< Ebrei 11 >

1 OR la fede è una sussistenza delle cose che si sperano, ed una dimostrazione delle cose che non si veggono.
Now FAITH is the persuasion concerning things which are in hope, as if they were in reality, and a revelation of those which are not seen.
2 Perciocchè per essa fu resa testimonianza agli antichi.
And for this was the testimony concerning the elders.
3 Per fede intendiamo che i secoli sono stati composti per la parola di Dio; sì che le cose che si vedono non sono state fatte di cose apparenti. (aiōn g165)
For by faith we perceive that the worlds were ordained by the word of Aloha, and (how) these (things) which are seen were from those which are not seen. (aiōn g165)
4 Per fede Abele offerse a Dio sacrificio più eccellente che Caino; per la quale fu testimoniato ch'egli era giusto, rendendo Iddio testimonianza delle sue offerte; e per essa, dopo esser morto, parla ancora.
By faith Habel offered a sacrifice which was far better than that of Koen unto Aloha; and because of it there is respecting him a testimony that he was righteous; and Aloha gave witness concerning his oblation; and on account thereof also while dead he is speaking.
5 Per fede Enoc fu trasportato, per non veder la morte, e non fu trovato; perciocchè Iddio l'avea trasportato; poichè, avanti ch'egli fosse trasportato, fu di lui testimoniato ch'egli era piaciuto a Dio.
Through faith Hanak was translated, and did not taste death; nor was he found, because Aloha had translated him: for before that he would translate him, there was respecting him the testimony that he pleased Aloha.
6 Ora, senza fede, è impossibile di piacer[gli]; perciocchè colui che si accosta a Dio deve credere ch'egli è, e che egli è premiatore di coloro che lo ricercano.
But without faith it is not possible for man to please Aloha; for he who draweth near unto Aloha must believe that he is, and that of those who seek him he will be the rewarder.
7 Per fede Noè, ammonito per oracolo delle cose che non si vedevano ancora, avendo temuto, fabbricò, per la salvazione della sua famiglia, l'arca, per la quale egli condannò il mondo, e fu fatto erede della giustizia [ch'è] secondo la fede.
By faith Nuch, when spoken with upon those things which had not been seen, feared, and made him the ark for the salvation of his family; by which he condemned the world, and was an heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
8 Per fede Abrahamo, essendo chiamato, ubbidì, per andarsene al luogo che egli avea da ricevere in eredità; e partì, non sapendo dove si andasse.
By faith Abraham, when he was called, heard that he was to go forth to a place which he should receive for an inheritance; and he went out, while he knew not whither he was going.
9 Per fede Abrahamo dimorò nel paese della promessa, come in [paese] strano, abitando in tende, con Isacco, e Giacobbe, coeredi della stessa promessa.
By faith he was a sojourner in the land that was promised to him, as in an alien state, and dwelt in tabernacles with Ishok and Jakub, sons of the inheritance which was his by the promise:
10 Perciocchè egli aspettava la città che ha i fondamenti, e il cui architetto e fabbricatore [è] Iddio.
for he was expecting the city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is Aloha.
11 Per fede ancora Sara stessa, essendo sterile, ricevette forza da concepir seme, e partorì fuor d'età; perciocchè reputò fedele colui che avea fatta la promessa.
By faith Saro, who was barren, received strength to conceive seed, and, which (thing) was not in the time of her years, gave birth (to a son); because she was sure that he who had promised to her was faithful.
12 Perciò ancora da uno, e quello già ammortato, son nati [discendenti], in moltitudine come le stelle del cielo, e come le rena innumerabile che [è] lungo il lito del mare.
Therefore from one who had failed from old age, were there begotten multitudes as the stars of heaven, and as the sand upon the shores of the sea, which have no number.
13 In fede son morti tutti costoro, non avendo ricevute le cose promesse; ma, avendole vedute di lontano, e credutele, e salutatele; ed avendo confessato ch'erano forestieri, e pellegrini sopra la terra.
In faith died these all, not having gotten their promise, but from afar had beheld it, and exulted in it, and confessed that strangers they were, and sojourners in the earth.
14 Poichè coloro che dicono tali cose dimostrano che cercano una patria.
For they who these things say, make manifest that their city they are seeking.
15 Che se pur si ricordavano di quella onde erano usciti, certo avean tempo da ritornar[vi].
But if that city from which they had gone out they desired, they had opportunity to return and go to it.
16 Ma ora ne desiderano una migliore, cioè, la celeste; perciò, Iddio non si vergogna di loro, d'esser chiamato lor Dio; poichè egli ha loro preparata una città.
But now it is known that a better (one) than that they desired; that (namely) which is in heaven. Wherefore Aloha was not ashamed their God to be called; for he hath prepared for them a city.
17 Per fede Abrahamo, essendo provato, offerse Isacco; e colui che avea ricevute le promesse offerse il suo unigenito.
By faith Abraham offered Ishok in his temptation and his only-born he lifted upon the altar, even him whom he had received by the promise:
18 [Egli, dico], a cui era stato detto: In Isacco ti sarà nominata progenie.
for it had been said to him, In Ishok shall be called to thee the seed.
19 Avendo fatta ragione che Iddio [era] potente eziandio da suscitar[lo] da' morti; onde ancora per similitudine lo ricoverò.
