< 出エジプト記 12 >

1 ヱホバ、エジプトの國にてモーセとアロンに告ていひたまひけるは
The Lord also said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:
2 此月を汝らの月の首となせ汝ら是を年の正月となすべし
“This month will be for you the beginning of the months. It will be first in the months of the year.
3 汝等イスラエルの全會衆に告て言べし此月の十日に家の父たる者おのおの羔羊を取べし即ち家ごとに一箇の羔羊を取べし
Speak to the entire assembly of the sons of Israel, and say to them: On the tenth day of this month, let everyone take a lamb, by their families and houses.
4 もし家族少くして其羔羊を盡すことあたはずばその家の隣なる人とともに人の數にしたがひて之を取べし各人の食ふ所にしたがひて汝等羔羊を計るべし
But if the number is less than may suffice to be able to consume the lamb, he shall accept his neighbor, who has been joined with his house according to the number of souls that may suffice to be able to eat the lamb.
5 汝らの羔羊は疵なき當歳の牡なるべし汝等綿羊あるひは山羊の中よりこれを取べし
And it shall be a lamb without blemish, a one year old male. According to this rite, you shall also take a young goat.
6 而して此月の十四日まで之を守りおきイスラエルの會衆みな薄暮に之を屠り
And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month. And the entire multitude of the sons of Israel shall immolate it toward evening.
7 その血をとりて其之を食ふ家の門口の兩旁の橒と鴨居に塗べし
And they shall take from its blood, and place it on both the door posts and the upper threshold of the houses, in which they will consume it.
8 而して此夜その肉を火に炙て食ひ又酵いれぬパンに苦菜をそへて食ふべし
And that night they shall eat the flesh, roasted by fire, and unleavened bread with wild lettuce.
9 其を生にても水に煮ても食ふなかれ火に炙べし其頭と脛と臓腑とを皆くらへ
You shall not consume anything from it raw, nor boiled in water, but only roasted by fire. You shall devour the head with its feet and entrails.
10 其を明朝まで殘しおくなかれ其明朝まで殘れる者は火にて燒つくすべし
Neither shall there remain anything from it until morning. If anything will have been left over, you shall burn it with fire.
11 なんぢら斯之を食ふべし即ち腰をひきからげ足に鞋を穿き手に杖をとりて急て之を食ふべし是ヱホバの逾越節なり
Now you shall consume it in this way: You shall gird your waist, and you shall have shoes on your feet, holding staves in your hands, and you shall consume it in haste. For it is the Passover (that is, the Crossing) of the Lord.
12 是夜われエジプトの國を巡りて人と畜とを論ずエジプトの國の中の長子たる者を盡く撃殺し又エジプトの諸の神に罰をかうむらせん我はヱホバなり
And I will cross through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man, even to cattle. And I will bring judgments against all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord.
13 その血なんぢらが居るところの家にありて汝等のために記號とならん我血を見る時なんぢらを逾越すべし又わがエジプトの國を撃つ時災なんぢらに降りて滅ぼすことなかるべし
But the blood will be for you as a sign in the buildings where you will be. And I will see the blood, and I will pass over you. And the plague will not be with you to destroy, when I strike the land of Egypt.
14 汝ら是日を記念えてヱホバの節期となし世々これを祝ふべし汝等之を常例となして祝ふべし
Then you shall have this day as a memorial, and you shall celebrate it as a solemnity to the Lord, in your generations, as an everlasting devotion.
15 七日の間酵いれぬパンを食ふべしその首の日にパン酵を汝等の家より除け凡て首の日より七日までに酵入たるパンを食ふ人はイスラエルより絶るべきなり
For seven days, you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day there shall be no leaven in your houses. Whoever will consume anything leavened, from the first day, even until the seventh day, that soul shall perish from Israel.
16 且首の日に聖會をひらくべし又第七日に聖會を汝らの中に開け是ふたつの日には何の業をもなすべからず只各人の食ふ者のみ汝等作ることを得べし
The first day shall be holy and solemn, and the seventh day shall be venerated with the same festivity. You shall do no work in these days, except that which pertains to the eating.
17 汝ら酵いれぬパンの節期を守るべし其は此日に我なんぢらの軍隊をエジプトの國より導きいだせばなり故に汝ら常例となして世々是日をまもるべし
And you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread. For on this same day, I will lead your army out of the land of Egypt, and you shall keep this day, in your generations, as a perpetual ritual.
