< Ezayi 3 >

1 Wi. Seyè a, Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a, pral koupe viv tout moun nan lavil Jerizalèm ak nan peyi Jida. P'ap gen pen, p'ap gen dlo.
For here! the lord Yahweh of hosts [is] about to remove from Jerusalem and from Judah support and support every support of food and every support of water.
2 P'ap gen vanyan gason ankò ni sòlda. P'ap gen jij ankò ni pwofèt. P'ap gen divinò ankò ni grandèt.
Warrior and man of war judge and prophet and diviner and elder.
3 P'ap gen kaptenn, p'ap gen majistra ni moun ki pou bay konsèy. P'ap gen moun ki konn fè maji, ni moun ki konn moute batri.
Commander of fifty and [one] uplifted of face and counselor and skillful [one] of magic arts and understanding [one] of charming.
4 M'ap pran jenn timoun san esperyans m'a mete chèf pou gouvènen yo.
And I will make youths leaders their and wantonness they will rule over them.
5 Tout moun pral chache pwofite yonn sou lòt, zanmi sou zanmi, vwazen sou vwazen. Jennmoun p'ap respekte granmoun. Vakabon ap pase moun debyen nan betiz.
And it will oppress the people each a person and each neighbor his they will act insolently the youth[s] in the old [person] and the lightly esteemed in the honored.
6 Yon lè menm, tout yon branch fanmi va chwazi yonn nan mitan yo. Y'a di l' konsa: Ou menm ki gen rad pou ou mete sou ou, n'ap mete ou chèf pou ou ka dirije nou nan move pa n'ap pase koulye a.
For he will seize each brother his [the] house of father his a cloak [belongs] to you a ruler you will be of us and the heap of ruins this [will be] under hand your.
7 Men, moun yo chwazi a va reponn: Non. Mwen pa dòktè, mwen pa ka fè anyen pou nou! Ni tou, mwen pa gen manje, m' pa gen rad lakay mwen. Pa mete m' chèf sou pèp la.
He will lift up in the day that - saying not I will be a wrapper and in house my there not [is] food and there not [is] a cloak not you must appoint me a ruler of [the] people.
8 Wi, lavil Jerizalèm bannann! Peyi Jida a nan tou sa ki pa bon! Paske tou sa yo di, tou sa yo fè pa dakò ak sa Seyè a vle. Devan tout moun y'ap kenbe tèt ak Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a.
For it has stumbled Jerusalem and Judah it has fallen for tongue their and deeds their [are] against Yahweh to rebel toward [the] eyes of glory his.
9 Depi ou gade yo, ou wè ki moun yo ye. Tankou moun lavil Sodòm yo, yo fè peche yo aklè pou tout moun wè. Se poutèt sa malè ap tonbe sou yo. Se yo menm menm k'ap rale l' sou tèt yo.
[the] expression of Faces their it has testified against them and sin their like Sodom they have declared not they have hidden [it] woe! to self their for they have done to themselves harm.
10 Se pou nou di: Ala bèl bagay pou moun ki mache dwat yo! Zafè yo mache byen tou. Y'a jwi pwofi travay yo.
Tell [the] righteous that good for [the] fruit of deeds their they will eat.
11 Men, pòv mechan yo, malè ap tonbe sou yo. Y'a fè yo peye pou sa yo fè a.
Woe! to [the] wicked it will be bad for [the] dealing of hands his it will be done to him.
12 Sa fè m' lapenn pou pèp mwen an! Se yon timoun k'ap prije yo, se fanm k'ap kòmande yo. Sa fè m' lapenn anpil wi pou nou, pèp mwen an! Chèf yo fè nou pèdi chemen nou. Yo mele nou. Nou pa konn ki wout pou nou pran.
People my oppressors its [is] acting like children and women they have ruled over it O people my guides your [are] misleading and [the] way of paths your they have confused.
13 Seyè a kanpe pou l' denonse sa yo fè a. Li pare pou l' jije pèp li a.
[is] taking his stand To conduct a case Yahweh and [is] standing to judge peoples.
14 Seyè a rele chèf fanmi yo ak lòt chèf pèp li a nan tribinal. L'ap denonse yo. Li di konsa: Se nou menm ki fin piye jaden rezen yo. N'ap vòlò pòv malere yo pou nou plen kay nou.
Yahweh in judgment he will come with [the] elders of people his and leaders its and you you have consumed the vineyard [the] plunder of the poor [is] in houses your.
15 Nou pa gen dwa kraze pèp mwen an konsa. Nou pa gen dwa pwofite konsa sou pòv yo. Se mwen menm, Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, ki pale.
(What [is] to you? *Q(K)*) you crush people my and [the] faces of poor [people] you grind [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh of hosts.
16 Seyè a di: Gade jan medam lavil Jerizalèm yo ye non! Y'ap mache tankou yo pa kanmarad pesonn. Yo kage tèt yo dèyè, y'ap fè mesye yo je dou. Y'ap mache banda pou braslè nan pye yo ka sonnen.
And he said Yahweh because that they are haughty [the] daughters of Zion and they have walked (stretched out *Q(k)*) of neck and making seductive glances of eyes walking and mincing along they walk and on feet their they tinkle with anklets.
17 Men, mwen menm Bondye, m'ap pini yo. M'ap kale tèt yo tou blanch, m'ap kite yo san cheve.
And he will make scabby [the] Lord scalp of [the] daughters of Zion and Yahweh forehead their he will lay bare.
18 Jou sa a, Bondye va wete tout bijou yo gen sou yo: braslè yo mete nan pye yo, bando yo mare nan tèt yo, meday yo mare sou fwon yo,
In the day that he will remove [the] Lord [the] splendor of the anklets and the amulets and the ornaments.
19 zanno, braslè yo mete nan bra yo, ak vwal yo mete sou tèt yo,
The pendants and the bracelets and the veils.
20 mouchwa yo mare tèt yo, ti chenn yo mete nan pye yo, bèl senti yo, poban odè yo, bwòch yo,
The head-dresses and the ankle chains and the sashes and [the] houses of the breath and the amulets.
21 bag yo, zanno pou nen yo,
The signet-rings and [the] rings of the nose.
22 bèl rad swa yo, foula yo, chal yo, bous yo,
The robes and the over-tunics and the cloaks and the purses.
23 glas yo, rad twal fin yo, madras yo ak vwal dantèl yo mete sou tèt yo.
And the mirrors and the linen garments and the headdresses and the shawls.
24 Yo p'ap sèvi ak odè ankò, y'ap santi move. Yo p'ap sèvi ak bèl senti ankò. Y'a mare ren yo ak kòd. Yo p'ap gen cheve pou yo fè bèl kwafi, tèt yo va kale tou blanch. Yo p'ap gen bèl rad pou mete sou yo, y'a vlope kò yo nan sak. Yo p'ap fè figi yo bèl ankò. Y'ap tanpe yo nan figi ak fè wouj tankou esklav.
And it will be in place of perfume rottenness it will be and in place of a belt a rope and in place of a work well-set hair baldness and in place of a robe a girding of sackcloth branding in place of beauty.
25 Tout mesye yo pral mouri nan lagè. Tout sòlda yo pral mouri nan batay.
Men your by the sword they will fall and strength your in battle.
26 Moun pral plenn nan pòtay lavil yo, y'ap nan lapenn. Lavil la ap tankou yon fanm ki chita atè, san rad sou li.
And they will lament and they will mourn gates its and it will be emptied to the ground it will sit.

< Ezayi 3 >