< 1 Korintiana 15 >

1 Te hampandrendreke anahareo henaneo, ry longo, i talili-soa nitaroñakoy, i rinambe areoy naho ijohaña’ areoy;
`Sotheli, britheren, Y make the gospel knowun to you, which Y haue prechid to you, the which also ye han takun, in which ye stonden,
2 i entañe nitaroñakoy le maharombake te vontitireñe, tsy mone tsy vente’e i natokisa’ areoy.
also bi which ye schulen be sauyd; `bi which resoun Y haue prechid to you, if ye holden, `if ye han not bileuyd ideli.
3 Fa nitaroñeko ama’ areo ty lohà’ i rinambekoy, te nivilasy ho a’ o hakeon-tikañeo i Norizañey ty amo Sokitse Masiñeo,
For Y bitook to you at the bigynnyng that thing which also Y haue resseyued; that Crist was deed for oure synnes, bi the scripturis;
4 le nalenteke vaho natroatse amy andro faha-teloy ty amo Sokitse Masiñeo,
and that he was biried, and that he roos ayen in the thridde dai, after scripturis;
5 le nisodehañe amy Kefasy vaho amy folo-ro’amby rey.
and that he was seyn to Cephas, and aftir these thingis to enleuene;
6 Ie añe, le niboak’ aman-drolongo mandikoatse ty liman-jato; mbe veloñe ty hamaroa’e henaneo, fe miròtse ka ty ila’e.
aftirward he was seyn to mo than fyue hundrid britheren togidere, of whiche manye lyuen yit, but summe ben deed; aftirward he was seyn to James,
7 Le nipoteake am’ Iakobe re naho amo Firàheñe iabio,
and aftirward to alle the apostlis.
8 fara’e nisodehañe amako, izaho hoe ajaja tsy añom-bolañe;
And last of alle he was seyn also to me, as to a deed borun child.
9 toe tsitso’ o Firàheñe iabio vaho tsy mañeva hatao Firàheñe, amy te nisamporeraheko i Fivorin’ Añaharey.
For Y am the leste of apostlis, that am not worthi to be clepid apostle, for Y pursuede the chirche of God.
10 Fe i fatarihan’ Añaharey ty maha zao ahy; naho tsy nizoeñe ho kòake i falalà’e amakoy, fa nitromake mandikoatse iereo iaby; toe tsy izaho, fa ty hasoan’ Añahare amako.
But bi the grace of God Y am that thing that Y am; and his grace was not voide in me. For Y trauelide more plenteuously than alle thei; but not Y, but the grace of God with me.
11 Aa ke izaho he iereo, nitaroñe zahay vaho niantoke nahareo.
But whether Y, or thei, so we han prechid, and so ye han bileuyd.
12 Aa naho tseizeñe te nitroatse amy havilasiy i Norizañey, akore te manao ty hoe ty ila’e ama’ areo, te, Tsy eo ze o fivañona’ o vilasio zao?
And if Crist is prechid, that he roos ayen fro deeth, hou seien summen among you, that the ayenrisyng of deed men is not?
13 Fe naho tsy ampitroareñe o havilasio, le tsy nitroatse ka i Norizañey.
And if the ayenrisyng of deed men is not, nethir Crist roos ayen fro deeth.
14 Aa naho tsy natroatse i Norizañey, le tsy jefa’e o fitaroña’aio vaho kòake ty fatokisa’ areo,
And if Crist roos not, oure preching is veyn, oure feith is veyn.
15 mbore zoeñe t’ie valolombelom-bande aman’ Añahare, amy te nitaroñe’ay ty aman’ Añahare te natroa’e i Norizañey, fe inao tsy natroa’e—ze ho nito naho tsy mivañom-beloñe o vilasio.
And we ben foundun false witnessis of God, for we han seid witnessyng ayens God, that he reiside Crist, whom he reiside not, if deed men risen not ayen.
16 Aa naho tsy mitroatse o fañòvao, le tsy natroatse ka i Norizañey.
Forwhi if deed men risen not ayen, nether Crist roos ayen;
17 Aa naho tsy natroatse i Norizañey le tsi-vara ty fatokisa’ areo, fa mbe amo hakeo’ areoo
and if Crist roos not ayen, oure feith is veyn; and yit ye ben in youre synnes.
18 vaho fa momoke ka o miròtse amy Norizañeio.
And thanne thei that han diede in Crist, han perischid.
19 Aa naho ty haveloñe toy avao ty itamantika i Norizañey, le amy ze hene ondaty itika ro lombolombo’ ty mahaferenay.
If in this life oneli we ben hoping in Crist, we ben more wretchis than alle men.
20 Fe toe natroatse amy havilasiy i Norizañey, i loha-voa’ o mirotseoy.
But now Crist roos ayen fro deth, the firste fruit of deed men;
21 Aa kanao añama’ t’indaty o havilasio, le añama’ t’indaty ka ty fivañona’ o vilasio.
for deeth was bi a man, and bi a man is ayenrisyng fro deth.
