< Apokalypsy 6 >

1 Nitreako te pinoña’ i Vik’ añondriy ty raik’ amy fitomboke fito rey, le tsinanoko ty raik’ amy raha veloñe efatse rey nanao am-peon’ àmpiñe ty hoe: Akia!
And Y sai, that the lomb hadde openyd oon of the seuene seelis. And Y herde oon of the foure beestis seiynge, as a vois of thundur, Come, and se.
2 Nañente le naheoko te inge ty soavala foty! le nitàm-pale ty mpiningitse ama’e naho nitoloran-tsabaka vaho nionjom-beo hoe mpandrebake handrebake.
And Y sai, and lo! a white hors; and he that sat on hym hadde a bouwe, and a coroun was youun to hym. And he wente out ouercomynge, that he schulde ouercome.
3 Ie nampipoñake i fitomboke faharoey, le inay ty raha veloñe faha roe, nanao ty hoe: Akia!
And whanne he hadde openyd the secounde seel, I herde the secounde beest seiynge, Come `thou, and se.
4 le niakatse ka ty soavala mena, naho nitoloran-dily i mpiningitse ama’ey hañakatse ze atao hanintsiñe an-tane atoy, hifanjamañe, vaho nitolorañe fibara jabajaba.
And another reed hors wente out; and it was youun to hym that sat on hym, that he schulde take pees fro the erthe, and that thei sle to gidere hem silf; and a greet swerd was youun to hym.
5 Ie nampipoñake i fitomboke fahateloy, le tsinanoko i raha veloñe fahateloy nikoike ty hoe: Akia! Naheoko te, ingo ty soavala mainte. Nitintiñe balan­tsy am-pità’e i mpiningitse ama’ey.
And whanne he hadde openyd the thridde seel, Y herde the thridde beest seiynge, Come thou, and se. And lo! a blak hors; and he that sat on hym hadde a balaunce in his hond.
6 Le tsinanoko ty fiarañanañañe añivo’ i raha veloñe efatse rey nanao ty hoe: Bogady raike ty kapoa-barem-bazaha, naho bogady raike ty vare hordea telo kapoake, vaho ko joieñe ty menak’ oliva naho ty divay.
And Y herde `as a vois in the myddil of the foure beestis, seiynge, A bilibre of wheete for a peny, and thre bilibris of barli for a peny; and hirte thou not wyn, ne oile.
7 Ie nampipoñake i fitomboke fah’efatsey, le inao, nikoike ty hoe i raha veloñe fah’ efatsey: Akia!
And whanne he hadde openyd the fourthe seel, Y herde a vois of the `foure beestis, seiynge, Come thou, and se.
8 Naheoko te inge ty soavala fosaposatse, naho Havilasy ty añara’ i mpiningitse ama’ey, vaho nañorik’ aze t’i Tsikeokeoke. Le nomean-dily ami’ty fahaefa’ ty tane toy iereo hanjamañe am-pibara, naho an-kasalikoañe naho am-pamongorañe, vaho amo biby hako’ ty tane toio. (Hadēs g86)
And lo! a pale hors; and the name was Deth to hym that sat on hym, and helle suede hym. And power was youun to hym on foure partis of the erthe, for to sle with swerd, and with hungur, and with deth, and with beestis of the erthe. (Hadēs g86)
9 Ie nampipoñake i fitomboke faha limey, le nitreako ambane’ i kitreliy ty arofo’ o vinono ty amy tsaran’ Añaharey naho i entañe nitaroñe’ iereoio.
And whanne he hadde opened the fyuethe seel, Y say vndur the auter the soulis of men slayn for the word of God, and for the witnessing that thei hadden.
10 Le nipazake am-piarañanañañe mafe ty hoe: Pak’ ombia? ry Talè masiñe naho to, t’ie hifoneñe tsy hizaka o mpimoneñe an-tane atoio hamale-fate ty lio’ay?
And thei crieden with a geet vois, and seiden, Hou long thou, Lord, that art hooli and trewe, demest not, and vengest not oure blood of these that dwellen in the erthe?
11 Le songa nitolorañe saroñe mireparepa foty, naho nitaroñañe t’ie hitofa heike, ampara’ te heneke o ho vonoeñe manahake iereo amo mpitrao-pitoroñeo vaho amo longo’ iareoo.
And white stoolis, for ech soule a stoole, weren youun to hem; and it was seide to hem, that thei schulden reste yit a litil tyme, til the noumbre of her felowis and of her britheren ben fulfillid, that ben to be slayn, as also thei.
12 Le naheoko t’ie nampipoñake i fitomboke fah’ eneñey, heheke ty ozoñozon-tane jabajaba, naho nikò-mainte hoe lamba-gony am-bolon-ose i àndroy, naho nivalike hoe lio i volan-dorisay,
And Y say, whanne he hadde openyd the sixte seel, and lo! a greet erthe mouyng was maad; and the sunne was maad blak, as a sak of heire, and al the moone was maad as blood.
13 vaho niponaponak’ an-tane o vasian-dikerañeo, hambañe ami’ty fihintsaña’ o sakoañe loaseñeo t’ie hozongozoñen-tiobey.
And the sterris of heuene felden doun on the erthe, as a fige tre sendith his vnripe figis, whanne it is mouyd of a greet wynd.
14 Nifampiria hoe boke-peleke nipelepeleheñe i likerañey, vaho naveve boak’ amo toe’e iabio o vohitseo naho o tokonoseo.
And heuene wente awei, as a book wlappid in; and alle munteyns and ilis weren mouyd fro her placis.
15 Le songa nietak’ am-po lakato naho am-bato ambohits’ao, o mpanjaka’ ty tane toio naho o ana-donakeo naho o mpañalealeo, naho o mpifeheo naho o maoza­tseo naho ze hene ondevo naho midada,
And kingis of the erthe, and princis, and tribunes, and riche, and stronge, and ech bonde man, and freman, hidden hem in dennys and stoonys of hillis.
16 nanao ty hoe amo vohitseo naho amo vatoo: Miambotraha ama’ay naho ampietaho ami’ty lahara’ i miambesatse am-piambesatsey naho amy fifomboa’ i Vik’ añondriy,
And thei seien to hillis and to stoonys, Falle ye on vs, and hide ye vs fro the face of hym that sittith on the trone, and fro the wrath of the lomb;
17 amy te tondroke ty sa ra’elahin-kaviñera’ iareo vaho ia ty hahafijohañe?
for the greet dai of her wraththe cometh, and who schal mowe stonde?

< Apokalypsy 6 >