< 列王記Ⅱ 9 >

1 茲に預言者エリシヤ預言者の徒一人を呼てこれに言ふ汝腰をひきからげ此膏の瓶を手にとりてギレアデのラモテに往け
Now the prophet Elisha called one of the sons of the prophets, and he said to him: “Gird your waist, and take this little bottle of oil in your hand, and go to Ramoth Gilead.
2 而して汝かしこに到らばニムシの子なるヨシヤパテの子ヱヒウを其處に尋獲て内に入り彼をその兄弟の中より起しめて奧の間につれゆき
And when you arrive in that place, you will see Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi. And upon entering, you shall raise him up from the midst of his brothers, and you shall lead him into an inner room.
3 膏の瓶をとりその首に灌ぎて言へヱホバかく言たまふ我汝に膏をそそぎてイスラエルの王となすと而して戸を開きて逃されよ止ること勿れ
And taking the little bottle of oil, you shall pour it upon his head, and you shall say: ‘Thus says the Lord: I have anointed you as king over Israel.’ And you shall open the door and flee. And you shall not remain in that place.”
4 是において預言者の僕なるその少者ギレアデのラモテに往けるが
Therefore, the young man, a servant of the prophet, went away to Ramoth Gilead.
5 到りて見るに軍勢の長等坐してをりければ將軍よ我汝に告べき事ありと言ふにヱヒウこたへて我儕諸人の中の誰にかと言たれば將軍よ汝にと言ふ
And he entered that place, and behold, the leaders of the army were sitting there, and he said, “I have a word for you, O prince.” And Jehu said, “For which one among us all?” And he said, “For you, O prince.”
6 ヱヒウすなはち起て家にいりければ彼その首に膏をそそぎて之に言ふイスラエルの神ヱホバかく言たまふ我汝に膏をそそぎてヱホバの民イスラエルの王となす
And he rose up and entered into the room. And he poured the oil on his head, and he said: “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: ‘I have anointed you as king over Israel, the people of the Lord.
7 汝はその主アハブの家を撃ほろぼすべし其によりて我わが僕なる預言者等の血とヱホバの諸の僕等の血をイゼベルの身に報いん
And you shall strike down the house of Ahab, your lord. And I will avenge the blood of my servants, the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, from the hand of Jezebel.
8 アハブの家は全く滅亡べしアハブに屬する男はイスラエルにありて繋がれたる者も繋がれざる者もともに之を絶べし
And I will destroy the entire house of Ahab. And I will cause to pass away from Ahab, whatever urinates against a wall, and whatever is lame, and whatever is least in Israel.
9 我アハブの家をネバテの子ヤラベアムの家のごとくに爲しアヒヤの子バアシヤの家のごとくになさん
And I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha, the son of Ahijah.
10 ヱズレルの地において犬イゼベルを食ふべし亦これを葬るものあらじと而して戸を啓きて逃されり
Also, the dogs will consume Jezebel, in the field of Jezreel. Neither will there be anyone who may bury her.’” And then he opened the door, and he fled.
11 かくてヱヒウその主の臣僕等の許にいできたりたれば一人之に言ふ平安なるやこの狂る者何のために汝にきたりしやヱヒウこたへて汝等はかの人を知りまたその言ところを知なりと言ふに
Then Jehu went out to the servants of his lord. And they said to him: “Is everything well? Why has this insane man come to you?” And he said to them, “You know the man, and what he said.”
12 彼等言けらく謊なり其を我儕に告よと是においてヱヒウ言けるは彼斯々我につげて言りヱホバかく言たまふ我汝に膏をそそぎてイスラエルの王となすと
But they responded, “That is false; instead, you should tell us.” And he said to them, “He said to me these certain things, and he said, ‘Thus says the Lord: I have anointed you as king over Israel.’”
13 彼等すなはち急ぎて各人その衣服をとりこれを階の上ヱヒウの下に布き喇叭を吹てヱヒウは王たりと言り
And so they hurried away. And each one, taking his cloak, placed it under his feet, in the manner of a seat for judgment. And they sounded the trumpet, and they said: “Jehu reigns!”
