< 2 Petera 3 >

1 O rañetse, intoy ty taratasiko faharoe nisokirako hampitsekake an-tiahy ty fitsakorean’ arofo’ areo ki’e,
Lo! ye moost dereworth britheren, Y write to you this secounde epistle, in which Y stire youre clere soule bi monesting togidere,
2 haniahy i saontsy nampisaontsieñe o mpitoky miavakeo taoloy naho i nandilia’ i Talè, toe Mpandrombakey, añamo Firàhe’ areooy.
that ye be myndeful of tho wordis, that Y biforseide of the hooli prophetis, and of the maundementis of the hooli apostlis of the Lord and sauyour.
3 Maharendreha hey te hivotrake eo amo andro honka’eo o mpanivetiveo hanive­tive, hañorike ty drao-rati’e;
First wite ye this thing, that in the laste daies disseyueris schulen come in disseit, goynge aftir her owne coueityngis,
4 hanao ty hoe: Aia ze o fampitamañe i fitotsaha’e zao? fa sikal’ ami’ty nirotan-droae’ay le kila mitoloñe ami’ty fanoe’e hirik’ami’ty fifotora’ ty voatse toy.
seiynge, Where is the biheest, or the comyng of hym? for sithen the fadris dieden, alle thingis lasten fro the bigynnyng of creature.
5 Ie ifahara’e, le amoea’e te nampiboak’ o likerañeo haehae i tsaran’ Añaharey, naho boak’ an-drano vaho añivo rano ty nañoreñañe ty tane toy;
But it is hid fro hem willynge this thing, that heuenes were bifore, and the erthe of water was stondynge bi watir, of Goddis word;
6 ie ty nandrotsahañe ty tane toy tañ’ andro izay, ie niepoepoen-drano.
bi which that ilke world clensid, thanne bi watir perischide.
7 Le ty amy tsaray, mihaja ho ami’ty afo o likerañeo naho ty tane toy henaneo, ho amy androm-pizakañe naho fandrotsahañe ondaty lo-tserekeoy.
But the heuenes that now ben, and the erthe, ben kept bi the same word, and ben reseruyd to fier in to the dai of doom and perdicioun of wickid men.
8 O rañetse, ko amoea’ areo itoy, te hoe arivo taoñe ty andro raike amy Talè, le hoe andro raike ty arivo taoñe.
But, ye moost dere, this o thing be not hid to you, that o dai anentis God is as a thousynde yeeris, and a thousynde yeeris ben as o dai.
9 Tsy malaoñe amy nampitamae’ey t’i Talè, ami’ty fanoe’ ty ila’e ty hoe malaoñe; f’ie mahaliñe an-tika, tsy satri’e te ndra iaia ty ho momoke, fa te songa hisoloho.
The Lord tarieth not his biheest, as summe gessen, but he doith pacientli for you, and wole not that ony men perische, but that alle turne ayen to penaunce.
10 Ho tondroke hoe mpikizo an-kaleñe ty andro’ i Talè, ie hihelañe añe o likerañeo am-pitraontraoñañe, le kila ho tomontoe’ ty hamae vaho ho forototoe’ ty afo ty tane toy naho o fitoloña’eo.
For the dai of the Lord schal come as a theef, in which heuenes with greet bire schulen passe, and elementis schulen be dissoluyd bi heete, and the erthe, and alle the werkis that ben in it, schulen be brent.
11 Aa kanao hene hiteno, h’ondaty manao akore v’inahareo am-pañaveloañe miavake vaho am-pañambenañe Hake?
Therfor whanne alle these thingis schulen be dissolued, what manner men bihoueth it you to be in hooli lyuyngis and pitees,
12 ie mitamà naho manaentàeñe i andron’ Añaharey, ama’e ty hamorototoe’ ty afo o likerañeo, vaho fonga hitranak’ ami’ty hamae’e.
abidinge and hiyynge in to the comyng of the dai of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, bi whom heuenes brennynge schulen be dissoluyd, and elementis schulen faile bi brennyng of fier.
13 Fe ty amy nampitama’ey, le misalala likeram-bao naho tane vao imoneñan-kavantañañe tika.
Also we abiden bi hise biheestis newe heuenes and newe erthe, in which riytwisnesse dwellith.
14 Ie amy zao ry rañetse, kanao liñisañe, imaneo ty hahavazohoa’e anahareo an-kazavan-troke tsy aman-kandra tsy aman-kakeo.
For which thing, ye moost dere, abidynge these thingis, be ye bisye to be foundun to hym in pees vnspottid and vndefoulid.
15 Itsakoreo te fandrombahañe ty fahaliñisa’ i Talèntikañey, hambañe amy nisokira’ i Paoly rahalahin-tika sarotsey amy hihitse natolots’ azey;
And deme ye long abiding of oure Lord Jhesu Crist youre heelthe, as also oure moost dere brother Poul wroot to you, bi wisdom youun to hym.
16 ie mitaroñe i entañe zay amo hene taratasi’eo. Toe ao ty tsy mora rendreke ie vandibandire’ o bàdo naho mañali-foo, hambañe ami’ty fanoa’ iareo o sokitse masiñe ila’eo, himomoha’ iareo.
As and in alle epistlis he spekith `in hem of these thingis; in which ben summe hard thingis to vndurstonde, whiche vnwise and vnstable men deprauen, as also thei don othere scripturis, to her owne perdicioun.
17 Aa kanao fohi’ areo aolo ry rañetse, le mitaoa tsy hikapotrake ty figahiña’areo, hampandridrihe’e ty fandilara’ o tsereheñeo,
Therfor ye, britheren, bifor witynge kepe you silf, lest ye be disseyued bi errour of vnwise men, and falle awei fro youre owne sadnesse.
18 F’ie mitomboa ami’ty hasoa naho ami’ty faharendrehañe i Talèntika Iesoà Mpandrombake Norizañey. Ama’e ty engeñe henaneo naho pak’ an-tsa tsy modo! Amena. (aiōn g165)
But wexe ye in the grace and the knowyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist and oure Sauyour; to hym be glorie now and in to the dai of euerlastyngnesse. Amen. (aiōn g165)

< 2 Petera 3 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water