< ヨハネの福音書 1 >

1 元始に御言あり、御言神の御許に在り、御言は神にてありたり。
In the Beginning the Word was; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God.
2 是元始に神の御許に在たるものにして、
He was in the Beginning with God;
3 萬物之に由りて成れり、成りしものの一も、之に由らずして成りたるはあらず。
through him all things came into being, and nothing came into being apart from him.
4 之がうちに生命ありて、生命又人間の光たりしが、
That which came into being in him was Life; and the Life was the Light of Man;
5 光闇に照ると雖も、闇之を暁らざりき。
and the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness never overpowered it.
6 神より遣はされて、名をヨハネと云へる人ありしが、
There appeared a man sent from God, whose name was John;
7 其來りしは證明の為にして、光を證明し、凡ての人をして己に籍りて信ぜしめん為なりき。
he came as a witness — to bear witness to the Light that through him all men might believe.
8 彼は光に非ずして、光を證明すべき者たりしなり。
He was not the Light, but he came to bear witness to the Light.
9 [御言こそ、]此世に出來る凡ての人を照らす眞の光なりけれ。
That was the True Light which enlightens every man coming into the world.
10 曾て世に在り、世又之に由りて成りたれども、世之を知らず、
He was in the world; and through him the world came into being — yet the world did not know him.
11 己が方に來りしも、其族之を承けざりき。
He came to his own — yet his own did not receive him.
12 然れど之を承けし人々には各神の子となるべき権能を授けたり。是即ち其名を信ずる者、
But to all who did receive him he gave power to become Children of God — to those who believe in his Name.
13 血統に由らず、肉の意に由らず、人の意に由らず、神に由りて生れ奉りたる者なり。
For not to natural conception, nor to human instincts, nor to will of man did they owe the new Life, but to God.
14 斯て御言は肉と成りて、我等の中に宿り給へり、我等は其光榮を見奉りしが、其は父より來れる獨子の如き光榮なりき、即ち恩寵と眞理とに満ち給ひしなり。
And the Word became Man, and dwelt among us, (We saw his glory — the glory of the Only Son sent from the Father), full of love and truth.
15 ヨハネは彼に就きて證明し、呼はりて曰く、我より後に來るべき人は、我に先ちて存したるが故に我より先にせられたり、と云ひて我が曾て指示ししは是なり、と。
(John bears witness to him; he cried aloud — for it was he who spoke — “‘He who is Coming’ after me is now before me, for he was ever first”);
16 斯て我等は皆其充満せる所より授かりて、恩寵に恩寵を加へられたり。
out of his fullness we have all received some gift, gift after gift of love;
17 蓋律法はモイゼを以て與へられたるも、恩寵と眞理とはイエズス、キリストを以て成りたるなり。
for the Law was given through Moses, love and truth came through Jesus Christ.
18 誰も曾て神を見奉りし人はあらず、父の御懐に在す獨子の自ら説き顕し給ひしなり。
No man has ever yet seen God; God the Only Son, who is ever with the Father — He has revealed him.
19 第一款 洗者ヨハネイエズスを證明す。 第一篇 イエズス言行を以て其神性及び派遣を證し給ふ 第一項 最初の證明及行為 抑ヨハネの證明は次の如し。ユデア人がエルザレムより司祭及びレヴィ人等を彼に遣はして、汝は誰なるぞ、と問はしめし時、
When the Jews sent some Priests and Levites to John from Jerusalem, to ask — “Who are you?”, his statement was this:
20 彼は宣言せしが、否む事なくして、我キリストに非ずと宣言せり。
He confessed and did not deny it, he confessed — “I am not the Christ.”
21 彼等、然らば何ぞや、汝はエリアなるか、と問ひしに、彼、然らずと云ひ、[彼]預言者なるか、と云ひしに、否と答へたり。
“What then?” they asked. “Are you Elijah?” “No,” he said, “I am not.” “Are you ‘the Prophet’?” He answered, “No.”
22 斯て彼等、汝は誰なるぞ、我等を遣はしし人々に答ふる事を得しめよ、自ら己を何と稱するぞ、と云ひしかば、
“Who then are you?” they continued; “tell us, that we may have some answer to give to those who have sent us. What do you say about yourself?”
23 彼云ひけるは、我は預言者イザヤの云ひし如く、「汝等主の道を平にせよ」と野に呼はる者の聲なり、と。
“I,” he answered, “am — ‘The voice of one crying aloud in the Wilderness — “straighten the way of the Lord”’, as the Prophet Isaiah said.”
24 此遣はされし人々はファリザイの徒なりしが、
These men had been sent from the Pharisees;
25 又ヨハネに問ひて、然らば汝はキリストにも非ず、エリアにも非ず、[彼]預言者にも非ざるに、何ぞ洗するや、と云ひしに
and their next question was: “Why then do you baptize, if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor yet ‘the Prophet’?”
26 ヨハネ答へて云ひけるは、我は水にて洗すれども、汝等の中に、汝等の知らざる一個の人立てり、
John’s answer was — “I baptize with water, but among you stands one whom you do not know;
27 是ぞ我後に來るべき者、我より先にせられたる者にして、我は其履の紐を解くにだも堪へず、と。
he is coming after me, yet I am not worthy even to unfasten his sandal.”
28 此等の事は、ヨハネの洗しつつありしヨルダン[河]の彼方、ベタニアにて成りき。
All this took place at Bethany, across the Jordan, where John was then baptizing.