22 Fa hambañe amy te kila vilasy amy Dame ao, te hene ho velomeñe amy Norizañey,
And as in Adam alle men dien, so in Crist alle men schulen be quykenyd.
23 f’ie songa ami’ty filaha’e: i Norizañey ro sese-lengo’e, mandimbe aze o amy Norizañeio amy fitotsaha’ey,
But ech man in his ordre; the firste fruit, Crist, afterward thei that ben of Crist, that bileueden in the comyng of Crist;
24 vaho ho tondroke i figadoñañey, ie atolo’e aman’ Añahare Rae i fifeheañey, naho fa rinotsa’e ze fonga fandili­añe naho fifelehañe vaho faozarañe.
aftirward an ende, whanne he schal bitake the kyngdom to God and to the fadir, whanne he schal auoide al princehod, and power, and vertu.
25 Amy te tsy mahay tsy hifehe ampara’ te fonga napoke ambane’ o fandia’eo o rafelahi’eo.
But it bihoueth hym to regne, til he putte alle hise enemyes vndur hise feet.
26 I havilasiy ro rafelahy sehanga’e ho rotsaheñe.
And at the laste, deth the enemye schal be distried; for he hath maad suget alle thingis vndur hise feet.
27 Ie kila nampi­ambanè’e am-pandia’e ao. Aa ie manao ty hoe: kila nampiambanè’e am-pandia’e ao, le malange te tsy añate’e i nampidoñe ze he’e ambane’ey.
And whanne he seith, alle thingis ben suget to hym, with outen doubt outakun hym that sugetide alle thingis to hym.
28 Ie kila nampiambanèñe ama’e, le i Anakey ro hiandaly amy Nampiambane ze he’e ama’ey, soa te ho andindimone’ ze halifora’e t’i Andrianañahare.
And whanne alle thingis ben suget to hym, thanne the sone hym silf schal be suget to hym, that made `alle thingis suget to hym, that God be alle thingis in alle thingis.
29 Aa naho tsy izay, ino ty hanoe’ o nilipotse ty amo nivilasio? Naho tsy mitroatse ka o nivilasio, ino ty ilipora’ iareo?
Ellis what schulen thei do, that ben baptisid for deed men, if in no wise deed men risen ayen? wherto ben thei baptisid for hem?
30 Akore ka ty fiatrefa’ay feh’ ohatse lomoñandro?
And wherto ben we in perel euery our?
31 Eka, ry longo, ventèko amy fisengeako amy Talèntika Iesoà Norizañeiy, t’ie mikenkañe boak’ andro.
Ech dai Y die for youre glorie, britheren, which glorie Y haue in Crist Jhesu oure Lord.
32 Aa naho fisalala’ ondaty ty nifandrakaraheko o biby hako e Efesosy añeo le ino ty nitombo’e amako? Naho tsy mivañoñe o vilasio, te mone: Antao hikama naho hinoñe, fa hikoromake te hamaray.
If aftir man Y haue fouyten to beestis at Efesi, what profitith it to me, if deed men risen not ayen? Ete we, and drynke we, for we schulen die to morewe.
33 Asoao tsy ho fañahieñe: Toe mañamavo havañonañe ty fiosoñan-draty.
Nyle ye be disseyued; for yuel spechis distrien good thewis.
34 Mihendrea ami’ty fañeva’e, le ko mandilatse; fa eo ty tsy mahafohiñe an’Andrianañahare. Hanalatse anahareo ty nanoako izay.
Awake ye, iuste men, and nyle ye do synne; for summen han ignoraunce of God, but to reuerence Y speke to you.
35 He eo ty hanao ty hoe: Akore ty hahafitroara’ o loloo? naho an-tsandry inoñe ty hivotraha’ iareo?
But summan seith, Hou schulen deed men rise ayen, or in what maner bodi schulen thei come?
36 Ty minè! Tsy ho veloñe i tongise’oy naho tsy mate heike.
Vnwise man, that thing that thou sowist, is not quykened, but it die first;
37 Le ihe mitongy, tsy i ho vente’ey i tongise’oy, fa ty tabiry—he ampemba, ke ty ila’e.
and that thing that thou sowist, `thou sowist not the bodi that is to come, but a nakid corn, as of whete, or of summe othere seedis;
38 Fe i Andrianañahare ty manolotse vatañe ama’e, ze safiri’e, naho amy ze tabiry t’y ho vata’e.
and God yyueth to it a bodi, as he wole, and to ech of seedis a propir bodi.
39 Toe tsy hene hambañe ze atao nofotse; raike ty a ondatio, naho nofotse hafa ty a o bibi-hakoo, naho nofotse ila’e ty a o voroñeo vaho hafa ty a o fiañeo.
Not ech fleisch is the same fleisch, but oon is of men, another is of beestis, another is of briddis, an othere of fischis.
40 Ao ka o sandrin-dike­rañeo naho o sandri’ ty tane toio; raike ty engen-dikerañe vaho hafa ty enge’ o an-tane atoio.
And `heuenli bodies ben, and `ertheli bodies ben; but oon glorie is of heuenely bodies, and anothir is of ertheli.
