< Chante Salomon 1 >

1 Men pi bèl chante nan tout chante Salomon yo.
[the] song of The songs which [is] of Solomon.
2 Bo m' non, kouvri m' ak bo! Karès ou pi dous pase siwo myèl.
Let him kiss me from [the] kisses of mouth his for [are] good love your more than wine.
3 Ou gen yon bon sant k'ap soti nan tout kò ou. Depi yo tande non ou, sant ou vin nan nen yo. Se sa ki fè jenn fi yo renmen ou konsa!
To odor oils your [are] good [is] oil [which] it is poured out name your there-fore young women they love you.
4 Pran m' avè ou non! Ann kouri ale! Se ou menm ki wa mwen. Mennen m' nan chanm ou. Depi ou la, se pa ti kontan n'ap kontan. N'ap chante karès ou ki pi dous pase siwo myèl. Jenn fi yo gen rezon renmen ou konsa!
Draw me after you let us run he has brought me the king chambers his let us rejoice and let us be glad in you let us bring to remembrance love your more than wine uprightness they love you.
5 Medam lavil Jerizalèm, Po m' boule, men m' bèl! Po m' menm koulè ak tant nan dezè a. Men, li bèl tankou rido nan palè Salomon an.
[am] black I and lovely O daughters of Jerusalem like [the] tents of Kedar like [the] tent curtains of Solomon.
6 Pa gade sou koulè po m'! Se solèy la ki boule m' konsa. Frè m' yo te move sou mwen. Yo fè m' travay nan jaden rezen lòt moun. M' pa t' gen tan pou m' okipe jaden rezen pa m'.
May not you look at me who I [am] blackish [on] whom has looked on me the sun [the] sons of mother my they were angry with me they made me [one who] keeps the vineyards own vineyard my which [belongs] to me not I have kept.
7 Manyè di m' non, ou menm mwen renmen anpil la, kibò ou pral mennen mouton yo manje? Kibò yo pral pare solèy midi? Konsa m' p'ap bezwen mache chache ou tankou moun fou nan mitan mouton lòt gadò parèy ou yo.
Tell! to me [O] whom it loves self my where? will you graze where? will you make [them] lie down at noon which to why? will I be like a veiled [woman] with [the] flocks of companions your.
8 Bèl fanm pase ou, nanpwen! Ki jan ou fè pa konn kote sa a? Ale non. Swiv mouton yo. W'a jwenn manje bò la pou kabrit ou yo, toupre tant gadò yo.
If not you know yourself O beautiful [one] among women go out yourself in [the] footprints of the flock and pasture young goats your at [the] dwelling places of the shepherds.
9 Ou menm mwen renmen anpil la, w'ap boulvèse mesye yo, menm jan yon jiman ap boulvèse poulen chwal cha lagè farawon yo.
To mare my among [the] chariots of Pharaoh I liken you O friend my.
10 Ala bèl figi ou bèl nan mitan très cheve ou yo! Ala bèl kou ou bèl ak kolye ou yo!
They are beautiful cheeks your with strings of jewels neck your with strings of beads.
11 Men, n'ap fè yon chenn lò pou ou ak ti moso ajan kole ladan l'.
Necklaces of gold we will make for you with beads of silver.
12 Mèt mwen te kouche sou kabann li. Sant odè mwen an te gaye toupatou.
Until that the king [was] at table his nard my it gave forth odor its.
13 Mennaj mwen tankou yon pake bazilik, ki poze sou tete m'.
[is] [the] bag of Myrrh - lover my to me between breasts my it lodges.
14 Mennaj mwen tankou yon bouke flè k'ap fleri nan jaden rezen Angedi.
[is] [the] cluster of Henna blossom - lover my to me in [the] vineyards of En Gedi.
15 Ala bèl ou bèl, anmòrèz mwen! Ala bèl ou bèl! Je ou yo ou ta di de ti pijon.
Here you [are] beautiful O friend my here you [are] beautiful eyes your [are] doves.
16 Ala bèl ou bèl, mennaj mwen! Se pa ti kontan ou fè m' kontan. Zèb yo sèvi nou kabann!
Here you [are] beautiful O lover my also pleasant also bed our [is] luxuriant.
17 Branch bwa sèd yo sèvi nou travès kay, branch pye chenn yo sèvi nou twati.
[the] beams of Houses our [are] cedar (rafters our *Q(K)*) [are] cypress.

< Chante Salomon 1 >