< Yakobo 3 >

1 Bhalongo bhangu sio bhingi bhinu mwilondeka kujha bhalimu, mmanyili kujha, mwipokela hukumu mbaha nesu.
MY brethren, be not many teachers, knowing that we shall receive a severer judgment.
2 Kwa kujha twebhoha twikosela mu njela simehele. Kama jhejhioha ijha ikhobhalalepi mu malobhi gha muene, Ojhu ndo munu mkamilifu, ibhuesya kudhibiti mb'ele bhwa muene bhuohakabhele.
For in many things we all offend. If any man offend not in word, he is a perfect man, and capable of reining in the whole body.
3 Henu kama twibhweka lijamu sya farasi mu mikoromelu ghya bhene bhikatutii na twibhwesya kusanusa mibhele ghya bhene bhoha.
Behold, we put bits into the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole body.
4 Manyayi kujha Meli, ingawa mbaha na jhisukumibhwa ni mp'ongo n'kali syasilongosibhwa kwa usukani n'debe nesu kulota popoha pala kwailonda nahodha.
Behold also the ships, though so great, and driven by tempestuous winds, are turned about by the smallest rudder, whithersoever the inclination of the pilot pleaseth.
5 Fefuefu lunulu ndo kiungo kidebe kya mbhele lakini ikwitufya mabahaha nesu. Langayai n'setu mbaha kyaghwibhuesya kujhakisibhwa kwa cheche sidebe sya muoto!
So also the tongue is a little member, and proudly vaunts. Behold how great a pile of wood, a little fire kindleth!
6 Lumilu ni luene ndo muoto ndo ulimwengu bhwa bhuovu, bhekibhu miongoni mu fiungo fya mbhele bhuoha na ukajhibheka panani pa muoto njela jha maisha ni bhene kumanyibhwa muoto bhwa kuzimu. (Geenna g1067)
And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: in such manner is the tongue placed among our members, that it defileth all the body, and setteth on fire the circle of nature; and is set on fire of hell. (Geenna g1067)
7 Khila aina jha mnyama bhwa mudasi fidege, kyakiboya ni kiumbe kya mubahari kidhibitibhwa ni bhenadamu.
For every species of wild beasts, and also of birds, of reptiles, and even of fishes, is tamed, and hath also been tamed by human ingenuity:
8 Lakini ajhelepi mwanadamu hata mmonga ambajhe ibhwesya kudhibiti lunulu; ndo bhuovu bhwabhubelili kutulila, umemili sumu jha kufisha.
but the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
9 Kwa lunulu tukan'tukusya Bwana ni bhanu ambabho bhabho mbhibhu kwa mfano bhwa Bwana ni Dadi jhitu, ni kwa obhu tukabhalaani bhanu ambabho bhabhombibhu kwa mfano bhwa K'yara.
With it we bless God even the Farther; and with the same we curse men, though after the likeness of God.
10 Mu n'koromelu bhobhuobhu ghwijobha malobhi gha baraka ni laana. Bhalongo bhangu mambo agha ghilondekalepi kujha.
Out of the same mouth goeth forth blessing and cursing. These things, my brethren, ought not to be thus.
11 Je kisima kimonga wihotola kunegha masi ghaghinogha ni maghibela kunogha?
Doth a fountain from the same aperture spout forth sweet water and bitter?
12 Bhalongo bhangu, je libehe lya mtini libhuesya kuhogola matunda gha mzeituni, au mzabibu wihogola matunda gha mtini? Bhwala chemichemi jha masi gha muinyu ghipisyalepi masi ghaghabelikujha ni muinyu.
Can a fig-tree, my brethren, produce olives; or a vine figs? so also can no fountain send forth salt water and sweet.
13 Niani kati jha muenga ajhe ni hekima ni bhufahamu? Hebu munu ojhu alasiajhi maisha manofu mu mbombo sya muene kwa bhunyenyekevu bhwabhwitokelana ni hekima.
Who is a wise man and intelligent among you, let him shew in a becoming conduct his works with the meekness of wisdom.
14 Lakini kama mujhe ni bhuifu n'kali ni nia jha ubinafsi mu mioyo ghya muenga, musikifuni ni kujobha udesi ni kup'enga bhukweli.
But if ye have bitter envy and contention in your heart, boast not, and lie not against the truth.
15 Ejhe hekimalepi jhela jhajhselela kuhoma kunani, lakini badala jhake ndo jha kidunia, na jha kiroholepi, na jha kipepo.
This is not the wisdom which cometh from above, but is earthly, sensual, diabolical.
16 Kwa kujha papajhele ni bhuifu ni bhubinafsi bhujhele, kujhe ni fuju ni khila matendo maovu.
For where envy and contention dwell, there is tumult and every vile deed.
17 Lakini hekima jha ihomela kunani, kwanza jhinofu, kisha jhigana amani, bhololo ni bhukarimu, jhajhimemili rehema ni matunda manofu, bila kupendelela bhanu fulani ni bhukweli.
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, meek, easily persuadable, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and void of dissimulation.
18 Ni litunda lya haki lipandibhwa mu amani kwa bhala ambabho bhibho mambo gha amani.
But the fruit of righteousness in peace is sown for those who are peacemakers.

< Yakobo 3 >