< Jobs 42 >

1 Då svara Job Herren og sagde:
Then Job answered and said to the Lord,
2 «Eg skynar at du allting kann; for deg er ingen plan umogleg.
I know that thou canst do all things, and nothing is impossible with thee.
3 Kven vil uvitug myrkja rådgjerd? Eg tala som ein fåvis mann um under som eg ikkje fata.
For who is he that hides counsel from thee? or who keeps back his words, and thinks to hide them from thee? and who will tell me what I knew not, great and wonderful things which I understood not?
4 Å høyr no, lat meg få tala! Eg vil deg spyrja, lær du meg!
But hear me, O Lord, that I also may speak: and I will ask thee, and do thou teach me.
5 Fyrr høyrd’ eg berre gjete deg, no ser eg deg med eigne augo.
I have heard the report of thee by the ear before; but now mine eye has seen thee.
6 Difor eg tek det i meg att og tregar djupt i mold og oska.»
Wherefore I have counted myself vile, and have fainted: and I esteem myself dust and ashes.
7 Då no Herren hadde tala desse ordi til Job, sagde han til Elifaz frå Teman: «Eg er harm på deg og dei tvo venerne dine, av di de hev ikkje tala rett um meg soleis som Job, tenaren min.
And it came to pass after the Lord had spoken all these words to Job, [that] the Lord said to Eliphaz the Thaemanite, Thou hast sinned, and thy two friends: for ye have not said anything true before me, as my servant Job [has].
8 Tak difor sju uksar og sju verar, og gakk til Job, tenaren min, og ofra brennoffer for dykk; og lat Job, tenaren min, beda for dykk! For berre honom vil eg taka til nåde, so eg ikkje gjer ulukka på dykk, for de ikkje hev tala rett um meg soleis som Job, tenaren min.»
Now then take seven bullocks, and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and he shall offer a burnt-offering for you. And my servant Job shall pray for you, for I will only accept him: for but his sake, I would have destroyed you, for ye have not spoken the truth against my servant Job.
9 Og Elifaz frå Teman og Bildad frå Suah og Sofar frå Na’ama gjekk av stad og gjorde so som Herren hadde sagt til deim, og Herren høyrde Jobs bøn.
So Eliphaz the Thaemanite, and Baldad the Sauchite, and Sophar the Minaean, went and did as the Lord commanded them: and he pardoned their sin for the sake of Job.
10 No vende Herren lagnaden for Job, då han bad for venerne sine; og alt det Job hadde ått, fekk han tvifald att.
And the Lord prospered Job: and when he prayed also for his friends, he forgave them [their] sin: and the Lord gave Job twice as much, even the double of what he had before.
11 Og alle brørne og systerne hans kom til honom, og like eins alle dei kjenningar han fyrr hadde havt, og dei åt og drakk med honom i huset hans. Og synte honom medynk og trøysta honom for all den ulukka som Herren ført yver honom, og kvar av deim gav honom ein gullpening og ein gullring.
And all his brethren and his sisters heard all that had happened to him, and they came to him, and [so did] all that had known him from the first: and they ate and drank with him, and comforted him, and wondered at all that the Lord had brought upon him: and each one gave him a lamb, and four drachms' weight of gold, even of unstamped [gold].
12 Og Herren velsigna den siste livetidi åt Job meir enn den fyrste; han fekk fjortan tusund sauer og seks tusund kamelar og tusund par uksar og tusund asnor.
And the Lord blessed the latter end of Job, [more] than the beginning: and his cattle were fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, a thousand she-asses of the pastures.
13 Og han fekk sju søner og tri døtter;
And there were born to him seven sons and three daughters.
14 den eine av deim kalla han Jemima, den andre Kesia og den tridje Keren-Happuk.
And he called the first Day, and the second Casia, and the third Amalthaea's horn.
15 Det fanst ikkje so væne kvinnor i heile landet som døtterne åt Job, og far deira let deim erva til liks med brørne deira.
And there were not found in comparison with the daughters of Job, fairer [women] than they in all the world: and their father gave them an inheritance among their brethren.
16 Etter dette livde Job hundrad og fyrti år, og såg born og barneborn, fire ættleder.
And Job lived after [his] affliction a hundred and seventy years: and all the years he lived were two hundred and forty: and Job saw his sons and his sons' sons, the fourth generation.
17 Og Job døydde gamall og mett av dagar.
And Job died, an old man and full of days.

< Jobs 42 >