were Ezbon, Uzzi, Uzziel, Jerimoth, and Iri. They were soldiers and heads of fathers' houses. Their people numbered 22,034 fighting men, according to the lists belonging to their ancestors' clans.
و پسران باکَر: زَمِيرَه و يوعاش و اَلِيعازار و اَليوعِيناي و عُمرِي و يريموت و اَبِيا و عَناتُوت وعَلامَت. جميع اينها پسران باکَر بودند. ۸ 8
Beker's sons were Zemirah, Joash, Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Jeremoth, Abijah, Anathoth, and Alemeth. All these were his sons.
و بيست هزار ودويست نفر از ايشان بر حسب انساب ايشان، رؤساي خاندان آباي ايشان مردان قوي شجاع در نسب نامه ثبت شدند. ۹ 9
The lists of their clans numbered 20,200 heads of their fathers' houses and fighting men.
و پسر يدِيعَئيل: بِلهان و پسران بِلهان: يعِيش و بنيامين و اِيهُود و کَنَعنَه و زِيتان و تَرشِيش و اَخِيشاحَر. ۱۰ 10
The son of Jediael was Bilhan. Bilhan's sons were Jeush, Benjamin, Ehud, Kenaanah, Zethan, Tarshish, and Ahishahar.
جميع اينها پسران يدِيعَئيل بر حسب رؤساي آبا و مردان جنگي شجاع هفده هزار و دويست نفر بودند که در لشکر براي جنگ بيرون مي رفتند. ۱۱ 11
All these were sons of Jediael. Listed in their clan lists were 17,200 heads of houses and fighting men fit for military service.
و پسران عِير: شُفّيم و حُفّيم و پسر اَحِير حُوشيم. ۱۲ 12
(The Shuppites and the Huppites were sons of Ir, and the Hushites were sons of Aher.)
و پسران نَفتالي: يحصيئيل و جُوني و يصَر و شَلُّوم از پسران بِلهَه بودند. ۱۳ 13
Naphtali's sons were Jahziel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem. These were Bilhah's grandsons.
پسران مَنَّسي اَسريئيل که زوجه اش او را زاييد، و ماکير پدر جِلعاد که مُتعه اَراميه وي او را زاييد. ۱۴ 14
Manasseh had a male child named Asriel, whom his Aramean concubine bore. She also gave birth to Makir, Gilead's father.
و ماکير خواهر حُفّيم و شُفّيم را که به مَعکَه مسماة بود، به زني گرفت؛ و اسم پسر دوم او صَلُفحاد بود؛ و صَلُفحاد دختران داشت. ۱۵ 15
Makir took a wife from the Huppites and Shuppites. A sister's name was Maakah. Another of Manasseh's descendants was Zelophehad, who had only daughters.
و مَعکَه زن ماکير پسري زاييده، او را فارَش نام نهاد و اسم برادرش شارَش بود و پسرانش، اُلام و راقَم بودند. ۱۶ 16
Maakah wife of Makir, bore a son and she called him Peresh. His brother's name was Sheresh, and his sons were Ulam and Rakem.
و پسر اُولام بِدان بود. اينانند پسران جِلعاد بن ماکير بن مَنَّسي. ۱۷ 17
Ulam's son was Bedan. These were the descendants of Gilead son of Makir son of Manasseh.
و خواهر او هَمُولَکَه اِيشهُود و ابَيعَزَر و مَحلَه را زاييد. ۱۸ 18
Gilead's sister Hammoleketh bore Ishhod, Abiezer, and Mahlah.
و پسران شَميداع اَخيان و شَکيم و لَقحِي و اَنيعام. ۱۹ 19
The sons of Shemida were Ahian, Shechem, Likhi, and Aniam.
و پسران افرايم شُوتالَح و پسرش بارَد و پسرش تَحَت و پسرش اَلِعادا و پسرش تَحَت. ۲۰ 20
The descendants of Ephraim were as follows: Ephraim's son was Shuthelah. Shuthelah's son was Bered. Bered's son was Tahath. Tahath's son was Eleadah. Eleadah's son was Tahath.
و پسرش زاباد و پسرش شُوتالَح و عازَر و اَلِعاد که مردان جَتّ که در آن زمين مولود شدند، ايشان را کشتند زيرا که براي گرفتن مواشي ايشان فرمود آمده بودند. ۲۱ 21
Tahath's son was Zabad. Zabad's son was Shuthelah. (Ezer and Elead were killed by men of Gath, natives in the land, when they went to steal their cattle.
