< 列王記Ⅱ 13 >

1 ユダの王アハジアの子ヨアシの二十三年にヱヒウの子ヨハアズ、サマリヤにおいてイスラエルの王となり十七年位にありき
In the twenty-third year of Jehoash, the son of Ahaziah, the king of Judah, Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu, reigned over Israel, in Samaria, for seventeen years.
2 彼はヱホバの目の前に惡をなし夫のイスラエルに罪を犯させたるネバテの子ヤラベアムの罪を行ひつづけて之に離れざりき
And he did evil before the Lord. And he followed the sins of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin. And he did not turn aside from these.
3 是においてヱホバ、イスラエルにむかひて怒を發しこれをその代のあひだ恒にスリアの王ハザエルの手にわたしおき又ハザエルの子ベネハダデの手に付し置たまひしが
And the fury of the Lord was enraged against Israel, and he delivered them into the hand of Hazael, the king of Syria, and into the hand of Benhadad, the son of Hazael, during all the days.
4 ヨアハズ、ヱホバに請求めたればヱホバつひにこれを聽いれたまへり其はイスラエルの苦難を見そなはしたればなり即ちスリアの王これをなやませるなり
But Jehoahaz petitioned the face of the Lord, and the Lord heeded him. For he saw the anguish of Israel, because the king of Syria had oppressed them.
5 ヱホバつひに救者をイスラエルにたまひたればイスラエルの子孫はスリア人の手を脱れて疇昔の如くに己々の天幕に住にいたれり
And the Lord gave a savior to Israel. And they were freed from the hand of the king of Syria. And the sons of Israel lived in their tabernacles, just as yesterday and the day before.
6 但し彼等はイスラエルに罪を犯さしめたるヤラベアムの家の罪をはなれずして之をおこなひつづけたりサマリヤにも亦アシタロテの像たちをりぬ
Yet truly, they did not withdraw from the sins of the house of Jeroboam, who had caused Israel to sin. Instead, they walked by them. And there was even a sacred grove still remaining in Samaria.
7 嚮にスリアの王は民を滅し踐くだく塵のごとくに是をなして只騎兵五十人車十輌歩兵一萬人而巳をヨアハズに遺せり
And there was left to Jehoahaz from the people nothing but fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thousand foot soldiers. For the king of Syria had killed them, and he had reduced them to become like dust on a threshing floor.
8 ヨアハズのその餘の行爲とその凡て爲たる事およびその能はイスラエルの王の歴代志の書にしるさるるに非ずや
But the rest of the words of Jehoahaz, and all that he did, and his strength, have these not been written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Israel?
9 ヨアハズその先祖等とともに寝りたればこれをサマリヤに葬れりその子ヨアシこれに代て王となる
And Jehoahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in Samaria. And Joash, his son, reigned in his place.
10 ユダの王ヨアシの三十七年にヨアハズの子ヨアシ、サマリヤにおいてイスラエルの王となり十六年位にありき
In the thirty-seventh year of Jehoash, the king of Judah, Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, reigned over Israel, in Samaria, for sixteen years.
11 彼ヱホバの目の前に惡をなし夫のイスラエルに罪を犯させたるネバテの子ヤラベアムの諸の罪にはなれずしてこれを行ひつづけたり
And he did what is evil in the sight of the Lord. He did not turn aside from all the sins of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin. Instead, he walked by them.
12 ヨアシのその餘の行爲とその凡て爲たる事およびそのユダの王アマジヤと戰ひし能はイスラエルの王の歴代志の書に記さるるに非ずや
But the rest of the words of Joash, and all that he did, and his strength, the manner in which he fought against Amaziah, the king of Judah, have these not been written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Israel?
13 ヨアシその先祖等とともに寝りてヤラベアム位にのぼれりヨアシはイスラエルの王等とおなじくサマリヤに葬らる
And Joash slept with his fathers. Then Jeroboam sat upon his throne. And Joash was buried in Samaria, with the kings of Israel.
