< Sams-Zgame 69 >

1 Anumzamoka nagu'vazio! Na'ankure timo'a ti hageno nazeri nakrinaku nanankente ne-e.
Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.
2 Hapapi hampakanena amefenkame supa'nena uneramue. Hankave moparera nagia noroe. Timu'nompi nevugeno timo'a nazeri nakari'za nehie.
I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.
3 Anumzamoka nazama huogu'ma kavegama ante'nena krafagema nehua zamo'a hanaveni'a omanegeno, navurgamo'a nata negrigeno, nanankemo'a tusiza huno hagege nehie
I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God.
4 Mago haviza osu'nore'ma zamavaresrama hunenantaza vahe'mo'za nanumpima me'nea nazokara agatere'za rama'a vahe mani'naze. Anumzamoka hankavenentake ha' vahe'mo'za havige hu'za nahe fri'za nehaze. Havige hu'za e'ori'noa zankura musufa se'nananki tamio hu'za nehaze.
They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of mine head: they that would destroy me, being mine enemies wrongfully, are mighty: then I restored that which I took not away.
5 Anumzamoka Kagra neginagi navu'nava zani'a kenka antahinka hu'nanankino, maka kumini'amo'a Kagri kavurera frara okigahie.
O God, you know my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from you.
6 Ra Anumzamoka kagrite'ma zamentintima nehaza vahera, nagrama hanua navu'navazamo'a zamazeri zamagazea osino. Monafi sondia vahe'mofo Ra Anumzamoka nagrama hanua navu'nava zantera zamazeri fenkamia ozmatro. Kagra Israeli vahe Anumza mani'nane.
Let not them that wait on you, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek you be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel.
7 Na'ankure nagra Kagri kamagema antoa zanku kiza zokago kea hunenantazage'na nagazegura nehue. Ana nehugeno nazeri havizama nehaza zamo'a tusiza huno nazeri nagaze nehie.
Because for your sake I have borne reproach; shame has covered my face.
8 Nafuhemo'zama nenage'za keno antahino'ma osu'nea vahe'ma agatereankna nehaze. Hagi nenrera mofavremo'za rurega vahe'ma huntazankna zamavu'zamava hunenantaze.
I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an foreigner unto my mother's children.
9 Mono nonka'agu'ma navesintoa zamo'a nagu'afina tevema reankna nehigeno, Kagri'ma kazeri havizama hu kema nehaza vahe'mo'za nagri'enena nazeri haviza hu naneke nehaze.
For the zeal of your house has eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached you are fallen upon me.
10 Hanki zavi'ma nete'na kave'ma a'o'ma hu'na nunanuma nehuge'za vahe'mo'za, nazeri haviza hu ke nehaze.
When I wept, and chastened my soul with fasting, that was to my reproach.
11 Nasunku'ma nehu'na nasunku kukenama huazankura, zamagra hunte'za kiza zokago ke hazage'na nagra zamagri zamavurera kiza zokago zankna hue.
I made sackcloth also my garment; and I became a proverb to them.
12 Hanki rankuma kafante'ma nemaniza kva vahe'mo'za nagenke nehazageno, akatima nene'za neginagima nehaza vahe'mo'za nazeri haviza hu zagame asunenantaze.
They that sit in the gate speak against me; and I was the song of the drunkards.
13 Hianagi menina kna fatgo'are nunamuna nehuanki Anumzamoka vagaore kavesi zanteti kavesinantenka nona hunantenka tamage hunka nagu'vazio.
But as for me, my prayer is unto you, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of your mercy hear me, in the truth of your salvation.
14 Anumzamoka hapapintira navresga hunka nagu'vazio. Hanki natrege'na hapapina hampakanena uofra'neno. Zamavresrama hunenantaza vahe'mokizmi zamazampintira nagu nevazinka, tirupintira navazuhuti atro.
Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters.
15 Anumzamoka natregeno tima hageno esiantimo'a eme narefi otege, tirumo'a nazeri onakrige, fri vahe kerimo'a nasgahu onakrino.
Let not the flood of waters overflow me, neither let the deep swallow me up, and let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.
16 Ra Anumzamoka nunamuni'a antahinaminka nona hunanto, na'ankure vagaore kavesizamo'a knarezantfa hu'ne.
Hear me, O LORD; for your loving kindness is good: turn unto me according to the multitude of your tender mercies.
17 Anumzamoka eri'za vahekamo'na kamefira huonaminka, ame hunka nunamu keni'a antahinka nona hunanto. Na'ankure ra hazenkefi mani'noe!
And hide not your face from your servant; for I am in trouble: hear me speedily.
