< Apokalypsy 1 >

1 Ty namentabentara’ Iesoà Norizañey, ie nitoloran’ Añahare, hanoroa’e o mpitoro’eo o tsy mahay tsy ho tendrek’ anianio, le nampihitrife’e aman-An­jeli’e ty hampahafohiñe i Jaona mpitoro’e.
Apocalips of Jhesu Crist, which God yaf to hym to make open to hise seruauntis, whiche thingis it bihoueth to be maad soone. And he signyfiede, sending bi his aungel to his seruaunt Joon,
2 Ie nitaroñe ze hene nioni’e amy tsaran’ Añaharey naho amy taro’ Iesoà Norizañey.
whiche bar witnessing to the word of God, and witnessing of Jhesu Crist, in these thingis, what euer thingis he say.
3 Haha ty mamaky ty tsaram-pitokiañe toy am-palie naho o mitsendreñe vaho mañambeñe o miso­kitseo, fa an-titotse ty andro.
Blessid is he that redith, and he that herith the wordis of this prophecie, and kepith tho thingis that ben writun in it; for the tyme is niy.
4 I Jaona, Ho ami’ty Fivory fito e Asia ao. Hasoa ama’areo naho hanintsiñe boak’ amy Ao, naho i Tao, vaho i Hitotsake eo naho boak’ amo arofo fito aolo i fiambesa’eio,
Joon to seuene chirchis, that ben in Asie, grace and pees to you, of him that is, and that was, and that is to comynge; and of the seuene spiritis, that ben in the siyt of his trone; and of Jhesu Crist,
5 naho boak’ am’ Iesoà Norizañey, i valolombeloñe migahiñey, ty valoha’e nasamak’ amy havilasiy, toe i Talèm-panjaka’ ty tane toiy. Ho amy Mpikoko naho nañaha antikañe amo hakeon-tikañeo amy lio’eiy,
that is a feithful witnesse, the firste bigetun of deed men, and prince of kingis of the erthe; which louyde vs, and waischide vs fro oure synnes in his blood,
6 vaho nanoe’e mpanjaka naho mpisoroñe aman’ Añahare, Rae’e. Aze ty engeñe naho ty haozarañe nainai’e donia! Amena. (aiōn g165)
and made vs a kyngdom, and preestis to God and to his fader; to hym be glorie and empire in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
7 Hehe, t’ie mitotsake eo mindre amo rahoñeo; kila fihaino ro hahaisak’ aze, naho o nitombok’ azeo, vaho hangoihoia’ ze hene foko’ i Taney. Ie izay! Amena.
Amen. Lo! he cometh with clowdis, and ech iye schal se hym, and thei that prickiden hym; and alle the kynredis of the erthe schulen beweile hem silf on hym.
8 Izaho ty A naho Z, hoe t’i Talè Andrianañahare, i Eo naho i Teo vaho i ho Aviy, i Tsitongerèñey.
Yhe, Amen! Y am alpha and oo, the bigynnyng and the ende, seith the Lord God, that is, and that was, and that is to comynge, almyyti.
9 Izaho, toe rahalahi’ areo, Jaona, mpitraoke amy haloviloviañey naho amy fifeahañe vaho fahaliñisañe amy Iesoà ao, ro tan-tokonose atao Patmo, ty amy tsaran’ Añaharey naho ty amy taro’ i Iesoày.
I, Joon, youre brothir, and partener in tribulacioun, and kingdom, and pacience in Crist Jhesu, was in an ile, that is clepid Pathmos, for the word of God, and for the witnessyng of Jhesu.
10 Ie tañ’ Arofo ao amy andro ra’elahy zay vaho nahatsanoñe ty fiarañanañañe nipazake hoe antsiva ambohoko ao
Y was in spirit in the Lordis dai, and Y herde bihynde me a greet vois, as of a trumpe,
11 nanao ty hoe, Patero am-boke ao ze isa’o le ahitrifo mb’amo Fivory fito rezao: mb’amy Efesosy naho mb’amy Smirna naho mb’amy Pergamosy naho mb’amy Tiatira naho mb’amy Sardisy naho mb’amy Filadelfia vaho mb’amy Laodikia.
seiynge to me, Write thou in a book that thing that thou seest, and sende to the seuene chirchis that ben in Asie; to Ephesus, to Smyrma, and to Pergamus, and to Tiatira, and to Sardis, and to Filadelfia, and to Loadicia.
12 Nitolike iraho hahatreavako i fiarañanañañe nisaontsy amakoy; aa naho nitolike le nahatrea menorà volamena fito,
And Y turnede, that Y schulde se the vois that spak with me; and Y turnede, and Y say seuene candelstikis of gold,
13 naho an-teñateña’ i fitongoàn-jiro rey ey ty nanahake i Ana’ Ondatiy nisikiñe lamba nahatakatse o fandia’eo vaho nisadiam-bolamena añ’araña’e eo.
and in the myddil of the seuene goldun candelstikis oon lijk to the sone of man, clothid with a long garnement, and gird at the tetis with a goldun girdil.
14 Nifoty hoe volon’ añondry foty o maroin’ añambone’eo, vaho hoe afo miroborobo o fihaino’eo.
And the heed of hym and his heeris weren whijt, as whijt wolle, and as snow; and the iyen of hym as flawme of fier,
15 Nihoe torisìke nikotriñeñe, natranak’ an-toñake ao, o fandia’eo, le nanahake ty fitromoron-drano maro i fiarañanaña’ey;
and hise feet lijk to latoun, as in a brennynge chymney; and the vois of hym as the vois of many watris.
16 naho am-pità’e havana ao ty vasiañe fito, le niboake am-palie’e ao ty fibara masioñe sambe-lela’e, vaho nanahake ty fireandrea’ i àndroy te tsipinde mena ty lahara’e.
And he hadde in his riyt hoond seuene sterris, and a swerd scharp on euer ethir side wente out of his mouth; and his face as the sunne schyneth in his virtu.
17 Ie nitreako, le nibabok’ am-pandia’e eo hoe mate, vaho natongoa’e amako ty fità’e havana, nanao ty hoe: Ko hemban-drehe. Izaho ro Valoha’e naho ty Fara’e,
And whanne Y hadde seyn hym, Y felde doun at hise feet, as deed. And he puttide his riyt hond on me, and seide, Nyle thou drede; Y am the firste and the laste;
18 vaho i Veloñey; toe nikenkan-draho, fe heheke, veloñe nainai’e donia! Amena. Vaho amako o lahin-dakilè’ i Tsikeokeokey naho i Havilasio. (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
and Y am alyue, and Y was deed; and lo! Y am lyuynge in to worldis of worldis, and Y haue the keyes of deth and of helle. (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
19 Aa le sokiro o niisa’oo, o eoo, vaho o mbe hifetsakeo.
Therfor write thou whiche thingis thou hast seyn, and whiche ben, and whiche it bihoueth to be don aftir these thingis.
20 Ty tafatoño’ i vasiañe fito nioni’o an-kavanako eo rey, naho i fitongoàn-jiro volamena fito rey: toe anjeli’ i Fivory fito rey i vasiam-pito rey, vaho Fivory fito i fitongoàn-jiro fito rey.
The sacrament of the seuene sterris, which thou seiyest in my riyt hond, and the seuene goldun candelstikis; the seuene sterris ben aungels of the seuene chirchis, and the seuene candelstikis ben seuene chirchis.

< Apokalypsy 1 >