< 使徒の働き 5 >

1 第二 アナニアとサフィラとの事件 然るにアナニアと呼ばるる人、其妻サフィラと共に一枚の畑を売りしが、妻も同意にて畑の價を詐り、
But a certain man named Ananias, together with Sapphira his wife,
2 其幾分を持來りて使徒等の足下に置きしかば、
sold a possession, and secreted part of the price, his wife also being conscious to it; and bringing: some part, laid it at the feet of the apostles.
3 ペトロ云ひけるは、アナニアよ、何故サタンに心を誘はれて聖霊を欺き、畑の價を詐りたるぞ。
But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan so filled thine heart, that thou shouldst lie to the holy Ghost, and keep back part of the price of the land?
4 其畑の有りし時は汝の物にして、売られて後も[價は]汝の権内に属したるに非ずや、何ぞ斯る事を心に企てしぞ、汝の欺きしは人に非ずして神なり、と。
While it remained, did it not remain thy own? and when sold, was it not in thy own power? what is the meaning that thou hast taken this into thine heart? Thou hast not lyed to men, but to God.
5 アナニア此言を聞くや、倒れて息絶えしかば、聞きたる人皆大いに懼を懐き、
And Ananias at the hearing of these words fell down and expired: and great fear came on all that heard these things.
6 青年等立ちて之を取上げ、舁出して葬れり。
And some of the young men arose, and wrapped him up; and they carried him out, and buried him.
7 約三時間を経て其妻、事の起りしを知らずして入來るに、
And about the space of three hours after, his wife also came in, not knowing what had happened.
8 ペトロ之に謂ひけるは、婦よ、汝等が畑を売りし金は其だけなるか、我に告げよ、と。彼、然り其だけなり、と答へしかば、
And Peter said to her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much. And she said, Yes, for so much.
9 ペトロ之に向ひ、汝等何為れぞ共謀して主の霊を試みんとしたるや、看よ、汝の夫を葬りし人々の足は戸口に在り、汝をも舁出すべし、と云ひければ、
Then Peter said unto her, Wherefore have ye agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold the feet of those, who have been burying thy husband, now at the door, and they shall carry thee out.
10 婦忽ち其足下に倒れて息絶えたり。青年等入來りて其死せるを見、之を舁出して夫の傍に葬りければ、
And immediately she fell down at his feet and expired: and the young men coming in found her dead, and they carried her out and buried her by her husband.
11 全教會及び是等の事を聞ける人々、皆大いに懼を懐けり。
And great fear came upon the whole assembly, and upon all that heard these things.
12 第三 使徒等奇蹟を行ひて信者の數増加す 數多の徴と不思議とは、使徒等の手によりて民間に行はれ、[信者]皆心を一にしてサロモンの殿廊に在りしが、
And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders done among the people: And they all met with one accord in Solomon's portico:
13 他人は敢て此中に交る者なく、人民彼等を稱賛して、
but no other presumed to join himself to them; however the people magnified them.
14 主を信仰する男女の群衆益増加し、
And true believers were the more willingly added to the Lord, even multitudes both of men and women.
15 終には、人々病人を衢に舁出し、ペトロの來らん時、一人にもあれ其蔭になりとも覆はれ(て病を醫され)んとて、寝台若くは舁台に之を載置くに至り、
insomuch that they brought the sick out into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at lest the shadow of Peter, as he came by, might pass over some of them.
16 又近傍の町々より病人、或は汚鬼に悩まさるる者等を携へて、人々夥しくエルザレムに馳集ひ居たりしが、彼等悉く醫されつつありき。
And a great number out of the cities round about also came together to Jerusalem, bringing those that were infirm and that were troubled with impure spirits; and they were all cured.
17 第四 迫害起りて使徒等益奮發す 然れば司祭長及び其徒、即ちサドカイ派、皆妬ましさに堪へず、
Then the high priest rose up, and all that were with him, (being of the sect of the sadducees, ) and were filled with rage:
18 起ちて使徒等を捕へ、之を監獄に入れたり。
and laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the public prison.
19 然れど主の使、夜中に監獄の門を開きて彼等を出し、
But an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison by night, and having brought them out said,
20 汝等往きて、[神]殿に立ち、此生命の言を悉く人民に語れ、と云ひしかば、
"Go stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life."
21 彼等之を聴き、黎明に[神]殿に入りて教へたり。然て司祭長及び之に伴へる人々、議員及びイスラエル人の長老一同を[衆議所に]召集し、使徒等を引來らせんとて、人を監獄に遣はししに、
And hearing this, they went early in the morning into the temple and taught the people. But the high priest being come, and they that were with him, to the council-chamber, they called together the Sanhedrim, and all the senate of the children of Israel, and sent orders to the prison that they should be brought before them.
