< Yoshuwa 9 >

1 To, sa’ad da dukan sarakunan yammancin Urdun suka ji waɗannan abubuwa, sai waɗanda suke kan tudu, da na cikin kwari a yammanci, da dukan waɗanda suke gefen Bahar Rum har zuwa Lebanon (sarakunan Hittiyawa, Amoriyawa, Kan’aniyawa, Ferizziyawa, Hiwiyawa da Yebusiyawa)
And it came to pass, when they heard, —namely, all the kings who were over the Jordan, in the hill country and in the lowland, and in all the coast of the great sea, over against the Lebanon, —the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite; —
2 suka haɗa kansu don su yaƙi Yoshuwa da Isra’ila.
then gathered they themselves together as one man, to fight with Joshua, and with Israel, —with one accord.
3 Amma da mutanen Gibeyon suka ji abin da Yoshuwa ya yi wa Yeriko da Ai,
Now, the inhabitants of Gibeon, heard that which Joshua had done unto Jericho and unto Ai;
4 sai suka shirya wata dabara ta ruɗu, suka shirya ɗan abinci don tafiya, suka ɗauki tsofaffin buhuna a kan jakunansu da tsofaffin salkuna na ruwan inabi, yagaggu da suka sha ɗinki.
they, however, acted craftily, and went and started, —and took old sacks for their asses, and leathern wine bottles, old, and rent, and bound up;
5 Suka sa tsofaffin takalman da suka sha gyara, suka sa tsofaffin tufafi. Dukan abincinsu na tafiya ya bushe ya yi fumfuna.
and sandals, old and patched, upon their feet, and worn-out mantles upon them, —and, all the bread of their provision, was dry and broken.
6 Sai suka je wurin Yoshuwa a sansanin Gilgal suka ce masa da mutanen Isra’ila, “Daga ƙasa mai nisa muka fito, yanzu fa, sai ku yi alkawari da mu.”
So they took their journey unto Joshua, unto the camp, at Gilgal, —and said unto him, and unto the men of Israel, From a far country, are we come, Now, therefore, solemnise with us a covenant.
7 Mutanen Isra’ila kuwa suka ce wa Hiwiyawa, “Wataƙila kuna kusa da mu, ta yaya za mu yi alkawari da ku?”
And the men of Israel said unto the Hivites, —Peradventure, in our midst, ye are dwelling, how then can we solemnise with you a covenant?
8 Suka ce wa Yoshuwa, “Mu bayinku ne.” Amma Yoshuwa ya tambaye su ya ce, “Ku wane ne, kuma daga ina kuka zo?”
And they said unto Joshua: Thy servants, we are. And Joshua said unto them: Who, are ye? And, from whence, come ye?
9 Suka amsa suka ce, “Bayinka sun zo ne daga ƙasa mai nisa gama Ubangiji Allahnka ya yi suna sosai. Gama mun ji labarin abubuwan da ya yi. Dukan abubuwan da ya yi a Masar
And they said unto him—From a very far country, have thy servants come, because of the name of Yahweh thy God, —because we had heard his fame, and all that he had done in Egypt;
10 da kuma duk abubuwan da ya yi wa sarakuna biyu na Amoriyawa gabas da Urdun, Sihon sarkin Heshbon, da Og sarkin Bashan wanda ya yi mulki a Ashtarot.
and all that he had done unto the two kings of the Amorites who were over the Jordan, —unto Sihon, king of Heshbon, and unto Og, king of Bashan, who was in Ashtaroth.
11 Dattawanmu da duk mazaunan ƙasar, suka ce mana, ‘Ku ɗauki abincin tafiyar da za ku riƙe; ku je ku same su ku ce musu, “Mu bayinku ne, ku yi alkawari da mu.”’
So our elders and all the inhabitants of our land spake unto us, saying—Take ye, in your hand, provision for the journey, and go your way to meet them, —then shall ye say unto them, Your servants, we are. Now, therefore, solemnise with us a covenant.
12 Abincin tafiyan nan namu yana da ɗumi lokacin da muka kintsa tashi daga gida a ranar da za mu kama hanya zuwa wurinku. Amma yanzu duba yadda ya bushe, ya yi fumfuna.
This our bread, took we, hot, for our provision, out of our houses, on the day we came forth to journey unto you, —but, now, lo! it is dry, yea it is broken;
13 Waɗannan salkuna kuma da muka cika ruwan inabi, sababbi ne amma duba yadda suka yayyage. Tufafinmu da takalmanmu duk sun yayyage don doguwar tafiya.”
and, these leathern wine bottles, which we filled new, lo! also, they are rent, —and, as for these our mantles and our sandals, they are worn out, by reason of the very long journey.