14 茲にエリシヤ死病にかかりて疾をりしかばイスラエルの王ヨアシ彼の許にくだり來てその面の上に涙をこぼし吾父吾父イスラエルの兵車よその騎兵よと言り
Now Elisha was sick of the infirmity from which he also died. And Joash, the king of Israel, descended to him. And he was weeping before him, and saying: “My father, my father! The chariot of Israel and its driver!”
15 エリシヤかれにむかひ弓矢をとれと言ければすなはち弓矢をとれり
And Elisha said to him, “Bring a bow and arrows.” And when he had brought a bow and arrows to him,
16 エリシヤまたイスラエルの王に汝の手を弓にかけよと言ければすなはちその手をかけたり是においてエリシヤその手を王の手の上に按て
he said to the king of Israel, “Place your hand upon the bow.” And when he had placed his hand, Elisha placed his own hands over the hands of the king.
17 東向の窓を開けと言たれば之を開きけるにエリシヤまた射よと言り彼すなはち射たればエリシヤ言ふヱホバよりの拯救の矢スリアに對する拯救の矢汝必らずアベクにおいてスリア人を撃やぶりてこれを滅しつくすにいたらん
And he said, “Open the window toward the east.” And when he had opened it, Elisha said, “Shoot an arrow.” And he shot it. And Elisha said: “It is the arrow of the salvation of the Lord, and the arrow of salvation against Syria. And you shall strike the Syrians at Aphek, until you consume them.”
18 エリシヤまた矢を取れと言ければ取りエリシヤまたイスラエルの王に地を射よといひけるに三次射て止たれば
And he said, “Take the arrows.” And when he had taken them, he then said to him, “Strike an arrow against the ground.” And when he had struck three times, and he had stood still,
19 神の人怒て言ふ汝は五回も六回も射るべかりしなり然せしならば汝スリアを撃やぶりて之を滅しつくすことを得ん然ど今然せざれば汝がスリアを撃やぶることは三次のみなるべしと
the man of God became angry against him. And he said: “If you had struck five or six or seven times, you would have struck down Syria, even until it was consumed. But now you will strike it three times.”
20 エリシヤ終に死たればこれを葬りしが年の立かへるに及てモアブの賊黨國にいりきたれり
Then Elisha died, and they buried him. And the robbers from Moab came into the land in the same year.
21 時に一箇の人を葬らんとする者ありしが賊黨を見たればその人をエリシヤの墓におしいれけるにその人いりてエリシヤの骨にふるるや生かへりて起あがれり
But certain ones who were burying a man saw the robbers, and they cast the dead body into the sepulcher of Elisha. But when it had touched the bones of Elisha, the man revived, and he stood upon his feet.
22 スリアの王ハザエルはヨアハズの一生の間イスラエルをなやましたりしが
Now Hazael, the king of Syria, afflicted Israel during all the days of Jehoahaz.
23 ヱホバそのアブラハム、イサク、ヤコブと契約をむすびしがためにイスラエルをめぐみ之を憐みこれを眷みたまひ之を滅すことを好まず尚これをその前より棄はなちたまはざりき
But the Lord took pity on them, and he returned to them, because of his covenant, which he had made with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. And he was not willing to destroy them, nor to cast them out completely, even to the present time.
24 スリアの王ハザエルつひに死てその子ベネハダデこれに代りて王となれり
Then Hazael, the king of Syria, died. And Benhadad, his son, reigned in his place.
25 是においてヨアズの子ヨアシはその父ヨアハズがハザエルに攻取れたる邑々をハザエルの子ベネハダデの手より取かへせり即ちヨアシは三次かれを敗りてイスラエルの邑々を取かへしぬ
Now Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, by a just war, took the cities from the hand of Benhadad, the son of Hazael, which he had taken from the hand of Jehoahaz, his father. Joash struck him three times, and he restored the cities to Israel.

< 列王記Ⅱ 13 >