< Eklezyas 4 >

1 Apre sa, mwen gade tout lenjistis k'ap fèt sou latè. Dlo ap koule konsa nan je moun y'ap maltrete yo. Pa gen pesonn pou ede yo. Moun k'ap maltrete yo gen lafòs avèk yo. Pesonn pa ka fè anyen pou yo.
And I returned I and I saw all the oppression which [were being] done under the sun and there! - [the] tear[s] of the oppressed and not [belonged] to them a comforter and [was] from [the] hand of oppressors their power and there not [belonged] to them a comforter.
2 Mwen wè sò moun mouri yo miyò pase sò moun vivan yo.
And I congratulated I the dead who already they had died more than the living who they [were] alive still.
3 Men, gen yon lòt moun ankò ki pi bon pase yo tou de: Se moun ki pa t' janm fèt la, paske li pa janm wè move zak k'ap fèt sou tè a.
And [is] good more than both of them [one] who still not he has been [one] who not he has seen the activity evil which it is done under the sun.
4 Mwen vin wè tout travay di lèzòm ap travay di a, tout bèl bagay y'ap reyalize nan lavi a, se paske yonn vle gen plis pase lòt. Men, sa tou, sa pa vo anyen, sa pa rapòte anyen.
And I considered I all [the] toil and all [the] skill of the work that it [is] envy of everyone from neighbor his also this [is] futility and striving of wind.
5 Pawòl la di: Moun sòt rete san fè anyen, yo pito grangou.
The fool [is] folding hands his and [is] eating own flesh his.
6 Men, pito ou pran ti repo ou tanzantan ak kè poze pase pou ou touye tèt ou ap travay di, lèfini pou sa pa rapòte anyen.
[is] good Fullness of hand of quietness more than [the] fullness of two hands toil and striving of wind.
7 Mwen wè yon lòt bagay nan lavi a ki pa vo anyen ankò.
And I returned I and I saw futility under the sun.
8 Se te yon nonm ki t'ap viv pou kont li, san zanmi. Li pa t' gen pitit gason, li pa t' gen frè. Li travay san pran souf. Li pa t' janm gen ase. Pou ki moun li t'ap travay di konsa, san bay tèt li yon ti plezi? Li pa t' janm gen tan pou mande tèt li sa. Sa a tou, sa pa vo anyen, se pa yon bon jan pou moun viv.
There [was] one [person] and there not [was] a second also a son and a brother not [belonged] to him and there not [was] an end to all toil his also (eye his *Q(K)*) not it was satisfied wealth and for whom? - [am] I a laborer and depriving self my from good also this [is] futility and [is] a task of evil it.
9 Lè ou gen yon lòt moun avèk ou, li pi bon pase lè ou pou kont ou, paske ansanm nou bay pi bon rannman nan travay nou.
[are] good Two [people] more than one that there for them [is] a reward good for toil their.
10 Si yonn tonbe, lòt la va ba l' men pou l' leve. Men, malè pou moun k'ap viv pou kont li! Si l' tonbe, p'ap gen moun pou ba l' men.
That except they will fall down the one he will raise companion his and woe! to him the one who will fall down and there not [is] a second [person] to raise him.
11 Konsa tou, lè fè frèt, si yo kouche ansanm, yonn va chofe lòt. Men, si li pou kont li, ki jan pou l' fè chofe kò l'?
Also if they will lie down two [people] and it will be warm to them and to one [person] how? will it be warm.
12 Kote dezòm ka kenbe tèt ak yon moun k'ap atake yo, yon sèl p'ap kapab. Yon kòd trese an twa pa fasil pou kase.
And though someone will overpower him the one [person] the two [people] they will stand before him and the thread threefold not quickly it will be torn apart.
13 -(we vèsè pwochen)
[is] good A youth poor and wise more than a king old and a fool who not he knows to be warned still.
14 Yon nonm ka soti nan mizè pou l' rive chèf nan peyi l'. Ou ankò li ka soti nan prizon epi yo mete l' chèf pou gouvènen. Pito ou annafè ak yon ti moun ki pòv men ki gen lespri pase pou ou annafè ak yon wa ki fin granmoun, ki fin gaga, ki pa ka pran konsèy.
For from [the] house of the prisoners he came out to become king for also in own kingdom his he had been born a poor [person].
15 Mwen kalkile, mwen gade tout moun k'ap viv sou latè, mwen di nan mitan tout moun sa yo gen jenn gason ki pral pran plas wa a.
I saw all the living who are walking about under the sun with the youth second who he will arise in place of him.
16 Ou pa ka konte kantite moun yon wa ka gouvènen, kantite moun yon wa ka dirije. Men lè l' mouri, pesonn p'ap chonje di l' mèsi pou sa li te fè pou yo. Tou sa pa vo anyen. Sa pa rapòte anyen.
There not [is] an end to all the people to all [those] whom he was before them also the subsequent [people] not they will rejoice in him for also this [is] futility and a striving of wind.

< Eklezyas 4 >