< イザヤ書 64 >

1 願くはなんぢ天を裂てくだり給へ なんぢのみまへに山々ふるひ動かんことを
I wish that you would rend the heavens, and then descend! The mountains would flow away before your face.
2 火の柴をもやし火の水を沸すがごとくして降りたまへ かくて名をなんぢの敵にあらはし もろもろの國をなんぢのみまへに戰慄かしめたまへ
They would melt, as if thoroughly burned by fire. The waters would burn with fire, so that your name might be made known to your enemies, so that the nations would be stirred up before your face.
3 汝われらが逆料あたはざる懼るべき事をおこなひ給ひしときに降りたまへり 山々はその前にふるひうごけり
When you will perform miracles, we will not be able to withstand them. You descended, and the mountains flowed away before your presence.
4 上古よりこのかた汝のほかに何なる神ありて俟望みたる者にかかる事をおこなひしや いまだ聽ず いまだ耳にいらず いまだ目にみしことなし
From ages past, they have not heard it, and they have not perceived it with the ears. Apart from you, O God, the eye has not seen what you have prepared for those who await you.
5 汝はよろこびて義をおこなひなんぢの途にありてなんぢを紀念するものを迎へたまふ 視よなんぢ怒りたまへり われらは罪ををかせり かかる狀なること旣にひさし 我儕いかで救はるるを得んや
You have met with those who rejoice in doing justice. By your ways, they will remember you. Behold, you have been angry, for we have sinned. In this, we have continued, but we will be saved.
6 我儕はみな潔からざる物のごとくなり われらの義はことごとく汚れたる衣のごとし 我儕はみな木葉のごとく枯れ われらのよこしまは暴風のごとく我らを吹去れり
And we have all become like the unclean. And all our justices are like a rag of menstruation. And we have all fallen away, like a leaf. And our iniquities have carried us away, like the wind.
7 なんぢの名をよぶ者なく みづから勵みて汝によりすがる者なし なんぢ面をおほひてわれらを顧みたまはず われらが邪曲をもてわれらを消失せしめたまへり
There is no one who calls upon your name, who rises up and holds fast to you. You have concealed your face from us, and you have crushed us with the hand of our own iniquity.
8 されどヱホバよ汝はわれらの父なり われらは泥塊にしてなんぢは陶工なり 我らは皆なんぢの御手のわざなり
And now, O Lord, you are our Father, yet truly, we are clay. And you are our Maker, and we are all the works of your hands.
9 ヱホバよいたく怒りたまふなかれ 永くよこしまを記念したまふなかれ 願くは顧みたまへ 我儕はみななんぢの民なり
Do not be so angry, O Lord, and no longer call to mind our iniquity. Behold, consider that we are all your people.
10 汝のきよき諸邑は野となりシオンは野となりヱルサレムは荒廢れたり
The city of your sanctuary has become a desert. Zion has become a desert. Jerusalem is desolate.
11 我らの先祖が汝を讃たたへたる榮光ある我儕のきよき宮は火にやかれ 我儕のしたひたる處はことごとく荒はてたり
The house of our sanctification and of our glory, where our fathers praised you, has been completely consumed by fire, and all our admirable things have been turned into ruins.
12 ヱホバよこれらの事あれども汝なほみづから制へたまふや なんぢなほ默してわれらに深くくるしみを受しめたまふや
Should you restrain yourself, O Lord, concerning these things? Should you remain silent, and afflict us vehemently?

< イザヤ書 64 >