14 Mutanen Isra’ila suka ɗiba daga cikin abincin tafiyar amma ba su nemi nufin Ubangiji ba.
So the men took of their provision, —but, the bidding of Yahweh, had they not asked.
15 Sa’an nan Yoshuwa ya yi alkawari zaman salama da su, cewa ba zai kashe su ba, sai shugabannin mutanen Isra’ila kuwa suka tabbatar musu da haka ta wurin yin rantsuwa.
And Joshua made peace with them, and solemnised with them a covenant to let them live, —and the princes of the assembly, entered into an oath with them.
16 Kwana uku bayan sun yi alkawari da Gibeyonawa, sai Isra’ilawa suka ji cewa Gibeyonawa maƙwabtansu ne, waɗanda suke zaune kurkusa da su.
And it came to pass, at the end of three days after they had solemnised with them a covenant, that they heard that, near neighbours, they were unto them, and, in their midst, they were dwelling.
17 Saboda haka Isra’ilawa suka tashi a rana ta uku suke je biranen mutanen, wato, Gibeyon, Kefira, Beyerot da Kiriyat Yeyarim.
So the sons of Israel brake up, and came in unto their cities on the third day, —their cities, being Gibeon, and Chephirah, and Beeroth, and Kiriath-jearim.
18 Amma Isra’ilawa ba su kai musu hari ba domin shugabanninsu sun rantse musu da sunan Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila. Mutane Isra’ila duka kuwa suka yi gunaguni a kan shugabannin.
And the sons of Israel smote them not, because the princes of the assembly had sworn unto them by Yahweh, God of Israel, —but all the assembly murmured against the princes.
19 Amma shugabanni suka amsa musu suka ce, “Mun rantse musu da sunan Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, saboda haka ba za mu taɓa su ba yanzu.
And all the princes said unto all the assembly, We, have sworn unto them, by Yahweh, God of Israel, —now, therefore, we may not touch them.
20 Ga abin da za mu yi musu, za mu bar su da rai don kada fushin Allah yă sauka a kanmu gama mun riga mun rantse musu.”
This, will we do unto them, even let them live, —lest there come on us wrath, because of the oath which we have sworn unto them.
21 Suka ƙara da cewa, “Mu bar su da rai, amma bari su zama masu yankan itace da masu ɗibo mana ruwa.” Haka shugabannin suka cika alkawarinsu.
And the princes said unto them—Let them live. So they became hewers of wood and drawers of water unto all the assembly, as the princes spake unto them.
22 Yoshuwa kuwa ya aika aka kira Gibeyonawa ya ce musu, “Don me kuka ruɗe mu kuka ce, ‘Mun zo ne daga wuri mai nisa,’ bayan kuwa kuna nan kurkusa da mu?
And Joshua called for them, and spake unto them, saying, —Wherefore did ye deceive us, saying—We are, very far, from you, whereas, ye, in our midst, are dwelling?
23 Yanzu ku la’anannu ne. Ba za ku daina zama mana masu yankan itace da kuma masu ɗebo ruwa domin haikalin Allahnmu ba.”
Now, therefore, accursed, ye are, —and ye shall not cease to be in bond-service as hewers of wood and drawers of water, for the house of my God.
24 Suka amsa wa Yoshuwa suka ce, “An gaya wa bayinka dalla-dalla yadda Ubangiji Allahnka ya umarci bawansa Musa yă ba ka ƙasar duka, ka kuma kashe duk masu zama a cikinta, muka ji tsoro cewa za ka kashe mu shi ya sa muka yi haka.
And they responded to Joshua, and said—Because it was, plainly told, thy servants, how that Yahweh thy God had commanded Moses his servant to give unto you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land from before you, —therefore feared we greatly, for our lives, because of you, and did this thing.
25 Yanzu, a hannunka muke, ka yi duk abin da ka ga ya yi maka kyau.”
Now, therefore, here we are, in thy hand, —as may be good and right in thine eyes, to do unto us, do.
26 Yoshuwa kuwa ya cece su daga hannun Isra’ilawa, har ba su kashe su ba.
And he did to them so, —and rescued them out of the hand of the sons of Israel, and they slew them not.
27 A ranar Yoshuwa ya sa Gibeyonawa suka zama masu yankan itace da ɗebo ruwa wa jama’ar Isra’ila da kuma domin haikalin Ubangiji a inda Ubangiji zai zaɓa. Abin da suke ke nan har wa yau.
And Joshua appointed them that day to be hewers of wood and drawers of water unto the assembly, —and unto the altar of Yahweh, [as they are] until this day, in the place which he should choose.

< Yoshuwa 9 >