< Matio 28 >

1 Ie añe i Sabotsey naho nangoangoañe i loak’andro’ey, le nomb’ an-donake mb’eo hioniñe aze t’i Miriame nte-Magdalà naho i Marie raikey.
But in the euentid of the sabat, that bigynneth to schyne in the firste dai of the woke, Marie Mawdelene cam, and another Marie, to se the sepulcre.
2 Nanginikinike amy zao ty tane amy te nivo­trake an-donake eo boak’ andindìñe ao ty anjeli’ Iehovà namarimbariñe i vatoy vaho nijohañe eo.
And lo! ther was maad a greet ertheschakyng; for the aungel of the Lord cam doun fro heuene, and neiyede, and turnede awei the stoon, and sat theron.
3 Hoe helatse ty vinta’e, naho foty hoe volovaso o saro’eo.
And his lokyng was as leit, and hise clothis as snowe;
4 Nampihondrahondrae’e añ’anifañe o mpiga­ritseo, le nijohañe ey hoe lolo.
and for drede of hym the keperis weren afeerd, and thei weren maad as deede men.
5 Hoe i anjeliy tamy roakemba rey, Ko hembañe, apotako te mipay Iesoà naradoradoy nahareo.
But the aungel answeride, and seide to the wymmen, Nyle ye drede, for Y woot that ye seken Jhesu, that was crucified;
6 Tsy atoan-dre, fa veloñe ty amy tsara’ey. Mb’etoa arè hañisake i nandrea’ey,
he is not here, for he is risun, as he seide; come ye, and se ye the place, where the Lord was leid.
7 le akia aniany, misaontsia amo mpiama’eo t’ie nitroatse amy havilasiy, vaho hiaoloa’e mb’e Galilia mb’eo, vaho ho vazoho’ areo añe ty amy nitsara’ey.
And go ye soone, and seie ye to his disciplis, that he is risun. And lo! he schal go bifore you in to Galilee; there ye schulen se hym.
8 Niakatse i lonakey am-pirevendreveñañe ty amy anjely niisakey i rakemba rey, f’ie nivaranehake ty amy Talè nivañom-beloñey, le nilay hitalily amo mpiama’eo.
Lo! Y haue biforseid to you. And thei wenten out soone fro the biriels, with drede and greet ioye, rennynge to telle to hise disciplis.
9 Tojo t’ie nañavelo le nifanampe am’ iereo t’i Iesoà nañontane ty hoe: Ho haha’ i Tahinañey abey. Niharinea’ iareo, le nibokobokoke te niambane ama’e.
And lo! Jhesus mette hem, and seide, Heile ye. And thei neiyeden, and heelden his feet, and worschipiden him.
10 Le hoe t’i Iesoà tam’ iereo: Ko hembañe; talilio o roahalahi­koo ty hienga mb’e Galilia mb’eo, vaho añe t’ie hahaisak’ ahy.
Thanne Jhesus seide to hem, Nyle ye drede; go ye, `telle ye to my britheren, that thei go in to Galile; there thei schulen se me.
11 Ie nañavelo, nimoake an-drova ao ty mpigaritse ila’e nitalily amo mpisorom-beio i hene nizò rezay.
And whanne thei weren goon, lo! summe of the keperis camen in to the citee, and telden to the princis of prestis alle thingis that weren doon.
12 Nifanontoñe hisafiry amo androanavi’ ondatio iereo, naho anolorañe drala maro o lahin­defoñeo
And whanne thei weren gaderid togidere with the elder men, and hadden take her counseil, thei yauen to the kniytis miche monei, and seiden, Seie ye,
13 ie nanoañe ty hoe: Mitalilia ty hoe: Niavy haleñe o mpiama’eo nampikamets’ aze, zahay niroro.
that hise disciplis camen bi nyyt, and han stolen hym, while ye slepten.
14 Aa hera t’ie hipok’ an-dravembia’ i Pilato, le ho rekete’ay, tsy hañembetse anahareo.
And if this be herd of the iustice, we schulen counseile hym, and make you sikir.
15 Rinambe’ iereo i volay vaho nanao i namantohañe iareoy, ie i entañe mikafitse amo Tehodao pake henaney.
And whanne the monei was takun, thei diden, as thei weren tauyt. And this word is pupplischid among the Jewis, til in to this day.
16 Añe izay, ie fa avy e Galilia añe i mpiama’e folo raik’ amby rey, le nisodehañe am’ iereo amy vohitse nihalalie’ iareoy.
And the enleuen disciplis wenten in to Galilee, in to an hille, where Jhesus hadde ordeyned to hem.
17 Ie nahaisak’ aze le niam­bane ama’e, f’ie teo ty nifejofejo.
And thei sayn hym, and worschipiden; but summe of hem doutiden.
18 Niharinea’ Iesoà le nanoa’e ty hoe: Fa hene natolotse ahy ze lily andin­dìñe ao naho an-tane atoy. I nañirahan-dRae ahiy ty añirahako anahareo.
And Jhesus cam nyy, and spak to hem, and seide, Al power in heuene and in erthe is youun to me.
19 Akia, anò mpañoke ze kilakila ondaty,
Therfor go ye, and teche alle folkis, baptisynge hem in the name of the Fadir, and of the Sone, and of the Hooli Goost;
20 le anaro iareo ty hañeneke nainai’e ze fonga raha nandiliako anahareo, vaho mahaoniña, te ama’areo nainai’e iraho ampara’ ty figadoña’ ty sa. Amena (aiōn g165)
techynge hem to kepe alle thingis, what euer thingis Y haue comaundid to you; and lo! Y am with you in alle daies, in to the ende of the world. (aiōn g165)

< Matio 28 >