< 2 Korintiana 4 >

1 Aa kanao anay o fitoroñañe zao, ie niferenaiñañe, le tsy mamoe’ay.
Therfor we that han this admynystracioun, aftir this that we han getun merci,
2 Toe rarà’ay ze sata naetake ty amy hasalara’ey; tsy mipiapia am-pamañahiañe vaho tsy mengohe’ay o tsaran’ Añahareo, fe am-palangesañe ty hatò ro anolora’ay vatañe mb’am-pitsakorea’ ze hene ondaty am-pivazohoan’ Añahare.
faile we not, but do we awei the preue thingis of schame, not walkinge in sutil gile, nether doynge auoutrye bi the word of God, but in schewynge of the treuthe comendynge vs silf to ech conscience of men bifor God.
3 Aa naho toe mikolopoke ty talili-soa’ay, le mikolopoke amo mikoromakeo,
For if also oure gospel is kyuerid, in these that perischen it is kyuerid;
4 fa nampigoa’ ty ndrañaharen-tsa toy ty fivetsevetse’ o tsi-miantokeo, tsy hahaisake ty fireandrea’ ty talili-soan’ enge’ i Norizañey, i vintan’ Añaharey. (aiōn g165)
in which God hath blent the soulis of vnfeithful men of this world, that the liytnyng of the gospel of the glorie of Crist, which is the ymage of God, schyne not. (aiōn g165)
5 Tsy ty vata’ay ro taroñe’ay, fa Iesoà Norizañey ho Talè, le zahay ro fetrek’oro’ areo ty am’ Iesoà.
But we prechen not vs silf, but oure Lord Jhesu Crist; and vs youre seruauntis bi Jhesu.
6 I Andrianañahare nanao ty hoe: Hipasasàke amo ieñeo ty zava ro mampireandreañe añ’arofo’ay ao i hazavam-paharendrehañe ty engen’ Añahare mitapasàke an-dahara’ Iesoà Norizañey.
For God, that seide liyt to schyne of derknessis, he hath youe liyt in oure hertis, to the liytnyng of the science of the clerenesse of God, in the face of Jhesu Crist.
7 Ie ty vara’ay mihaja an-tsajoa-tane ao, hampidodea te boak’ aman’ Añahare ty hara’elahi’ i haozarañey fa tsy hirik’ ama’ay.
And we han this tresour in britil vessels, that the worthinesse be of Goddis vertu, and not of vs.
8 Mañari­katoke anay ty famorekekeañe, fe tsy demoke; malovilovy, fe tsy mamoe aiñe,
In alle thingis we suffren tribulacioun, but we ben not angwischid, or annoyed; we ben maad pore, but `we lacken nothing; we suffren persecucioun,
9 samporeraheñe fa tsy naforintse­ñe; zinevo, fa tsy rotsake—
but we ben not forsakun; we ben maad lowe, but we ben not confoundid; we ben cast doun, but we perischen not.
10 nainai’e endese’ay am-batañe ty havilasi’ Iesoà, soa te halange an-tsandri’ay ka ty havelo’ Iesoà.
And euere more we beren aboute the sleyng of Jhesu in oure bodi, that also the lijf of Jhesu be schewid in oure bodies.
11 Le nai­nai’e seseheñe havetrake ty amy Iesoà zahay veloñeo, soa te hiboak’ an-tsandri’ay mora mihomakeo ka ty havelo’ Iesoà.
For euere more we that lyuen, ben takun in to deth for Jhesu, that the lijf of Jhesu be schewid in oure deedli fleisch.
12 Aa le mitromake ama’ay ao ty fihomahañe, le ama’areo ty haveloñe.
Therfor deth worchith in vs, but lijf worchith in you.
13 Manahake ty nisokirañe ty hoe: Niantoke iraho, vaho nivolañe, Toe miato ka zahay nampatokisa’ i Arofoy vaho mitaroñe,
And we han the same spirit of feith, as it is writun, Y haue bileuyd, Y haue spoke; and we bileuen, wherfor also we speken;
14 fohiñe te i Nampitroatse i Talè Iesoày ro hampitroatse anay miharo amy Iesoà ka, vaho hampiatrefe’e mitraoke ama’ areo zahay.
witynge that he that reiside Jhesu, schal reise also vs with Jhesu, and schal ordeyne with you.
15 Inahareo ty nanoañe i he’e rezay, soa t’ie fa niboele ami’ty maro ty hasoa le handopatse ho ami’ty engen’ Añahare ty fañandriañañe.
And alle thingis for you, that a plenteuouse grace bi many thankyngis be plenteuouse in to the glorie of God.
16 Aa le tsy milesa zahay, fa ndra te mihamomoke ty sandri’ay alafe’e, mihavao boak’ andro ty an-tro’ay ao.
For which thing we failen not, for thouy oure vtter man be corruptid; netheles the ynner man is renewid fro dai to dai.
17 Le i hasotriañe maivañe tsy maremaretse toiy ro mamokatse engeñe tsy ri’e mavesatse tsy amañ’ohatse. (aiōnios g166)
But that liyt thing of oure tribulacioun that lastith now, but as it were by a moment, worchith in vs ouer mesure an euerlastynge birthin in to the heiynesse of glorie; (aiōnios g166)
18 Le tsy o isam-pihainoo ty biribirie’ay fa o tsy isakeo, amy te mihelañe o raha isakeo, fe tsy ho modo nainai’e o tsy isam-pihainoo. (aiōnios g166)
while that we biholden not tho thingis that ben seyn, but tho that ben not seyn. For tho thingis that ben seyn, ben but durynge for a schort tyme; but tho thingis that ben not seyn, ben euerlastynge. (aiōnios g166)

< 2 Korintiana 4 >