For he thought within himself, that Aloha could even from the dead upraise: and on account of this in a similitude he was given to him.
20 Per fede Isacco benedisse Giacobbe ed Esaù, intorno a cose future.
By faith in that which was to come, Ishok blessed Jakub and Isu.
21 Per fede Giacobbe, morendo, benedisse ciascuno de' figliuoli di Giuseppe; e adorò, [appoggiato] sopra la sommità del suo bastone.
By faith, when dying, Jakub blessed each of the sons of Jauseph; and worshipped upon the head of his staff.
22 Per fede Giuseppe, trapassando, fece menzione dell'uscita de' figliuoli d'Israele, e diede ordine intorno alle sue ossa.
By faith Jauseph, when dying, was mindful of the going forth of the sons of Israel, and commanded concerning his bones.
23 Per fede Mosè, essendo nato, fu nascosto da suo padre e da sua madre, lo spazio di tre mesi; perciocchè vedevano il fanciullo bello; e non temettero il comandamento del re.
By faith the parents of Musha concealed him when he had been born three months, because they saw that he was a beautiful child; and they feared not the edict of the king.
24 Per fede Mosè, essendo divenuto grande, rifiutò d'esser chiamato figliuolo della figliuola di Faraone;
By faith Musha, when he became a man, refused to be called the son of the daughter of Pherun;
25 eleggendo innanzi d'essere afflitto col popol di Dio, che d'aver per un breve tempo godimento di peccato;
and chose to himself to be in affliction with the people of Aloha, and not for a little time to delight (himself) in sin;
26 avendo reputato il vituperio di Cristo ricchezza maggiore de' tesori di Egitto; perciocchè egli riguardava alla rimunerazione.
and considered the riches of the reproach of Meshiha to be far greater than the treasures of Metsreen: for he contemplated the recompence of the reward.
27 Per fede lasciò l'Egitto, non avendo temuta l'ira del re; perciocchè egli stette costante, come veggendo l'invisibile.
By faith he forsook Metsreen, and feared not the wrath of the king; and hoped, as one who beheld Aloha who is the invisible.
28 Per fede fece la pasqua, e lo spruzzamento del sangue; acciocchè colui che distruggeva i primogeniti non toccasse gli [Ebrei].
By faith they performed the passover, and the sprinkling of the blood, that he might not come near, -he, who was destroying the first-born.
29 Per fede passarono il Mar rosso, come per l'asciutto; il che tentando [fare] gli Egizi, furono abissati.
By faith they traversed the sea of Sooph, as those who (march) upon dry land; but the Metsroyee were swallowed up in it, when they had dared to enter it.
30 Per fede caddero le mura di Gerico, essendo state circuite per sette giorni.
By faith the ramparts of Jirichu fell down, after they had been encompassed seven days.
31 Per fede Raab, la meretrice, avendo accolte le spie in pace, non perì con gli increduli.
By faith Rachob the harlot perished not with those who would not hearken, because she had received the explorers in peace.
32 E che dirò io di più? poichè il tempo mi verrebbe meno, se imprendessi a raccontar di Gedeone, e di Barac, e di Sansone, e di Iefte, e di Davide, e di Samuele, e de' profeti.
What shall I yet say? For (too) brief is the time for me to tell of Gedhun, and of Borok, and of Shemshun, and of Nephtoch, and of David, and of Shomuel, and of the rest of the prophets;
33 I quali per fede vinsero regni, operarono giustizia, ottennero promesse, turarono le gole de' leoni,
they who through faith conquered kingdoms, and wrought righteousness, and received promises, and shut the mouths of lions,
34 spensero la forza del fuoco, scamparono i tagli delle spade, guarirono d'infermità, divennero forti in guerra, misero in fuga i campi degli stranieri.
and quenched the powers of fire, and were delivered from the edge of the sword, and were made strong from infirmities, and became valiant in battle, and overthrew the camps of the adversaries.
35 Le donne ricuperarono per risurrezione i lor morti; ed altri furon fatti morire di battiture, non avendo accettata la liberazione, per ottenere una migliore risurrezione.
And they gave unto women their sons by the resurrection of the dead; and others in torments died, nor hoped to be delivered, that the better resurrection they might have.
36 Altri ancora provarono scherni e flagelli; ed anche legami e prigione.
But others went through mockings and scourgings; others unto chains and imprisonments were given up,
37 Furon lapidati, furon segati, furon tentati; morirono uccisi con la spada, andarono attorno in pelli di pecore e di capre; bisognosi, afflitti,
others were stoned, others divided, others died by the edge of the sword, others wandered about clothed with skins of sheep and of goats, necessitous, afflicted, and driven out.
38 maltrattati (de' quali non era degno il mondo), erranti in deserti, e monti, e spelonche, e nelle grotte della terra.
Men, of whom the world was not worthy, became as wanderers in the desert, and in mountains, and in dens, and in caverns of the earth.
39 E pur tutti costoro, alla cui fede [la scrittura] rende testimonianza, non ottennero la promessa.
And these all, of whom there hath been (such) a testimony concerning their faith, received not the promise;
40 Avendo Iddio provveduto qualche cosa di meglio per noi, acciocchè non pervenissero al compimento senza noi.
because Aloha had afore contemplated for our help, that without us they should not be made perfect.

< Ebrei 11 >