18 正月に於てその月の十四日の晩より同月の二十一日の晩まで汝ら酵いれぬパンを食へ
In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, toward evening, you shall consume the unleavened bread, until the twenty-first day of the same month, toward evening.
19 七日の間なんぢらの家にパン酵をおくべからず凡て酵いれたる物を食ふ人は其異邦人たると本國に生れし者たるとを問ず皆イスラエルの聖會より絶るべし
For seven days, there shall not be found leaven in your houses. Whoever will eat leaven, his soul will perish from the assembly of Israel, as much with the newcomers as with the natives of the land.
20 汝ら酵いれたる物は何をも食ふべからず凡て汝らの居處に於ては酵いれぬパンを食ふべし
You shall not consume any leaven. In all your dwelling places, you shall eat unleavened bread.”
21 是に於てモーセ、イスラエルの長老を盡くまねきて之にいふ汝等その家族に循ひて一頭の羔羊を撿み取り之を屠りて逾越節のために備へよ
Then Moses called all the elders of the sons of Israel, and he said to them: “Go, taking an animal by your families, and sacrifice the Passover.
22 又牛膝草一束を取て盂の血に濡し盂の血を門口の鴨居および二旁の柱にそそぐべし明朝にいたるまで汝等一人も家の戸をいづるなかれ
And dip a little bundle of hyssop in the blood which is at the entrance, and sprinkle the upper threshold with it, and both of the door posts. Let none of you go out of the door of his house until morning.
23 其はヱホバ、エジプトを撃に巡りたまふ時鴨居と兩旁の柱に血のあるを見ばヱキバ其門を逾越し殺滅者をして汝等の家に入て撃ざらしめたまふべければなり
For the Lord will cross through, striking the Egyptians. And when he will see the blood on the upper threshold, and on both the door posts, he will pass over the door of the house and not permit the Striker to enter into your houses or to do harm.
24 汝ら是事を例となして汝となんぢの子孫永くこれを守るべし
You shall keep this word as a law for you and for your sons, forever.
25 汝等ヱホバがその言たまひし如くになんぢらに與へたまはんところの地に至る時はこの禮式をまもるべし
And when you have entered into the land that the Lord will give to you, just as he has promised, you shall observe these ceremonies.
26 若なんぢらの子女この禮式は何の意なるやと汝らに問ば
And when your sons will say to you, ‘What is the meaning of this religious observance?’
27 汝ら言ふべし是はヱホバの逾越節の祭祀なりヱホバ、エジプト人を撃たまひし時エジプトにをるイスラエルの子孫の家を逾越てわれらの家を救ひたまへりと民すなはち鞠て拝せり
You shall say to them: ‘It is the victim of the crossing of the Lord, when he passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt, striking the Egyptians, and freeing our houses.’” And the people, bowing down, worshipped.
28 イスラエルの子孫去てヱホバのモーセとアロンに命じたまひしごとくなし斯おこなへり
And the sons of Israel, departing, did just as the Lord had instructed Moses and Aaron.
29 爰にヱホバ夜半にエジプトの國の中の長子たる者を位に坐するパロの長子より牢獄にある俘虜の長子まで盡く撃たまふ亦家畜の首生もしかり
Then it happened, in the middle of the night: the Lord struck down every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sits on his throne, even to the firstborn of the captive woman who was in prison, and all the firstborn of the cattle.
30 期有しかばパロとその諸の臣下およびエジプト人みな夜の中に起あがりエジプトに大なる號哭ありき死人あらざる家なかりければなり
And Pharaoh rose up in the night, and all his servants, and all of Egypt. And there arose a great outcry in Egypt. For there was not a house in which no one lay dead.
31 パロすなはち夜の中にモーセとアロンを召ていひけるは汝らとイスラエルの子孫起てわが民の中より出さり汝らがいへる如くに往てヱホバに事へよ
And Pharaoh, calling Moses and Aaron in the night, said: “Rise up and go forth from among my people, you and the sons of Israel. Go, sacrifice to the Lord, just as you say.
32 亦なんぢらが言るごとく汝らの羊と牛をひきて去れ汝らまた我を祝せよと
Your sheep and herds take along with you, as you requested, and as you go away, bless me.”
