< James 5 >

1 Ac inge, kowos mwet kasrup, porongeyu! Kowos in tung ac mwemelil ke mwe ongoiya su ac tuku nu fowos!
Go to now, you rich men! Weep aloud, howl for the miseries which are about to come upon you!
2 Mwe kasrup lowos kulamla, ac nuknuk lowos mongola ke watil.
For your riches lie rotting, and your clothing has become moth-eaten.
3 Gold ac silver lowos nukla ke ras, ac ras se inge ac fah sie mwe loh lain kowos, su ac fah kangla ikowos oana e uh. Kowos elosak mwe kasrup in len safla inge.
Your gold and silver are rusted. and their rust will be for a testimony against you, and it will eat your flesh. For you have been storing up fire in these last days!
4 Kowos tia moleang molin orekma lun mwet orekma inima lowos ah. Porongo torkaskas lalos! Pusren tung lun mwet su sifeni fokin ima lowos sun insren God, Leum Kulana.
Look! the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you have been keeping back by fraud, are crying aloud! And the cries of the reapers have entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth!
5 Moul lowos fin faclu sessesla ke mwe kasrup lulap ac mwe engan. Kowos sifacna akfatye kowos nu ke len in anwuki.
You have lived luxuriously on earth, you have taken your pleasure, you have fattened your hearts for a day of slaughter.
6 Kowos lusla ac uniya mwet wangin mwata, ac elos tiana lain kowos.
You have condemned, you have murdered the righteous man unresisting!
7 Ke ma inge, mwet lulalfongi wiuk, kowos in mongfisrasr nwe ke pacl Leum el ac tuku. Liye luman mongfisrasr lun sie mwet ima ke el soano na ima lal in fokkakin fahko wowo kac. El mongfisrasr na in soano af in taknelik ac af in kosrani.
Be patient, then, brothers, till the coming of the Lord. Behold the farmer who waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it, until it gets the early and the latter rains.
8 Kowos enenu in wi pac mongfisrasr ac akkeye insiowos, tuh len in tuku lun Leum apkuran.
So you also must be patient. Stablish your hearts; for the coming of the Lord is at hand!
9 Mwet lulalfongi wiuk, nik kowos torkaskas lain sie sin sie, tuh God Elan tia nununkekowos. Mwet Nununku El apkuran — El akola na in utyak.
Do not make complaints against each other, brothers, lest you yourselves be condemned. Behold the Judge is standing before the very door!
10 Mwet kawuk luk, esam mwet palu puspis su fahkak ke Inen Leum. Elos in mwe srikasrak nu suwos mweyen elos nwe keok ke ma puspis a elos mongfisrasr na.
Take, my brothers, for an example the suffering and the patience of the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.
11 Kut pangon mu elos mwet engan mweyen elos mutangla mwe keok nu selos. Kowos lohng ke muteng lal Job, ac kowos etu luman kasreyuk lun Leum nu sel ke saflaiya. Tuh Leum El sessesla ke kulang ac pakoten.
Remember we count those that were stedfast happy. You have heard of the stedfastness of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord with him, seen how the Lord is full of tenderness.
12 A yohk liki ma nukewa, mwet lulalfongi wiuk, kowos in tia fulahk ke pacl kowos orek wulela. Nikmet fulahk ke inkusrao ku faclu ku ke kutena ma saya. Fahk na “Aok” ke ma ac aok, ac “Mo” ke ma ac mo, na God El ac fah tia nununkekowos.
Again, above all things, my brothers, swear not at all, neither by the heavens, nor by the earth, nor by any other oath. Let your "yes" be "yes," and your "no," "no," so you will not fall under condemnation.
13 Fin oasr mwet inmasrlowos su oasr in ongoiya, el enenu in pre. Fin oasr mwet su engan, el enenu in on ke on in kaksak.
Is any one of you in trouble? Let him pray.
14 Fin oasr mwet mas, el enenu in suli mwet kol lun church, su fah pre kacl ac mosrwella ke oil in olive ke Inen Leum.
Is any in good spirits? Let him sing unto his harp. Is any one of you ill? Let him send for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, after anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;
15 Pre su orek ke lulalfongi fah akkeyala mwet mas. Leum El fah taksalak elan kwela, ac fin oasr ma koluk el orala, ac fah nunak munas nu sel.
and the prayer of faith will restore the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him.
16 Ke ma inge, kowos in fahkak ma koluk lowos nu sin sie sin sie, ac pre ke sie sin sie, tuh kowos fah ku in kwela. Pre lun sie mwet suwohs arulana kalem ku kac.
So confess your sins one to another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. For the fervent prayer of a righteous man is mighty in its working.
17 Elijah el mwet se oapana kut. El pre ke inse pwaye tuh in fah wangin af, na wangin af putati nu faclu ke yac tolu tafu.
Elijah was a man of like passions with us, and he prayed again, and the sky gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.
18 Na el sifilpa pre, ac af na matol tuku inkusrao me, ac faclu sifil isus fahko.
Then he prayed again, and the sky gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.
19 Mwet lulalfongi wiuk, sie suwos fin fahsr liki inkanek pwaye, ac sie pac suwos sifil folokunulma,
My brothers, if any one of you strays from the truth, and some one brings him back,
20 esam na ma se inge: kutena mwet su folokonma sie mwet koluk liki tafongla lal, el molela ngunin mwet koluk sac liki misa, ac oru tuh in oasr nunak munas ke ma koluk puspis.
let him know that he who brings a sinner back from the error of his ways, saves his soul from death, and hides a multitude of sins.

< James 5 >