14 ニムシの子なるヨシヤバテの子ヱヒウ斯ヨラムに叛けり(ヨラムはイスラエルを盡くひきゐてギレアデのラモテに於てスリアの王ハザエルを禦ぎたりしが
Then Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi, conspired against Joram. Now Joram had besieged Ramoth Gilead, he and all of Israel, against Hazael, the king of Syria.
15 ヨラム王はそのスリアの王ハザエルと戰ふ時にスリア人に負せられたるところの傷を痊さんとてヱズレルに歸りてをる)ヱヒウ言けるは若なんぢらの心にかなはば一人もこの邑より走いでてこれをヱズレルに言ふ者なからしめよと
And he had returned, so that he might be cured at Jezreel, because of his wounds. For the Syrians had struck him, while he was fighting against Hazael, the king of Syria. And Jehu said, “If it pleases you, let no one depart, fleeing from the city; otherwise he may go and give a report in Jezreel.”
16 ヱヒウすなはちヱズレルをさして乗往りヨラムかしこに臥をればなりまたユダの王アハジアはヨラムを訪に下りてをる
And he climbed up and set out for Jezreel, because Joram was sick there, and Ahaziah, the king of Judah, had gone down to visit Joram.
17 ヱズレルの戌樓に一箇の守望者立をりしがヱヒウの群衆のきたるを見て我群衆を見るといひければヨラム言ふ一人を馬に乗て遣し其に會しめて平安なるやと言しめよと
And so the watchman, who was standing upon the tower of Jezreel, saw the crowd of Jehu arriving, and he said, “I see a crowd.” And Joram said: “Take a chariot, and send to meet them. And those who go should say, ‘Is everything well?’”
18 是において一人馬にて行てこれに會ひ王かく宣まふ平安なるやと言ふにヱヒウ言けるは平安は汝の與るところならんや吾後にまはれと守望者また告て言ふ使者かれらの許に往たるが歸り來ずと
Therefore, he who had climbed into the chariot went away to meet him, and he said, “The king says this: ‘Is everything peaceful?’” And Jehu said: “What peace is there for you? Pass by and follow me.” Also the watchman gave a report, saying, “The messenger went to them, but he did not return.”
19 是をもて再び人を馬にて遣したればその人かれらに到りて王かく宣まふ何か變事あるやと言ふにヱヒウ答て平安は汝の與るところならんや吾後にまはれと言ふ
And then he sent a second chariot of horses. And he went to them, and he said, “The king says this: ‘Is there peace?’” And Jehu said: “What peace is there for you? Pass by and follow me.”
20 守望者また告て言ふ彼も彼等の所にまで到りしが歸り來ずその車を趨するはニムシの子ヱヒウが趨するに似狂ふて趨らせ來る
Then the watchman gave a report, saying: “He went all the way to them, but he did not return. But their advance is like the advance of Jehu, the son of Nimshi. For he advances precipitously.”
21 是においてヨラム車を整へよと言ひけるが車整ひたればイスラエルの王ヨラムとユダの王アハジアおのおのその車にて出たり即ちかれらヱヒウにむかひて出きたりヱズレル人ナボテの地にて之に會けるが
And Joram said, “Yoke the chariot.” And they yoked his chariot. And Joram, the king of Israel, and Ahaziah, the king of Judah, departed, each in his chariot. And they went out to meet Jehu. And they met him in the field of Naboth, the Jezreelite.
22 ヨラム、ヱヒウを見てヱヒウよ平安なるやといひたればヱヒウこたへて汝の母イゼベルの姦淫と魔術と斯多かれば何の平安あらんやと云り
And when Joram had seen Jehu, he said, “Is there peace, Jehu?” And he responded: “What is peace? For still the fornications of your mother, Jezebel, and her many poisons, are thriving.”
23 ヨラムすなはち手をめぐらして逃げアハジアにむかひ反逆なりアハジアよと言ふに
Then Joram turned his hand, and, fleeing, he said to Ahaziah, “Treachery, Ahaziah!”
24 ヱヒウ手に弓をひきしぼりてヨラムの肩の間を射たればその矢かれの心をいぬきて出で彼は車の中に偃ししづめり
But Jehu bent his bow with his hand, and he struck Joram between the shoulders. And the arrow went through his heart, and immediately he fell in his chariot.
