< 詩篇 75 >

1 神よわれら汝にかんしやす われら感謝すなんぢの名はちかく坐せばなり もろもろの人はなんぢの奇しき事跡をかたりあへり
Unto the end. May you not be corrupted. A Canticle Psalm of Asaph. We will confess to you, O God. We will confess, and we will call upon your name. We will describe your wonders.
2 定りたる期いたらば我なほき審判をなさん
While I have time, I will judge justices.
3 地とすべての之にすむものと消去しとき我そのもろもろの柱をたてたり (セラ)
The earth has been dissolved, with all who dwell in it. I have confirmed its pillars.
4 われ誇れるものに誇りかにおこなふなかれといひ 惡きものに角をあぐるなかれといへり
I said to the iniquitous: “Do not act unjustly,” and to the offenders: “Do not exalt the horn.”
5 なんぢらの角をたかく擧るなかれ頸をかたくして高りいふなかれ
Do not exalt your horn on high. Do not speak iniquity against God.
6 擧ることは東よりにあらず西よりにあらずまた南よりにもあらざるなり
For it is neither from the east, nor from the west, nor before the desert mountains.
7 ただ神のみ審士にましませば此をさげ彼をあげたまふ
For God is judge. This one he humbles and that one he exalts.
8 ヱホバの手にさかづきありて酒あわだてり その中にものまじりてみつ 神これをそそぎいだせり 誠にその滓は地のすべてのあしき者しぼりて飮むべし
For, in the hand of the Lord, there is a cup of undiluted wine, full of consternation. And he has tipped it from here to there. So, truly, its dregs have not been emptied. All the sinners of the earth will drink.
9 されど我はヤコブの神をのべつたへん とこしへに讃うたはん
But I will announce it in every age. I will sing to the God of Jacob.
10 われ惡きもののすべての角をきりはなたん 義きものの角はあげらるべし
And I will break all the horns of sinners. And the horns of the just will be exalted.

< 詩篇 75 >