29 明日ヨハネ、イエズスの己に來り給ふを見て云ひけるは、看よ神の羔を、看よ世の罪を除き給ふ者を。
The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him, and exclaimed: “Here is the Lamb of God, who is to take away the sin of the world!
30 我が曾て、我より後に來る者あり、我より先に存したるが故に我より先にせられたり、と云ひて指示ししは是なり。
It was of him that I spoke when I said ‘After me there is coming a man who is now before me, for he was ever First.’
31 我原之を知らざりしかど、水にて洗しつつ來れるは、彼をイスラエルに於て顕れしめん為なり、と。
I myself did not know him, but, that he may be made known to Israel, I have come, baptizing with water.”
32 ヨハネ又證明して云ひけるは、我は[聖]霊が鳩の如く天より降りて彼の上に止り給ふを見たり。
John also made this statement — “I have seen the Spirit descending as a dove out of the heavens, and it remained upon him.
33 我原彼を知らざりしかど、我を遣はして水にて洗せしめ給へえるもの、我に曰ひけらく、汝[聖]霊の降りて人の上に止り給ふを見ば、是ぞ聖霊にて洗する者なる、と。
I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water, he said to me ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining upon him — he it is who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’
34 斯て我之を目撃して、彼が神の御子たる事を證明したるなり、と。
This I have seen myself, and I have declared my belief that he is the Son of God.”
35 第二款 イエズス自らを證明し給ふ 翌日ヨハネ又弟子兩人と共に立ち居て、
The next day, when John was standing with two of his disciples,
36 イエズスの歩み給ふを見、看よ神の羔を、と云ひしかば、
he looked at Jesus as he passed and exclaimed: “There is the Lamb of God!”
37 二人の弟子斯く語るを聞きて、イエズスに随行きしに、
The two disciples heard him say this, and followed Jesus.
38 イエズス回顧りて其從へるを見、之に曰ひけるは、汝等何を求むるぞ、と。彼等、ラビ――訳せば師よ――何處に住み給ふぞ、と云ひしかば、
But Jesus turned round, and saw them following. “What are you looking for?” he asked. “Rabbi,” they answered (or, as we should say, ‘Teacher’), “where are you staying?”
39 イエズス、來て見よ、と曰へり、彼等往きてイエズスの住み給ふ處を見、其日は其處に留れり。時は四時頃なりき。
“Come, and you shall see,” he replied. So they went, and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him. It was then about four in the afternoon.
40 シモンペトロの兄弟アンデレアは、ヨハネより聞きてイエズスに從ひし兩人の其一人なりしが、
One of the two, who heard what John said and followed Jesus, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.
41 先其兄弟シモンに出逢ひて之に云ひけるは、我等メッシア――訳せばキリスト――に遇へり、と。
He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him: “We have found the Messiah!” (a word which means ‘Christ,’ or ‘Consecrated’.)
42 斯て之をイエズスの許に連來りしに、イエズス之を熟視めて曰ひけるは、汝はヨナの子シモンなり、ケファ――訳せばペトロ――と名けられん、と。
Then he brought him to Jesus. Fixing his eyes on him, Jesus said: “You are Simon, the son of John; you shall be called Kephas” (which means ‘Peter,’ or ‘Rock’).
43 次日ガリレアに往かんとして、フィリッポに遇ひ給ひしかば、イエズス、我に從へ、と曰ひしが、
The following day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. He found Philip, and said to him: “Follow me.”
44 フィリッポは、アンデレアとペトロとの故郷なる、ベッサイダの人なりき。
Philip was from Bethsaida, and a fellow-townsman of Andrew and Peter.
45 フィリッポナタナエルに遇ひて云ひけるは、我等モイゼの律法にも預言者等にも録されし人に遇へり、即ちナザレトのヨゼフの子イエズスなり、と。
He found Nathanael and said to him: “We have found him of whom Moses wrote in the Law, and of whom the Prophets also wrote — Jesus of Nazareth, Joseph’s son!”
46 ナタナエル、何等の善き者かナザレトより出づるを得んや、と云ひしかば、フィリッポ、來て見よ、と云へり。
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” asked Nathanael. “Come and see,” replied Philip.
47 イエズスナタナエルの己に來るを見給ひ、之を指して、是實に野心なきイスラエル人なり、と曰へば、
When Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards him, he said: “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is no deceit!”
48 ナタナエル、如何にして我を知り給ふぞ、と云ひしに、イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、フィリッポが汝を呼ぶ前に、我汝が無花果樹の下に居るを見たり、と。
“How do you know me?” asked Nathanael. “Even before Philip called you,” replied Jesus, “when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”
49 ナタナエル答へて、ラビ汝は神の御子なり、イスラエルの王なり、と云ひしかば、
“Rabbi,” Nathanael exclaimed, “you are the Son of God, you are King of Israel!”
50 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、汝が信じたるは、我汝が無花果樹の下に居るを見たりと告げしによりてなり。汝、之よりも更に大いなる事を見ん、と。
“Do you believe in me,” asked Jesus, “because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You shall see greater things than those!
51 又之に曰ひけるは、誠に實に汝等に告ぐ、汝等は天開けて神の使等が人の子の上に陟降するを見るべし、と。
In truth I tell you,” he added, “you shall all see Heaven open, and ‘the angels of God ascending and descending’ upon the Son of Man.”

< ヨハネの福音書 1 >