< ガラテヤ人への手紙 5 >

1 第一項 自由を奴隷の身分に更ふべからず 毅然として再び奴隷の軛に制せらるること勿れ。
It is for freedom that Christ set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not again be held under the yoke of slavery.
2 然て我パウロ汝等に断言す、若割禮を受けなば、キリストは聊も汝等に益あらざるべし。
Understand that I, Paul, myself tell you that if you allow yourselves to be circumcised, Christ will avail you nothing.
3 我は又更に、総て割禮を受くる人に證明す、彼は悉く律法を守るべき負債あり。
I again declare to every one who receives circumcision, that he binds himself to obey the whole Law.
4 律法によりて義とせられんとする人々よ、汝等はキリストを離れたるなり、恩寵より堕落せるなり。
You have severed yourselves from Christ — you who are seeking to be pronounced righteous through Law; you have fallen away from love.
5 我等は即ち[聖]霊を以て信仰に由りてこそ義の希望[する所]を待てるなれ。
For we, by the help of the Spirit, are eagerly waiting for the fulfilment of our hope — that we may be pronounced righteous as the result of faith.
6 蓋キリスト、イエズスに於て價値あるは割禮に非ず無割禮に非ず、愛を以て働く所の信仰是なり。
If a man is in union with Christ Jesus, neither is circumcision nor the omission of it anything, but faith, working through love, is everything.
7 汝等は能く走り居たりしものを、誰か眞理に從はせじとて妨げしぞ、
You were once making good progress! Who has hindered you from obeying the Truth?
8 斯る勧は汝等を召し給ふものより出でず、
The persuasion brought to bear on you does not come from him who calls you.
9 少しの酵は麪の全體を腐敗せしむ、
A little leaven leavens all the dough.
10 我が汝等に就き主によりて希望する所は、汝等が別意なからん事是なり。然れど誰にもあれ汝等を擾す人は、其罪を負ふべし。
I, through my union with the Lord, am persuaded that you will learn to think with me. But the man who is disturbing your minds will have to bear his punishment, whoever he may be.
11 兄弟等よ、我もし尚割禮の事を宣傳ふるならば、何ぞ迫害を受けつつあらんや。果して然らば、十字架に躓く事は歇みたるならん。
If I, Brothers, am still proclaiming circumcision, why am I still persecuted? It seems that the Cross has ceased to be an obstacle!
12 願はくは汝等を惑はす人々の裁除かれん事を。
I could even wish that the people who are unsettling you would go further still and mutilate themselves.
13 蓋兄弟等よ、汝等既に召されて自由を得たれば、其自由を肉の機會として與ふる事なく、(霊の)愛を以て互に事へよ。
Remember, Brothers, to you the Call came to give you freedom. Only do not make your freedom an opportunity for self-indulgence, but serve one another in a loving spirit.
14 其は、「汝近き者を己の如く愛すべし」、との一言に於て、律法は悉く全うせらるればなり。
Indeed, the whole Law has been summed up in this one precept — ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thou dost thyself.’
15 然れど汝等もし互に相咬み相食まば、互に亡ぼされざる様用心せよ。
But, if you are continually wounding and preying upon one another, take care that you are not destroyed by one another.
16 我は言はん、霊に從ひて歩め、然らば肉の慾を行ふまじ。
This is what I have to say — Let your steps be guided by the Spirit, and then you will never gratify the cravings of your earthly nature.
17 蓋肉の望む所は霊に反し、霊の望む所は肉に反す、其相戻るは汝等が欲する所を悉く為さざらん為なり。
For these cravings of our earthly nature conflict with the Spirit, and the Spirit with our earthly nature — they are two contrary principles — so that you cannot do what you wish.
18 汝等若霊に導かるれば、律法の下に在らず。
But, if you follow the guidance of the Spirit, you are not subject to Law.
19 然て肉の業は顕なり、即ち私通、不潔、猥褻、邪淫、
The sins of our earthly nature are unmistakable. They are sins like these — unchastity, impurity, indecency,
20 偶像崇拝、魔術、怨恨、争闘、嫉妬、憤怒、喧嘩、擾亂、異説、
idolatry, sorcery, quarrels, strife, jealousy, outbursts of passion, rivalries, dissensions, divisions,
21 猜忌、殺人、酩酊、饕食等是なり。既に豫め汝等に告げし如く今も言ひ置く、斯る事を為す人は神の國を得ざるべし。
feelings of envy, drunkenness, revelry, and the like. And I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who indulge in such things will have no place in the Kingdom of God.
22 然るに霊の好果は、(愛)、喜、平安、堪忍、慈恵、善良、(忍耐)、
But the fruit produced by the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindliness, generosity, trustfulness, gentleness, self-control.
23 温良、眞實、謹慎、節制、貞操なり、斯るものに向ひては律法ある事なし。
Against such things there is no law!
24 夫キリストのものたる人々は、己が肉身を其惡徳及び諸慾と共に十字架に釘けたるなり。
And those who belong to Jesus, the Christ, have already crucified their earthly nature, with its passions and its cravings.
25 我等若霊によりて活きなば、又霊によりて歩むべし。
Since our Life is due to the Spirit, let us rule our conduct also by the Spirit.
26 虚榮を好みて相挑み相猜む者と成ること勿れ。
Do not let us grow vain, and provoke or envy one another.

< ガラテヤ人への手紙 5 >