41 Raike ty enge’ i àndroy le hafa ty enge’ i volañey naho hafa ty enge’ o vasiañeo vaho mifañambake ty enge’ ty vasiañe ami’ty vasiañe.
An othere clerenesse is of the sunne, anothere clerenesse is of the moone, and anothere clerenesse is of sterris; and a sterre dyuersith fro a sterre in clerenesse.
42 Izay ka ty fivañona’ o vilasio. Ie tinongy ho an-kamomohañe, fe hitroatse tsy ho an-kamomohañe,
And so the ayenrisyng of deed men. It is sowun in corrupcioun, it schal rise in vncorrupcioun;
43 tinongy ho an-kamavoañe f’ie hatroatse ho aman’ engeñe; tinongy ho an-kaifoifoañe fe hatroatse ho aman-kao­zarañe,
it is sowun in vnnoblei, it schal rise in glorie; it is sowun in infirmyte, it schal rise in vertu;
44 tinongy ho aman-tsan­dri’ ty tane toy f’ie hatroatse ho amam-pañòvan’ arofo. Kanao eo ty sandri’ ty tane toy, ao ka ty añ’ arofo.
it is sowun a beestly bodi, it schal rise a spiritual bodi. If ther is a beestli bodi, ther is also a spiritual bodi;
45 Hoe ka ty pinatetse: Nanoeñe arofo veloñe t’i Dame, indaty valoha’ey; Arofo mpameloñe ka t’i Dame tsitso’e.
as it is writun, The firste man Adam was maad in to a soule lyuynge, the laste Adam in to a spirit quykenynge.
46 Fe tsy i añ’ arofoy ty nivaloha’e, fa i an-taney vaho izay i añ’ arofoy.
But the firste is not that that is spiritual, but that that is beestlich, aftirward that that is spiritual.
47 Boak’ an-tane ao indaty valoha’ey vaho boak’ andindìñe ao indaty faharoey.
The firste man of erthe is ertheli; the secounde man of heuene is heuenelich.
48 Manahake i tan-taney o an-taneo vaho hambañe amy an-dike­rañey o andindìñeo.
Such as the ertheli man is, such ben the ertheli men; and such as the heueneli man is, suche ben also the heueneli men.
49 Le hanahake ty fisikinan-tika ty vinta’ i debokeiy, ty hisikinan-tika i vintan-dikerañey.
Therfor as we han bore the ymage of the ertheli man, bere we also the ymage of the heuenli.
50 Le hoe iraho, ry longo, tsy mahalova i Fifehean’ Añaharey ty nofotse naho lio vaho tsy mandova ty tsi-fihomahañe ty fihomahañe.
Britheren, Y seie this thing, that fleisch and bloud moun not welde the kyngdom of God, nethir corrupcioun schal welde vncorrupcioun.
51 Ingo itaroñako razan-drehake: Tsy songa hiròtse tikañe, fa sindre hiova,
Lo! Y seie to you priuyte of hooli thingis. And alle we schulen rise ayen, but not alle we schulen be chaungid;
52 ami’ty manao zao, ami’ty tsy mahamaiñ’ive, amy feon’ antsiva honka’ey. Hipopò i antsivay naho hatroatse tsy ho momoke ka o loloo vaho hiova tikañe.
in a moment, in the twynklyng of an iye, in the laste trumpe; for the trumpe schal sowne, and deed men schulen rise ayen, with oute corrupcioun, and we schulen be chaungid.
53 Fa tsy mahay tsy hisikiñe i tsy mihomakey i mihomakey vaho hisikiñe o tsy fikoromahañeo o mete mikoromakeo.
For it byhoueth this corruptible thing to clothe vncorrupcioun, and this deedli thing to putte awei vndeedlinesse.
54 Aa ie misikiñe ty tsy mete momoke i mihomakey naho misikiñe o tsi-fikoromahañeo ty mikoromake le ho tendreke i tsaraeñe ty hoe: Nagodra’ ty harebahañe ty havilasy.
But whanne this deedli thing schal clothe vndeedlynesse, thanne schal the word be doon, that is writun, Deth is sopun vp in victorie.
55 O Havilasio, aia ty fandrebaha’o? O Tsikeokeokeo, aia ty finipoha’o? (Hadēs g86)
Deth, where is thi victorie? Deth, where is thi pricke? (Hadēs g86)
56 Hakeo ro finipoha’ o havi­lasio vaho i Hake ro haozara’ o tahiñeo.
But the pricke of deth is synne; and the vertu of synne is the lawe.
57 Fe andriañeñe t’i Andrianañahare Mpanolotse antika i fandrebahañey añamy Talèntika Iesoà Norizañey.
But do we thankyngis to God, that yaf to vs victorie bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
58 Ie amy zao, ry longo sarotse, migahiña, mijadoña; mahimbaña nainai’e amo fitoloña’ i Talèo, fohiñe te tsy kafoake ty fitromahañe amy Talè.
Therfore, my dereworthe britheren, be ye stidefast, and vnmouable, beynge plenteuouse in werk of the Lord, euere more witynge that youre trauel is not idel in the Lord.

< 1 Korintiana 15 >