25 ヱヒウその將ビデカルに言けるは彼をとりてヱズレル人ナボテの地の中に投すてよ其は汝憶ふべし甞て我と汝と二人ともに乗て彼の父アハブに從へる時にヱホバ斯かれの事を預言したまへり
And Jehu said to Bidkar, his commander: “Take and cast him into the field of Naboth, the Jezreelite. For I remember, when you and I, sitting in a chariot, were following Ahab, this man’s father, that the Lord lifted this burden upon him, saying:
26 曰くヱホバ言ふ誠に我昨日ナボテの血とその子等の血を見たりヱホバ言ふ我この地において汝にむくゆることあらんと然ば彼をとりてその地になげすててヱホバの言のごとくにせよ
‘Certainly, I will repay you in this field, says the Lord, for the blood of Naboth, and for the blood of his sons, which I saw yesterday, says the Lord.’ Therefore, take him now, and cast him into the field, in accord with the word of the Lord.”
27 ユダの王アハジアはこれを視て園の家の途より逃ゆきけるがヱヒウその後を追ひ彼をも車の中に撃ころせと言しかばイブレアムの邊なるグルの坂にてこれを撃たればメギドンまで逃ゆきて其處に死り
But Ahaziah, the king of Judah, seeing this, fled along the way of the garden house. And Jehu pursued him, and he said, “Strike this one also in his chariot.” And they struck him on the ascent to Gur, which is beside Ibleam. But he fled into Megiddo, and he died there.
28 その臣僕等すなはち之を車にのせてエルサレムにたづさへゆきダビデの邑においてかれの墓にその先祖等とおなじくこれを葬れり
And his servants placed him upon his chariot, and they took him to Jerusalem. And they buried him in the sepulcher with his fathers, in the city of David.
29 アハブの子ヨラムの十一年にアハジアはユダの王となりしなり
In the eleventh year of Joram, the son of Ahab, Ahaziah reigned over Judah.
30 斯てヱヒウ、ヱズレルにきたりしかばイゼベル聞てその目を塗り髮をかざりて窓より望みけるが
And Jehu went into Jezreel. But Jezebel, hearing of his arrival, painted her eyes with cosmetics, and adorned her head. And she watched through a window,
31 ヱヒウ門に入きたりたればその主を弑せしジムリよ平安なるやと言り
as Jehu was entering through the gate. And she said, “Is it possible for there to be peace for Zimri, who killed his lord?”
32 ヱヒウすなはち面をあげて窓にむかひ誰か我に與ものあるや誰かあるやと言けるに二三の寺人ヱヒウを望みたれば
And Jehu lifted up his face to the window, and he said, “Who is this woman?” And two or three eunuchs bowed down before him.
33 彼を投おとせと言りすなはち之を投おとしたればその血牆と馬とにほどばしりつけりヱヒウこれを踏とほれり
And he said to them, “Throw her down with force.” And they threw her forcefully, and the wall was splattered with her blood, and the hoofs of the horses trampled her.
34 斯て彼内にいりて食飮をなし而して言けるは往てかの詛はれし婦を見これを葬れ彼は王の女子なればなりと
And when he had entered, so that he might eat and drink, he said: “Go, and see to that cursed woman, and bury her. For she is the daughter of a king.”
35 是をもて彼を葬らんとて往て見るにその頭骨と足と掌とありしのみなりければ
But when they had gone, so that they might bury her, they found nothing but the skull, and the feet, and the ends of her hands.
36 歸りで彼につぐるに彼言ふ是すなはちヱホバがその僕なるテシベ人エリヤをもて告たまひし言なり云くヱズレルの地において犬イゼベルの肉を食はん
And returning, they reported to him. And Jehu said: “It is the word of the Lord, which he spoke through his servant, Elijah the Tishbite, saying: ‘In the field of Jezreel, the dogs will consume the flesh of Jezebel.
37 イゼベルの屍骸はヱズレルの地に於て糞土のごとくに野の表にあるべし是をもて是はイゼベルなりと指て言ふこと能ざらん
And the flesh of Jezebel will be like dung upon the face of the earth, in the field of Jezreel, so that those who pass by may say: Is this that same Jezebel?’”

< 列王記Ⅱ 9 >