< 詩篇 38 >

1 ヱホバよねがはくは忿恚をもて我をせめ はげしき怒をもて我をこらしめ給ふなかれ
A Psalm of David, in commemoration of the Sabbath. O Lord, do not rebuke me in your fury, nor chastise me in your wrath.
2 なんぢの矢われにあたり なんぢの手わがうへを壓へたり
For your arrows have been driven into me, and your hand has been confirmed over me.
3 なんぢの怒によりてわが肉には全きところなく わが罪によりてわが骨には健かなるところなし
There is no health in my flesh before the face of your wrath. There is no peace for my bones before the face of my sins.
4 わが不義は首をすぎてたかく重荷のごとく負がたければなり
For my iniquities have walked over my head, and they have been like a heavy burden weighing upon me.
5 われ愚なるによりてわが傷あしき臭をはなちて腐れただれたり
My sores have putrefied and been corrupted before the face of my foolishness.
6 われ折屈みていたくなげきうなたれたり われ終日かなしみありく
I have become miserable, and I have been bent down, even to the end. I have walked with contrition all day long.
7 わが腰はことごとく燒るがごとく肉に全きところなければなり
For my loins have been filled with illusions, and there is no health in my flesh.
8 我おとろへはて甚くきずつけられわが心のやすからざるによりて欷歔さけべり
I have been afflicted and greatly humbled. I bellowed from the groaning of my heart.
9 ああ主よわがすべての願望はなんぢの前にあり わが嘆息はなんぢに隠るることなし
O Lord, all my desire is before you, and my groaning before you has not been hidden.
10 わが胸をどりわが力おとろへ わが眼のひかりも亦われをはなれたり
My heart has been disturbed. My strength has abandoned me, and the light of my eyes has abandoned me, and it is not with me.
11 わが友わが親めるものはわが痍をみて遥にたち わが隣もまた遠かりてたてり
My friends and my neighbors have drawn near and stood against me. And those who were next to me stood far apart. And those who sought my soul used violence.
12 わが生命をたづぬるものは羂をまうけ我をそこなはんとするものは惡言をいひ また終日たばかりを謀る
And those who sought evil accusations against me were speaking emptiness. And they practiced deceitfulness all day long.
13 然はあれどわれは聾者のごとくきかず われは口をひらかぬ唖者のごとし
But, like someone deaf, I did not hear. And I was like someone mute, not opening his mouth.
14 如此われはきかざる人のごとく口にことあげせぬ人のごときなり
And I became like a man who does not hear, and who has no reproofs in his mouth.
15 ヱホバよ我なんぢを俟望めり 主わが神よなんぢかならず答へたまふべければなり
For in you, Lord, I have hoped. You will listen to me, O Lord my God.
16 われ曩にいふ おそらくはかれらわが事によりて喜び わが足のすべらんとき我にむかひて誇りかにたかぶらんと
For I said, “Lest at any time, my enemies might rejoice over me,” and, “While my feet are being shaken, they have spoken great things against me.”
17 われ仆るるばかりになりぬ わが悲哀はたえずわが前にあり
For I have been prepared for scourges, and my sorrow is ever before me.
18 そは我みづから不義をいひあらはし わが罪のためにかなしめばなり
For I will announce my iniquity, and I will think about my sin.
19 わが仇はいきはたらきてたけく故なくして我をうらむるものおほし
But my enemies live, and they have been stronger than me. And those who have wrongfully hated me have been multiplied.
20 惡をもて善にむくゆるものはわれ善事にしたがふが故にわが仇となれり
Those who render evil for good have dragged me down, because I followed goodness.
21 ヱホバよねがはくは我をはなれたたまふなかれ わが神よわれに遠かりたまふなかれ
Do not forsake me, O Lord my God. Do not depart from me.
22 主わがすくひよ速きたりて我をたすけたまへ
Be attentive to my help, O Lord, the God of my salvation.

< 詩篇 38 >