< Sie Corinth 13 >

1 Nga finne ku in kaskas ke kas lun mwet ac kas lun lipufan, a fin wangin lungse yuruk, nga ac oana pusren brass su tungtung, ku cymbal su erarrar.
Though I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have no love, I am become a clanging brass, or a clashing cymbal.
2 Nga finne ku in fahkak kas lun God, ac etu ma lukma nukewa ac etauk nukewa; ac fin oasr yuruk lulalfongi nukewa in mokle eol, a fin wangin lungse yuruk, nga wangin.
Though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
3 Nga finne kitala ma luk nukewa ac sang monuk in firiryak — a fin wangin lungse yuruk, nga tia akwoyeyuk kac.
And though I sell all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it avails me nothing.
4 Lungse el mongfisrasr ac kulang; lungse el tia sok, lungse el tia sifacna konkin, el tia inse fulat;
Love suffers long and is kind; love envies not; love makes no parade, is not puffed up,
5 lungse el tia oru ma sufal, el tia nunku kacl sifacna, el tia sa in mulat, el tia oakla ma koluk orek nu sel.
is not rude, nor selfish, nor easily provoked. Love bears no malice, never rejoices over wrong-doing,
6 Lungse el tia engan ke ma koluk, a el engan ke ma pwaye.
but rejoices when the truth rejoices.
7 Lungse el tiana fuhleak; el lulalfongi ac finsrak ac muteng in pacl nukewa.
It knows how to be silent, it is trustful, hopeful, patient, enduring.
8 Lungse el tiana wanginla. A funu ke kas in palu, ma nu ke kitin pacl; ac mwe sang in kaskas ke siena kain pusra ac fah tui; ac etauk ac fah wanginla pac.
Love never fails; but though there are prophecies, they will fail; though there are tongues, they will cease; though there is knowledge, it will be superseded.
9 Tuh etauk lasr ac fahkak lasr ke kas lun God tiana fonla;
For our knowing is imperfect, and our prophesying is imperfect;
10 a ke ma su fonla ac suwoslana ac tuku, na ma su tia fonla ac fah wanginla.
but when the perfect is come, then the perfect will be done away.
11 Ke nga tulik, nga kaskas oana tulik, etu luk oana etu lun tulik, ac nga nunku oana tulik; a inge ke nga mwet matu, nga sisla ouiya lun tulik.
When I was a child I spoke like a child, felt like a child, thought like a child; now that I am become a man, I have done with childish things.
12 Liye lasr ke God in pacl inge, oana ke kut ngetang nu ke sie selngun ohk; a tok kut fah ngetani sie sin sie. Inge nga etu tafu na; a tok ac fah fonla etu luk — oana ke God El arulana eteyu.
For now we see as in a mirror, and are baffled, but then face to face; now I know in fragments, but then shall I understand even as I also have been understood.
13 Ac inge oasr lulalfongi, finsrak ac lungse; ac ma se ma yohk sin ma tolu inge pa lungse.
Faith, Hope, Love endure - these three; but the greatest of these is Love.

< Sie Corinth 13 >