< Raudu Dziesmas 4 >

1 Kā zeltam spožums zudis un šķīstam zeltam jaukums, svētās vietas akmeņi izkaisīti visos ielu stūros!
How gold has tarnished! Even pure gold has lost its shine! Jewels from the Temple have been scattered on every street corner.
2 Ciānas dārgie bērni, kas bija līdzīgi šķīstam zeltam, kā tie nu top turēti par māla traukiem, par podnieka rokas darbu!
Look at how the precious people of Zion, worth their weight in gold, are now valued like cheap clay jars made by a potter!
3 Pat zvēri dod krūti un zīdina savus bērnus; bet manas tautas meita palikusi nežēlīga, tā kā strausi tuksnesī.
Even jackals nurse their young at their breasts, but the women of my people have become cruel, like an ostrich in the desert.
4 Zidama bērna mēle līp pie zoda no tvīkšanas, bērniņi prasa maizes, bet neviena nav, kas tiem to lauž.
The nursing babies are so thirsty that their tongues stick to the roof of their mouths. Little children beg for food, but nobody gives them anything.
5 Kas gardumus ēda, nu pamirst pa ielām; kas purpurā uzaudzināti, tie nu apkampj mēslus.
Those who used to eat gourmet food now die starving in the streets. Those who dressed in fine clothes from their childhood now live in heaps of rubbish.
6 Un manas tautas meitas noziegums ir lielāks, nekā Sodomas grēki, kas piepeši tapa apgāzta, nevienam nepieliekot rokas.
Jerusalem's punishment is worse than sinful Sodom's, which was destroyed in a brief moment, without the help of human hands.
7 Viņas lielkungi bija spožāki nekā sniegs un baltāki nekā piens, viņu ģīmis bija sārtāks nekā krelles, tie bija skaisti kā safīrs.
Her leaders were purer than snow, whiter than milk; their bodies were a healthier red than coral, and they shone like lapis lazuli.
8 Bet nu viņu ģīmis tumšāks nekā melnums, ka tos nepazīst uz ielām; un viņu āda līp pie viņu kauliem, - tā ir izkaltusi kā malka.
But now they look blacker than soot; no one recognizes them in the street. Their skin has shrunk to their bones and is as dry as wood.
9 Zobena nokautie ir jo laimīgi nekā bada nokautie, jo šie pamirst kā nodurti, tādēļ ka nav zemes augļu.
Those killed by the sword are better off than those who die of hunger, who slowly waste away in agony because the fields produce no crops.
10 Žēlīgu sievu rokas vārījušas savus bērnus, tie viņām bijuši par barību manas tautas meitas postā.
The hands of loving women have cooked their own children to eat during the destruction of Jerusalem.
11 Tas Kungs izdarījis Savu bardzību, Viņš izgāzis Savas dusmības karstumu un Ciānā iededzinājis uguni, kas aprijis viņas pamatus.
The Lord has given full expression to his anger. He has poured out his fury. He has started a fire in Zion, and it has burned down her very foundations.
12 To nebija ticējuši zemes ķēniņi, nedz kāds no pasaules iedzīvotājiem, ka pretinieki un ienaidnieki ieies pa Jeruzālemes vārtiem.
No king on earth—in fact nobody in all the world—thought that an enemy or attacker could enter the gates of Jerusalem.
13 Bet tas noticis viņas praviešu grēku dēļ, viņas priesteru noziegumu dēļ, tie viņas vidū izlējuši taisno asinis.
But this happened because of the sins of her prophets and the wickedness of her priests, who shed the blood of the innocent right there in the city.
14 Tie skraidīja šurp un turp kā akli pa ielām, sagānīti asinīm, tā ka nevarēja aizskart viņu drēbes.
They wandered like blind men through the streets, made unclean by this blood, so no one would touch their clothes.
15 Un tiem sauca: atkāpjaties, jūs nešķīstie, atkāpjaties, atkāpjaties, neaizskariet nekā! Kad tie nu skrēja, maldījās, tad starp pagāniem sacīja: tiem vairs ilgāki nebūs mist.
“Go away! You're unclean!” people would shout at them, “Go away, go away! Don't touch us!” So they ran away and wandered from country to country, but the people there told them, “You can't stay here!”
16 Tā Kunga dusmība tos izkaisījusi, Viņš tos vairs neuzlūkos; tie priesterus nav cienījuši un vecus nav žēlojuši.
The Lord himself has scattered them; he doesn't bother with them anymore. Nobody respects the priests, and nobody admires the leaders.
17 Mūsu acis vēl īgst, skatīdamās pēc mūsu palīga, kas veltīgs, mēs gaidīt gaidām uz tautu, kas nevar izglābt.
We wore out our eyes pointlessly looking for help the whole time; we watched from our towers for a nation to come that couldn't save us.
18 Tie mūsu pēdas dzinuši, ka nevarējām staigāt pa savām ielām; mūsu gals ir tuvu, mūsu dienas ir pagalam, jo mūsu gals atnācis.
The enemy tracked our every movement so we couldn't walk through our streets. Our end approached. Our time was up because our end had come.
19 Mūsu dzinēji bijuši čaklāki nekā ērgļi apakš debess, tie mūs vajājuši pa kalniem, tuksnesī tie mums likuši valgus.
Our pursuers were faster than eagles in the sky. They chased us across the mountains and ambushed us in the desert.
20 Tā Kunga svaidītais, uz ko mūsu dzīvība stāvēja, ir gūstīts viņu bedrē, par ko sacījām: apakš viņa ēnas dzīvosim starp pagāniem.
The king, the Lord's anointed, our country's “life-breath,” was trapped and captured by them. We had said about him, “Under his protection we will live among the nations.”
21 Priecājies un līksmojies, Edoma meita, Uc zemes iedzīvotāja! Tomēr tas biķeris nāks pie tevis arīdzan, tu piedzersies un tapsi kaunā.
Celebrate and be happy while you can, people of Edom, you who live in the land of Uz, because this cup will be passed to you too. You will get drunk and strip yourself naked.
22 Tavs noziegums ir deldēts, Ciānas meita, Viņš tevi vairs neliks aizvest. Bet tavu noziegumu, Edoma meita, Viņš piemeklēs, tavus grēkus Viņš atklās.
People of Zion, your punishment is coming to an end—he won't continue your exile for long. But he is going to punish your sins, people of Edom; he will reveal your sins.

< Raudu Dziesmas 4 >