22 下役等至りて監獄を開き、彼等の在らざるを見て立歸り、告げて、
But when the officers came they found them not in the prison: so they returned,
23 云ひけるは、監獄が堅く閉ぢ、看守が門前に立てることは、我等之を見届けたれども、之を開けば内には誰も見えざりき、と。
and told them, saying, the prison we found shut with all safety, and the keepers standing without before the doors: but when we opened them, we found no body within.
24 神殿の司及び司祭長、是等の談を聞くや、使徒等に就きて、其成行如何にと當惑せるに、
Now when the high priest, and the captain of the temple, and the chief priests heard these words, they were in doubt concerning them, what this would come to;
25 或人來りて、汝等が監獄に入れし人々は、今[神]殿に立ちて人民を教へつつあり、と告げしかば、
when there came one and told them, saying, behold, the men whom ye put in prison, are in the temple teaching the people.
26 神殿の司、下役等を從へ行きて使徒等を連來れり、然れど人民より石を擲たれん事を恐れて、暴力を加ふる事なかりき。
Then the captain went with the officers and brought them, but not with violence; for they were afraid of the people least they should be stoned:
27 然て連來りて議會の中に立たせ、司祭長尋問して、
and when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest asked them,
28 彼名によりて教ふること勿れとは、我等が、厳しく命ぜし所なるに、汝等は其教をエルザレムに満たせ、彼人の血を我等に負はしめんとするに非ずや、と云ひしかば、
saying, Did not we strictly charge you not to teach in this name? and behold ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and would bring this man's blood upon us.
29 ペトロ及び使徒等答へて云ひけるは、我等は人に[從ふ]よりは神に從はざるべからず。
But Peter, and the other apostles, answered, and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
30 我等が先祖の神は、汝等の木に磔けて殺ししイエズスを復活せしめ給へり。
The God of our fathers hath raised up Jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.
31 神は改心と罪の赦とをイスラエルに賜はん為に、右の御手を以て、イエズスを君とし救主として立て給ひしなり。
Him hath God exalted with his right hand as a prince and saviour, to give repentance to Israel, and remission of sins:
32 我等は是等の事の證人にして、神が総て己に從ふ人々に賜へる所の聖霊も、亦之を證し給ふなり、と。
and we are his witnesses of what we declare; and so is the holy Spirit, whom God hath given to them that obey Him.
33 會衆之を聞きて憤に堪へず、使徒等を殺さんと思ひ居たりしが、
And when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and took counsel to put them to death.
34 人民一般より尊ばるる律法學士ガマリエルと云へるファリザイ人、議會に立ち、命じて使徒等を暫く外に立たしめ、
But a certain pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, held in much esteem by all the people, stood up in the council, and ordered the apostles to be taken out a little while; and then he said unto them,
35 會衆に謂ひけるは、イスラエル人よ、自ら彼人々に為さんとする所を慎め、
Men of Israel, take heed to yourselves, what ye are about to do, as to these men.
36 其は此間テオダ[なる者]起りて、自ら人物と稱し、之に與せし人の數約四百なりしも、彼殺されたれば、之を信用せし人々も悉く散りて皆無となれり。
For some time ago one Theudas arose, pretending to be some extraordinary person, to whom was joined a number of men, about four hundred: who was slain, and all that followed him were dispersed and came to nothing.
37 其後、人別調の時、ガリレアのユダ起りて人民を誘ひ、己に從はしめしが、彼も亡びたれば之に與せし人は悉く散りたりき。
After him arose Judas the Galilean, at the time of the registring, and drew much people after him: but he also perished, and all that followed him were dispersed.
38 今も我汝等に謂はん、彼人々に遠ざかりて之を措け、其は其計画若くは事業、人よりのものならば崩るべく、
And therefore as to the present affair I advise you to refrain from these men and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nothing;
39 神よりのものならば、汝等之を壊すこと能はずして、恐らくは神にも逆らふ者と為らるべければなり、と。會衆之に賛成して、
but if it be of God, ye cannot defeat it, least ye be found fighting even against God.
40 使徒等を呼出し、之を鞭ちて後、イエズスの名によりて語る事を厳禁して還せり。
So they took his advice, and having called for the apostles and scourged them, they charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.
41 使徒等イエズスの御名の為に恥辱を受くるに足る者と為られしを喜びつつ會衆の前を去りしが、
And they departed from the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer disgrace for his name.
42 日々神殿にて、又は家々を廻りて人を教へ、キリスト、イエズスの福音を宣べて止まざりき。
And every day in the temple and from house to house they ceased not from teaching and preaching that Jesus was the Christ.

< 使徒の働き 5 >