33 是においてエジプト人我等みな死ると言て民を催逼て速かに國を去しめんとせしかば
And the Egyptians urged the people to go away from the land quickly, saying, “We will all die.”
34 民捏粉の未だ酵いれざるを執り捏盤を衣服に包みて肩に負ふ
Therefore, the people took bread dough before it was leavened. And tying it in their cloaks, they placed it on their shoulders.
35 而してイスラエルの子孫モーセの言のごとく爲しエジプト人に銀の飾物、金の飾物および衣服を乞たるに
And the sons of Israel did just as Moses had instructed. And they petitioned the Egyptians for vessels of silver and of gold, and very many garments.
36 ヱホバ、エジプト人をして民をめぐましめ彼等にこれを與へしめたまふ斯かれらエジプト人の物を取り
Then the Lord granted favor to the people in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they bestowed on them. And they despoiled the Egyptians.
37 斯てイスラエルの子孫ラメセスよりスコテに進みしが子女の外に徒にて歩める男六十萬人ありき
And the sons of Israel set out from Rameses to Soccoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides little ones.
38 又衆多の寄集人および羊牛等はなはだ多の家畜彼等とともに上れり
But also an innumerable mix of common people ascended with them, sheep and herds and animals of diverse kinds, exceedingly many.
39 爰に彼等エジプトより携へいでたる捏粉をもて酵いれぬパンを烘り未だ酵をいれざりければなり是かれらエジプトより逐いだされて濡滞るを得ざりしに由り又何の食糧をも備へざりしに因る
And they baked the bread, which a little while ago they had taken out of Egypt as dough. And they made unleavened bread baked under ashes. For it was not able to be leavened, with the Egyptians compelling them to leave and not permitting them to cause any delay. Neither did they have occasion to prepare any meat.
40 偖イスラエルの子孫のエジプトに住居しその住居の間は四百三十年なりき
Now the habitation of the sons of Israel, while they remained in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.
41 四百三十年の終にいたり即ち其日にヱホバの軍隊みなエジプトの國より出たり
Having been completed, on the same day all the army of the Lord departed from the land of Egypt.
42 是はヱホバが彼等をエジプトの國より導きいだしたまひし事のためにヱホバの前に守るべき夜なり是はヱホバの夜にしてイスラエルの子孫が皆世々まもるべき者なり
This night is a worthy observance of the Lord, when he led them out of the land of Egypt. This all the sons of Israel must observe in their generations.
43 ヱホバ、モーセとアロンに言たまひけるは逾越節の例は是のごとし異邦人はこれを食ふべからず
And the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron: “This is the religious observance of the Passover. No foreigner shall eat from it.
44 但し各人の金にて買たる僕は割禮を施して然る後是を食しむべし
But every bought servant shall be circumcised, and so he may eat from it.
45 外國の客および傭人は之を食ふべからず
The newcomer and the hired hand shall not eat from it.
46 一の家にてこれを食ふべしその肉を少も家の外に持いづるなかれ又其骨を折べからず
In one house it shall be eaten; you shall not carry its flesh outside, nor shall you break its bone.
47 イスラエルの會衆みな之を守るべし
The entire assembly of the sons of Israel shall do this.
48 異邦人なんぢとともに寄居てヱホバの逾越節を守らんとせば其男悉く割禮を受て然る後に近りて守るべし即ち彼は國に生れたる者のごとくなるべし割禮をうけざる人はこれを食ふべからざるなり
And if any sojourner will be willing to cross over into your settlement, and to keep the Passover of the Lord, all his males shall first be circumcised, and then he shall celebrate the rite. And he shall be just like a native of the land. But if any man is not circumcised, he shall not eat from it.
49 國に生れたる者にもまた汝らの中に寄居る異邦人にも此法は同一なり
The law shall be the same for the native born and for the settler who sojourns with you.”
50 イスラエルの子孫みな斯おこなひヱホバのモーセとアロンに命じたまひしごとく爲たり
And all the sons of Israel did just as the Lord had instructed Moses and Aaron.
51 その同じ日にヱホバ、イスラエルの子孫をその軍隊にしたがひてエジプトの國より導きいだしたまへり
And on the same day, the Lord led the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their companies.

< 出エジプト記 12 >