< テモテへの手紙第一 1 >

1 我救主にて在す神及び我等が希望にて在すキリスト、イエズスの命によりてキリスト、イエズスの使徒たるパウロ、信仰上の實子チモテオに[書簡を贈る]。
PAUL, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the order of God, our Saviour, and Lord, Jesus Christ, who is our hope;
2 願はくは父にて在す神及び我主キリスト、イエズスより恩寵と慈悲と平安とを賜はらん事を。
to Timothy, my genuine son in faith: grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father, and Christ Jesus our Lord.
3 第一項 教會の為に善く戰ふべし 第一編 教會の為に要求する所 我曾てマケドニアに往きし時汝に願ひし如く、汝はエフェゾに留り、或人々に命じて異なる事を教へざらしめ、
As I exhorted thee to abide at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest enjoin certain persons to introduce no different doctrine,
4 且信仰に基ける神の道を立つるにはあらで却て様々の議論を起さする寓言と、究極なき系圖とに從事する事なからしめよ。
nor to attend to fables and endless genealogies, which give occasion to disputes rather than godly edification, which is by faith; so do.
5 抑此命令の目的は、潔き心と善き良心と偽なき信仰とに出づる愛なり。
For the end of the commandment is love out of a clean heart, and good conscience, and faith unfeigned:
6 然れども彼人々は、是等の事に外れて無益なる談話に移り、
from which some, having swerved, have turned aside to vain babbling;
7 自ら律法の教師たらんと欲して、其言ふ所をも断言する所をも覚らざるなり。
affecting to be doctors of the law, though they underhand neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.
8 然れども我等、律法は人正しく之を用ふれば善きものなることを知れり。
But we know that the law is good if a man use it according to its institution;
9 律法の設けられしは義人の為に非ずして、不法人、反抗者、不敬者、罪人、無宗教者、卑俗者、父を殺す者、母を殺す者、殺人者、
knowing this, that the law is not made for the just man, but for the lawless and disorderly, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for men-slayers,
10 私通者、男色者、誘拐者、虚言者、偽證者、及び健全なる教に反する他の一切の事の為なりと知るべきなり、
for whoremongers, for sodomites, for stealers of men, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing which is contrary to sound doctrine,
11 我に委られたる至福に在す神の光榮の福音に在るが如し。
according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been put in trust.
12 我を堅固ならしめ給ひし我主キリスト、イエズスに感謝し奉る。其は我を聖役に任じて忠信なる者とし給ひたればなり。
And I render thanks to him who hath strengthened me, even to Christ Jesus our Lord, that he hath counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;
13 即ち我曩には冒涜者、迫害者、侮辱者たりしかど、信ぜざる時知らずして為ししが故に、慈悲を蒙りて、
who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and insolently violent, But I was admitted to mercy, for I did it ignorantly in unbelief;
14 キリスト、イエズスに於る信仰及び愛と共に、我主の恩寵身に餘れり。
but the grace of our Lord hath exceedingly abounded with faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus.
15 眞實にして全く信ずべき談なる哉、キリスト、イエズスの世に來り給ひしは罪人を救はん為なる事。我は其罪人の第一なり。
It is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief.
16 然るに慈悲を蒙りしはキリスト、イエズス其諸の堪忍を我に於て第一に顕し給ひ、永遠の生命を得んとて将に信ぜんとする人々に例を示し給はん為なり。 (aiōnios g166)
But for this end obtained I mercy, that in me, the chief, Jesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering, for a pattern to those who should after believe in him unto eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
17 願はくは萬世の王に在し不朽にして見え給はざる唯一の神に、世々尊崇と光榮と在らん事を、アメン。 (aiōn g165)
Now to the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
18 我子チモテオよ、汝に関はれる豫ての預言に從ひ、此命令を汝に寄す、之に應じて善き戰を戰ひ、
This commandment, son Timothy, I give thee, according to the prophecies which were before delivered concerning thee, that by them thou mightest war a good warfare;
19 信仰と善き良心とを保て。或人々は之を棄て、信仰に就きて破船せしが、
holding faith and a good conscience, which some having renounced, as touching the faith, have been shipwrecked:
20 其中にヒメネオとアレキサンデルと在りしを、冒涜せざる事を學ばしめんとて我之をサタンに付せり。
of whom are Hymeneus and Alexander, whom I have delivered over unto Satan, that they may be corrected, so as to blaspheme no more.

< テモテへの手紙第一 1 >