< マタイの福音書 16 >

1 ファリザイ人とサドカイ人と、イエズスを試みんとて近づき、天よりの徴を示されん事を請ひしかば、
And, the Pharisees and Sadducees coming near, putting him to the test, requested him, a sign out of the heaven, to shew unto them.
2 答へて曰ひけるは、汝等夕暮には、空紅ければ、晴天ならんと云ひ、
But, he, answering said unto them— When evening cometh ye say, Fair! for fiery is the heaven;
3 朝には、空曇りて赤味あれば、今日暴風あらんと云ふ。
And at morn, To-day, a storm! for fiery, and yet sad, is the heaven. The face of the heaven indeed, ye learn to distinguish, —but, the signs of the times, ye cannot.
4 然れば空の景色を見分くる事を知りて、時の徴を知る事を得ざるか。奸惡なる現代は徴を求むれども、預言者ヨナの徴の外には徴を與へられじ、と。遂に彼等を離れて去り給へり。
A wicked and adulterous generation, a sign, doth seek after, and, a sign, will not be given it, —save the sign of Jonah. And, leaving them behind, he departed.
5 弟子等湖の彼方に至りしに、麪を携ふる事を忘れたり。
And the disciples coming, to the other side, had forgotten to take loaves.
6 イエズス彼等に向ひ、慎みてファリザイ人サドカイ人の麪酵に用心せよ、と曰ひしかば、
And, Jesus, said unto them—Mind! and beware, of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
7 彼等案じ合ひて、我等が麪を携へざりし故ならん、と云へるを、
And, they, began to deliberate among themselves, saying—Because, loaves, we took not.
8 イエズス悟りて曰ひけるは、信仰薄き者よ、何ぞ麪を有たぬ事を案じ合へる。
And, observing it, Jesus said—Why are ye deliberating among yourselves, ye little-of-faith! because, loaves, ye have not?
9 未暁らざるか、五の麪を五千人に分ちて、尚幾筐を拾ひ、
Not yet, perceive ye, neither remember, —The five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye received?
10 又七の麪を四千人に分ちて、尚幾筐を拾ひしを記憶せざるか
Nor the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many hampers ye received?
11 ファリザイ人サドカイ人の麪酵に用心せよ、と汝等に云ひしは、麪の事に非ざるものを、何ぞ暁らざる、と。
How is it ye perceive not, that, not concerning loaves, spake I unto you, —but beware of the leaven, of the Pharisees and Sadducees?
12 是に於て彼等、イエズスの用心すべしと曰ひしは麪の酵に非ずして、ファリザイ人サドカイ人の教なる事を暁れり。
Then, understood they that he did not bid them beware of [the] leaven [of loaves] but of, the teaching, of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
13 第四款 ガリレアに於るイエズス布教の盛時 イエズスフィリッポのカイザリア地方に至り、弟子等に問ひて、人々は人の子を誰なりと云ふか、と曰ひしかば、
And, Jesus coming into the parts of Caesarea of Philip, began questioning his disciples, saying—Who are men saying that, the Son of Man, is?
14 彼等云ひけるは、或人は洗者ヨハネなりと云ひ、或人はエリアなりと云ひ、或人はエレミア若くは預言者の一人なり[と云ふ]、と。
And, they, said—Some, indeed, John the Immerser, and, others, Elijah, —but, others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.
15 イエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、然るに汝等は我を誰なりと云ふか、
He saith unto them—But who say, ye, that I am?
16 シモンペトロ答へて、汝は活ける神御子キリストなり、と云ひしに、
And, Simon Peter, answering, said—Thou, art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
17 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、汝は福なり、ヨナの子シモン、其は之を汝に示したるは血肉に非ずして、天に在す我父なればなり。
And Jesus, answering, said to him—Happy, art thou, Simon Bar-yona, —because, flesh and blood, revealed it not unto thee, but my Father who is in the heavens.
18 我も亦汝に告ぐ、汝は磐なり、我此磐の上に我教會を建てん、斯て地獄の門是に勝たざるべし。 (Hadēs g86)
And, I also, unto thee, say—Thou, art Peter, —and, upon this rock, will I build my assembly, and, the gates of hades, shall not prevail against it. (Hadēs g86)
19 我尚天國の鍵を汝に與へん、総て汝が地上にて繋がん所は、天にても繋がるべし、又総て汝が地上にて釈かん所は、天にても釈かるべし。
I will give thee, the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, —and, whatsoever thou shalt bind upon the earth, shall be bound in the heavens, and, whatsoever thou shalt loose upon the earth, shall be loosed in the heavens.
20 然て我がイエズス、キリストたる事を誰にも語ること勿れ、と弟子等を戒め給へり。
Then, straitly charged he the disciples, lest, to any man, they should say—He, is, the Christ.
21 此時よりイエズス、己のエルザレムに往きて、長老律法學士司祭長等より多くの苦を受け、而して殺され、而して三日目に復活すべき事を、弟子等に示し始め給ひしかば、
From that time, began Jesus Christ to be pointing out to his disciples that he must needs, into Jerusalem, go away, and, many things, suffer, from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, —and on, the third day, arise.
22 ペトロイエズスを呼退けて、諌め出でて云ひけるは、主よ、然らざるべし、此事御身上に在るまじ、と。
And, taking him aside, Peter began to rebuke him, saying—Mercy on thee Lord! In nowise, shall, this, befall thee.
23 イエズス顧みてペトロに曰ひけるは、サタンよ退け、汝我を躓かせんとす、其は汝が味へるは、神の事に非ずして人の事なればなり、と。
But, he, turning, said to Peter—Withdraw behind me, Satan! A snare, art thou of mine, because thou art not regarding the things of God, but the things of men.
24 時にイエズス弟子等に曰ひけるは、人若我後に跟きて來らんと欲せば、己を棄て、己が十字架を取りて我に從ふべし、
Then, Jesus said unto his disciples—If any one intendeth, after me, to come, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and be following me;
25 其は己が生命を救はんと欲する人は之を失ひ、我為に生命を失ふ人は之を得べければなり。
For, whosoever intendeth, his life, to save, shall lose it, —but, whosoever shall lose his life, for my sake, shall find it.
26 人全世界を贏くとも、若其生命を失はば何の益かあらん、又人何物を以てか其魂に易えん。
For what shall a man be profited, though, the whole world, he gain, and, his life, he forfeit? Or what shall a man give, in exchange for his life?
27 蓋人の子は、其父の光榮の衷に、其使等と共に來らん、其時人毎に其行に從ひて報ゆべし。
For the Son of Man is destined to be coming, in the glory of his Father, with his messengers, —and, then, will he give back unto each one, according to his practice.
28 我誠に汝等に告ぐ、茲に立てる者の中、人の子が其國を以て來るを見るまで死なざるもの數人あり、と。
Verily, I say unto you—There are some of those, here standing, who, indeed, shall in nowise taste of death, until they see the Son of Man, coming in his kingdom.

< マタイの福音書 16 >