< ヨハネの手紙第三 1 >

1 長老は至愛なるガイオ、即ち我が眞に愛せる者に[書簡を贈る]。
The elder, to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth.
2 至愛なる者よ、我汝が魂の榮ゆる如くに萬事に於て榮え、且壮健ならん事を祈る。
Dear one, I pray for you to prosper in every way and to be healthy, just as your soul prospers.
3 或兄弟等來りて、汝の忠實、即ち汝が如何に忠實に歩めるかを證したれば、我甚だ喜べり。
Because it gave me great joy when some brothers came and testified to the truth about you, how you are walking in Truth.
4 我に取りて、我子等の忠實に歩めるを聞くに優れる喜びはあらず。
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in Truth.
5 至愛なる者よ、汝は兄弟等、而も旅人に對して、何事を為すにも忠實に之を為せり。彼等は教會の前に於て汝の愛情を證せしが、
Dear one, you are faithful in whatever you do for the brothers, and for the strangers
6 汝が尚神に相應はしからん様、彼等の旅行を扶けんは然るべき事なり。
who testified to your love before the church—you will do well by sending them on their way in a manner worthy of God,
7 其は彼等は神の御名の為に出立して、何物をも異教人に受けざればなり。
because it was for the sake of the Name that they went out, accepting nothing from pagans.
8 故に我等は眞理と協力せん為に、宜しく斯の如き人を接待すべきなり。
We therefore ought to welcome such, so that we may work together for the Truth.
9 我教會に宛てて一筆書贈れり、然れど其中に頭立つ事を好めるデオトレフェス我等を承容れざるなり。
I wrote to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who wants to dominate the others, does not acknowledge us.
10 故に我が至りたらん時、其為す所の業を其心に喚起さんとす。即ち彼は我等を惡口して、而も足らざるものの如く、自ら兄弟等を承容れず、併せて承容れんとする人々を禁め、且教會より追出すなり。
So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, slandering us with malignant words. And not satisfied with that, not only does he himself not receive the brothers, but he forbids those who want to do so, kicking them out of the congregation.
11 至愛なる者よ、汝は惡に倣はずして善に倣へ、善を為す人は神よりのものなり。惡を為す人は神を見奉りし事なし。
Dear one, do not imitate what is bad, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God.
12 デメトリオは衆人にも實際にも證明せられ、我等も亦之が為に證明す、而して我等の證明の眞實なるは汝等之を知れり。
Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone—even by the truth itself. Yes, we also speak well of him, and we know that our testimony is true.
13 汝に書贈るべきことは多かりしかども、我は墨筆を以て書贈るを好まず。
I had many things to write, but I do not wish to write to you with pen and ink;
14 願はくは不日汝を見て、我等口づから相語らん。汝に平安あれかし。友人等は汝に宜しくと言へり。友人等に、各名を斥して宜しく傳へよ。
rather I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends here greet you. Greet the friends there by name.

< ヨハネの手紙第三 1 >