18 Anumzamoka erava'o hunka nahokenka nagu'vazio. Ha' vahe'ni'amofo zamazampintira ete nagu'vazinka navro.
Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies.
19 Ha' vahe'nimo'zama nazeri nagaze nehu'za, hu haviza hunenante'za, nagima eri havizama nehaza zana Kagra ko kenka antahinka hu'nane.
You have known my reproach, and my shame, and my dishonour: mine adversaries are all before you.
20 Kema nenasuza nazeri havizama haza zamo'a, tumoni'a netanege'na kria enerue. Hagi zamasunku hunantegahazafi hu'nama hua vahe'mo'za zamasunkura hunonantaze.
Reproach has broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.
21 Hagi ne'zama namigazana netre'za, vahe'ma ahe nefriaza avu'atgaza nezampina ante'za nenami'za, tinku'ma navenesige'za tima namigazana atre'za, aka waini nami'naze.
They gave me also gall for my food; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
22 Atregeno rama'a ne'zama retro hunte'za nenaza zamo'a, kukonkna huno zamazeri haviza nehina, maka zampima knare'ma hu'za nemaniza nomanizamo'a krifugna huno zamazeri haviza hino.
Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.
23 Atregeno zamavumo'a asu nehinke'za, zamavua onkeho. Ana nehunka zamatregeno zamavufagafina hanavezmia omne amne nehina, hanavezmia atreme vu'za ome haviza hiho.
Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake.
24 Kagra karimpa ahe'zamantenka zamazeri haviza nehunka, tusi'a kasivazi nezmantenka zamahe hana huo.
Pour out your indignation upon them, and let your wrathful anger take hold of them.
25 Nonkumazmimo'a haviza nehinkeno, nevasaza seli nozmimo'a vahera omaninigeno zutesie.
Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents.
26 Na'ankure Kagrama knama zaminka zamazeri havizama hana vahera zamahe'za zamasu'za nehu'za, zamazeri havizama nehanke'za zamatagu'ma nehaza vahe'mokizmia ki'za zokago ke hunezmantazageno mago'ane zamatagura nehaze.
For they persecute him whom you have smitten; and they talk to the grief of those whom you have wounded.
27 Kumi'zmia erinte agofetu agofetu nehunka, ana kumizmia apasezmantenka zamagura ovazio.
Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into your righteousness.
28 Asimu eri avontafepima zamagima me'neana renehaganenka, fatgo avu'ava'ma nehaza vahe'mokizmi zamagima krentesampina zamagia kreonto.
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.
29 Anumzamoka knazampi mani'nena natagu nehuanki, vahe'ma zamagu'ma nevazina hihamuka'anu nagu'vazio.
But I am poor and sorrowful: let your salvation, O God, set me up on high.
30 E'inama hananke'na zagame hu'na kagia ahentesga nehu'na, susu hugante'na husga hugantegahue.
I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
31 Na'ankure e'i ana'ma hanua zamo'a bulimakao afu'ma aheno kresramna vuge, maka pazive'ene agigo azankonema me'nenigeno kresramna vanigeno Ra Anumzamo'ma musema hu'zana agatere'ne.
This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bullock that has horns and hoofs.
32 Zamavufama anterami'za nemaniza vahe'mo'za Anumzamo'ma eri'zama erisia zana nege'za, musena hugahaze. Anumzamofonku'ma nehake'za nunamuma hunentaza vahe'mo'za hankavea erigahaze.
The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.
33 Na'ankure Ra Anumzamo'a maka zanku'ma upama nehaza vahe'mokizmi krafagea nentahino, Agri naga'ma zamavare'za kinama ome huzmante'naza vahera ozmatregahie.
For the LORD hears the poor, and despises not his prisoners.
34 Maka monamotane, ama mopamokanena Ra Anumzamofona agia ahentesga nehinkeno, hagerine maka ana hageri agu'afima nemaniza zagamotanena zagamera huta agia ahentesga hiho.
Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moves therein.
35 Na'ankure Anumzamo'a Jerusalemi kumara agu'nevazino, Juda rankumatamina eri fatgo huno kigahie. Ana hanige'za Agri vahe'mo'za anampi mani'ne'za zamagra mopazmia erisanti haregahaze.
For God will save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah: that they may dwell there, and have it in possession.
36 Eri'za vahe'amofo nezmagehoza erisanti hare'za nemanisage'za, agri'ma amagema nentaza vahe'mo'za anampina manigahaze.
The seed also of his servants shall inherit it: and they that love his name shall dwell therein.

< Sams-Zgame 69 >