و پدر ايشان افرايم به جهت ايشان روزها ي بسيار ماتم گرفت و برادرانش براي تعزيت وي آمدند. ۲۲ 22
Ephraim their father mourned for them many days, and his brothers came to comfort him.
پس نزد زن خود درآمد و او حامله شده، پسري زاييد و او را بَرِيعَه نام نهاد، از اين جهت که در خاندان او بلايي عارض شده بود. ۲۳ 23
He slept with his wife. She conceived and bore a son. Ephraim called him Beriah, because tragedy had come to his family.)
و دخترش شيره بود که بيت حورون پايين و بالا را و اُزِّين شِيرَه را بنا کرد. ۲۴ 24
His daughter was Sheerah, who built Lower and Upper Beth Horon and Uzzen Sheerah.
و پسرش رافَح و راشَف، و پسرش تالَح، و پسرش تاحَن، ۲۵ 25
His son was Rephah. Rephah's son was Resheph. Resheph's son was Telah. Telah's son was Tahan.
و پسرش لَعَدان، و پسرش عَميهُود، و پسرش اَلِيشَمَع، ۲۶ 26
Tahan's son was Ladan. Ladan's son was Ammihud. Ammihud's son was Elishama.
و پسرش نون، و پسرش يهُوشوع، ۲۷ 27
Elishama's son was Nun. Nun's son was Joshua.
و املاک و مسکن هاي ايشان بيت ئيل و دهات آن بود و به طرف مشرق نَعران و به طرف مغرب جازَر و دهات آن و شکيم و دهات آن تا غَزَّه و دهات آن. ۲۸ 28
Their possessions and residences were Bethel and its surrounding villages. They extended eastward to Naaran and westward to Gezer and its villages, and to Shechem and its villages to Ayyah and its villages.
و نزد حدود بني مَنَّسي بيت شان و دهات آن و تَعناک و دهات آن و مَجِدّو و دهات آن و دُور و دهات آن که در اينها پسران يوسف بن اسرائيل ساکن بودند. ۲۹ 29
On the border with Manasseh were Beth Shan and its villages, Taanach and its villages, Megiddo and its villages, and Dor and its villages. In these towns the descendants of Joseph son of Israel lived.
پسران اَشِير، يمنَه و يشوَه و يشوي و بَريعه بودند، و خواهر ايشان سارَح بود. ۳۰ 30
Asher's sons were Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah. Serah was their sister.
و پسران بَريعَه، حابَر و مَلکيئيل که همان پدر بِرزاوَت باشد. ۳۱ 31
Beriah's sons were Heber and Malkiel, who was the father of Birzaith.
حابَر، يفلِيط و شومير و حُوتام و خواهر ايشان شوعا را آورد. ۳۲ 32
Heber's sons were Japhlet, Shomer, and Hotham. Shua was their sister.
و پسران يفليط فاسَک و بِمهال و عَشوَت بودند. اينانند بني يفليط. ۳۳ 33
Japhlet's sons were Pasak, Bimhal, and Ashvath. These were Japhlet's children.
و پسران شامَراَخي و رُهجَه و يحُبَّه و اَرام. ۳۴ 34
Shomer, Japhlet's brother, had these sons: Rohgah, Hubbah, and Aram.
و پسران هيلام برادر وي صُوفَح و يمناع و شالَش و عامال بودند. ۳۵ 35
Shemer's brother, Helem, had these sons: Zophah, Imna, Shelesh, and Amal.
و پسران صُوفَح، سُوح و حَرنَفَر و شُوعال و بِيرِي و يمرَه. ۳۶ 36
Zophah's sons were Suah, Harnepher, Shual, Beri, Imrah,
و باصَر و هُود و شَمَّا و شَلَشَه و يتران و بئِيرا. ۳۷ 37
Bezer, Hod, Shamma, Shilshah, Ithran, and Beera.
و پسران يتَر، يفُنَّه و فِسفا و آرا. ۳۸ 38
Jether's sons were Jephunneh, Pispah, and Ara.
و پسران عُلاّ، آرَح و حَنِّيئيل و رَصِيا. ۳۹ 39
Ulla's sons were Arah, Hanniel, and Rizia.
جميع اينها پسران اَشِير و رؤساي خاندان آباي ايشان و برگزيدگان مردان جنگي و رؤساي سرداران بودند. و شماره ايشان که در لشکر براي جنگ بر حسب نسب نامه ثبت گرديد، بيست و شش هزار نفر بود. ۴۰ 40
All these were descendants of Asher. They were ancestors of the clans, heads of fathers' houses, distinguished men, fighting men, and chief among the leaders. There were twenty-six thousand men listed who were fit for military service, according to their numbered lists.

< اول تواریخ 7 >