< Tonon-kiran'i Solomona 8 >

1 Ho ni-soa naho ni-rahalahiko irehe, i ninono am-patroan-drenekoy! Ie amy zay, naho nitendrek’ ama’o alafe’e ao iraho vaho nañorok’ azo, le tsy ho nifosae’ ondatio.
Who `mai grante to me thee, my brother, soukynge the tetis of my modir, that Y fynde thee aloone without forth, and that Y kisse thee, and no man dispise me thanne?
2 Ho nikozozoteko mb’añ’ anjomban- dreneko mb’eo, mb’amy nañoke ahikoy. ho nampinomeko divay mandrove, naho ty ron-draketako.
Y schal take thee, and Y schal lede thee in to the hous of my modir, and in to the closet of my modir; there thou schalt teche me, and Y schal yyue to thee drink of wyn maad swete, and of the must of my pumgranatis.
3 Iondana’ ty lohako ty fità’e havia, vaho mañohoñ’ ahy ty fità’e havana.
His lefthond vndur myn heed, and his riythond schal biclippe me.
4 Afantoko ama’ areo, ry anak’ ampela’ Ierosalaimeo; ko mampitsekake fikokoañe am-para’ te irie’e.
Ye douytris of Jerusalem, Y charge you greetli, that ye reise not, nether make the dereworthe spousesse to awake, til sche wole.
5 Ia o mionjomb’etoy mi­sazok’ amy fikokoa’eio? Nampivañoneko ambane’ i takokoy irehe; amy nampitsongoa’o i rene’o; teo ty nitsongoa’ i nahatoly azoy.
Who is this spousesse, that stieth fro desert, and flowith in delices, and restith on hir derlynge? Y reiside thee vndur a pumgranate tre; there thi modir was corrupt, there thi modir was defoulid.
6 Apetaho hoe voli-fitomboke añ’arofo’o ao iraho, hoe alama am-pità’o eo; fa mira ami’ty haozaran-kavilasy ty fikokoañe, manahake ty hagàñe i tsikeokeokey ty famarahiañe; misolebotse o lel’afo’eo, toe lel’afo milebaleba. (Sheol h7585)
Set thou me as a signet on thin herte, as a signet on thin arm; for loue is strong as deth, enuy is hard as helle; the laumpis therof ben laumpis of fier, and of flawmes. (Sheol h7585)
7 Rano tsifotofoto tsy mahasaoke ty fikokoañe; naho tsy mahaopo aze ty fisorotombahañe; ie hatolo’ t’indaty ze hene vara añ’anjomba’e ao hahazoa’e fikokoañe, le ho vata’e onjirañe.
Many watris moun not quenche charite, nether floodis schulen oppresse it. Thouy a man yyue al the catel of his hous for loue, he schal dispise `that catel as nouyt.
8 Manan-jay ampela zahay f’ie mbe tomoe-nono, hanoe’ay akore i zai’aiy amy andro fifofoañe azey?
Oure sistir is litil, and hath no tetys; what schulen we do to oure sistir, in the dai whanne sche schal be spokun to?
9 Naho kijoly re le handranjia’ay fitilik’abo volafoty; ie lalambey, le harikatoha’ay varamba-mendoraveñe.
If it is a wal, bilde we theronne siluerne touris; if it is a dore, ioyne we it togidere with tablis of cedre.
10 Kijoly iraho, hoe fitilik’abo o nonokoo; hoe t’ie minday fañanintsiñe am-pihaino.
I am a wal, and my tetis ben as a tour; sithen Y am maad as fyndynge pees bifore hym.
11 Nanan-tondam-bahe e Baale-Kamone ao t’i Selomò; nafondro’e ama’ ondaty. Songa mañondroke volafoty arivo ama’e ty amo voka’eo.
A vyner was to the pesible; in that citee, that hath puplis, he bitook it to keperis; a man bryngith a thousynde platis of siluer for the fruyt therof.
12 Aoloko eo i tanem-bahekoy, azo ry Selomò i arivoy, roan-jato ty a o mpañalahala i voka’eio.
The vyner is bifore me; a thousynde ben of thee pesible, and two hundrid to hem that kepen the fruytis therof.
13 O ry mpimoneñe an-goloboñe ao, te hijanjiñe ty fiarañanaña’o o mpiamakoo, ehe ampitsanoño ahy!
Frendis herkene thee, that dwellist in orchertis; make thou me to here thi vois.
14 Mipitsiha ry kokoakoo, manahake o fanalokeo naho o farasy ambone vohitse iregoregoan-kafirio.
My derlyng, fle thou; be thou maad lijk a capret, and a calf of hertis, on the hillis of swete smellynge spices.

< Tonon-kiran'i Solomona 8 >